* * *
Hel-LEW. Did y’all not SEE the Best. Picture. Ever. in yesterday’s entry???
She looks like she’s having a good laugh at your expense, doesn’t she? I’m half-tempted to use CafePress to make myself a Flossie shirt, and underneath the picture it would say “You’re wearing… THAT?”
* * *
So we – and when I say “we”, you should know, of course, that I mean “Fred” – have been giving Miz Poo oil for the last three weeks or so. Fred did some looking around online, and found that what Miz Poo has – her puffy lip – is called a
rodent ulcer, and that people have had good results treating it with omega-3/omega-6 fatty acid oil. So we – he – started giving her the oil, and for a long time nothing happened, and we wailed and gnashed our teeth (or maybe just shrugged and shook our heads), and then in the last few days all of a sudden, her lip has gotten much, much smaller and has started to look a lot healthier.
We’re cautiously optimistic, because in the past a lot of the stuff we’ve tried has worked really well, but only for a short amount of time. But if this oil is the answer, I’m going to be thrilled. THRILLED, I say, because we’ve been dealing with the puffy lip for years now, and even though the lip never seems to cause her pain even when it’s at the puffiest, just looking at it causes US pain.
Keep your fingers crossed that the oil keeps working, eh?

Boy, that’s not a flattering picture, is it? I’m lucky she’s not human. She’d kick my ass for putting up such a horrid picture!
* * *
What a difference five weeks makes, huh?

Now (well, last week):

Have those babies grown, or what? How about this:


They grow so DAMN fast. Her eyes went from that gorgeous blue to green, and I didn’t even notice it happening!
* * *
It’s a good damn thing I decided to start wearing a sweatshirt into the cat room, because right now every damn one of those kittens love to launch themselves across the room onto my back, and then scale the Robyn Mountain to sit on my shoulder and chew on my hair.

Snoopy. And my hair. Which he loves to chew on. Sometimes he gets so overwhelmed by the sheer amount of hair that he sinks his sharp little claws into my scalp and tries to eat my head.

Oy’s favorite place to be. He sits juuuust right so that he can see the other kittens running around, but just far enough back that I can’t turn my head and kiss him. Brat.

Miss Flossieeeee….on my shoulderrrr… makes me happyyyyy….
* * *
Not every night, but every few nights, I give the kittens a can of kitten food. It’s a nice change from the Science Diet Kitten they get all the time, and they seem to really like it. I open the can, put the food on a couple of plates, and they all stop what they’re doing to come belly-up to the trough.

I love the way Miss Flossie can’t quite seem to decide which plate she wants to eat off of.

She’s in kitty heaven.
And once they’re done eating, they sit around for the next half hour and lick their lips.

Those kitties are so damn cute!! Especially Peanut. I am going to miss seeing pictures of them when they are gone!
Such cute cute kitties!!! How is the poo situation with Mama Kitty?
Ok, before I read any further… Yes, that is the CUTEST PIC EVER and yes, you have got to make that t-shirt!!!!!!! Adorable!!!!!!!
Ok, I’m off to read the rest of the entry now LOL
Shelly: She seems to be improving. It’s still a little softer than I’d like, but it’s not liquid like it has been. I discussed it with the shelter owner, and she suggested that it’s because Mia’s eating kitten food, which could be a little rich for her. I’m going to offer her adult food and see if that improves the situation any.
Carol: I think I will! 🙂
Yes!! Tee-shirt!! I will add it to my collection of Robyn shirts… 😉
I’ve thought for a few weeks now that if I could have Flossie I might even LIKE having a cat. I dursn’t think any further along those lines. Toby would permit it but a kitten would torture him beyond belief!
Peanut is a moose!
Can I just say? My GOD your hair looks healthy!
Kitties are cute too. Flossy always looks so worried! 🙂
Bet you’re keeping Miss Flossie- wanna bet, huh?
Marcia, I’ll take that bet. How much?
Yes! That is the best kitten pic ever! Last night I even fired up the dialup and went back to it so I could show it to my daughter Brea. She really got a giggle out of it and then of course she had to see ALL of the kitten pics from start to now. She was amazed at what good photos you take. :))
Have you ever seen a show called Reno 911? We saw a fella from the show on Craig Ferguson’s show (my new boyfriend) and thought the clip they showed was a hoot. So I got the DVD from Netflix for the first season.
Ok I am so not a cat person. We are all terribly allergic to them here at my house but MY GOD these are some darn cute cats!!!! Goodness me. I could just sit and watch and look at them for hours. LOVE IT!!
I have the feeling Miss Flossie might be staying on also………Robyn, here is a non-cat question. You had mentioned you have read Marian Keyes & Anna Maxted – can you suggest any other similiar (fun, fluffy, Brit, chick lit) authors I can check out. I have exhausted all Keyes & Maxted’s books and now I am bored! Thanks.
WAY. TOO. MUCH. CUTENESS… Overload setting in.
I wonder if the kitties eat your hair because they are attracted to the smell of your shampoo? Does it have a special scent?
I still like the picture of Oy smiling that was up a few days ago but that is a pretty good picture too. Amazing that animals really do get those expressions naturally and that it is not some computer generated hocus pocus. I can’t believe how big they have grown!
Best. Photo entry. Ever. And yes I have to agree…gee your hair looks terrific! I was going to comment on the shine – heh!
Kitty cuteness much appreciated!
I am reminded of sitting at my dining room table, trying to do some Algebra homework (yeah, College Algebra, late bloomer here)and one o’ my brood sitting on my book, licking his kitty lips for like an HOUR or so after eating. Whattup with that???
*sigh* ahh…the great memories of the pets you grow to love so. I will miss the kitties when they are gone, but I miss YOUR cats too! gosh darn kittens hafta hog up the camera! heh
oh, also found some info on the “rodent ulcer” myself. Hope Miz Poo does get better! :)http://www.marvistavet.com/html/body_eosinophilic_granuloma.html