Fudpucker’s for dinner. I don’t remember what Fred got, but I ended up with a burger without the bun, and a side salad. It wasn’t bad (though I should have just had grilled fish), and we got a 1/3 pound of shrimp to take back to the room with us, in case I got hungry later (and I did, and the shrimp was EXCELLENT). We also got t-shirts, and drove around for a little while before going back to the room.
It was still light out, so we went out for a walk along the beach, where I snapped about a thousand pictures, and we looked for shells, but didn’t really find any.
We were in bed fairly early again, and the next morning my eyes popped open at 5:30, and I got up and went to the bathroom, then sat out on the deck while Fred went for his morning walk. There were already people in the water (or maybe they were “still” in the water, rather than “already” in the water!), and I watched them, and the people walking by, and read a little.
As soon as we saw the chair-and-umbrella guy setting up, we went down to the beach, dropped our stuff by one of the umbrellas, and headed out to the water. We ended up finding a bunch of shells, and a weird sea cucumber-looking thing, and Fred spotted a couple of HUGE blue crabs. I’ll let him tell that story, though.
Again, we stayed on the beach for a few hours, headed back to the room and showered and dressed, and headed out for lunch. We ended up going to The Lucky Snapper (which is where we’d gone the first night), we had oysters, and I ended up trying blackened grouper for the first time. It was VERY good, and I ate more than I thought I was going to be able to. After we ate, we drove around Destin some more, looking for a store I’d seen advertised. We found the store, and I took one look and decided it was Not My Kind Of Place (ie, hoity-toity and expensive), and we went over to the grocery store to pick up a few things.
We went back to the room, took a short nap, and went back out on the beach for an hour or so. I started feeling kind of motion sick from the rough waves, and went and sat under the umbrella while Fred dove for more shells. Eventually, we made our way back to the room, showered and dressed, and went to The Crab Trap for dinner. We had more oysters (we had a lot of oysters while we were there, but I didn’t feel like I had nearly enough), and I decided to try Amberjack, which I’d never had before. It was REALLY good; they’d spiced it up with some kind of grilling spices, and it reminded me a lot – taste wise and texture wise – of steak.
We got half a pound of boiled shrimp to take back to the room (not as good as the shrimp from Fudrucker’s), and then hit a few more souvenir shops to pick up some stuff for Fred’s mom and stepfather, who’d fed the cats while we were gone.
Back in the room, we watched TV while I bitched about how fucking cold I was, which just surprised Fred to no end. No matter than I was laying on a bed that the air conditioning was blowing directly at, no matter than I’ve lost 100 pounds in less than five months, no matter than I am ALWAYS FUCKING COLD, somehow it just amazes him that I could possibly be cold. Because HE isn’t cold, so why would I be?
We watched TV, and I read a little, and we went out on the back deck to look at the beach and the people several times (I mostly did it so I could warm up), and we were in bed pretty early.
We both slept in a little on Sunday morning. Fred wanted to leave exactly at 6:00, but I wanted to wait until I was a little bit awake, so we hung out for a couple of hours, watched people off the back deck, read, and showered and packed. By 8:00, we were ready to go, so we took one last look at the beach, loaded up the car, and headed out.
All in all, a very good vacation and we enjoyed ourselves a great deal. I never really did get sunburned, though I think I got a little tan (a tan that’s already faded), and my skin reacted to the sun and ocean and sunblock by getting rashy and itchy AS ALWAYS.
It took us almost 7 hours to get there on Thursday afternoon, following the directions Google Maps gave us. On the way home we went a different way, and it only took about 6 hours. Stupid Google Maps. Of course, I think that the fact that we drove home on a Sunday, which always has less traffic, helped us move a lot faster on the way home.
Annnnnnd, that was our vacation: swimming, sunning, eating, and shopping. The perfect vacation, as far as I’m concerned!
Now, for the thousands of pictures.
The view from our seat at The Lucky Snapper. We’re thinking we might rent a WaveRunner next time we go to Florida.
Toward the lower left of the picture, you can see a dolphin fin. This was the view from our hotel room deck the first morning.
Tank tops in one of the stores. I HATE THESE FUCKING THINGS. I mean, seriously – “If you’re rich, I’m your bitch”?? If my child came home in one of these, I would KILL HER.
More horrid tank tops. UGH.
Man in the water, holding up his beer. We saw SO MANY guys doing this. It was funny, but SO trashy.
Dorks, in our Ft. Walton t-shirts.
The ocean, in the evening.
More ocean.
Anyone know what this is? I think it’s some kind of sea snail or sea slug; whatever it is, it’s alive. We found a ton of them on the beach.
Sunset on the beach.
People got married on the beach; this was the view from our hotel room.
I had thought that I would send this top back to Junonia, since my upper arms were showing too much. But the day before we left, I said “Life is too freakin’ short to worry about what a bunch of strangers think about my upper arms”, and so I wore it. And it wasn’t bad. And don’t try to be all “Your arms don’t look that bad!”, because I have them behind me TO HIDE THEM and so y’all can’t see the full extent of the horror.
