Mister Boogers
June 15, 2003 – June 30, 2009.
Yesterday afternoon as I was eating lunch, I thought that it was odd that I hadn’t seen Mister Boogers all day. With as many cats as we have, that happens from time to time – Mister Boogers usually spends his mornings wandering around the back yard and his afternoons in a cat bed on my desk. Sometimes he prefers to sleep on the bed in the guest bedroom, or even occasionally disappears upstairs and hang out in the foster kitten room.
I made a mental note to look for him, and then immediately forgot about it.
An hour later, I was bringing in laundry from the clothes line, and I glanced to my right, toward the side yard that leads to the street. A bit of white caught my eye. I looked closer and saw a lump that was obviously Mister Boogers laying under the big tree in the side yard. It was definitely him – his color, his white feet, his red collar. He looked like he was laying half on his side, snoozing comfortably in the shade of the tree.
We have an electric fence around our back yard and the cats who are prone to jump the fence – Mister Boogers, Tommy, Sugarbutt, Joe Bob, and Kara – wear collars that will beep a warning when they get too close to the fence. If they keep going, they’ll get a short zap. This is enough to deter them 99% of the time, but occasionally (rarely) even with the warning beep and the zap, Mister Boogers would withstand the zap enough to get over the fence. Every time he did it, we tried yet another tactic to block him from getting over the fence. Usually the tactics worked – but he was a smart one, our Mister Boogers.
I put my laundry down and walked to the nearest gate, promising myself that Mister Boogers was in TROUBLE when I got my hands on him. I went through the gate and walked toward Mister Boogers, and it was when I was about twenty feet from him that I saw a small swarm of flies around him. I walked a little closer and looked at him.
He wasn’t moving. Wasn’t breathing. I was pretty sure he was dead.
I turned and walked back to the back yard and into the house, intent on getting to a phone and calling Fred.
“Hmm,” I thought. “I’m really handling this pretty well!” I dialed Fred’s work number and went to the side window at the front of the house and looked out at Mister Boogers.
When Fred answered the phone, I burst into tears. I managed to ask him to come home, told him I thought Mister Boogers was dead, and he said he’d be home soon.
I spent the next half hour, walking from window to window, looking out at Mister Boogers, hoping to see him move, twitch, breathe, but there was nothing.
(I couldn’t bring myself to go out and get right up to him. I was too afraid that he’d been attacked by something and would be all chewed up. I couldn’t stand the thought of seeing him like that.)
An eternity later, Fred got home. He went over and looked at Mister Boogers, picked him up while I watched through the window.
Mister Boogers was dead.
Fred examined him closely, and determined that something big had gotten hold of him. He had a hole in his side, and the fur surrounding the hole had very clearly been wet and then dried – you know that look fur gets when that happens. He’d been dead for hours, without a doubt.
We have stray dogs that wander through our property from time to time to get to the food bowl on the front porch (there’s no longer a food bowl on the front porch, and never will be again). We’re theorizing that one came through, got hold of Mister Boogers, and killed him. I don’t know how long he was there under the tree, dead, before I saw him. If I hadn’t seen that bit of his white paws, I might never have noticed him.
I hope that he died quickly. I hope he didn’t lay there and die slowly, in great pain, while I wandered through the house not so far from him.
Last night we buried him next to the boxwood, the one covered in honeysuckle, a few feet from his old buddy Spot.

On October 10, 2003, we adopted Mister Boogers. His name wasn’t Mister Boogers then, though – in fact, the shelter had named him “Paw Paw” and it just so happened that I’d seen the picture on his Petfinder page and thought it was so funny that I showed it to Fred.

A few weeks later Fred decided it was time to bring another cat into the house, and we went to the shelter. We met lots of cats, but didn’t fall in love with any of them. Fred remembered seeing the picture, which led him to ask if “Paw Paw” was still at the shelter. He was, but he was in quarantine due to an upper respiratory infection. We got to see him, and when Fred picked him up, he started purring, and because he had an upper respiratory infection, his cheeks puffed out as he purred. We knew immediately that he was going to be ours.

We had a really hard time coming up with a name – Fred wouldn’t agree to “Stumpy” or “Stubby” (which I suggested due to the fact that Mister Boogers was lacking in the tail department – I’d say he had about a third of your average tail; I could never imagine what he’d look like with a full tail) because he said it would be making fun of his “handicap.” We tossed names around for a long time before settling on Stanley.
(I cannot believe we ever thought his name should be “Stanley.” SO not his name.)

He settled in and made friends quickly – he and Tubby got along very well and were fast friends. His face settled into that baleful glare which always made us laugh, and which led to the whole “Mister Boogers hets you” thing; he always looked like he was sitting around thinking about just how much he hated everything.

But here’s the secret – though he always had that malevolent glare on his face, though he always looked like he’d cut you as soon as look at you, Mister Boogers was, at heart, a sweet guy. Always up for a petting, always up for a kiss behind the ear. All you had to do to get him to purr was greet him with “Hey, Boogie.” He’d start purring immediately – sometimes he’d answer your greeting with a grumpy sound (a sound we called a “grump.”).

