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List three “simple things” that make you really happy: 1) The color yellow. 2) Most anything little and soft and fuzzy (I saw the tiniest baby bunny when I was out walking last week – seriously, it could have fit in the palm of my hand), and it made me happy all day long. 3) Knowing I have close to a year’s worth of books sitting on the bookcase in my bedroom. List three things that make you really sad: 1) That I live so far from the ocean. 2) That I still haven’t written that book. 3) The most recent episode of Grey’s Anatomy. Seriously, just thinking about that surgical intern apologizing to the father, and the father’s reaction makes me want to lay my head down and cry. If you could go back in time and tell the 12 year-old you three things, they would be: 1) Boys aren’t that important. 2) PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR SCHOOLWORK. 3) Buy stock in Microsoft.
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1. What does your Livejournal name mean? My Livejournal name is RobynAnd3rson, and… it’s my name! 2. Elaborate on your default icon? It’s this picture of Flossie, and I still just love it to death. 3. Make up a question. “Are you hungry?” Yes. 4. What’s your current relationship status? Happily married! 5. What EXACTLY are you wearing right now? Gray cotton pants, pink panties, an ugly green pullover, and a beige bra. 6. What is your current problem? I’m sleepy and want to go back to bed. 7. What do you love most? Books and my BobPod. 8. What makes you most happy? Sleeping, purring kitties. 9. Are you musically inclined? Not at ALL. 10. If you could go back in time and change something, what would you change? I couldn’t possibly choose one single thing. 11. If you MUST be an animal for ONE day, what would you be? A cat, of course. One of MY cats. Probably Sugarbutt or Spanky, ’cause they’re both so happy. 12. Ever have a near death experience? Nope. 13. Name an obvious quality you have. I’m an airhead. 14. What’s the name of the song that’s stuck in your head right now? Denis Leary, I’m an Asshole. 15. Who did you cut and paste this from? I don’t recall, actually. Someone on LiveJournal! 16. Name someone with the same birthday as you. Richard Nixon. 17. Have you ever vandalized someone’s private property? Once, when I was a Senior in high school, I left a carton of eggs in the trunk of my car for two weeks, and then my then-friend Dave Ridley and his girlfriend and I drove around and threw them at the cars of his friends on the football team. Does that count? 18. Have you ever been in a fight? Nothing stronger than a slap-fight. Are you kidding? I’d shit myself and pass out before anyone got a chance to hit me. 19. Have you ever sung in front of a large audience? HELL NO. You’re welcome. 20. What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? Their smile. 21. What do you usually order from Starbucks? I’ve probably only had Starbucks maybe twice in my life, and I think it was some sort of strawberries and cream drink. Anything without coffee in it will probably do, though. 22. Has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity? Oh, yes. I was once told I looked like Mama Cass. I WAS DELIGHTED, as you can imagine. 23. Do you still watch kiddy movies or TV shows? Nope. 24. Did you have braces? Yeah, but not for long. Long enough so that they were tightened the DAY before Thanksgiving, though. 25. Are you comfortable with your height? For the most part, except when I’m trying to grab something from the top shelf. 26. What is the most romantic thing someone has ever done for you? That’s none o’ yer bidness. 27. Do you speak any other languages? No – I wish I’d stuck with French; I took two years of it in high school, and remember very little of it, except how to count to ten. In fact, if I’m trying to lull myself to sleep, I’ll think “huit, neuf, dix” (8, 9, 10) over and over again. 28. Do you have a crush on someone on your LJ? Nope, not a one. I’m sure there are many broken hearts over that!
