* * *
Do lawyers know – or care – that when they do things like spell the middle name of someone incorrectly throughout a document, it makes them look shoddy and uncaring about details? And when they send an initial document to the correct address and a following document to the incorrect address, it makes them look clueless and a little stupid and possibly like ambulance chasers who can’t afford good office help?
Just curious.
* * *
I stole this meme from
Danielle, even though she didn’t tag me, and I didn’t realize until just now that
Carol had! (Speaking of Carol,
check out the bebbe kittens. So sweet they’ll give you cavities!)
Instructions: Remove the blog from the top, move all blogs up one, add yourself to the bottom.
1. p
laygroups are no place for children
scenic overlook
sincere obscurity
what were you doing 10 years ago?
I was… living in an apartment with Fred and the spud in Huntsville (it was technically Huntsville, but it was right on the edge of Madison), working as an office manager at Fred’s company. I can’t believe that in August I’ll have lived down here for 11 years.
five snacks you enjoy
1. Raw green beans, fresh off the vine
2. Quaker cinnamon streusel mini rice cakes
Jack Links Beef Nuggets.
4. I’ve eaten way too much
zucchini bread (I make it without the frosting, but add Ghiardelli milk chocolate chips to it) lately (I’ve promised to stop making it ’til I can make it with our own zucchini – and yesterday we got our first ripe one!).
5. Cheerios, without milk.
five songs you know all the lyrics to
Friends in Low Places (shaddup)
All Cried Out (shaddup, I say)
Always the Last to Know
Least Complicated
five things you’d do if you were a millionaire
1. Donate a buttload of money to the no-kill cat shelter I volunteer for.
2. Send a buttload of money (anonymously) to people who are having a hard time of it right now.
3. Hire a cleaning service.
4. Buy a summer home on the coast of Maine.
5. Travel the world and see all the countries I’ve always wanted to visit.
five bad habits
1. Chewing on my fingernails.
2. I am ALWAYS touching my face.
3. Procrastinating.
4. (Yeah, it’d be funny if I left the last two blank. Hee!) Jumping to conclusions.
5. Not watching where I’m going (which invariably ends with me kicking a cat. DAMN CATS. They see me walking towards them, they KNOW I have a bad habit of kicking them. You suppose they’d move? NO.)
five things you like to do
1. Read
2. Watch TV
3. Walk around the back forty
4. Snuggle with the kitties (especially Miz Poo, who’s always ready for a snuggle).
five things you’d never wear again
I think this requires illustration. So, in no particular order:

Pigtails. Not because I don’t want to, but I doubt my hair will ever be long enough again. Besides, I’ve obviously peaked when it comes to pigtaily cuteness.

A spiky wig, trying to look badass. (My defense: it was Halloween!)

A prom dress. That boy on the right side of the picture was my date (this was my Junior prom, by the way), and I had SUCH a crush on him. ::sigh::

Any kind of maternity anything. This was the morning of the day the spud was born; we were about to leave for the hospital.

Perm. Good god I had big hair.

McDonald’s uniform. God willing and the creek don’t rise, I won’t wear another one of these. God, the polyester hideousness of it.
five favorite toys
1. RodPod.
2. My camera (
Sony Cybershot DSC-P200)
3. My laptop
4. iTunes (which I use in conjunction with RodPod and my laptop!)
5. My shredder. I am a shredding motherfucker and shred anything that’s ever even thought of having my name and address printed on it.
five people to tag
I don’t usually tag people but… oh, what the hell.
* * *
While I was looking for those pictures above of myself, I found these really cute ones:

“Our little beatnik” my mother wrote on the back. I was 17 months old. ADORABLE. Am I allowed to say that?

I said to Fred “Holy crap! I have the same hairstyle that I had back then!” and he said “You should try to do the flippy things in the back” and I had to inform him that I TRY to get my hair to do that flippy thing, but it rarely cooperates. *sigh*
* * *
Last week, I decided that the kittens needed to have a cat tree in the foster kitty room, so I went on eBay and I bought a good one – a BIG one – for $1 plus $55 shipping. I don’t even want to know how these people are making money, because they might overcharge a little on the shipping, but I don’t think they overcharged by much at all if they did, because the cat tree I bought was very very heavy.
Anyway, the cat tree arrived, Fred put it together, and stuck it in a corner of the living room, and our cats immediately climbed all over it, and Sugarbutt fell asleep in the top platform. After a day of consideration, I decided I liked the new cat tree better than the old one, and we decided to keep the new one downstairs for our cats and take the old one upstairs for the foster room.
I’d say that the cat tree was a big hit with the foster babies.