He always had a soft spot for Tommy and Sugarbutt, from the time they were tiny. They would snuggle up to him, and he’d look grumpy, and then he’d purr and clean the tops of their heads. He was like the grumpy old man with a heart of gold.

Last night, I was laying in bed trying to remember if he’s been a character his entire life, or if he developed into one. I’m pretty sure he was a character from the very beginning. He had what we called a “war cry” when he wanted to fight, and he’d sit there and cry his war cry over and over again. The war cry usually last longer than the fights did.
Here he is, a few months ago, crying his war cry at Joe Bob, who had the utter nerve to be in occupancy of a box Mister Boogers thought should be his own.

He loved to be outside – OH, how he loved to be outside. Every morning he’d wait impatiently to be collared up so he could go outside, sniff around the perimeter of his territory, and then flop down on the cement pad in the back yard. He’d go outside from time to time during the day, I guess just to make sure things were as they should be, check on Tommy and Kara, and then come back inside to sleep off all that hard work.

At night, he’d get up on the couch next to Fred, and grump at him ’til Fred moved over to make room for him. Our Boogie was not terribly demanding, but when he wanted something, he wanted it NOW. At dinner time, he’d sit by Fred and howl for food. Fred would give him a little piece, he’d sniff it, turn his nose up at it, and stomp off. It was never what he thought it was going to be, I guess.

At bedtime, he’d come upstairs with us, and often he’d dig at the sheets until Fred held them up. He liked to get under the sheets with us, flop down on his side, and press his cold, cold feet again our bare skin. That cat had the coldest feet I’ve ever felt on a cat. The best part would be when one of the other cats, not realizing Mister Boogers was under the covers, would tromp across him. He’d lay there and let out this part-whine, part-growl, part-complaint that sounded exactly like this:
Sometimes he’d smack at them through the covers.

Sometimes he’d make his part-whine, part-growl, part-complaint noise at me if I moved my leg or displeased him in some other way, and I’d always kick him off the bed when he did that. He learned quickly that Momma didn’t put up with that behavior, but sometimes he just couldn’t seem to help himself.
He had the heaviest walk of any cat I’ve ever had. You could hear him walking down the stairs – sometimes he’d walk so heavy I’d think a person was coming down the stairs or across the dining room. I guess all that personality weighed him down.
He was SO patient with us. He’d let us carry him around like a baby, he’d let me put hats on him. He’d grump and glare at me, but the entire time he’d be purring and waggling his stump.

He was such a character – you’d think that in a house with ten cats, an absence of one wouldn’t be so noticeable. It is, though; the absence is huge. I keep expecting him to walk into the room, announce his presence with a grump, and waggle his stumpy tail. I keep remembering that he’s gone, and there’s a sense of disbelief every time. He was larger than life, our Mister Boogers.

Bye, Boogie. I miss you.
If you’re of a mind to, donations can be made in Mister Boogers’ name to Challenger’s House, the shelter I volunteer and foster for. We got Mister Boogers from Challenger’s House in 2003, and all of our cats since then (except Maxi and Newt, who came with the house) have come from there. It’s a no-kill cat shelter, and they do good work.
They accept donations by mail (check or money order), by phone (Mastercard/VISA), or select the button below to donate through PayPal.
Challenger’s House
112 Tristian Rd.
Toney, AL 35773
Phone: 256-420-5995
I’m taking the rest of the week off – I’ll be back on Monday with a Comment-Answering Extravaganza, so I’ll see you then.
2008: I find that I’m filled with hatred a lot these days.
2007: No entry.
2006: No entry.
2005: That Tom Cruise. What a fuckin’ loon, huh?
2004: Jesus christ. After almost five years of marriage, wouldn’t you think he’d KNOW that there are only two ways to answer that question?
2003: And then she vaulted her portly ass across me to say good morning to him, cracking three of my ribs in the process.
2002: We went to see Minority Report on Saturday, and though I really liked it, I did NOT enjoy sitting next to Billy Bob ShutTheFuckUp, who was compelled, when not clearing his throat loudly and phlegmily, to remark upon each and every plot point.
2001: No entry.
2000: No entry.
Robyn, I’m so sorry. 🙁 We will all miss him.
So sorry to read about Mister Boogers. How sad.
Oh Robyn, I am so sorry. My thoughts are with you guys.
Oh my God, Robyn, I’m so sorry!
I’m so sorry. I own ten cats and they each have their own silly personalities. I completely understand what your saying about missing Mr Boog. I sure will miss reading about him.:(
Oh no…How sad 🙁
I am so sorry! I’ll miss Mr. Boogers and his het 🙂 My thoughts are with you guys!!!
Im at work reading your site and the tears are just streaming down my face. I am so sorry for your loss. Poor Mr. Boogers, he was such a cute kitty. I hope he did not suffer. Just know that he is now with your other kitties waiting to see you again at the Rainbow Bridge.
I am so sorry!
