
new logo up top, there. Someone mentioned in my comments yesterday (or maybe the day before) that the logo I had up there wasn’t very Holiday-ish. She was right, of course, and when I got an email from the adorable and talented (also funny!) Kat, letting me know that she’d designed some buttons for Bitchypoo, among other sites (you can see them in the sidebar down near the bottom under “Link me”) and wanted to know if there was anything else graphic-y I needed, I said “You know, I could use a Christmas-y logo…” and lickety-split, it was done! That’s not the final version – there’ll be a cat in the final version – but I like it so much that I wanted to put it up immediately. (Note: While I was working on this entry, I got the final version from her. Whee! It makes me want to tie a ribbon around the Bean’s tail…) The logo that Desi created will become January’s logo. Unless, of course, one of you wants to create a birthday-inspired graphic for January (in honor of it being my birth-month and all), in which case it would become February’s! Big, big thanks to the lovely (and talented! And funny!) Kat for somehow reading my mind and knowing exactly what I wanted when I didn’t even know. Also, if anyone else wants to design a Bitchypoo button for linking, go for it. I’ll stick it in the sidebar with the others. Am I bossy, or what? “Design me this! Design me that!” Oh, and I don’t know how many of you ever visit the front Bitchypoo page (I suspect the majority of you come directly to the journal page), but I put the Santa Tubby picture up there, for you crazy Tubby lovers, who’d like to go admire it.

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Speaking of my birthday, this morning as I was getting dressed, I thought to myself “Wow. I can’t believe I’m going to be 37 in a little over a month!” I marveled over that fact for at least five minutes before I realized that I am, in fact, NOT going to be 37. I’m going to be 36. When I was a kid and adults would have to stop and think about how old they were, I would think they were crazy. How could they NOT know?? Now I get it.
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At our grocery store, right around Thanksgiving, they put a couple of shelf units out near the checkout lanes. On the shelves, they put brown paper bags with canned food items in them, and a receipt on the front of the bag telling you how much the items in that bag cost. The idea is that you buy a bag or two and then the food gets donated to a local food bank. Once the shelves go up, I usually buy two or three of them each time I visit the grocery store (one year Fred bought all of the bags on all of the shelves, and the grocery store employees looked at him like he was a rock star). Yesterday I decided to grab four of the bags, and as I grabbed the fourth to put it in my cart the staple holding the top of the bag closed ripped a small gash in my thumb. And I’m SURE I’m going to develop a staph infection and my thumb will blow up to the size of my head and I’ll be laying in the hospital in a staph-induced coma at Christmas time, and is THIS how you repay me, Karma gods? I try to help out a little and you give me a painful gash in my thumb that keeps rubbing on things and making me hurt? Hmph.
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The carpet guys came yesterday to see what they could do about the Corner of Hell in the master bedroom. They’d told Fred that they could clean the carpet, but once they were in the bedroom and pulled the carpet up to see what was going on, and the fucking STENCH filled the bedroom, they gagged and said “Yeah, let’s just cut this carpet out, shall we?” So they cut up the carpet and padding and bagged it up and took it outside, and I went up to check it out. The stink about knocked me over, and I became bitter, thinking “Oh LOVELY! I get to fucking marinate in this stink all night long, and the smell will get into EVERYTHING, and I’ll be ONE OF THOSE FUCKING PEOPLE WHO WALKS AROUND SMELLING LIKE CAT PEE WITHOUT KNOWING IT!” But one of the carpet guys said to Fred “I’ll be right back. I’ll get something to beat the smell down while the subfloor is drying over the next few days.” And he went out to the van and got something and he sprayed it on the subfloor, and the smell of cat pee was INSTANTLY gone. In it’s place was the pleasant and refreshing smell of fruity berries. (Which in the future, I am sure, will forever be linked in my mind with the smell of cat pee.) So the subfloor needs to dry for a few days and then they’re going to come seal the floor with polyurethane, then it’ll dry for a few more days, and then they’re going to cut carpet out of our closet to put in that corner and replace the carpet in the closet with a similar color, and hopefully this will all become a bad dream. A girl can hope…
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Did I ever put this picture up? I have no idea. This picture cracks me up because Spanky’s got a big drop of water on his nose. The boy can’t seem to drink water without splashing some up on his nose. I was cold last night, so we turned on the fire. That made Spot, the heat-seeking kitty, very happy.