reading: Between Sisters, by Kristin Hannah.
Finished over the weekend: Running With Scissors, by Augusten Burroughs. I enjoyed it, but I wasn’t overcome with hilarity and mirth like I’d expected to be. Maybe I just wasn’t in the right mood for it. Definitely worth reading, but don’t hurt yourself to get a copy.
* * *
So, after sitting in the cat room all fucking day long on Friday, that damn Mia didn’t poop at all. AT ALL. When 3:00 came and went, I said to Fred, “Fuck this” and we went out to a Mexican restaurant for dinner. When we came back there was still no poop, and I sat in the room for another ten minutes before I gave up, told Fred we’d just start her on the metronidazole, and I’d try again on Monday to get a sample, if she was still having diarrhea.
She had diarrhea all weekend long (you weren’t eating, were you?), and what pisses me off the most about the diarrhea is that she uses the litter box, then she tromps through the pile of diarrhea, and then tracks it across the floor, shaking her shit-laden back legs the entire way.
I’m surprised I haven’t had a stroke yet.
Anyway, she had diarrhea all weekend long, so I resigned myself to hanging out in the cat room all day today in an attempt to get a sample, and I only had to wait about an hour. I got the sample (barf) and ran it to the vet. They said that they’d call if anything showed up, and if they didn’t call, there was nothing in the sample. They haven’t called yet, so I’m thinking there may have been nothing there.
Or maybe there was something there, and the metronidazole killed it? Oh, I don’t fucking know.
Fucking cats.
After she’d tromped through her shit and tracked it all over the room – with me, right behind her, wiping it up as fast as I could – I had to leave the room because I was getting so fucking stressed out. I went into the bedroom, where Fred was reading, and I said “I love and adore those kittens, but I have NO USE for Mia. God, she’s a pain in the ass!”
I do love those damn kittens, though. Except when Mia’s hunkered over pooping, and they try to STICK THEIR STUPID LITTLE HEADS DIRECTLY IN THE STREAM OF POO.
Gives a whole new meaning to the term of endearment “Shithead”, doesn’t it?
* * *
I woke up this morning with a swollen left eyelid. It’s not as swollen now as it was when I first woke up, but it’s still painful to the touch. A little itchy from time to time, too.
If it ain’t one thing, it’s a-fucking-nother.
* * *
Fred was
gone all day Saturday, and I dug through the pile of crap (not literally, thankyou) on my desk to find the Netflix movies that had been sitting there for at least two weeks. I’d declared to him that I was going to spend all day watching movies, and I certainly did.
First, I watched
The Terminal – which did not suck as badly as people have been proclaiming. In fact, I have to say that I almost liked it. I don’t necessarily want to see it again, but I don’t resent the time spent watching it.
Then, I watched
Indecent Proposal, which I’ve seen before and wanted to see again. It wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t that good, either. I spent about half the movie reading a magazine and looking up to see what was going on from time to time.
Lastly, I watched
Fame. Just because. Shaddup. I had to play the part at the end where Montgomery Macneil sang his part of The Body Electric for Fred, because it cracks me up to no end that the same actor who played sensitive gay boy Montgomery also played hardass-with-a-deeply-buried-heart-of-gold Dr. Romano on ER.
My only complaint about Fame is that there should have been more dancing. You know what would be cool? If they put Fame, the TV series, out on DVD. I’d be buying that so fast your head would spin. I loved that show like you wouldn’t believe.
Then Sunday, Fred went out and picked up some movies. We watched about the first hour of
The Life Aquatic with Steve Zisou before we turned it off because we were both falling asleep. Then we watched
The Passion of the Jew – South Park always cracks us up – and Christian Rock Hard, which is on the same DVD.
Last night, we watched
Employee of the Month, which Fred had picked up on a whim. It was actually pretty good, though the twists at the end were a little annoying, because there were so many of them.
Gotta love Steve Zahn.
Tonight, we’ll probably watch last night’s episode of Entourage, and last week’s episode of House, with maybe a few episodes of Yes, Dear and/ or South Park tossed in there as well.
Yes. Yes, Virginia, we ARE couch potatoes.
* * *
I took a Benadryl this morning before I left for the pet store, and so I wasn’t itchy at all while I was there, but it still made me a bit lightheaded, so perhaps next week I’ll cut the dose in half.
When I got home, I went out into the back yard to fill the bird feeders – which have been empty for the last few weeks, because I’m a lazy-ass – and when I came back inside, I was itching like mad, mostly on my face.
It’s mostly gone away, but for a while there it was driving me crazy.
Clearly I’m allergic to something in the back yard, but I have no idea what it is. Perhaps the humidity? Because it is MIGHTY FUCKING HUMID out there.
Humid? In the south? Go figure.
* * *
Over the weekend, I took Snoopy, Oy, and Peanut out of the cat room – not all at the same time – to “go visiting”. This consists of being held by me while they sniff our cats, then letting them crawl around on our bed.
As of yet, Mister Boogers has not been impressed. He goes all dark-eyed and sniffs them thoroughly, but he makes me nervous when he gets dark-eyed like that, so I haven’t let him get too close. Miz Poo hissed at Peanut last night, and Peanut responded by hissing back at her. Neither of them was too impressed with the other.
My current favorite kitten is Oy. I hope Oy is adopted by someone who appreciates what a sweet, feisty little guy he is.

Mia and Flossie are quite interested in the laptop. Especially the mouse.

Sleepy Snoopy.

The expression on Oy’s face cracks me up. “How YOU doin’?”

Oy stretches.

The trick to getting a kitten to snuggle with you is to wait until he’s very, very sleepy, and then pick him up and snuggle him in your arms.

“First they nurse all the damn time, then they fall asleep on me. Damn kittens.”
Whoops, forgot to put up a new movie. I’ll do that tomorrow, y’all!
Is that still your evil nemesis laptop? If not, what is it, and do you love it? (Fred knows all about this stuff so you would have the best one, right?)
About the drizzly (is that a word?:-) problem with Mia, sometimes Mama cats get that. Not sure why, but it usually clears up when the kittens quit nursing. In the meantime, not a happy period!
Ick. I hope Mia gets better soon.
Very, very sweet shot of the kitten snuggling in your arms. Awwwwwwwww….
maybe you could adopt Oy!
We give cats at our shelter yogurt when they are having problems like Mia. It helps to introduce good bacteria into the digestive tract. Usually 2cc twice a day until they’re better.
Robyn, You are not the only freak who may or may not be allergic to the humidity. I had an interview this afternoon, right after a rain, and my eyes watered and burned the entire time. I was so embarrassed. I tried to explain my allergies to the guy, and he looked at me like, “yeah, whatever…you’ll never take care of patients at this hospital as long as I have a say.” Kidding. Heh.
I loved the story about the cats today and the kittens. People must think your crazy going after the diarrhea sample, but I understand! I’d be doing the same thing. We rescued some kittens here in Tokyo a few years back, but mother was too wild, we couldn’t catch her. Which was very sad. But we did find 2 of the 3 kittens very good homes.
I quite liked Running with Scissors, I also really liked his second book Dry.
I actually wrote to tell you about some books that I highly recommend as amazingly good. 1) All of Torey Hayden’s books. Start with “one child” 2) Peter Hessler’s, River Town, Two years on the Yangtze – I loved this book.
These are non fiction but they are great great books.
The third kitten, we kept her as she was such a “wild mess” She’s the sweetest little thing now!
Love that pic of OY stretching!
hmm…oddly enough my right eye is swelled too. cept it’s been like this for a week and I can barely see out of it in the mornings. fun stuff I tell ya! so I know how you feel. =-/