It’s a Suggie in the Sug Cave! (And when Mister Boogers is in it, it’s a Boogie in the Boog Cave, and Tommy in the Tom Cave and Poo in the Poo Cave, etc.)]]>
An acidic and hostile place: since 1999
It’s a Suggie in the Sug Cave! (And when Mister Boogers is in it, it’s a Boogie in the Boog Cave, and Tommy in the Tom Cave and Poo in the Poo Cave, etc.)]]>
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So sweet….her eyes sure do light up…smile
A glow in the dark kitty…ha.ha
Love all the pictures you post of your feline family.
Mary in Michigan
That is so cool. Your cats have the best toys and creature comforts. I like Boogie in the Boog Cave best! I hope you are out on a fun and exciting outing. 🙂
That’s a cool cave. Your kitties get all the toys! You had the cubes for months before my guys got them. They used play with them all the time – they’d play hide and attack. Lately, they have been ignoring them. I think they are bored with them and it’s time for a cave! NOT! I bought them a cat bed after your kids loved them so, and they never slept in it once. I gave it to my friend and her kitty, Phoenix, sits or sleeps in it 20 hours day. At least he likes good stuff!
Great! No Entry to read, links to check out.. now I will just be forced to sweep and mop my floors out of boredom. Sheeesh!
Aw Robyn. Boo hoo. I always read you over my lunch hour. Now what will I do? Why must I rely on you to entertain me?
Watch out for those laser-eyes! ZAP!
Hope you enjoyed your day. Expect to see you bright and early tomorrow. Love the Sug.
Hey, how about a new cat movie??