
Miss Saigon on Saturday – that was one of the spud’s birthday presents – and the show kicked ass. I was occasionally distracted by the fact that the actor who played Chris had a very strong resemblance to Jon Walmsley (you might recognize him as Jason from The Waltons). We had second row seats, and we have first row seats for Jesus Christ, Superstar next month, and Les Mis in the spring. I teared up several times during the show (PMS is a bitch, yes it is), and a woman sitting in the row behind me was sobbing pretty loudly at the end. Great show, but also a downer. After the show (it was the Saturday matinee, and we got out about 4:30), we had dinner at Lonestar, and then came home and had cake and the spud opened most of her presents (she saved one to open on her actual birthday), and then she went upstairs to watch Crossroads and Fred and I sat around and waited for it to be bedtime. I was absolutely stuffed from the birthday cake. I’m glad the bakery we get our cakes from is on the other side of Huntsville. If it was any closer, we’d be in trouble. I think the spud had a pretty good time, and she got plenty of good gifts, so I’d call it definitely a happy birthday.

This picture seems to make the cake look kind of hideous, but it was pretty in person. I swear it! (And DAMN was it good…)
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Pet store kitty pics are yonder.
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I swear to god, I don’t know about my husband sometimes. He spent a good part of Saturday morning altering a picture of himself so that it would look creepy and make me scream and run away. It is SO fucking creepy, I can barely stand to look at it. Naturally I’m going to link to it so you can be creeped out as well. Go check it out, but don’t say I didn’t warn you! Creepy, ain’t it?
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Speaking of creepy, we watched The Ring again yesterday, this time with the spud. Naomi Watts could be Nicole Kidman’s twin sister, I swear. She looks like her, she sounds like her, she has many of the same mannerisms. It was kind of distracting, really! Naomi Watts, Nicole Kidman, and Meg Ryan should play sisters in a movie and get it over with. Speaking of movies (nice segue, eh?) I also watched Bend it Like Beckham this weekend. Good movie! I love that adorable little Parminder Nagra.
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When we adopted Stanley-bean, he had an upper respiratory infection and was on medication. The vet gave him an injection and told us to keep giving him the medication until it was gone. We did, and the wheezing and sneezing stopped. Over the weekend, the sneezing and wheezing started again, so after a discussion with the vet, Beanie-bean will be going on a different, stronger medication. Being sick hasn’t slowed Beanie down any, though – he still runs around like his ass is on fire. He and Fred have a game that keeps them entertained for hours. Fred sets the mesh hamper in the middle of the living room floor, and then tosses a ball in the hamper. Beanie comes running from his hiding place under the kitchen table, and attacks the hamper, sometimes pushing it all the way across the room. Then he runs off and waits for Fred to do it again. To see him in action, click on the “Movie of the week” over there in the sidebar (it’s under “about”).
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For some reason, Stanley-bean loves to be held like this, so that he’s laying along the length of Fred’s arm. As soon as Fred picks him up like this, Bean starts purring so loud you can hear him from three rooms away. He just lays there and looks around, purring to beat the band. Freaky cat.