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From my comments: So, I don’t suppose we could get to keep the Smart & Sassy archives, could we? Just thought I’d ask. 🙂 Those things were funny. I think the answer to that one is a resounding “no.” And another interesting thing about judging people by how they look, what they wear, drive.. So many people are so freaking in DEBT trying to look like they have money. One never knows WHO has money or maxed out credit these days. Until they go bankrupt. TELL me about it – those Oprah Debt Diet shows make me nervous as hell. I mean, people who make $50,000 a year and owe like $50,000 on credit cards, not to mention they have to drive fancy cars and wear designer suits? Oh, they make me crazy, and I worry about them. Especially that couple who was spending some amazing amount of money on food every month because they NEVER cooked at home, always ordered out. Crazy! I’ve gotten lots of shit about our electric fence too. Our dog collars chirp and vibrate a warning when the dogs get close to the fence. Soon as they hear/feel the vibrate they get an “oh shit” look on their faces.. then turn right around, no shock. I don’t think people understand that, they think the collars shock the shit out of the animals all day or something. I think that the cats have each been shocked MAYBE twice each. If I’m outside with them and they venture too close to the fence, they hear a beep, and they immediately back off. They know what that beep means, and they’re smart about obeying it. But is it wrong that sometimes in the middle of the night, when they’re all racing around like their asses are on fire, I wish I could zap them and make them calm the hell down? Ok, I was wondering if you read Ender’s Game, (my absolute favorite book ever) and what you thought of it. I got the whole series for Christmas, but I haven’t read any of them yet, because I have a very convoluted system of reading – the top two shelves on my bookcase are set up exactly in the order that I intend to read; there’s an older book (one I’ve had for six months or more), a new book, and then a “series” book, lather, rinse, repeat. The Ender’s Game series hasn’t made it onto the top shelves yet, but they’re due to be added when there’s room. I’m a frequent reader but I don’t think I’ve before. Have you read the book “The Millionaire Next Door”? It talks about how “today’s millionaires” get that way by doing exactly what you and Fred do — live in a fairly simple home, drive inexpensive cars, save a lot of their income, etc. I haven’t read it yet, but I do believe I own it! I’m reading Blood Memory right now as well. I find the author to be an extremely wordy writer, so much so that I find I skim quite a bit. Are you enjoying this one? This is the first one of his that I have read, but my mom loves his work. I did enjoy Blood Memory, but I agree with you – Greg Iles is one wordy motherfucker, and I think he may have attained a level of success where he isn’t edited as heavily as he needs to be. I’ve enjoyed all his books that I’ve read, though I’ve liked some of them more than others. Robyn, I also have a DVR and it doesn’t tattle on me but it doesn’t listen. I always set my shows to only record the first showing of each new episode, but inevitably, it will record the episode every. single. time. it airs. So, if I record something like Top Chef and tell it “Only new episodes”, it ALWAYS records all of them so I have to go in every day and clean out all of the stuff I’ve already seen that was repeated at 1 am, 3 am, 6 am, and so forth. I wondered if you have this problem too? Our DVR is actually set up so that when you’re setting up to record, you can choose one of three options – either record all episodes of the show, just one episode of the show, or all first-run episodes. I usually choose the first-run episodes, and so far the DVR has worked just fine! Did I miss something? I thought the Spud & the Boyfriend broke up? Maybe I was dreaming. Spud and the current boyfriend have been together for two or three weeks; before that, there were a couple of other boyfriends, and some she broke up with, and some broke up with her, so you’re not dreaming! What do you think of So NoTORIous? I find it to be hilarious! I thought it was pretty damn funny, actually – despite the fact that I find Tori Spelling annoying most of the time – but I think I’m going to try to catch all the episodes when there’s a marathon and watch them all at once. Or get them when they’re out on DVD! Have you watched the Six Feet Under series yet? If not, get it on your Netflix list! The reason I ask; I read that Michael C. Hall, who played David Fisher is supposed to be doing a movie based on a “Dexter” novel. Until reading that, I had never heard of the series. If you like the books, I better check them out! The Six Feet Under series (at least the first season) is on my Netflix list. I don’t know how soon I’ll be getting to them, though, because given how long it’s taking me to work my way through the first season of Gilmore Girls (I’ve had disc 4 for two weeks now and haven’t had a chance to watch it yet!), it