RIP Mr. Boogers. Anderson family, I am so sorry for your loss. My thoughts are with you.
I am so sorry, Robyn.
I am so sorry Robyn. Mister Boogers will be missed.
I couldn’t even read all of it because I started crying. I am so, so sorry for all of you. Boogs was one of my favorites.
I’m so gutted – absolutely aching for you all. This is a sad passing indeed. As much as he was loved in life, he will be sorely missed. I’m sorry I don’t have any words to help you with your grief, just know that you’ll be in my thoughts.
I really am so very sorry to read this. I will miss reading about him too. Your posts about him always made me smile.
Never know quite what to say in times like this! What a fitting tribute! I just hope he didn’t suffer either.
I’m so very sorry.
I’m so sorry Robyn. I’ll give my Boogie an extra squeeze tonight.
Every cat should be as lucky as those adopted by you and Fred. I’m so sorry for your loss.
Robyn and Fred,
I am sorry for your loss and I am sending a donation in Boog’s name.
Oh Robyn and Fred, I’m so sorry. Boogs was a great cat.
You and Fred gave Mr. Boogers such a great life, short though it was. I’m so sorry for your loss.
I’m so sorry. He was such a sweetie.
I’m so sad to hear about Mr. Boogers. His het updates were a bright spot for me, so I will het everything a little extra today in his memory.
Oh Robyn I am so sorry. I will miss him and his looks of het. I need to go wipe away the tears now.
Oh no! I’m so sorry. Boogie will be deeply missed.
I am so sorry for your loss. I know it will be hard on y’all. This tribute really made me smile.
I am sooooo sorry…just lost 1 of the five kitties a week ago (Gracie), so I sobbed through part of this and will have to read the rest later, thinking about you.
Sittin here at work bawlin my eyes out. What a shock!
I’m so sorry you guys……..
Robyn and Fred,
I am so sad to hear about Mr. Boogers. He was one of my favorites. I’m sorry for your loss.
So sorry for your loss Robyn. Mister Boogers was one of my Favorites. Just loved The Hets’
May he rest in peace.
I’m so sorry Robyn!
Awww, I’m so sorry…poor Mr. Boogers.
I wake up slowly every morning by reading overnight twitter updates on my phone. I saw yours and just groaned “Oh no” and came rushing downstairs. I am so so sorry Robyn. We will all deeply miss the stare o’ het.
Oh, Robyn and Fred, I’m so sorry that you lost your little guy. You both gave him such a great life, I knew the looks of het were just looks.
Losing a pet is so painful. You and Fred take care of yourselves.
I’m so sorry for your loss. This was a lovely tribute.
I am so sorry to hear about Mr Boogers.
Thank you for writing & sharing his his life story…what a wonderful cat he was.
I hope you guys are doing ok.
Oh Robyn, my heart is breaking for you. I’m all weepy. AT WORK!! My thoughts are with you both.
Oh, God, Robyn…I am so, so very sorry. I couldn’t even read this all the way through – crying too much – but I’ll be coming back later to read your great tribute to Boogie in full.
I hope it brings even a tiny bit of comfort to know that your friends are crying and grieving with you.
I’m sitting at work with tears rolling down my face. I’m so sorry, Robyn. We will all miss him.
So sorry, Robyn.
Robyn, I am so, so sorry for the loss of your sweet Boogs. I sure will miss his hetful face. 🙁
Robyn, I have enjoyed reading about each of your sweet kitties throughout the years but especially Mr. Boogers. He had a great life because of you and Fred. We’ll miss him.
Robyn, I am so very sorry. I loved reading about Mister Boogers and I felt like I knew him. I lost my five-year-old cat earlier this year and I know what a shock it is when a young cat whom you thought you would have for years dies. I hope you are taking care of yourself and letting the other cats comfort you.
Oh, I’m so sorry Robyn.
Oh Robin and Fred, I am so sad, so incredibly sorry to hear about Mr. Boogers. I like many of the above am sitting at work sobbing over this. What a beautiful tribute to Mr. Boogers, I will miss hearing about him. Hugs to the Anderson household.
I’m so sorry. I couldn’t finish the post for the tears in my eyes. Apparently I really loved being hetted by Mister Boogers and well, I’m betting he still hets crying wimmins.
I am so sorry for your loss. I have only been reading your blog for a short time,but I feel like I have known you and your feline children forever. May Mr. Boogers rest in peace. He will be missed.
Wow, what a shock! I am so sorry for your loss 🙁 After reading you guys for so long it is almost like losing one of my own pets.
I am so sorry. Mr. B. led to some of my very favorite entries, especially the m-f’ing tomatoes one. Know that there are many of us out here mourning with you, and sending warm thoughts your way.
I’m so very sorry. I will really miss the “Mister Boogers hets you” pictures.
I was absolutely shocked to see your page this morning… I am so very, very sorry! I, too, couldn’t read the whole thing yet. Too many tears! My heart breaks for you all.
