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So, it used to be that wherever Fred and I went, people would ask him to take their picture. He always say it’s ’cause he looks so approachable. However, I may be stealing that title from him. When we were in Florida, we were sitting in The Lucky Snapper, waiting for our food to arrive, and I pulled out my camera to take pictures out the window. In the booth behind us, a woman leaned over and asked if I’d take a picture of she and her two compatriots. Of course I was happy to do so.
Yesterday, I was walking through the neighborhood a little after 7 am when a woman standing in the driveway of a house that recently sold gestured to me. I obediently turned off my iPod and went over, and she asked me to take a picture of she and her friend standing in front of the house. I did – in fact, I took two – and then I took another couple of pictures with her friend’s camera.
Must be ’cause I’m so approachable.
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Meme, stolen from
1. How old do you wish you were? 19 or 20, with the wisdom (ha!) I currently possess.
2. Where were you when 9/11 happened? On my ass in front of the computer in my workout clothes, putting off working out (not much has changed THERE). Fred called and said “Turn on CNN.”
3. What do you do when vending machines steal your money? Swear.
4. Do you consider yourself kind? Most of the time, but I think I have the occasional mean streak.
5. If you HAD to get a tattoo, where would it be? I do plan to get a tattoo one day, and it’ll be on my right shoulder. And it will most likely be cat-related.
6. If you could be fluent in any other language, what would it be? Spanish. A lot of places around here are looking for bilingual office people. Plus, I think it would just generally come in handy.
7. Do you know your neighbors? Not really. I know the first name of the guy who lives to our left, and that he and his wife have three kids, and I know the names of the couple to our right, and that they have two kids, but that’s about it.
8. What do you consider a vacation/Holiday? In a chair on the beach under an umbrella with a cold drink in my hand. In other words, a few days AWAY from home.
9. Do you follow your horoscope? Nope, not at all.
10. Would you move for the person you loved? I did!
11. Are you touchy feely? Not at all.
12. Do you believe that opposites attract? They certainly do, but I’m not sure how often that sort of relationship works out.
13. Dream job? Something that pays a lot of money for very little work and would allow me to surf the web all day long.
14. Favorite channel(s)? I like to leave the TV on the VH-1 Country Music station. Other than that, I’m fond of FX.
15. Favorite place to go on weekends? “Go”? What is this “go”?
16. Showers or Baths? Shower in the morning (or whenever I get around to it after I’ve exercised and done some housework), and a bath at night because I am ALWAYS COLD.
17. Do you paint your nails? Nope, not since I was a teenager.
18. Do you trust people easily? Probably too easily. I think the word to describe me would be “gullible.”
19. What are your phobias? I don’t like things flying at my face. Thus the reason I was a horrible softball player, I suppose.
20. Do you want kids? Just the one.
21. Do you keep a handwritten journal? No, not in years and years. If I wanted to keep a private journal, I’d probably keep it in Word on my hard drive.
22. Where would you rather be right now? On the beach.
23. Heavy or light sleeper? Both. Sometimes I sleep so heavily that I never feel Sugarbutt do his 60-minute kneading-and-licking routine, and sometimes the slightest movement on the bed wakes me up.
24. Are you paranoid? A little. Why?! What have you heard?!
25. Are you impatient? It depends on what I’m doing, where I’m going, what time of day it is, and whether I’ve eaten or not. I thought my head was going to pop off yesterday afternoon on my way home from the movie, because it was after 2:30, I hadn’t eaten a single thing all day, I was starving, and people would get THE FUCK OUT OF MY WAY. If I’m properly nutritionized, I’m pretty patient in traffic and most other things.
26. Who can you relate to? Angelina Jolie. It’s so difficult to be rich, beautiful, and be seen as the next Mother Teresa.
27. How do you feel about interracial couples? I feel that as long as they love each other, everyone else (HI MOM) should butt the fuck out.
28. Have you been burned by love? Actually, no.
29. What’s your favourite pick up line? “Hi.”
30. What’s your main ringtone on your cell? The sound of a phone ringing, actually. At Christmas time, I’ll switch over to Cartman (from South Park) singing “O Holy Night.”
31. What were you doing at midnight last night? Sleeping, and probably being molested by Sugarbutt.
32. What did the last text on your mobile phone say? “Thanks for the flowers! Love, Dad.” (I sent flowers for Father’s Day)
33. Whose bed did you sleep in last night? Mine, of course.
34. What color shirt are you wearing? Burgundy red.
35. Most recent movie you watched? Superman Returns!
36. Name three things you have on you at all times? If I leave the house, my cell phone, my keys, and usually a bottle of water. At home, it’s just a bottle of water.
37. What colour are your bed sheets? Blue. I have two sets of sheets, the same color dark blue.
38. How much cash do you have on you right now? Approximately $26, plus whatever change is in the bottom of my purse.
39. What is your favourite part of the chicken? The thigh. I can’t eat chicken breasts, because they’re too dry.
40. What’s your favourite town/city? At the moment, Ft. Walton Beach, Florida!
41. I can’t wait till: I leave for Maine in two weeks.
42. Who got you to join myspace? The spud, when she started up her Myspace page. Then I announced it in my journal when
Nance announced hers, so y’all could befriend me.
43. What did you have for dinner last night? A hamburger patty with mustard, ketchup, a slice of onion and a slice of tomato on it, and
three-bean salad.
44. How tall are you barefoot? 5′ 4 1/2″
45. Have you ever smoked heroin? Good god, what kind of question is that to be tossing right there in the middle of all these innocuous questions? NO I’ve never smoked heroin. I never even smoked pot. I don’t drink, don’t smoke, don’t do drugs – and now I don’t even drink Diet Coke. I shoulda been a Mormon.
