Long story short, my husband is being stationed at Pearl Harbor. You know, for the first time in his 17 year career the Navy is actually moving TOO fast for our comfort, and we’re leaving in the next 30 days. Unfortunately, we have a beautiful housecat that we just don’t want to subject to the stress of a crosscountry move and quarantine. I am desperate to find her a good, loving home, but because we just moved to this area (Pittsburgh) six months ago, I don’t have a whole bunch of contacts. Obviously, then, the reason I’m writing you is to see if you would maybe post something on your site to help us find a new home for Rubykins.
A little background-we rescued Ruby from the Newport News (VA) SPCA the day she was dropped off two years ago. I had taken my girls there to look for cats, but thought I was being slick when I said, “We’ll only get a cat if it’s declawed and fixed” thinking there was NO way there would be one there. Yeah, well…there was Ruby. We think she’s about 4 years old, and she’s pretty mellow; only once in a while does she do the crazy cat run up and down all of the stairs and over the couch! She’s loving and affectionate, but only on her terms. It took her a while to warm up to us, and she is still pretty skittish if you sneak up on her. She doesn’t mind children or noise, and if she’s feeling overwhelmed she’ll go off on her own rather than bite. We’ve never had a litterbox incident, and she is a healthy eater with no hairball issues. One thing that’s so lovely about her is her fur–I don’t think I’ve ever felt a softer cat! Unfortunately, she doesn’t like it when I pick her up and baby her, but she tolerates me with wild kitty eyes. She loves to look out of windows and sleep on your feet, and she’s just about the most perfect cat.
Here’s a picture of Miss Rubykins in all of her glory-
I’d just appreciate any help you can give. I know your readers are, for the most part, cat lovers and maybe one of them can help find Ruby a new home.
Thank you,
So come on, can’t y’all help out? IT’S FOR THE TROOPS (who are moving to Pearl Harbor to bask on the pretty, pretty beach, but that’s NOT the point). If anyone can help out or knows someone who can, email me or leave a comment and I’ll pass your email on to Angie. And thank you!
* * *
Yesterday, what did I do? Oh, right. SIX HOURS OF CLEANING. Cleaning is my favorite thing ever, you know, so it was a happy, happy day for me.
Okay, so it maybe wasn’t too bad. There was no furniture to clean around, no stuff in the closets or cupboards to clean around, so things went a lot faster than I expected. The most labor-intensive part of it all was scrubbing the bathrooms, and luckily I did that first. I did the entire upstairs first, and other than scrubbing the bathrooms, I had to haul a lot of stuff out of the closets and toss it in the trash (this was stuff not worth keeping, believe you me). I did a lot of vacuuming too, obviously, and mopping, and scrubbing down the fronts and inside of cupboards, and now the place is spick and span.
As I was mopping the garage (DON’T JUDGE ME), I wondered if the neighbors thought I was a complete lunatic for MOPPING the GARAGE (I said shaddup), but I don’t know. It just seemed like the thing to do.
Anyway, I discovered something yesterday. Now, look. We’ve been friends for years, you and me, right? I’ve told you my deepest, darkest secrets, and you’ve withheld your deep dark secrets from me, but that’s okay. You like your privacy and all, and though of course I wouldn’t JUDGE you, I understand that not everyone can be as free and open as I.
It hurts a little, but I understand. Maybe sometimes late at night, I think about how you don’t trust me with your most secret of secrets, and I cry a little bit of the Ugly Cry, but that’s okay. You shouldn’t feel bad.
That said, we’re as close as any two people who’ve never met and who share their secrets in a one-sided sort of way can be, right?
I knew you’d agree.
And maybe you consider this too personal to answer, and if you can’t stand to deal with it, I understand. I’m sweet and kind and understanding that way. You know it’s true. If it’s too much for you to face, just look away and we’ll suffer through a short, uncomfortable silence, and then I’ll babble about my cats.
Good enough?
Here goes.
Why did you never tell me that Pine-Sol will get my bathroom fixtures shinier than they’ve ever been before? Why? Last night I sobbed in my bed, heartbroken, wondering why you’d never share what is perhaps the most important piece of cleaning information that exists these days.
All these years! I’ve been using the ammonia to clean my bathroom fixtures! And sure, they got shiny…ish. But they didn’t gleam and glow with the light of a thousand candles. They didn’t shine so brightly I needed me some shades.