I’m so sorry 🙁 I loved mr boogers. I can’t believe that! 🙁
Oh, Robyn, I’m so, so sorry. You and Fred take care.
The last few weeks have been about death. Two people we know lost parents-the media w/the famous ones and now this. I am so sorry Robyn. The unexpected ones of someone not sick are harder I think-no time to prepare yourself for the inevitable. He sounds like he was an incredible character and his absence must be enormous. I truly believe it’s better to love and lose than not to love but why does the losing have to hurt so hard? Peace and love to you and Fred.
Aww…I was shocked to see this bad news. Sorry for your loss. <3
Robyn and Fred,
I was very shocked and saddened to read about Mister Boogers passing away. He had such character and personality and he will be missed in the Anderson household and by your online friends. It’s great that you have so many wonderful pictures of him that captured his personality. As I read your blog about his death and then came to the pictures of him wearing the different hats, it made me smile to see them again. I will have you all in my thoughts as you grieve the loss of your feline friend. My heart goes out to you both.
Robyn and Fred I am so very very sorry for your loss. Crying with you and sending you both hugs.
I’m sorry for your loss Robyn and Fred.
Oh Mr. Boogers. You will be missed. I’m so sorry Robyn and Fred.
Oh, Robyn. How sad. I’m so sorry for you and Fred.
I lost my kitty three years ago and I still miss her. Loss is loss, and it just hurts.
I’m so sorry.
I understand about the absence, even with 10-11 cats. They all hold a special place in my heart, as I’m sure yours do, and always will.
Robyn- I hets that Mr.Boogers is gone. I loved his personality, and the way you brought him to life in your entries-it almost made me feel like I knew him.
We never realize just how special people are to us until they’re gone. Take time and enjoy your other children, and let them help heal your wounded heart.
My thoughts are with you today.
Oh Robyn, I couldn’t read this past the initial info and the picture. I am so very sorry. I will miss Mister Boogers. We are crying tears here in Indy. Mister Boogers will be remembered fondly all over the globe. I am so very sorry.
I am so sorry. I always loved Mr. Boogers’ hetred.
Robyn, I saw Jane’s Tweet before I read your entry and you could have knocked me over with a feather when I got here and found it was Mr. Boogers who was gone. I’m so sorry. I’ve been reading you so long and you feel so much like friends, it seems like just yesterday when we were hearing about Fancypants and Tubby. There is just never a time where anyone feels prepared for the loss of a loved one. I will miss Mr. Boogers and his stories of het and his election coverage. God bless you and Fred.
Dammit. It’s been 4 months, and the sadness is still right under the surface. I’m crying with you.
Oh my gosh, what a shock! I am so sorry for your loss, Robyn. It doesn’t matter how many cats you have, the loss of one of them always hurts!
I’m so sorry, he was a great cat.
My heart is breaking for you both.
I am so sorry for your loss. He was my favorite and will be missed terribly! I know it is the cycle of life, esp on a farm, but gosh it sucks!
I am so, so sorry. I’ve made a donation in Mr. Boogers honor.
I’m so sorry, Robyn. I know you must be crushed.
Im so sorry Robyn and Fred. He will be missed!
NO!!!!!! Oh, I am so sorry. So horribly sorry. I’m shocked and greatly saddened.
My heart is aching for you both.
Oh no, Not Mr. Boogers… how sad for all of us, but especially you. RIP Boogie. It’s obvious he was loved by his peeps.
Doggone it, doggone it to heck. I was flabbergasted and totally dismayed when I saw this entry. People at worked wondered why I gave a loud gasp and wail. Hug those other kids extra tight, I know they’re gonna miss the hell out of that outlaw, Mr. Boogs, I know I will. Shit.
RIP, little man. You were loved.
I’m crying too much to read your post. I swear, I haven’t cried like this since I lost my last kitty. RIP Mr. Boogers, Da Bean, Mr. Hate Eyes. I know you enjoyed your life, watch over your Mom and Dad from heaven.
OMG – I am so so so sorry to hear about Mr. Boogers. He was really character and will be missed terribly.
Oh, Robyn, I am so sorry about Mister Boogers. So very sad. Take care.
I think Mister Boogers was my favorite of your cats and had been since you adopted him. I am sorry to hear that he is gone. Other than that I don’t know what to say, other than I am sorry.
So sorry Robyn! What a lovely tribute to a cat who always made us laugh. He has always seemed to be larger than life, even on the internet! What a character!
Rest in peace, sweet lovely funny “het” filled Mr. Boogers. You will be missed.
Of all of the deaths I’ve ready about in the past week, Mr. Booger’s was the first to move me to tears. I’m sure the Boogie hated tears (make your fur all wet).
My deepest sympathies to you and Fred and the kitties of Crooked Acres.
Oh Robyn, I’m so sorry.
Rest in peace Mr. Boogers…and don’t be heting on the angels…
RIP little man, we’ll all miss
you so much! Robyn all our thoughts are with you.
Oh Robyn-I can’t believe it. Along with everyone else, I am so very sorry the Mr. Boogers is gone. He seemed to have such a large personality-I know you and Fred will miss him so much.
