
ABOUT FUCKING TIME, is all I have to say. Although I thought it had been longer than two months. It feels like it’s been closer to 6. And doesn’t it figure that the weather just started turning really cold in the last few days? The cats aren’t going to want to go outside when it’s THIS cold out, the little bastards. Maybe we should just wait until next Spring before we open the cat door again. Ah well – at least the damn thing is finally in the process of going up!

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I sure do hate paying bills. I also hate that I’m a total slob and tend to pile things all over my desk so that when it’s time to pay bills, I have to sort through piles and piles of crap. That’s a good way to be late on bills, you know. Not that I’ve done that or anything. It chaps my hide that we pay so much for phone service. I mean, $50! For a phone that hardly ever rings! Didn’t basic phone service once upon a time cost $10 or $20, or am I dreaming? I keep telling Fred that we should cancel our phone service to the house and just use our cell phones, but if we only used our cellphones, we’d have to carry them around with us, and that would be a huge asspain. Also, my cellphone is starting to die and is difficult to hear on, and I’ll be needing a new one in the next year or so, but when I tell Fred such a thing, he gives me the “There she goes again, SPENDING MONEY USELESSLY!” look, and I want to plunge my cellphone through his eyeball and into his brain. You know, I have no point at all. Just that I hate paying bills.
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I’m not allowed to report that last night when we were watching Extreme Makeovers, and the guy was proposing to his girlfriend at the end, all romantic-like, getting all choked up, I looked over at Fred, who was all teary-eyed. So I’m not reporting that. At all. Never happened!
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I have to do some cleaning this weekend, especially getting down and cleaning the baseboards in the entire downstairs portion of the house. They’ve gotten horribly dusty, and I would hate to have Liz come to visit and see what a mess the house usually is. I still have to get those daffodil and lily bulbs planted, too. Meh.
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Don’t be fooled – this is NOT a submissive position that Miz Poo is in. When the Bean tries to leap on her, she’ll take those powerful yet stubby little back legs of hers, and she’ll kick him off her, lickety-split. There’s so much crap piled up on my desk that there’s hardly any room for these two. And how am I supposed to get anything done with them in the way, I ask you?