Is it because you believe Pine-Sol is bad for the environment? You figured it would be okay for you to use the Pine-Sol – just a little! – to shine your bathroom fixtures, but to tell me about it would push the environment right into Super Duper Hot, and polar ice caps would melt and we’d all be living on boats like in Waterworld?
(Pine-Sol did not cause the horrific hair that Kevin Costner sported in that movie. If it was particularly shiny, we might cast a gimlet eye at the Pine-Sol, but it was not, so we shall not.)
(Dear Kevin: When one has thinning hair, having long hair only emphasizes the lack of hair. A word of wisdom from me to you. Also, Pine-Sol will shine the FUCK out of your bathroom fixtures. See? I SHARE the important stuff!)
I think that none of us particularly want to see Al Gore zipping around in a paddle boat yelling “I told you bitchez it was coming! I TOLD YOU!”
Is it… because you didn’t know?
I thought you knew everything.
Whyyyyyyy wouldn’t you tell me? WHY?
* * *
::short uncomfortable silence::
* * *
Also, it makes the room smell fresh and piney instead of stale and farty!
* * *
::short uncomfortable silence::
* * *

Every night, Fred and I take a walk around the back forty. Always, if they’re around, Maxi and Newt accompany us on our walk. They are always very, very serious about accompanying us, as if it’s their job to follow us around the back forty and protect us from rogue squirrels and rabbits. They crack me up, with their serious little faces.

Newton of the Corn.

“Behind you! A serial killer! Or a ray of sun! One or the other!”
* * *
18. Have you ever been in a fight? Nothing stronger than a slap-fight. Are you kidding? I’d shit myself and pass out before anyone got a chance to hit me.
2004: No entry.
2003: You know you’re hormonal when the video for Reba McEntire’s “Fancy” (hee! I almost typed “Fancypants”) makes you all teary-eyed.
2002: It rocked. I loved it. I see a strong love for sushi in my future.
2001: I’ve managed to stay strong.
2000: Poor, poor pitiful me.]]>
I’ve been using the magic eraser to get my bathroom fixtures shiny. Maybe I need to try the Pine-Sol!
Sorry about the pine-sol thing. I just thought you had a very specific ammonia cleaning thing going on and I didn’t want to harsh it.
But, to make you feel better, my neighbour hosed out her garage yesterday too.
Thanks for the tip on Pine-Sol. I will have to try it today when i clean my stale bathroom.
Newton of the corn! Heh! Watch out for Malachi Newtie!
I’m sorry! I didn’t know!! (Now I will have to try it.)
would that be straight pine sol or diluted pine sol?
Honest, I didn’t know!
I have a sudden urge to run home and clean my bathroom w/ Pine Sol.
Ugh, I despise Pine-Sol…the smell is way too strong and makes me want to throw up!
Robyn, thanks for the tip! Pine-Sol — that’s a revelation to me! I’ve been using Windex.
I grew up in a household where all we cleaned with was pine sol. I love the clean, piney scent it leaves & always associate that smell with CLEAN! Many years ago, when I was a newlywed, we plumbing issues in the bathtub and surround and the plumber told me it was because of the PineSol! So sadly, I haven’t used it in a long time. I can’t remember why he said it was not good to use it though….can anybody back me up here? Did I stop using it for nothing?????
Ahem. Doesn’t NANCE live not too far from Pittsburg? (she says, as she runs and HIDES beneath her desk)!
I was thinking NANCE too hehe. Oh, she’s not going to like us. But that is one gorgeous cat.
I never knew the Pine-Sol thing either, I’ve been using CLR kitchen-bathroom cleaner but recently ordered a bunch of eco-friendly cleaning stuff. However, a little won’t kill me, huh? I have a feeling Pine-Sol stock is about to go up. Yes, Robyn, you are that powerful.
Well, it sure wasn’t me that was keeping you in the dark. I am a Spic-n-Span gal.
As usual you cracked me up with this entry!
Hi, Robyn – here I come, peeing on your Pine-Sol love, but I just wanted to pass on a little info about it. (and I swear, I’m not the Green Police) A lot of animals are very sensitive to Pine-Sol. It contains phenol derivatives which are especially toxic to cats. I had a dog who had periodic seizures and I was told by the vet never to use products containing pd’s as long as I had animals in the house.
{{{runs away…}}} 😉
Personally? I never mentioned it because Pine-Sol smells like gas station bathroom.
I’m obligated by living here to point out that there’s an “h” on the end of Pittsburgh. 🙂
That’s a gorgeous kitty, I’d take her but sadly I’ve developed allergies and am already drugged to the gills to tolerate the cat I already have. The one I got before the allergies developed. Sucks. I’ll ask around and try to find someone though.