Robyn, I’m so very sorry. I’ll be thinking of you all. (((you)))
Oh Robyn, I’m so so sorry.
Oh Robyn, I’m so sorry. I loved Mr. Boogers.
I’m so sorry. As a long-time reader of your blog, I’ve watched Mr Boogers grow from the cute little Stanley he was to the handsome character he became. I’ll miss him. I’m in tears here. My deepest sympathies to you and to Fred.
I feel sick for you and Fred Robyn. I’m so very sorry.
Aw, Robyn, I’m so sorry about Mr. Boogers. He was one of my favorite Anderson kitties. What a lovely tribute post you’ve written.
Like many other readers, I remember when you got Mr. Boogers and loved to read about his shenanigans. What a neat kitty he was. I am so sorry for both you and Fred.
aww!! Robyn and Fred…Boogie was a great guy…our sympathies
I’m sitting here in tears. God bless
I woke up this morning, grabbed my Blackberry, and headed to the bathroom to pee. I started reading my emails and now I have been sitting in the bathroom crying my eyes out. My heart goes out to you and Fred. Byebye Mr. Boogers.
Aw Robyn. I’m so very sorry for your loss. I hope Mr. Boogers knows your friends on the internet will certainly miss all the het. (Even though we all know it was actually love.)
Oh, no, I’m so sorry! I was very, very fond of Mr. Boogers.
Im so sorry Robyn. He was a beautiful cat….. So very sorry.
I am so sorry,I loved boogie too. He was so much fun to read about. I will miss his ‘look of het’. I have lost a few kittens myself, it is so hard to get over. Love and hugs to you and Fred.
I am so sorry. You guys are in my thoughts this week.
What a beautiful tribute to Mr. Boogers. We will all miss him. I’m so sorry Robyn and Fred!
What a beautiful tribute to Mr. Boogers. We will all miss him. I’m so sorry Robyn and Fred!
RIP Boogie 🙁
Thinking of you.
Oh, poor Boogers! I’m so so sorry. *hugs*
Even though he hetted me, I had major Boogie love. I’m so sorry for your loss.
Dear Robyn, Fred, Danielle, the dogs, cats & chickens-
I am so, so sorry to read about Mr. Booger’s passing…. he was always a character in your blogs, and I’m sure that his larger-than-life presence will be missed. I hate it when our pets die!!! It’s leaves such a hole in our lives and in our hearts. You’re in my thoughts.
I am so sorry for you and Fred. Even with so many cats, they each have their own special personalities, and one being gone definitely does make a difference.
I loved his stumpy tail and his look o’ het. The Boogie was an awesome cat, and he lived an awesome life with you and Fred.
It took me a couple of seconds for the dates, his picture, and what it meant to register. I think I’m still in shock. I’m so sorry for your loss. It was a beautiful memorial.
I am just devastated for you, Robyn. What a beautiful cat he was [look o’ het and all]! May your sweet, sweet boy rest in peace now. xx
Oh I’m so sorry Robyn! I was just thinking a few days ago when you posted a picture of one of the kitties in a little crown or hat thing that I wished you’d gotten a picture of Mister Boogers with the look o’het in that hat. He was even a big character to me, who never met him. You’re in my thoughts today.
I’m sorry for your loss, Robyn and Fred. Poor Mister Boogers.
I’m so sorry Robyn. I lost one of my cats last summer, and I know how hard it is to say goodbye to a furry friend!
Aww, crap. I’m so sorry! Loved that dude…
i’m so sorry, robyn. 🙁
Crud…I loved that little dude. He was so cute and funny. I’m so sorry. Donating now.
Robyn & Fred, big hugs to both of you. When I read about Mister Boogers I cried. I know what a very special kitty he was and he will be greatly missed. I lost 2 of my own kitties this past month. Freeway & Dot. Both were due to age. I hope they are all together playing somewhere while they wait for us. I am so sorry. 🙁
I;m so sorry Robyn. It’s so damn hard when you lose them young like that!
Oh NO! I am so,so sorry. What a huge loss. As my 16yr old son says”Who’s going to hate us now?”
RIP sweet kitty…
I’m so sorry, Robyn. Mr. Boogers was definitely special. The entries about him never failed to make me laugh. I still miss Tubby and I know I’ll miss Boog for as long. I believe he was the first of your cats that I’ve “known” since they became part of your family. Thanks for sharing him and all the others.
RIP Mr. Boogers. Your het will be sorely missed.
I am so sorry. You and Fred gave him a wonderful home and life filled with love and snackin’.
I sure will miss the het.
I’m sorry, he will be missed.
RIP Mr. Boogers. You were a character and I enjoyed your take on life.
So sorry Robyn and Fred.
Oh no! I loved Mr. Boogers! I’m so sorry for you & Fred. : (
I am so sorry, Robyn
I’m sorry, Robyn. Sitting at my work desk shedding a tear for a cat I never met…
I het this news. Rest in peace, little Boog.
