Eggplant parmagiana, corn on the cob, pattypan squash and zucchini, stir-fried with onion, garlic, and red pepper. The best corn I’ve ever had in my entire life.
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Robyn, are you still updating at OFB? The last entry there was 4/16/07…
No, I’ve been horribly lax about it. I do intend to get an entry done this weekend, though – I told someone earlier this week that Saturday will be 18 months since I had surgery, but after thinking about it (and counting on my fingers), I realized it’ll actually only be 17 months. But still – how the time does fly!
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Are you going to join MySpace, too, or have you done that already?
OpenDiary. I’m everywhere, baybee!
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As Elizabeth said, your bug is a robber fly. I think they’re really cool. Robber flies are predatory on other insects, so they are useful to have around the garden. There are even some species that are bumblebee mimics. Here’s a link with lots of sexy robber fly pictures (don’t click if you are squeamish).
Those are some pretty cool flies – I just wish they didn’t go after dragonflies. They can have alllll the wasps they want, though!
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With your untame kitties, I recommend something. Split them up. If a lone kitty has no other kitties to socialize with, he or she may be more willing to get some human lovin’. As it is, they have each other and don’t need you. The friendly ones could be taken on in to the pet store, and then split the other two up. I know it sounds kind of cruel, but I think it might help. They influence each other, too, acting skittish because the other one’s acting skittish. Or keep only a friendly one in with a skittish one, but not two skittish ones at the same time.
I had never ever considered that, but it makes a lot of sense. We don’t really have the space right now to split them up, but I’m going to see what we can do about getting Tina Louise the lovebug to the pet store, then try to figure out how to split the other three up. This is the best piece of advice I’ve received about this – thank you!
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I’m so impressed with your garden! It looks really BIG in that picture. Do you think it’s worth it? Is it a ton of work? I want one, but everyone always says they’re a lot of work. Clear that up for me, will ya?
It’s a pretty big garden, but the funny thing is that yesterday I was looking around trying to figure out how we can make it bigger next year (I seriously want a lot more corn!). It’s a lot of work, but Fred does the majority of the work in the garden (I haven’t weeded at all this week – something I need to get back to doing!). I think it’s totally worth the work we put into the garden, especially as the freezer gets fuller and fuller, and Fred comes in from the garden every afternoon with more and more produce. I’m really looking forward to when the tomatoes get ripe and I can make a huge batch of marinara sauce. My recommendation to anyone who’s thinking about having a garden is to start small at first (which we didn’t!) – it’s probably better to have a too-small garden the first year than a too-big one!
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I just got an ipod. Any other recommendations?
Other podcasts I recommend:
Spooky in the City (he first showed up on Keith and the Girl, and ended up starting his own podcast. I like his voice, and he cracks me up when he gets going, because the boy can use the HELL out of the word “fuck”; I’m a mere amateur when it comes to him.).
I also like
Quirky Nomads. Sage has got the most soothing voice
I’ve listened to, and liked,
3 Fast, 3 Furious.
At this point I do most of my podcast-listening in while in the car, and since
Keith and the Girl put out an hour-long podcast every day Monday through Friday, I tend to listen almost exclusively to them with a bit of Spooky thrown in whenever he puts a new podcast up.
So readers, I know I’ve asked this before – what podcasts do y’all recommend?
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This section is going to be a bit gross – if you’re eating or have a weak stomach, you might want to skip it.
I was in the kitten room yesterday afternoon, snuggling with Tina Louise, when I saw little Spanky get into the litter box. Since I’d just cleaned out the litter box, and there’s nothing these kittens love MORE than a clean litter box, it was par for the course. Spanky hunkered down, and a moment later I heard the distinct sounds of a kitten having diarrhea.
From across the room, Maryanne heard the same noises, and went to investigate. She climbed into the litterbox with Spanky, sniffed around, sniffed some more, and then did a little scratching around in the litter.
When she came out of the litter box a few minutes later, she had splatters of poo across her face and the top of her head.
When she came out of the litter box, Spanky took the opportunity to tromp through the pile of poo, and so I had to ask Fred to come up and hold he and Maryanne while I scrubbed the poo off them with baby wipes.

Sweet little pink kitty toes.
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Tommy and the Sexy Eyes. Man, I wish that collar was a lot smaller – it detracts from the beauty that is The Toms.

Spanky’s eyes totally match the wall color. (No, we did not plan it that way – but only because we didn’t think of it!)
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2006: No entry.
2005: I said “You shut up, motherfucker, or I’ll unleash my wifely instincts on you” and he said “Shut your unmaternal mouth, woman.”
2004: Wound report: It’s sensitive and weepy. Just like me!
2003: No entry.
2002: No entry.
2001: No entry.
2000: Have you ever felt like your hair looks like a really bad wig?]]>
Damn. Do you take dinner reservations?! I want a plate of that — every last bite — right now!
There is absolutely nothing better than freshly-picked corn on the cob. SO envious!
roast those cherry tomatoes! put them on a baking sheet with olive oil, sea salt and some pepper, and roast them at 425 for about 20 minutes, or until they “pop”. eat them smeared on a little grilled bread, or just by themselves. SO yummy.
I sometimes wish I had a green thumb but I so don’t. I can’t even make myself plant pretty little flowers in the front yard. Maybe next year. Yeah, right.
I accidentally kill everything I try to grow, year after year. But I keep trying. 😉
I totally blame you for my Keith and the Girl addiction!! I decided to try it a while back when you mention them and since I have spent hours and hours catching up on back shows. I LOVE THEM!!! I haven’t tried Spooky yet, I want to get caught up on KATG first. I love Patrice!! She is funny and every Thursday I laugh myself silly listening to them. IT’S ALL YOUR FAULT!!!
Re: “With your untame kitties, I recommend something. Split them up.”
I didn’t even think of it but when Mia (the second stray) was given away Zimmy became much more loving and Mia, mean hates me Mia became a lover kitty to her new mom.
What I three kittens I rescued from outside ferals was to pick them up and put them in a pouch (a sheet I tied around my neck). I carried them around in that, and while they fought at first, they seemed to be soothed by my movements. They were all very hissy and pissy, but the one kitten we kept became a love bug and loves to be held.
A quick and easy recipe using grape tomatoes but I’m sure cherry tomatoes would work just as well:
Holy shit that dinner looks good. 🙂
Is it wrong that the thought of Maryanne coming out of the litter box with poop on her face made me laugh & laugh? I love potty humor.
Cherry tomatoes freeze really well. Just pop them on a tray and freeze them as they are, then you can bag ’em up and use them by the handfull in sauces later.
Robyn, I learned about lolcats (…I didn’t know that’s what they were commonly known as) via you and Fred, so I feel compelled to report every new thing I hear about them to you. I don’t know why. Sorry. They have an entry on Wiki now, that includes the description of the caption theme as
“Im in ur noun, verb-ing ur related noun.”
HEEEE. Here’s the link to the wiki article: