My Personality
Openness To Experience
You are introverted, reserved, and quiet with a preference for solitude and solitary activities. Your socializing tends to be restricted to a few close friends. You can be easily upset, even by what people consider the normal demands of living. People consider you to be sensitive and emotional. As a practical person you like to think in plain and simple terms. Others describe you as down-to-earth, practical, and conservative. You have a strong interest in others’ needs and well-being. You are pleasant, sympathetic, and cooperative. You like to live for the moment and do what feels good now. Your work tends to be careless and disorganized.
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I agree with most of the results of this test, but I disagree that my work tends to be sloppy and disorganized. The questions tripped me up – once I can force myself to buckle down, my work is well-done and thorough. It’s just forcing myself to get my ass in gear and do my work that’s the trouble.
Also, I don’t like to think that people think I’m “pleasant”, because if that isn’t the world’s most boring word EVER, I don’t know what is.
(I prefer to think of myself as
Ouiser Boudreaux screaming “I’m PLEASANT. Damn it! I saw Drum Eatenton at the Piggly Wiggly this morning, and I smiled at the son of a bitch ‘fore I could help myself!”)
* * *
Best thing I’ve purchased lately: A
window hummingbird feeder. I filled it up Sunday afternoon, and within half an hour, there was a hummingbird at it, slurping up as much hummingbird food as his little belly could handle.
Considering that in Madison I wasn’t seeing hummingbirds ’til late summer, I think that this is fucking AWESOME. I hung another two feeders off the front porch, and I may hang some more in the back yard. I want Crooked Acres to be a total hummingbird paradise!
* * *
Anyone read that Cormac McCarthy book that Oprah chose for her book club? I’ve only read one Cormac McCarthy book –
All the Pretty Horses – and didn’t care for it at all. Anyone hate Pretty Horses but like
The Road? Should I check it out? Or should I keep in mind that Oprah chose the book about
Those Goddamned Mulvaneys and give it a pass?
It’s been 15 years since Pretty Horses came out, and I think I read it pretty close to the time it came out, so maybe my reading tastes have matured and I can appreciate Cormac McCarthy. Or maybe not. I do like me some postapocalyptic novels, though. Maybe I should check it out?
Advice appreciated, here. It’s not like I
need any more books, but will I kick myself for missing this one?
* * *
This weekend was a damn good one, at least in my opinion. I’ve been putting off clearing out the front flower beds for months now, and so while Fred mowed the back forty, I started clearing stuff out of the flower bed. I quickly got overwhelmed, bitched at Fred, whined and moaned and stomped around, and finally he came around to help me.
By “help me”, what I mean is “cleared the flower beds while I flitted around and did other stuff.” Though I should note that I did load up several wagons of weeds and discarded plants and bushes, and dumped them in the mulch pile. Which was hard enough work that I woke up Sunday morning with my shoulders and quads hurting. So I did help a little. (A VERY little.)
After Fred dug up all the bushes and plants – which I hauled off – he got out the cultivator and ran it across both flower beds, digging up rocks and random crap, such as big rusted metal hoops, an old pair of pliers, an old lighter. You know, the usual crap.
I would offer, for your perusal, a picture of the front flower beds before the clearing began, and then another picture after the clearing had been done, except I didn’t take pictures, because I didn’t think of it. Also, if I did that, no doubt someone would be all “::gasp!:: You didn’t save the clematis? You dug up the (whatever)? I would have saved those and used them again, if I were you!” and then I’d have to go bitch at Fred and I have no energy for that right now.
So once the beds were cleared – something that took a large part of the day, which surprised me, because I didn’t think it would take so long – Fred put down
weedblock fabric, we weighted it down with rocks, and then went inside to take showers and lay around for a little while.
We left Smallville and headed for the flea market, where we bought a rug for the kitchen, a runner for the upstairs hall, one for the front room (angled from the front door to the hallway), and a small rug that goes right inside the front door. Now all we need is a rug for the stairs landing, and we’ll be all set.