This is such shocking and sad news. Mister Boogers was my favorite. I’m so very sorry, Robyn.
I’m so sorry Mister Boogers is gone. I’m sure there is a big hole in your heart.
A few years ago at Cafe Press you had things for sale with his picture on them. I bought 2 mouse pads with his picture (6th from the bottom), 1 for work and 1 for home. I’m going to bring the one at work home and to hang up with other favorite items.
Oh Robyn, I’m so sorry to hear this. 🙁 I loved to read about Mister Boogers and his antics. Hugs to you, Fred and his cat family.
Oh man, what terrible news. I know that physical pain in your heart when wwhen of your kitties dies. Only time will heal it. Boogie had a great life thanks to you and Fred.
Rest in peace Mister Boogers
I’m so sorry. He was one of my favorites of the Anderson kitties, even thoug he hetted me. If it’s any consolation at all, the life he had with you, although short, was a happy one.
Boogie was my favorite Anderson cat. Even more than the Fancypants, and I still miss him. My hubby thinks it’s crazy the “Oh NO!” that I yelped when I saw your entry today, but I’ve read you for so long it’s like you’re my next door neighbor. I am so sorry for you and Fred- no animal could ever ask for more than to be part of your family and I know you will miss him.
Goodbye Boogie. I will miss the het.
RIP Mr. Boogers. I can’t believe I have been reading your blog that long, but I remember when you brought Mr. Boogers home. Mr. Boogers lead a wonderful life and had the best parents ever. I am sure he will be sorely missed by you and Fred and everyone who reads your blog.
I have enjoyed reading your site for some time, but have never felt compelled to comment. I have had many cats in my long life. I remember and miss each and every one. They were all unique and very special to me. I currently share my condo with 3 kitties. They were rescues. I would have many more if I had the room. It has always been a dream of mine to foster. Maybe someday.
I am so sorry for the loss of Mister Boogers. What a beautiful tribute you penned for him. He was truly loved.
Oh, Robyn, I’m so sorry! 🙁
Ohhhhh. Awwwwww. I am so sorry. We loved Mister Boogers. You and Fred please give each other sympathetic hugs for me.
The Boog was my favorite. Robyn & Fred, I’m so sorry.
So sorry about Mr. Boogers!
Robyn and Fred,
I gasped when I opened your page just now… and whispered.. “oh, no!”
I am in tears and cannot imagine how heartbroken your family is. RIP boogie…
Oh no Robyn. I’m so sorry.
Robyn & Fred,
Oh!! I’m so sorry! Mr. Boogers certainly was a character. You’ve got some excellent stories and pictures to remember him by. May he rest in peace.
Oh, I’m so, so sorry! Poor sweet kitty. I will give both my cats a big hug in honor of Mr. Boogers.
I’m so sorry for your loss. Beautiful tribute, indeed.
Oh,Robyn and Fred, I am so sorry. I am not even a cat person and I like Mr. Boogers from just hearing about him and seeing his pictures. I have never teared up from someone else losing an animal, until now.
When I clicked for BitchyPoo to come up… I couldn’t believe my eyes. I felt tears running down my face and realized that I was holding my breath.
O, O, O! I hate this so bad for you and Fred. Boog’s knew he was loved. He had good shelter and food, his health was always watched and treated, he had his own way of living his life, he had friends from human and feline. You both ‘did good’ for the Boog’s.
We had to have our BabyPoo put down because of cancer. I couldn’t even go pick her up or help bury her. When my husband came in from burying her he was sobbing. He told me that he couldn’t bare to take her out of the single kitty carrier… he buried her still inside the carrier.
It still hurts.
My thoughts are with you.
I am sitting here crying. I am so sorry to hear what happend to Mr. Boogers. He was my favorite. His “Mr. Boogers hates you” always made me laugh. My thoughts and prayers are with you and Fred.
I am so sad. RIP Mr. Boogers. BadCat and BadKitten will get extra hugs in honor of Mr. B.
He was a lucky kitty to be part of your family.
Oh Robyn, I’m so very very sorry. I know there’s nothing I can say to make your life better but my God, that cat had SUCH a great life with you and Fred. What a beautiful tribute. Hang in there.
My condolences Robyn and Fred. I know how much it hurts to lose a family member. Prayers and thoughts are with you.
When the page was loading, I saw the banner and the top of the picture and I thought “Ooh, a Boogie extravaganza today. Wonder what he’s done that will have me in fits of giggles for the rest of the day.” Then I saw the dates under the picture and I wailed “Nooooooo!”
For what it’s worth from a complete stranger, I offer you my heartfelt sympathies. I’m bawling like a fool right now for you and Mister Boogers.
Oh damn. I am also so sorry to hear about poor Mr. Boogers.My heart just broke for you guys while reading this.
So sorry, Fred and Robyn.
I am so sad about this. I have tears in my eyes, and a heavy heart. RIP Boogs. My thoughts are with you all.
This news hurts. I am so sorry for your loss.
That was a beautiful tribute. I will miss hearing about Mr. B and his het for everything. What sad news.