The funny thing here is that it’s Maxi on the inside and Tom on the outside looking in. Usually it’s the other way around.

Maxi checks Spot out. A moment later she decided he was alright, tried to rub against him, and he birthed a hissyfit of epic proportions.
One of these things is not like the others,
One of these things just doesn’t belong,
Can you tell which thing is not like the others
By the time I finish my song?
* * *

Sugarbutt loves him a belly rub.
* * *
2006: “Save your breath,” I said, gasping for air. “I don’t believe a word you say, you lying liar.”
2005: “Spot caught a copperhead!”
2004: No entry.
2003: Poor Gram.
2002: Oh, quit with the gasps of horror.
2001: Lynn is very very nice, but as I’ve mentioned, she doesn’t appreciate the beauty of silence.
2000: I was giving out dirty looks left and right, let me tell you.]]>
Oh, my God, you were such a cute kid!
Hey, I think I had that same maternity denim jumper. 🙂
GREAT pictures. That Halloween one had me laughing soooo hard, thank you for telling us it was Halloween otherwise you would never live that one down. Love the kitties in the cat tree… omg so cute!
You had a Carol Brady Flip-Shag! I think we all did that year. Also, I love your shirt with the little Betsy Clark (before they became Precious Moments!) people all over it. What a cutie you are!
The photo of you with the perm made me look twice because you look like Rosie O’Donnel!
Yay! I’ve been tagged.
I also love the photo of the kittens in the cat tree.
So the fact that you mentioned your laptop as a favorite toy, does that mean you got a new one?
When we lived in Madison it rained EVERY SINGLE DAY throughout the Summer! You could almost set your watch by it. It would start out clear and warm and then progress to hot and steamy by midday. Then around 2 to 3pm it would start clouding over and then shortly thereafter it would get pitch dark and rain heavily for fifteen to thirty minutes and then it would clear off and the sun would come back out and if you’d taken a nap you wouldn’t ever know that it rained. This wasn’t just one Summer either. We lived there for three Summers and each one was the same.
On the flippy up thing…If you really want some flippiness get some hair wax and it will stay. I just got some of the Fructis water based wax and it does a hell of a job It’s not too greasy. And also? Cheap. And I do loves me the Cheap.
Rachel – Thanks for the information yesterday. I’m still thinking about it. I’m going to call my friends to see how the poor fella is doing. If he’s looking better, I’d rather not restrict him to a bathroom unless he’s not getting better.
I can’t help but notice all the posts now ending with Sugarbutt – I imagine that Miz Poo must be insulted by this turn of events. Hate, even!
um, “All Cried Out” was originally sung in 1987 I believe (the year I moved to Staten Island) and sung by Lisa Lisa and Cult Jam. It’s a much better version as well!
And the chicken pic cracks me up!
Least Complicated is one of my favorite sing-along songs! And I must reiterate that the pictures today are especially good. Kittens AND chickens!
I’m dying from the cuteness of the kitties in the cat tree!
I LOVE your pigtails picture. Pigtails are so adorable on little kids!
MS7168: I wish it still did that!!!
Jenn: I know that! I just apparently didn’t notice that I was linking to the remake – which can’t TOUCH the original. Also, that’s Lisa Lisa with Cult Jam AND Full Force, Missy. (I’ve changed the link)
Looks like Sugarbutt is praying. . .”now I lay me down to sleep. . .”
That picture of the kittens in the tree is ADORABLE!!
Also, the picture of the A/C in the van is a hoot!
Heeeeeee, I still have the Lisa Lisa album…….yes, album. Vinyl baby!!!
Crap! I’m just catching up on my blog readings and saw you tagged me. I better get to work. By the way – you look fanTAStic in the McDonald’s uniform!
I think that the postage is high and the bid so low, because ebay takes a percentage off the bids and not the postage. At least, that’s what my husband told me. Who knows if I can even trust him…LOL!
I am looking for a cat tree myself and was wondering if you could/would recommend the person you bought your tree from? Think you could hook a sistah up with the name?
!Gracias de antemano!
Linda – absolutely! I bought it from Armakat, and it’s not the exact one, but the one we got is very very similar to this one.
OMG Robyn!!! I had the exact same prom dress!!!!! Did you know that it was in Seventeen Magazine the same year I wore it to prom? Only time in my life I’ve ever had something that was actually in fashion, though it looks funny to me now! LOL If I can find a picture of my prom I’ll send it your way! LOL