From there, we stopped by the Madison house to check the mail (which is supposed to be forwarding, but apparently isn’t doing so yet for some reason, goddamnit), went to Kohl’s for new clothes for Fred, and then to Ruby Tu3sday’s for dinner.
At Ruby Tu3sday’s, I like the turkey sandwich combo (I think that’s what it’s called), which is a turkey sandwich with your choice of the salad bar or a cup of soup. I like to get a plate from the salad bar, eat half the turkey sandwich and a couple of fries, and take the rest home for lunch the next day. It’s a damn fine turkey sandwich, let me tell you.
The only problem with the Ruby Tu3sday’s in Madison is that the majority of the staff is comprised of very good-looking college-aged waiters and waitresses. Personally, I am against the employment of very young, very good-looking people as waitstaff, because I don’t want to tell Joe Cutie-Pie College what I want to be stuffing in my face, because I’m sure they look at me and think “GodDAMN I’m good-looking. Why am I taking orders from this old hag? Am I making enough money to put up with this over-polite shit*? I think NOT. GodDAMN I’m good-looking.”
After dinner we went to a nursery and checked out the plants, decided they were a tad expensive, so went to Lowe’s instead. Where we bought
Encore Azaleas,
Daisy Gardenias, and Boxwoods for the front flower beds.
Then we headed home, unloaded the car, and spent the evening watching TV.
Sunday, Fred put edging down around the front flowerbeds, then planted the bushes while I flitted around some more being very unhelpful. Once the bushes were planted and the mulch was put down, the flowerbeds looked about 10,000 times better than they had before.

Now, don’t get me wrong – I LOVE annuals, but I hate planting them in the ground and having to spend all that time weeding the flowerbeds. I much prefer to have something low-maintenance in the ground and to plant annuals in flowerpots on the front porch. In fact, I’m going to run to Lowe’s later today and buy some more big pots and annuals for the front porch.

Fred bitched about the fact that he spent so much time doing “my” stuff when he’d intended to get started on the fence around the back yard (“his” stuff), but he had to agree that the front looks much better than it did.
Also, Fred got my clothesline up and running (I don’t know if he came up with the idea on his own, or if he read a comment one of you left, but he found a local ironworks place to create two t-poles for us), so I did three loads of laundry and hung them out to dry. Just in time, too, since the dryer died Friday evening.
Nothing like the smell of sun-dried clothes, I’m telling you.
*I swear to god, I thank my waiter or waitress every time they so much as look in my general direction.
* * *

Pretty, pretty Newt.
* * *
2006: No entry. (But check out the
dancin’ kitties on the 5th)
2005: No entry.
2004: Questions answered, and a meme.
2003: Once again, pot-kettle-black.
2002: You can imagine the temper tantrum that followed.
2001: I would have preferred a candy bar, but unfortunately, we don’t got none o’ them ’round these parts.
2000: No entry.]]>
Well, the only book of his that I have read is The Road, but I really enjoyed it. It does take a little while to get used to his writing style, but the book was great, if depressing as all get out. It’s not epic like The Stand though, if that’s what you’re thinking. It leaves you kind of thinking, “Well, damn.” But in a good way.
I’m glad I’m not the only one who hated The Mulvaneys. I tried to read that book TWICE, and it was one damn depressing person after another, with no end in sight. Some of the other books she’s chosen have been that way, too. I stuck with East of Eden because that’s when I decided to join her club and I was working from home and had time to play along, but that “classic” book was total crap if you ask me. One depressing family has kids who are depressing, who have kids who are depressing, and WHO CARES? Why am I yelling? I don’t know!
Robyn, I thank waitstaff WAAAAY too much, too. And you know what? I don’t think I get markedly better service for it. Hmmm.
I’m with you on planting annuals. I put ’em all in pots on the front porch and put low-maintenance perennials in flower beds. By the way, Wal-Mart has some pretty hanging baskets with mossy stuff on the outside (looks like the fancy baskets that come preplanted at nurseries and cost a bundle). Around $8 or $9, I think. I got tired of spending too much on hanging baskets every year, so this year I’m buying baskets and planting my own. I love the one you have with pink petunias in it!