That fucking sucks. I am so sorry for your loss.
I got all teary eyed reading about the demise of Mr. Boogers and your beautiful Ode to Mr. Boogers, which told us what many of us long suspected, a sweetheart through and through, despite the full of da het looks you captured so wonderfully over the years.
I often am amazed at the individual temperaments and personalities our cat creatures have, and how they find their place in the family as they work their way into your heart.
I’m sorry for your loss of the one-of-a-kind Mr. Stanley Booger. My heart goes out to you.
Your love for Mr.Boogers is what has me a bawling snotty mess right now. You’ve given him (and all your kitties) such a voice to us throughout the years.
I am so sorry about what happened to him, and that he is gone.
Thinking of you all.
Mr. Boogers was one of my favorite Anders0n cats. I will miss the HET he would bring that always made me laugh….
Sorry that you guys have lost your beloved Mr. Boogers!!!
🙁 I’m so sad about Da Boog’s passing.
I’m so sorry Robyn. Mr. Boogers (and Sugarbutt) convinced me to go get my very first ever cat, and we love her. She even looks a lot like him, and she’s got the hetred down pat. Hugs to you all. I will miss him too.
🙁 oh no! RIP Mr Boogers
Oh, Robyn, I am so sorry and so sad. I cannot help but cry. I remember when you guys got Mr. Boogers and I’ve always loved his stubby tail, seeing his pictures, hearing the stories, and feeling the het.
I have lots of rescued kitties myself and I understand how easy they are to love and how hard it would to lose one.
Mr Boogers, you will be missed!
🙁 I’m so sorry. I know how badly that hurts.
Oh no! I am so sorry, Robyn. Poor, Mr Boogers…you will be missed by many. 🙁
Omg..don’t take this the wrong way…but I’m allergic to cats so I’ve never been a cat person but this is extremely sad. I actually cried after reading this. It’s so obvious that he was a part of your family and he looked as if he were so loved. I’m sorry about what happened to him. It really is like losing family only worse b/c animals give you unconditional love. Much love and hugs! 🙂
I’m so sorry. Poor Mr. Boogers.
It’s amazing how attached one can get to a cat they’ve only read about and seen pictures of. Mister Boogers and his het will be missed. I’m so sorry for your loss.
Oh no! I’m sitting here crying like a freaking baby. I’m so sorry for your loss. How horrible….my god the “what if’s” are the worst. Just tell yourself he died very quickly and with minimal pain and believe it.
RIP sweet Boogs.
Lovely pictures, Robyn. I’m so sorry, though.
Robyn and Fred-I am so sorry to hear about Boogie. I have so enjoyed hearing stories about him and seeing pictures. You both gave him a great life!
Oh, Robyn & Fred, I type this with tears in my eyes, I am so sorry.
I feel like I lost one of my own. Maybe b/c boogie reminds me so much of my Harry. I’m so so sorry. Thanks for the pictures and stories, it brought a little laughter through the tears. RIP Mr Boogies – you’ll never be forgotten.
*tears* I’m so sorry Robyn & Fred, I’ll miss him so much, he was such a character.
I hope it’s not too early to say this, but holy moses! What a bad-ass way to go! I always knew this one was the rock star of the family.
So, so, so sorry for your loss – we’re crying right with you.
Robyn & Fred, I am so sorry for your loss!
Sending hugs and love. I will miss you too, Mr. Boogers.
Robyn and Fred I’m so sorry for your loss. Mr B. was a giant among cats and will be remembered by his many fans.
Oh, I just cried & cried & boo-hoo’d my way through this entry. Poor, poor Boogie. Poor you guys; I know you will miss him so acutely. I will miss him too.
I’m so glad you had him for as long as you did. You gave him a loving, happy home, even with all the het that entertained us. What a lovable character he was–one of my favorites.
My sympathies are with you and Fred. Let your other kitties help comfort you both.
Robyn I am so sorry to about Mr. Boogers. He was such a special boy.
Rest in Peace Boogy.
Ohhhhh…Mr Boogers!!!! With four cats of my own the days are surely coming. I’m sorry for you loss!
I’m so, so sorry for your loss. Thank you for putting together all the photos, and the videos–love that waving stumpy tail!
So sorry to hear about the loss of Mr. Boogers. It feels as if I’ve lost a member of my own feline family.
I’m so very sorry, Robyn. Take care.
Oh Robyn, i’m just crying my eyes out. Both for your family’s loss and for how we, out in internetland, are all going to miss seeing his hetful little face, and hearing stories of his boogery antics. He had the best life any kitty could’ve ever had with you guys. He was a happy, loved, valued little soul. And i know how much you’ll miss him, and what a space he’s left behind. I send you and Fred big *hugs* and wish you comfort.
God Speed, Mister Boogers. You’ll never be forgotten.
I’m so sorry Robyn 🙁
Robyn and Fred- So sorry to hear about Mister Boogers. 🙁 He definitely had personality!