Fully dorked out for the beach.
The view from The Lucky Snapper, where we had lunch.
Destin has a cat-only vet. How freakin’ cool is that??
This is Fred. Fred wasn’t too happy to see us, and he wasn’t much for being petted. He was a bit cranky, I guess you could say.
On the bridge going from Destin to Ft. Walton Beach, there’s this sandbar, where all the boats and WaveRunners gather. We supposed that there must be some really good snorkeling there. Fred asked a waitress at the Lucky Snapper, and found that rather than being a really good place to snorkel, it’s called “Crab Island”, and people gather there to party. Hmph.
A boat, seen from our hotel room. Heading out to fish, no doubt.
While Fred was checking out, I spotted this lizard.
All the Florida pictures can be seen here.

Wow, Robyn, you look great!
You look GREAT in those pictures. That bright blue is a fantastic color on you, and it’s a good style. Wear that more often!!!
I’m glad you had such a great time- sounds like the perfect vacation to me too. I haven’t seen a picture of you in a while, so I actually gasped when I looked at these. You really do look great. You’re so right about the arms/shirt thing. Life *is* too short to worry about that shit. xo
You look so awesome, Robyn! Looks like you had an excellent vacation.
Welcome back, Robyn. Your vacation sounds perfect, and your pictures are awesome…I could look at them all day and decorate my house with them, since we both know it’s ALL about the beach! You are looking fabulous and Fred couldn’t be cuter. Glad you guys had such a great time and thanks for sharing…..:)
Robyn, I have bad luck with sunscreen irritating my skin, too. I started using Clinique sunscreen this summer and so far I’ve been very happy with it. It’s a tad greasy, but at least I’m not rashy and itchy.
Also- your vacation sounds wonderful and now I’m really excited for our beach vacation in a couple weeks.
Robyn! You look awesome! I love that color blue on you! And look at your pretty cheekbones!
And here’s yet another one: Robyn, you look fantastic! Way to go….
Is it true what they say about oysters and libido? Or is that just pertaining to RAW oysters? Heh. It sounds as if you and Fred consumed quite a few….
Awesome photo’s!! And you look fantastic!! 😀
Oh girl, you look GREAT!
It’s funny…the more weight you lose…the more I notice similarities between you and the spud…
Keep it up – you are truly a motivation for me 🙂
Holy cow. Hey there, skinny!
I have to agree, you look so great!!!!
And I got very excited reading your post today as we are headed to Destin at the end of July. We’ve never been there before and are really looking forward to it!!! Now to go check out all your pics!
Those shirts–future trophy wife? Blech. (Months ago during the Jeopardy kid tournament, there was a little girl on who said she wanted to be a Supreme Court justice or else a trophy wife. I wanted to strangle her mother.)
Oh my gosh, Robyn—YOU LOOK AMAZING!! The transformation in remarkable. I’m so happy for you.
Great pictures! You look wonderful! I’m glad you and Fred (Fred the Husband, not Fred the Grumpy Cat) had so much fun.
I have to admit, I kind of love the “I’m a Virgin (But This Is an Old Shirt)” T-shirt. The others, though? Made me throw up in my mouth a little bit. I mean, “Future Trophy Wife”? GAG.
I do believe that was a moon snail. I live in BC, and we get a ton of them around here.
You look wonderful Robyn, that outfit looks good! Sounds like a great trip, glad you guys had a good time. How did the cats react when you got back? Did they miss you?
So SKINNY! Each time I see a new picture of you, you look so different. That weight is just melting off of you.
Ok, stupid question time- What is an Amberjack? Is that a type of fish or drink, or something else?
Boy, your vacation sounded so nice and serene- makes me want to go there. Beautiful pictures- all of them- especially those with you in them. You look fantastic!
My jaw dropped when I saw your picture. I know I can’t see your uppper arms and whatnot but you have got to be pleased with yourself overall, right? You look ahhhh-mazingly healthy and happy.
I seriously think you should get more of those shirts, the style (as well as the color) look fantastic on you.
Ahhh, you’re looking amazing!!
For the record, I still get pukey and such if I so much as think about fried food, and I had my surgery six years ago.
I despise those type of shirts too, though part of my would love to get one of those “I look better naked” shirts for my three year old son, simply to piss off one of my neighbours – she gets all upset whenever he strips off all of his clothes in the back yard and runs around. Of course, it doesn’t help that he likes to sing his little Nudie Butt song when he does it…
…but a shirt like that might draw attention from child protective services. And from the creepy guys who hang out at the playground.
To echo everyone else, you look wonderful!
I am not a beach person, but looking at your photos makes me want to give it another try.
Glad you’re back. I missed you!
Catie: I think I’m going to give that a try. I had hoped that the non-greasy Neutrogena sunblock would work for me, but apparently NOT. Grrr!