HA HA HA that is EXACTLY what happened to me Sunday! I wanted to clear out a long flower bed area and I got so mad and huffy puffy…my sweetie came over and did it for me, although I also hauled away all the weed crap. It took ALL afternoon. I am so sore today so work I did do!! I had to laugh as it reminded me of my yesterday!
Don’t forget to put about 8 feet in between your hummingbird feeders. They are very territorial and will spend all of their time fighting if you keep them too close.
Whenever you say “while I flitted around” I crack up. I just picture you flapping your arms about like a crazed chicken. Heh!
The front of your house looks great, too! Not that you’d want any of my advice… BUT you know what would look cute? A stepping stone walkway to the porch. 😀
Robin S: Actually, we do plan to put a walkway to the porch. The people who owned the house before us had bricks randomly placed between the driveway and porch, and it looked weird (so I yanked up the bricks and tossed ’em). At some point in the future (I think it’s probably pretty far down the list right now!) we’re going to do a walkway so our feet don’t get wet when it’s raining. 🙂
Hi Robyn, Make sure you don’t use the red hummingbird food mix from the store. The red dye is very bad for them, especially the babies. You can make your own mix…1/4 cup white sugar per one cup of water. Just mix/disolve the sugar in cold water (no need for boiling) and that’s it! Your house looks amazing! I am jealous:)
Thank you so much for quoting Steel Magnolias – one of the best movies of all time. EVAR.
I HATED those friggin Mulvaneys. And it was made into a Lifetime movie (of course)!!
Gosh the front of your house looks nice! Makes me want to come up on the porch and sit a spell. 🙂
Hey Robyn. “The Road” has alot of the elements of “The Stand” in it-but is way more bleak and hopeless. BUT for some reason it still sucked me in. Give it a try- it’s not a very long book.
I hate to bum you out, but you don’t have a harsh bone in your body – you’re nothing but pleasant (to my absolute horror).
I’m sure you’ve mentioned it before, but what year was your house built? It’s really, really cool!
I finished reading Cormac McCarthy’s The Road yesterday evening. It is a fast read, totally heartbreaking and yet very loving in its way. I give it 9 out of 10.
We did a hummingbird feeder last year and it was really fun. They’re so freaking cute, aren’t they?
I think I apologize to waitstaff more than I thank them. Sometimes I’ll say I’m sorry for no reason and Jeff will say. “Why did you just say you were sorry?”
First: Hummingbird Feeder mix; do it yourself, four cups of sugar to one gallon of water and about ten drops of red food coloring. You can mix a gallon up at a time and if you three feeders you will probably go through it within about a week. If it is older than two weeks old, they will not eat it. Picky little things. I find that I need to boil some of the water.. about four cups and add the sugar slowly until it is all disolved. If you add sugar to cold water it will not disolve correctly and the picky little birdies will not be happy with it. The thing about the territory thing is very, very true. Space them out, and do not wear a red shirt while you are changing the feeders out. You WILL get dive bombed.
About plants. I will never, ever buy plants from Wal-Mart again. Every one of them that I bought when I landscaped this yard died. And their return policy sucks. Lowes has a guarantee as long as you save the pots that they come from the store in and keep your reciept. I have never had one die from Lowes. Well worth it to buy from them. I did a rock garden and then did my plants and flowers in pots placed around in certain areas. No weeding and very pretty. 🙂
Pick up some perennial flowers too! They not only come back every year but come up bigger and better. In time you can divide them. More bang for your buck!
The house looks adorable!
I’m with you, I know I’ve read some McCarthy and hated it, but I can’t remember which one. (Luvved Mulvaneys tho — I usually have a hard time with J.C. Oates, but that one was more palatable.)
The Road was depressing, but better than Nicholas Sparks, if that helps. 😉