It cracks me up every time I watch it.
* * *
It’s 7:20, and my day hasn’t started out terribly well. First Fred left for work, then woke me up five minutes later with a phone call.
“How rescue-y are you feeling today?” he asked.
“I don’t know, why? What happened?”
“There’s this little black dog at the corner of ThisRoad and ThatRoad (a four-way stop), and he’s been here for the past few days at least. I think he might be a dropoff.”
“You don’t think he belongs to one of the houses around there?” I suggested.
“There really aren’t any houses around there,” he said.
“There are houses on the other sides of those big fields.”
“Oh yeah. Well, he’s been right around the intersection the past few days, looking really confused.”
“Well, what the fuck would we do with him?”
“I don’t know, but he’s awfully cute. He’s little, but not a puppy.”
I pondered for a moment. “Well, I’ll tell you what. I’m going to the mall later. I’ll bring some dog food and water with me, and if he’s there, I’ll stop and see if I can get him.”
“Sounds good,” he said.
I hung up, knowing that if it had been a cat, I would have been out the door before he could have finished telling me about it. But damn – it’s one thing to rescue a dog that shows up on your front doorstep. It’s another thing altogether to go five miles down the road to rescue a dog. (But you know I will if he’s still there later.)
Since I was now wide awake, I got up and went around the house opening blinds. Sugarbutt and Tommy followed me around, eyes wide with anticipation, hoping I’d open the back door. I collared the two of them, plus Mister Boogers, and opened the back door, then went around the back yard, closing gates.
I did a few more small things around the house and then checked on the cats one last time before I went off to take my shower. Took my shower, blow-dried my hair, took my vitamins, and then pulled the dirty sheets off my bed. I went into the laundry room to put the sheets in the washer, glanced out the back door, and could only see Sugarbutt and Tommy.
I left the sheets on top of the washer, and stepped out back, calling for Mister Boogers.
No Mister Boogers.
I slid my feet into my garden clogs (still wearing my nightgown) and went outside, calling again for Mister Boogers.
No Mister Boogers.
I let myself out of the back yard (still wearing the nightgown and garden clogs, for I am a fashion icon) and walked over toward the house next door. In the past, when Mister Boogers has jumped the fence, that’s the direction he tends to go. I called and called and called in my special high-pitched Mister Boogers voice.
No Mister Boogers.
I considered going inside and getting dressed before continuing the search, said “Oh, fuck it. No one cares.” and walked around the front of the house.
No Mister Boogers.
I checked the garden, the wood shed, the ditch bordering our property and the church’s property, the front of the house, the side of the house, under the cars.
No Mister Boogers.
I came inside, got dressed, and grabbed my cell phone.
“I lost Mister Boogers,” I told Fred. We talked while I walked around the house, around the house next door, around the garden again, checked in the chicken yard, checked the ditch and under the cars.
No Mister Boogers.
“Goddamn I hate his stumpy little ass,” I fumed to Fred. “I am NOT staying home and waiting for his stupid ass to show up! I have plans!”
“Okay,” he said.
“WHO READY FOR THE SNACKIN’!!!!” I bellowed, pulling out the big guns. In the back yard, Tommy ran full-speed toward me, eyes bright.
No Mister Boogers.
I walked into the back yard and Sugarbutt and Tommy ran around like their asses were on fire. Sugarbutt ran up the tree a few feet, then jumped down when I yelled at him. After some discussion, I decided to put Sugarbutt and Tommy in the house, close the back door, open a couple of gate doors, and unplug the electric fence so Mister Boogers could get in the back yard.
“What if he doesn’t come home?” I said, teary-eyed at the thought.
“If he doesn’t, he doesn’t,” Fred said. “If he wants that badly to be free, nothing we do is going to contain him.”
“Fucker,” I said.
“Maybe he’s off with Maxi and Newt.”
“Well, if he runs across Maxi and Newt, he’ll be okay. They’ll take care of him.” Maxi does love her some Booger.
“Let me know if he shows up,” Fred said.
I hung up the phone, took one look in the back yard, and then sat down at my desk. I paid some bills, did a little surfing, downloaded some
KATG. About ten minutes after I’d sat down, I heard a banging noise at the back door.
The sound of a cat trying to come through a cat door and being denied, is what that sound was.
I ran to the back door, opened it, and Mister Boogers came casually strolling through the cat door.
“You,” I informed him. “Are a fuckhead.”
Sugarbutt is desperate to get back outside, but that’s not happening again anytime soon. I think we’re going to let them outside tomorrow morning and set up the camcorder to see just exactly how Mister Boogers is getting over the fence. Once we know how he’s doing it, we can figure out how to stop him from doing so.
I called Fred to let him know that That Boogery Bastard was home safe, then went into my bedroom to make the bed.
I got the clean sheets out of the closet and started to put the fitted sheet on the bed.
And there, in the middle of the sheet, was a great big birdshit. How I missed it when I was folding the sheets, I do not know.