Lisa: I used it straight.
Patricia: At least you told me before I tossed the ammonia and bought a bunch of Pine-Sol instead! I guess I’ll have to live with less-than-shiny bathroom fixtures. 🙂
Jane:But a SHINY gas station bathroom.
I have a love/hate relationship with the Pine-Sol. I used to use it on our kitchen and bathroom floors, way back when. But the smell always reminded me of some kid throwing up in school, and the janitor dragging in a big bucket on wheels full of Pine-Sol & mopping the puke up…
Kristin: The “h” was there when I wrote it, I swear!
Kathy W: The more I think about it, the more Pine-Sol makes me think of my parents’ bathroom, because my mother scrubs their toilet like every single day.
I apologize in advance, but I had to show you this link.
At the same time disgusting and really funny.
You’re right, Robyn. I haven’t shared any of my secrets with you. It’s not because I don’t care, but rather because I didn’t think I could be helpful. Sorry. 🙂
I have found that white vinegar and water is about the most useful all purpose cleaner I’ve found for nice sparkly fixtures and shiney vinyl flooring. I only use commercial cleaning products for surfaces that need disinfecting.
I feel much better for having shared that with you!
Jill: HEE! I wonder if I could convince Fred he needs a tattoo?
Teri C: What kind of dilution do you use with the white vinegar? Half vinegar, half water? Mostly water with a blurp of vinegar?
I didn’t tell you about the Pine-Sol because, alas, I am also a Bitch(ypoo)
Donna and Laura: Top o’ my shit list!
Robyn, you’re right – that cat is absolutely gorgeous, but three spoiled ass cats are enough for me. But I’ll take the damn cat ONLY IF they’re going to send it to a kill shelter or some crazy shit. Regan is sending out feelers to see if anyone she knows is interested and dammit, she better damn well find someone!
Pine-Sol: Love it – in moderation.
I use those little Clorox Wipes (or Windex if I’m out of those) on my kitchen and bathroom fixtures. That usually seems to do the trick.
And the wipes are handy because when I catch 20,000 little stray cat hairs on them, I can just toss them and grab a fresh one. They seem to hold the cat hair better than a plain paper towel or a rag.
I tried using Pine-Sol once, and the smell was so overwhelming it made me lightheaded (and it was diluted!). I figured if it was that bad for me, I didn’t want to subject the cats to it. Of course, in smaller quantities, it might be OK.
I like your furry security patrol for strolls around the back forty!
I just read somewhere that the quarantine thing for Hawaii wasn’t in place anymore, as long as the animal has a record of shots and veterinarian’s statement of good health…
Ah, it’s a five-day-or-less thing, and looks like you have to start the process ahead of time.
Hope Ruby finds a good home…
Thanks to everyone–especially Miz Robyn!–for their good wishes with Ruby. I’ve got my fingers crossed that we’ve found a home for her, but as I told Robyn, nothing’s official until the litterbox is gone. And Nance, don’t worry–you won’t have to hop on your trusty steed(cough..Versa) and save the furry princess Ruby!
I don’t know…I think I’m seeing a fourth spoiled ass cat in Nance’s future. Maybe not THIS particular one, but a fourth 🙂
I think that Diet Pepsi tastes like Pine Sol probably would, were I to drink it. So I’m wondering – will Diet Pepsi clean my bathroom fixtures as well as they say Coke cleans blood off of a pavement? Hmmmm. By the way – I’ve moved my blog. In case you didn’t already know. I hate it when you don’t already know stuff. But thankfully this time, there were no dead cats involved.
Devil, do I look like someone that needs to be treated like shit by yet another cat? Maddy is doing enough damage to my self esteem!
You clean a bathroom?
I never use ammonia. The smell is to strong for me and makes me lightheaded. Pine-Sol is great or Fabuloso. They both smell great.
Here’s another tip for anyone who has stainless steel sink. To shine it up like there’s no tomorrow, keep a spray bottle of Baby Oil (that stuff you used to use for tanning oil back in the really OLD days) and just spritz it onto your dull stainless steel sink (AND FIXTURES) and buff with a paper towel.
Rick: Only when I’m about to sell it!
I don’t know about Pine Sol, but Fantastic does the most – frantistic job – in getting the shiny fixtures in the bath. If you have bad soap scum built up on the chrome, just spray and give it 1/2 hour and rinse and put on the sunglasses because “Oh the gleam!”
