
* * * Fred called yesterday before noon to let me know that the realtor had called and said that the new owners – today’s the day we close on the old house and pretty soon we’ll only own one house THANK YOU GOD – wanted to know if it’d be okay to put an air mattress in the house and sleep there overnight. He told her it was okay with him, and when he told me that, I remembered that I still hadn’t gotten the vacuum cleaner out of the house. This is not my beloved Dyson of which I speak, by the way. It’s some other canister vacuum Fred went to Sears and purchased when he was working on the stairs, because the Dyson wasn’t good at sucking up the dust or some shit like that. Some LYING bullshit like that, because my Dyson is perfect and awesome and it’s what I’ve been using ever since I got it moved into the house and it is perfection. The thing I hate about canisters is that that goddamn canister is always in the way. I don’t like the canister vacuum at all, but we paid way too much money for it to leave it for someone else. I suggested that he stop on his way home to get the vacuum, since he was going RIGHT BY THERE, but he whined and moaned and insisted that I should just make the 40-minute round-trip drive so he wouldn’t have to. I hate that goddamn house and I cannot wait to see the ass end of it for good. Anyway, I told him I’d do it and hung up the phone and stomped through the house, swearing and telling the cats how much I hate their daddy (they agreed that he’s a bastard), then drove to the goddamn house and got the vacuum. While I was there, I took the chance to snap pictures of the rooms. See, a few weeks ago the realtor called and said that the buyers wanted to hire a painter to come in and paint some of the walls before closing. In our realtor’s opinion, wanting to hire a painter was a good sign that they had no intention of backing out (not that we thought they would, but there’s always that chance), so we let them go ahead and do it. Let’s just say that the colors the buyers chose are… not really colors that appeal to us. The kitchen and living room are painted yellow, and it’s a pretty color, but I think it’s too bright and a tad overwhelming. I like the dining room colors, but the colors in the master bedroom, I don’t like at all. Also, when painting a room two colors, I thought it was customary to paint the top part the lighter color. Not everyone believes that, apparently. So, pictures. Click on any to see the larger version. The computer room. It’s more minty than it appears in the picture. The spud’s old room. I call this color latte – it’s kind of pretty. The master bedroom. I just… don’t know. Not my thing. Not conducive to a good night’s sleep, I’d think. Fred’s old room. It’s extremely close to the color it already was, but I’m 99.9% sure it was repainted. A little more beige than it was, I think. I like it, though I might have gone with a less bright yellow myself. Love the color, but I think it would be overwhelming. Maybe I’m just easily overwhelmed. The study upstairs. It’s another one that’s mintier than it appears. They seem to like minty green. I have to say, the painter did a really good, clean job of painting. He even vacuumed the house when he was done, with my vacuum. I don’t know a lot of painters who would vacuum a house when they were done!

* * *
If you’re a fan of Lost, you’ve got to check out the BEST Lost recaps EVER. Speaking of Lost, that finale was amazing. I wish I hadn’t deleted it from the DVR. In fact, I think I’m going to download it from iTunes so I can rewatch it a thousand times. I heart Hurley.
* * *
In honor of his late idol, Charles Nelson Reilly, Sugarbutt lets loose with a wacky laugh.
* * *
Previously 2006: “TURN LEFT HERE OR I WILL EAT YOUR SOUL.” 2005: No entry. 2004: It was like being in a flying SUV. 2003: No entry. 2002: It was a stank that coated the inside of my nostrils, and was so thick and noxious that I could actually TASTE it. 2001: A buncha links. 2000: Something about that rictus grin just gives me nightmares.]]>

15 thoughts on “5/31/07”

  1. Hi,
    I’ve read your joournal for a long time, but can’t remember how I got here! I do have a friend that lives in Madison, or thereabouts, which kept me interested. Maybe this can be in your question category. You had pics up of your other house, will there be some of this one? Sounds like you’ve done MUCHO work! I’m on LJ by the way. I’ve got a friends only journal, which you are welcome to, if interested. I think, though, that you’d have to open an LJ account in order to link to it.