I have a feeling the universe is trying to send me a message, but I’m not exactly sure what it is. No doubt I’ll go to see if that dog is still at the corner of ThisRoad and ThatRoad, and I’ll either run it over, it’ll be dead in the road, or I’ll somehow manage to chase it out into traffic and get it killed.
* * *

The bastard sleeps the sleep of the bastardly.
* * *
(9:46 am) Edited to add: I drove to the intersection where Fred saw the dog, and saw no dogs anywhere. I went up the road a little, turned around, and still no dog. I went through the intersection several times and didn’t see the dog. There’s a construction crew nearby, so either the dog got scared and ran off, or ran home (I hope) or maybe they’re feeding and watering him. I’m going to the mall in a bit and will go through that intersection both ways, so I’ll keep my eyes peeled for him.
2006: No entry.
2005: Oh, the hilarity that ensues when your car and foster kitten have the same name! I could almost hear the laugh track in the background.
2004: PMS, anyone?
2003: No entry.
2002: No entry.
2001:No entry.
2000: Charmed life, have I mentioned?]]>
I’m sorry to laugh at your already awful day, but it is sort of funny. Mister Boogers wonders what the hell your problem is, lady. He came back, didn’t he? GEEZ!
How appropriate that Mister Boogers has a booger!
That little bastard. And I’m sure as he sauntered back in, he gave you that look of “what’s YOUR deal?” all casual and nonchalant.
I think I’ve replayed that Terribly Dramatic Prairie Dog about fifteen times — now that’s some funny stuff!
Yay, I’m so glad that little effer came back! They DO make us worry don’t they? It’s so wonderful how you are kind to so many animals who need it…you have inspired me for years. I have a menagerie myself, but it always seems like there’s another animal who needs help because of some stupid ass owner…ug!
Perhaps some consolation…I think in some cultures, it’s considered very GOOD luck to have a bird poo on you or in your dwelling…so perhaps that sheet was like unfolding a huge tarot card of goodness…that’s what I’m believing, anyhow. 🙂
Glad the Boogs is home. Stupid fence jumping smartycat!
AAAAAHHHHHH! You’re killing the dog people. Go get the dog! He’s lost, sad and alone and hungry and thirsty and he’s 5 miles away from you and 1000 miles away from me. I can’t take the suspense.
You don’t have to keep him…just go save him (and for pete’s sake tell us what happens asap!)
Yep, I Googled it…it is good luck! Of course Google is the expert on everything. But if that doesn’t cheer you up, here’s a vid of George Bush getting bird-pooped on. Haha! 🙂
Linda: I actually just got back from looking for him, and didn’t see him anywhere (I went back and forth several times). There’s a construction crew nearby, so I’m thinking he got scared and ran off (hopefully home), or maybe they’re feeding/ watering him. I’m headed to the mall in a little while and will go by there both ways, so I’ll keep my eyes peeled for him.
1. I cursed at Seamus the other night for staying out past curfew. He meowed pathetically. I believe he’s sorry.
2. I could be wrong about this, but I believe that both Seamus and Petey would be willing to withstand a shock in order to jump a fence. And those two could easily jump a 5 foot fence. Our backyard fence is 7 feet and both can jump up to a point where they can pull themselves up the rest of the way.
3. Cats are jerks.
My Mom built her cats their OWN enclosed covered porch/cat run. It has logs and trees inside and one of those cat house thingees. They get to be outdoors as much as they want, romp and play and no need for electric fences or shock collars. It’s a thought. It sounds like you’ve got the room. Fred is good at building things…etc; because it can’t be good to keep Shocking Mr. Boogers! The other ones seem to get the idea/concept of the dangerous perimeter that they must not cross, but what is this escaping thing doing to the Boogs?
Thanks Robyn!
Hi! I found you through Carol H’s site. You cracked me up! I have to go peruse through old posts now!!
I had two cats since they were 8 weeks old, one pretty laid back, and one totally apeshit. When we got a puppy and then I squirted out a kid, the crazy cat officially lost his damn mind and started peeing on anything that came in contact with the dog/baby – blankets, bibs, toys. I called the vet for help and she said to get a breakaway collar, frontline them, and let them out. It would give him an outlet, she said.
Almost a year later, he now skulks in the night, is fed and housed by the cat lady down the street, and hisses at us if we catch a glimpse of him.
I swear I saw him with a map of our duct system.
Needless to say, our other cat is no longer allowed out. I’m worried he will be catnapped and corrupted.
Just found your site and love it! What great names your cats have. I have four myself, though not so creative with the names. I’m too scared to let mine out so they just pine away for freedom in the windows!
“Shocking Mr. Boogers” would be an awesome name for a band. AWESOME.
I am tempted to go buy a musical instrument and learn how to play it, just so I can recruit a few other people and name ourselves Shocking Mr. Boogers.
And now, ladies and gentlemen, what you’ve all been waiting for – SHOCKING MR. BOOGERS! [crowd goes wild]