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We’re selling a few things on eBay, if you’re interested.
Yes, the shipping on the puzzles is expensive. That’s ’cause the damn box weighs 17 pounds!
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The Prize Winner of Defiance, Ohio, by Terry Ryan.
Finished last night:
The Hard Way, by Lee Child. Excellent book – I think I’m a little in love with Jack Reacher. How can you not be?
Finished before that:
Nursery Crimes, by Ayelet Waldman. I enjoyed it a great deal – it was a light, easy read, and it kept me entertained. I have the next one in the series, and I added the other four to my wish list (which is so damn big it’s the Wish List That Ate the Internet, but how is that possible, considering that my bookcase is jam-packed with books I have yet to read, I ask you?).
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So, my parents left for Tuscaloosa yesterday morning. I did think about doing an entry, but I had errands to run, and I just generally needed a mental health day.
I’m sure you understand.
They’re coming back Sunday (I’m coming back with them after spending the night at my father’s sister’s house, after the family reunion on Saturday.)) My main concern was that my mother would want to eat out all the time and I really wanted to watch what I’m eating, since weigh in is… oh, look. It was today! (Another 11 pounds gone, for a total of 85. Entry about that,
Anyway, I made a point of telling them with plenty of advance warning what we were planning to have for dinner each night (Sunday night I made
General Tsao’s chicken for everyone else and a cheese omelet for me since I can’t eat chicken (and Tuesday night when I made a comment about not being able to eat chicken, my father did a big, exaggerated double-take and frowned and said “You can’t eat CHICKEN?” Um, HELLEW, were you not listening when I yammered about not being able to eat chicken Sunday night, Fadder?), and then Tuesday night we had hamburgers,
coleslaw, and
three-bean salad). Monday, when I got back from my 4.16 (that’s right! Not just 4 miles, but also .16 miles! Fear me!) mile walk and was heading upstairs to take my shower, my mother said they thought they’d take me out to lunch, and did I think I could eat something at Applebee’s? I told her I could get something off the Weight Watcher’s menu, and we picked the spud up from school (she had half a day, due to finals), and we all went to Applebee’s.
Where I ordered the Teriyaki Steak and Shrimp skewers, and it was all very good, but I swear, ten seconds after the steamed broccoli hit my stomach, I started having the scary, rumbly gas.
Sunday morning, Fred took my father for a hike, and actually went so slowly that he (Fred) didn’t even break a sweat (taking it easy on the old man – isn’t he nice?), and Fred actually ended up going for another hike in the afternoon so he could do some sweating (though he told my father that he was working off the pizza he’d had for lunch).
Monday evening, we loaded up the kayaks and headed for Decatur, stopping on the way at Subway to pick up dinner, and then we went to Point Mallard Park (which was pretty deserted, because the water park doesn’t actually open ’til this weekend), and we ate dinner at a picnic table, and my father and Fred went out kayaking while my mother, the spud, and I sat and talked. I think Fred and my father were out on the water for close to an hour, but my father didn’t look like he was ready to keel over or anything, so I guess Fred took it easy on him.

We didn’t really go shopping during the three days they were here – actually, they went shopping on Tuesday, but I needed to be home when the spud got home, so I could give her a couple of signed checks for her trip to the dentist for her six-month cleaning. So they went shopping and I stayed home and cleared off the DVR a little.
One thing I’ll say about my parents – they are open to ANYTHING. Want to go to the mall? Sure! Want to go out to eat? Sure! Movies? Sure! Underwear shopping? Sure! In fact, we have plans to hit the
Unclaimed Baggage Center in Scottsboro next week, since I’ve never been there, Fred has no desire to see it, and I’d like to check it out. Also, we may or may not hit the movies once or twice, and I know we’ll be at the mall at least once next week.
Also, they are really and truly charmed by our cats (or at least they pretend really well!) – especially Tommy, who wasn’t scared of them for one single second, and in fact sat in my mother’s lap a few times, and Miz Poo, who is scared of NO ONE who will give her belly rubs. The other cats responded with varying degrees of freakitude. Spot made an appearance, finally, for a few minutes Tuesday afternoon, only because we were eating hamburgers and he wanted some handouts. Spanky hid for a few days, then came out and acted like he’d never been scared. Mister Boogers avoided my parents for the most part, except for the time my father was sitting out back reading, and Mister Boogers came along and rubbed on him… until he realized it was my father and not Fred, and then he ran off like the dork he is. Sugarbutt was pretty freaked out by my parents, but by yesterday morning he would flop down on his back near my father, but run like the wind if my father tried to pet him.
Goofy cats.
Now we have a few days of breathing room before the family reunion on Saturday, which will take a little more than two hours to get to, and it’s supposed to be hot as hell in Tuscaloosa on Saturday (also, there might be scattered showers. LOVELY.). At some point in the afternoon, Fred and the spud will come home, and I’ll stay in Tuscaloosa with my parents at my aunt’s house, we’ll get up Sunday, have breakfast, and head back here.
Them’s the plans, anyway.
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Pet store kitty pics from Monday are
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Something has displeased the Boog.

Tommy waits fearfully for the day when the
Sug of Damocles falls upon him.

Something has spooked the Spot.

I need a camera that will take better pictures of a black cat in a fairly well-lit room. Any suggestions?
All uploaded pictures for today are
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2005: Grackles are kind of evil-looking and have great big beaks and Iβm sure their bite is far, far worse than their bark.
2004: I sure am MIGHTY FUCKING TIRED of going to the FUCKING doctorβs office all the damn time.
2003: No entry.
2002: No entry.
2001: No entry.
2000: No entry.]]>
Yay! Robyn’s back! An entry! Welcome back and glad to hear that things are going well. woo hoo!
You’ll be here in Tuscaloosa, and I’ll be in Atlanta. Alas, I know you’d have LOVED meeting my kitties!! Maybe another time. Sounds like you’re surviving the week OK so far. Have a great trip here to T-town on Saturday!
Yay! She’s back. Great readings…. Look at that Tommy belly!! Glad you’ve had a good visit with your parents. Have a good trip.
I used to have a black cat and it was _so hard_ to get good photos of her! Not sure if any camera will work the magic you need actually. π
Ummmm, what the HELL is that turtle thing? Please education us!
Yay your back!!
And um, I think your parents and my parents were seperated at birth. π LOL. My parents do almost the same EXACT stuff. Morning till night the TV’s are on full blast in every room. Both my parents NEVER stop talking. This is getting skeery how they are so much alike!
Amy: It’s a baby turtle, of course! π
Robin S: Isn’t it scary? I go to visit my parents, and I swear, every room you walk into there’s a TV going, and no one sitting in front of it. So I think “Okay, no one’s watching this, I’ll turn it off!” Then I walk back into the same room ten minutes later, the TV’s on again, with no one in front of it! Weird.
Baby SNAPPING turtle!!
Ayelet Waldman. I enjoy her books too. I won an autographed copy of one of her hardcovers on her website π That was kind of cool since I never win anything!
Heh heh. I’m living in their house, got my junk spread all over the island. Haven’t emptied the trash. Walk around practically naked! Heh!
Mom did make sure Dad had gum before they left for the airport! That, I found bizarre. I did not know my father was a gum afficianado.
i hate trying to get pictures of black animals! the best i can say is bright light and a good flash. I have better luck with my pictures if the flash is an off the camera one intead of the built in one.
Glad to hear that your week went ok with the parents!
I sorta wish my Mom would talk more, believe it or not! She’s extremely quiet, so sometimes it’s a bit awkward…