  2. I was told that it is not a good idea to let them take possession of any kind prior to the closing. =Or= to allow the selling party to remain in the house after the closing. My sellers wanted to live here for three weeks until their other closing. I said “no”.

  3. I agree with you on the colors. Not really my style but each to their own I guess. I did like the one of Spuds room and the color of the study but that was it for me.
    I’m glad the dog’s safe. She is so cute!

  4. If by chance Beagle Girl turns up again and is no longer wanted by the adoptive family, could you let me know? We’ve got 2 beagle girls now and would like to add a 3rd (we’ve had 3 before, sounds nutty but it works for us). Beagles are very pack-oriented and social. This one looks and acts very much like our 2, I think she’d fit in great, and if not, I’ve dealt with a rescue group, so she’d be well-placed. Thanks!

  5. Letting the new owners sleep one night in the house is probably no big deal. But I’d call my homeowner’s insurance company just to find out if it voids coverage or something.
    I hope the new Beagle owner takes her new arrival to the vet anyway, just to get her checked out.

  6. Boy the master bedroom is really scary. They must have some really good furnishing to coordinate. I wish I could afford a painter before I moved in – no time to paint myself either. I lived spackle (sp?) marks all over for like two year. The previous owners where nice – the filled in the holes from the nails. Of course, it took 6″ round circle of spackle to cover one tiny nail hole. Ugh! It blended, almost, with the paint color. It took me two years to get the funds to hire someone to paint. I messed my foot up when I moved, and I was in a brace for over a year. No painting for this woman!

  7. Do you think the master bedroom is actually finished? It looks to me like they’re going to paint the bottom half another color. It’s totally heinous, either way.

  8. They certainly like the half red/half yellow wall combo. Maybe they are Redskins fans… They are from out of town, right?

  9. Yes, it’s not a good idea to let buyers move in before the close, however, if it’s just one night and so far everything’s been fine, I wouldn’t worry.
    The woman we bought our house from had let previous buyers move in before close. Escrow fell through and it took her almost 6 months to get them out. Six months of them not taking care of the house/yard.

  10. About a month ago you had an entry about the Diva Cup. I looked into them and ended up buying The Moon Cup. I have to say I LOVE IT!!! It has changed my life! (One week out of the month) Did you ever buy one and, if so, do you like it?

  11. I’m so glad the beagle girl found a home. If you should ever have a dog turn up like that again, you might consider calling the rescue society for that
    breed (if the dog isn’t too mixed to tell anything
    about breed!). They are great, and do just what the
    name “rescue society” implies: medical care, shelter, finding a home. Rescue people are good people.
    Anyway, now Mister Boogers can relax — invasion no
    longer threatens!
    About the paint-job on your former house: when we
    bought our house, the living room and parlour were
    both painted the same yellow as shown in your pic of
    the living room. I hated it, but after a little while I could see how great it looks with lots of white woodwork and the sun pouring in on it. That’s
    a good shade of yellow for a sunny room, because it
    isn’t as “loud” as some, and it’s very cheerful. It
    also goes beautifully with certain intense shades of
    blue and purple. Our dining room was the same dark
    red as your former master bedroom. It is now a colour that the paint company calls “dwarf spruce”.
    They go really well together, looking from one room
    to the next.
    Can’t help wondering what on earth the buyers are
    planning to do with their red bedroom, decor-wise.
    You’ll probably never find out, but just in case you
    do, could you let us all know? Curiosity is killing me.

  12. While I can understand not wanting to let your buyers take possession of the house prior to closing, why would anyone not let the sellers stay in the house until they closed on their new one? That doesn’t make sense to me. What do you expect them to do – live in a hotel because you wouldn’t put off the closing date? Instead, why not do a lease-back with them and make a little money?

  13. We’ve always been told we cannot move in early or move our stuff in early because of insurance issues, (we may be dumbasses and fall down the stairs. And decide to sue you. Issues like that.)
    Not a big fan of their color choices either. Rather interesting for you to be able to check it out, heh.
    So glad Sugar has found a loving home, as a hard core dog lover (former cat lover until I got all allergic to them) she looks like a sweetie.

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