could be a few years! Oooh – and according to Internet Movie Database, it’s going to be a series rather than a movie. That could be interesting! Aw, poor E’gar! It sure is a cute car from the rear. Are you still thinking of the next car being a Mini Cooper?? At this point I have no idea what the next car is going to be, but I’m leaning toward a yellow Mustang! I’m sure I’ll change my mind a hundred times between now and then, though. Why is Fred’s (kayak) yellow and yours is not? Who let him have yellow when you were stuck with red. I thought you were the queen of yellow. and Someone else beat me to it, but I was all, “!!!!!!!!!” when I saw that you weren’t in the yellow kayak! What’s up with that?! Fred’s only using the yellow kayak because it has a lower weight limit… and he’s (for the time being, anyway!) got the lower weight! You better believe I’ll be claiming it for my own as soon as possible, though! Kayaking looks fun but a little scary. Does the kayak rock a lot from the other boats’ wakes? I’d be afraid of tipping over, those plants growing in the water creep me out too! It rocks a little from the other boats’ wakes, but as long as you know the wake is headed your way, you can turn the kayak and face into the wake, and it’s not too bad. I like the waves ’cause it reminds me of the ocean – but I’m seriously hoping that I never tip the kayak over, because that water can be very scary! What camera do you guys use while you are kayaking? I’m paraniod to take my digital when we go out and about in the water. If you are taking the digital, how is that working out for you guys? I take my Sony Cyber-Shot DSC-P200 with me. I keep it in a plastic one-zip bag, with air blown into the bag (to make it buoyant, should it fall into the water). There was a time when we went kayaking the first time and I took a bunch of pictures, that I thought I was going to drop the camera into the water, because it was so choppy out. So far, though, there’s been no damage at all, and I hope it stays that way! OMG, A friend emailed me with a link to this cartoon, and the first thing I thought was. “It’s Sugarbutt!” That is TOTALLY Sugarbutt. And what’s funny is that I’m gradually switching his claw caps over to blue, so it really IS Sugarbutt!
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Currently reading: Lucy Crocker 2.0, by Caroline Preston. I’m enjoying this book a great deal – I even stayed up ’til midnight reading it, which I haven’t done in quite some time; lately, I’ve been in bed by 10 and up early, because I’m apparently changing into a completely different person! Recently finished: Catch Me, by AJ Holt. I wasn’t crazy about it – I had a hard time concentrating on what was going on in the book; I thought Watch Me was a lot better.
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“My god, but I am just spoiled ROTTEN.” “BahaHAHAH! Life is GOOD.”
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Previously 2005: NO ONE GIVES A SHIT ABOUT COREY CLARK. 2004: No entry. 2003: You know you’re hormonal when the video for Reba McEntire’s “Fancy” (hee! I almost typed “Fancypants”) makes you all teary-eyed. 2002: It rocked. I loved it. I see a strong love for sushi in my future. 2001: I’ve managed to stay strong. 2000: Poor, poor pitiful me.]]>

12 thoughts on “5/9/06”

  1. Nancy: I hang out where the cats are sleeping, and wait for them to wake up! 🙂 Also, I’ve found that if I yawn at them, sometimes they’ll “catch” the yawn.

  2. Ahh, Sugarbutt will make a great Spudder w/those blue caps on. And by Spudder I mean my high school mascot. Yes, we were potatoes! And, our colors were blue and orange! Weird, I know, but blue and orange potatoes aren’t as strange looking as one might think…

  3. We’re getting the new babies tomorrow! We may have to try the claw caps on them though because they will be too young to declaw for a while. Can you use the claw caps on kittens?

  4. Donna: I haven’t, actually. What book would you recommend I start with?
    Another Amy: You can definitely use the claw caps on kittens – they come in different sizes, and I think there’s actually a “kitten” size. It’s a good idea to start young, so they get used to it! 🙂

  5. Make sure you read all 8 books in the Ender’s series!! The final Bean book (the parallel books to Ender) came out in paperback FINALLY and I was crying like a baby when it was over!

  6. For the Laurell K. Hamilton (Anita Blake series) books, you really need to start at the beginning – I think the first one is “Guilty Pleasures”.

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