I will be the oddball that says this:
I will NOT apologize for omitting details about the wonders of Pine Sol. I have spent my whole adult life making it a personal mission to get people to never clean with it because of the SMELL!
{Insert retching sound here}
Personally I can’t handle the smell, don’t-matter-none what shininess emerges from the bottle. Pine trees my a**! Smells more like a dirty hospital ward in a 3rd world country. (…she exclaimed, having worked in a dirty hospital ward in a 3rd world country that was hosed down with a Pine Sol knock-off daily)
All that ranting aside—I hope your shiny bathroom/house sells SUPER quick and you can get rid of one mortgage VERY SOON!
I’m with Clarise. I didn’t ever mention it because there are so many things that shine just as well and don’t encourage me to vomit. My stomach is volatile these days, what with the recent gall bladder thing, dude, lotsa stuff makes me nauseous at the moment, mm..K?
I can’t even mention the product name without immediately hunting for my puke bucket. (Where is that damned thing anyhow?)(See Wendy holding drainage bag and pillow and hunkering over toilet—pinesol..BAD!)
So, like you’d shine with it, and all I’d do is throw up on it and make you clean up again….so…vicious circle. Use white vinegar. Cheaper and I like the smell better.
Wub you.
I believe that Rubykins is very much part Marble Bengal.
Probably why she doesn’t like to be picked up. Also makes her a GREAT cat!
She looks a lot like a Bengal!
I woulda told you about Pine Sol, but I’m allergic to it. Can’t breathe, itch, itch, itch…..
Maxi and Newt’s pic reminds me of kid’s walking to school and making the little brother/sister walk 10 paces behind so no one knows they are together. hehe.
Robyn, My solution of white vinegar and water varies with what I’m using it for. For floors, it’s more diluted (roughly 1/3 vinegar to 2/3 water). If I’m removing water scale from fixtures or the tub surround, I add more vinegar. I never really measure it.
I use Pine Sol for my kitchen floor, but I’ve never tried it for my bathroom fixtures. However – I was frustrated, the last time I was cleaning my bathroom fixtures, by their lack of shinyness (I typically use Fantastic) and I tried Scrubbing Bubbles, which I bought awhile ago and was unimpressed with, so it was just sitting around. Anyway, it worked incredibly well. My fixtures gleamed. GLEAMED, I tell you. I was so impressed. I’m saving it just to use for that from now on.
Ive seen a lot of ya’ll commenting on the smell of pine-sol and Im wondering If anyone else has seen that it comes in different scents other than the funky pine scented one? It also comes in an ocean scent and flower scent that honestly isnt so bad
Love the scented Pine Sol, not the original. My favorite is Clean Breeze. Makes the house smell really good and if I have company dropping by I will make sure I mop the living room really quick with a strong version of it and it smells like I have been cleaning all day. Teehheee.
For cleaning mirrors I use Vinegar with water in a spray bottle. I use half and half cause I am a freak. The absolute best thing I have found for fixtures and stainless steel is a mixture in a bucket of about four shakes of Comet, a quart or so of water and a cup of vinegar mixed together. Wash with one rag and dry with the other. Its a trick I picked up while working in Germany at the dining facility for a mess hall full of stainless steel. I had a boss that was a cute little Korean chick that ran around telling us all day.. Jeeeeewwwww makeeee shinneeeeee. I hate stainless steel now. *Twitch, twitch*
And for soap scum, hard water stains, or icky, nasty toilets… there is NOTHING that beats I repeat NOTHING that beats Sno Bol. I used to buy it by the case when we were using the sulpher well. We dont have to use as much of it anymore since we are filling our rock well with the river water *pain in my ass* but, I still use it instead of dragging out the comet and cleaning the bathtub. Frig that! I open a bottle of Sno Bol and squirt it all over the place. Wait five minutes and then rinse it shiningly clean. Oh and if you have one of those claw foot oldish tubs, that is the best thing ever to use!! Although if you are going to use it, open a window!
See, I can play nice and share. :0)
To touch on what Patricia wrote…I just read an article in Good Housekeeping tonight about toxins to pets and Pine cleaners were on the list. I would think as long as you didn’t use it on the floors it would be OK.
I was just going to comment on how funny this entry was and remark that I wonder how I missed it the first time around, because I know I’ve been reading you for longer than a year, but then I was reading the comments because I’m OCD like that and have to read all the comments, anywhere, ever, and… hey. I not only read it, I commented on it!
Whaddya know. Old age DOES cause memory loss.