46. Do you own a gun? I don’t actually own them (they’re all under Fred’s name), but there are several in various places in the house.
47. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Either water or Diet Snapple Pink Lemonade.
48. What is your secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex? I don’t gotta lure in the opposite sex. He’s already a caught fish.
49. Do you have A.D.D.? Nope.
50. What time did you wake up today? Uh… 6:30ish, I think, when Fred left for work.
51. Current worry? Nothing at the moment, really.
52. Current hate? That I’m freezing to death. I guess if you go out, exercise, sweat, then hang out in an air-conditioned house, you’re going to get cold. Go figure.
53. Favorite place to be? In bed with a good book in my hands, knowing that I don’t have to get up for hours and hours.
54. Where would you like to travel? The list is endless: Australia, New Zealand, Scotland, Ireland, England, Greece, among many, many others.
55. Where do you think you’ll be in 10 yrs? In my dreams, I’d be living one hell of a lot closer to the ocean. In reality, I’m sure I’ll be somewhere in the Huntsville vicinity.
56. Last thing you ate? A string cheese, melted in the microwave, and 1/2 cup baked beans, for a snack last night.
57. What songs do you sing in the shower? I don’t really sing in the shower.
58. Last thing that made you laugh? Something in the
Keith and the Girl podcast I listened to this morning. Those two make me laugh every single morning.
59. Worst injury you’ve ever had? When Fred blithely splashed oil atop my bare foot and burned the fuck out of it almost 9 years ago. (He DID say “Watch out”, but only AS the oil was hitting my foot)
60. Does someone have a crush on you? Uh… not that I’m aware of.
61. What’s your favorite candy? I like the occasional chocolate-covered almonds Fred sometimes has (I only have one or two, though, since more than that would make me sick). I also like the Weight Watchers Pecan Crowns; even though they have sugar in them, they don’t make me sick.
62. What song is stuck in your head?
I made my bed, and I sleep like a baby,
With no regrets and I don’t mind saying,
It’s a sad sad story
That a mother will teach her daughter
that she ought to hate a perfect stranger.
And how in the world
Can the words that I said
Send somebody so over the edge
That they’d write me a letter
Saying that I better shut up and sing
Or my life will be over
Not ready to make nice, Dixie Chicks)
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Cuddly Poo.


Tommy loves to watch the sprinklers.

“Go out, or stay in? Stay in or go out?”
All of today’s uploaded pictures are
Maine in 2 weeks?? Already?? But you just got hooooooome!
Yes, I need a life. Thank you.
Yeah, my summer’s kind of compressed into a few weeks, because the spud didn’t go away for the entire summer like she usually does!
Love, love, love the new Dixie Chicks CD. 🙂
I just saw The Lake House. I loved it so much I’m going to see it again this weekend.
Well, how could someone NOT ask you to take a picture at a place called the The Lucky SNAPper? 🙂
Have a great weekend!
I love Spanky. He’s so pretty. He would make a good boyfriend to our Chloe who is also very pretty but not very bright.
Awww, pretty Spot!
Spanky’s a cutie too, but Spot’s looking very handsome there.
I haven’t been to the movies in AGES – my sweetie has no attention span for movies. I do tend to doze off myself in a dark theater unless I’m really taken in by a movie, but I love going to theaters. I should try it sometime now that I might fit into one seat 🙂 I want to see Devil Wears Prada & Lake House also. Maybe I’ll go see them next Sunday night when I’m in Muscle Shoals alone with nothing to do. Hey, we could make a crazy internet stalker date of it, Robyn! Whaddya say????
I must have a thing for geriatric cats cause I think Spanky and Spot are the bee’s knees.
Sweet Potato and Frances Bean are 10 years old.
I agree with Bonnie on you going on vacation again already??!! But that is only because like I told you before you, Ellen and Martha are my favorites. 🙂
Hope you and Fred have a great weekend!
We saw Superman Returns also yesterday. Well late last night anyway, didn’t get home and into bed until 1:15 then had to turn around and get up at 7:15. But it was worth it as far as I’m concerned. It was a very entertaining movie. I agree with Fred, Lois was a bit of a dud. My husband said he’d rather have Margot Kidder back even at her age now rather than Kate Bosworth. Now I don’t know if I’d go that far but she certainly didn’t add much to the movie. Actually, she made me think of Katie Holmes in the Batman movie, pretty to look at but did nothing at all for the movie itself.
Okay, maybe I’m weird but I HATED The Lake House and actually fell asleep twice during it for brief periods of time. Hated! But I wanna see The Devil Wears Prada. No interest in Superman though.
I saw Lake House last weekend. I liked it but it WAS confusing. About 45 minutes in, I just decided to quit trying to figure out how this time paradox thingy worked because it was giving me a headache. On the way home, my friend and I figured out what all was going on but it was too confusing to think and watch at the same time. But then I’m getting old…
Robyn, tell Fred I’m sending you guys a little something “super” to your PO box which you should get in a few days. 🙂
I’ve never thought about putting string cheese in the microwave. Is it good that way?
Is there nothing wikipedia cannot tell me (ooh, a double negative. Hope that says what I want it to say…). I looked up string cheese, and they obligingly told me exactly what it is.
They didn’t have a photo, though. Given your expertise, can you take a photo of string cheese for me? And I’m honestly not being a smart-arse here 😀 I don’t know what it looks like…