Karen: I can neither confirm nor deny the libidinous effects of raw oysters – but I can say that I reached new heights of flexibility while in Florida. 🙂
Lisa: You are going to have SUCH a good time. Want to take me with you? 🙂
Jen: Miz Poo followed us around and howled and howled, and the other cats kind of milled around and looked confused, like they were thinking “Do we KNOW these people?” Then Fred gave them a snack (note to self: Make a movie of Fred yelling “Who wants a snack? It’s snackin’ time!” to the cats) and the lights went on in their little brains and they were all “Dad’s home! Mom’s home! Oh joy!”
Kelly K: It’s a fish – a very good fish, even. I recommend it!
Suzie: I *am* pretty pleased with my progress so far, I can’t deny that! 🙂
Lis: You’re back!!!!!! Yay!!!!!! Don’t go disappearing again, missy!!!
You look fantastic Robyn!
WOW!!! The vacation photos are wonderful. You look slimmer and very happy. Fred does too:) Thank you for being such an inspiration to me. I try and read your journal each day. It inspires me to eat healthier foods each day and exercise a few times a week.
I love the blue top. Looks very cute on you. Take care.
You look soooo skinny in those pictures!!!!!!!! Wow!
You looks so good! Thanks for sharing vacation memories and pics!
Robyn you look awesome! I’m glad you had a great time!
Robyn, you look great! 😀
Glad you had a great vacation. I missed reading your journal. You look awesome in that blue top! You go girl!
I’m gonna remember this hotel – looks wonderful! I’ve never been to the Destin/Ft Walton area, so it’s good to know of a great oceanfront place that’s reasonably priced. The whole trip sounds just great! You swim duds look marvy! So glad they worked out for you. GREAT PICS! And great to have you back. You’re lookin goood!
Oh my GOD, Robyn! You look amazing!
Cleavage baybee -its the cleavage! Don’t close up your neck, open it up! You look fabulous!
“Holy,*ucking,bloody hell!!!” was my reaction upon seeing your picture,Robyn.
Wowza! Damn! Good grief!
I TOLD you that you were beautiful!See??!!!
I shall now try to calm down and get my vocabulary back to a more normal state.
Awesome!Hee! Cheers,Debra
I am so happy for you, because you look SO happy in those pictures! You really look fantastic. I’m glad you had such a great trip!
That shirt looks wonderful and is a very nice color for you! you look GREAT!
But OMG on those tank tops. Who would wear them?
Are you tired yet of everyone telling you how amazing you look?
Because really … You DO look amazing. And even thought everyone else has already said it, I felt compelled to throw my own comment in. 😉
First Robyn you look marvelous!
We have a Cat Clinic here too which is excellent.
If you forget I’m in Oklahoma City 🙂
LOL at that picture of Sugarbutt… yes, seems like he is really beside himself to have you back home!
You ARE looking fabulous, Robyn – and screw anybody that is looking at your arms… Life is WAY too short to worry about that!
Oh and about the tanks… so does that mean I won’t be trying to win a “Future Trophy Wife” tank in the giveaway?? *sniff* I am Soooooooooooo depressed now. LOL
First off… Welcome Home!!! We missed you! 🙂
Sounds like a fabulous vacation and the pictures are awsome. You look fantflookingtastic in that outfit! It suits you so well. I understand the Arm thing.. I have the same issue.. we call mine “Chicken Wings” cause they flap and make weird noises when I shake my arms. I gave up being self consious about them and now embrace the “Chicken Wings”. My son thinks they are the neatest things and loves to play with my chicken wings. He makes me flap my arms while he tickles my arm. He is crazy! At least they are good for something. I also gave up caring if people were thinking.. “my god, her arms!” and figure you know what? They would be saying that about my Ass if not my arms.. rather it be the arms. I covered them up for three years and this summer, I’m wearing tank tops! They don’t like it? Look the flip away! 🙂
Ohhhh Robyn, guess what? I am getting a kiiiiiittttty. I’m so excited, my husbands aunt has a cat and she just had a litter of Persian mixed with Godknowswhat kittens. There was ONE girl and four boys and we have dibs on the girl. Woot. They are a week old and so that means I have to grit my teeth and wait five weeks, but kitttttty lurve soon! I’ll have to take the camera up and take pics of her here in the next few days. That and come up with a great, cool, exotic name. Any ideas?
you look absolutely beautiful in that blue top. great colour, great neckline. BEAUTIFUL!!!
Glad ya’ll had a great vacation. Florida is always nice. Lookin goooooood!!!!!!!!!!
Wow! You look amazing!
I received the cross stitch pkg in the mail..(put your big girl panties on and deal w it *chuckle*)..Thank You Thank You! I can’t wait to get started on it.
Welcome back Robyn…and you look awesome!
Robyn,I’m glad you are back safe and sound. I’ve missed my daily dose of “Robyn chirpin.” I knew that you would have a good time anywhere, as long you were with your [HONEY BEAR].Congrats on looking so FAB. Sounds like Fred enjoyed the trip. That is such a good picture of you and Fred,you should have it framed.
OMG….the change is tremendous and the results are just wonderful. You should be so proud of yourself. Of course, that huge smile of yours tells me you are loving every minute of life. You go girl!!
You really do look fabulous!