Oh, i am so, so sorry, Robyn. Sitting here with tears in my eyes. It’s so hard to lose them. 🙁
I cried when I read the news. You wrote a wonderful tribute to the boy. I know you will miss him 🙁
Robyn, I cried when I read the news. You wrote a wonderful tribute to the boy. I know you will miss him 🙁
I’m so sorry to hear about Mr. Boogers. I’m going to miss him too.
I’m so sorry.
I loved Mr. Boogers and will miss him.
Son-of-a-Bitch…I am so sorry Robyn. You love them so much and then something so out of our control comes along and takes them away. And he loved you both so much. Always “allowing” you to take pictures of him. Even the undignified ones. Meester Boogers will be sorely missed.
Love n Het to you All.
Tears and snot running down my face.
The worst part about having a pet is knowing they can’t live forever. RIP, Mr. Boogers. You done good.
So very sorry to hear about Mister Boogs. 🙁
So so sorry for your loss Robyn. 🙁 You’re little family has become a regular part of my morning, and Boogie surely has left his mark. May he rest in peace – He’s probably hetting on all the joy up there in heaven. ::Hugs::
Oh Robyn, I am so so sorry.
Robyn and Fred,
I am so absolutely grief-stricken for the two of you. I lost my Mark (a.k.a. Mr. Love – and roughly 30 other nicknames, including “Snugglelove”) a little over a month ago to a quick onset (or quick eventual display) of at least 3 different kinds of cancer. He finally let me know for only 3 days before I found out and had to have him put to sleep. (He also had asthma, digestive problems, arthritis, and stomatitis (all remaining back teeth but 1 molar removed just weeks before – which probably allowed the cancer take over during his convalescing), so at 14 years old there was no way I was putting him through chemo, etc., to extend his suffering for any length of time. Please also know that he was very well treated by many doctors (and me at their direction), very active and loving right up until the end, so I wasn’t “keeping him alive for me” with all those maladies.)
Every morning, I still wish he woke me up with his stinky breath and farts while finding his way under the covers and burrow into me.
Mark & Steve have been with me almost every day for 11 years, but I honestly had no idea of the effect it would have on me. It is (sadly or perhaps fortunately, relatively speaking in my 40 years) the most significant death I’ve ever experienced.
Steve and I have just found our rhythm after 5 weeks, and though Steve always disliked Mark (for all of the 13 years they were together) I can tell Steve misses him too. Steve also still wonders why he can’t go out all the time, and I can’t make him understand it, but he does go out more now with supervision almost every evening when I get home. As opposed to Mark, he stays at arms length and makes me come to him for the love.
I know you two have lived with so much sadness of this kind, with all the kitties you’ve cared for so lovingly, but they’re all little people with fur and fangs (to quote Jim Davis), and their passing is devastating.
I still think I see and hear Mark from time to time. Unbelievable sadness.
Mark’s, Steve’s, and my love are with you all at Crooked Acres.
Take care,
I am so very sorry for your loss. 🙁
RIP, Mister Boogers.
I’m not sure how to even start. I was stunned to see Mr. Boogers’ pic up w/ a beginning and ending date. I am so, so very sorry for you loss. I know how much you loved your kitties and a loss of one is tragic. Big hugs to both of you. My heart goes out to you.
Robyn, I am so sorry to hear about your dear Boogs. Hugs to you and Fred.
RIP Mister Boogers; you were very loved.
i’m so, so sorry. i loved reading about him & i cried when i read this. i know the pain when a pet dies is unbelievable, and i am so sorry for your loss.
I feel sick about your loss even though he wasn’t mine…you had made him sound so personable in your entries that I think we just all grew to love him over the years as much as you guys loved him. And you’re so right, he just had a personality that could not be ignored! I mean, that face! He had such unique expressions like another little person in the house.
I am SO sorry, especially for Fred because I know Fred really loved that cat and I always loved your “het” entries as well and obviously you loved him too, but I recall Fred writing about him like he was his son when you guys first adopted him. I know you love all of your cats equally for various reasons but this was truly a shocker simply because he had been around so long without any trouble. I hope the others will stay safe and thank-you for sharing with us. Sometimes when it’s their time to go there is nothing you can do to stop it. I know it must be hard to write about when you have such a huge audience but I’ll be keeping both of you in my thoughts.
My thoughts are with you. I have enjoyed all the great Mister Boogers stories throughout the years.
I’m so sorry to hear about your boy. I know he will be missed not only by you but by so many of your readers… I hope the sorrow you feel will be divided a little by the number of people who loved Boog even though they never met him beyond their computer screens. Thank you for sharing him with us while you could.
Bye Mr. Boogers…:(
Aww Poor Mr. Boogers RIP 🙁
So so sorry Robyn and Fred. Its painful, I know.
R.I.P. Mr Boogers. He was SUCH a character, gonna miss him so much. Hugs to you, Robyn and Fred.
There’s no words.
I hearted that lil bastard, I might finish reading this post one day. But, for now, I can’t see and my heart hurts (not nearly as much as yours Im sure).
Thinking of yall, and the furry rascal.
Robyn – I’m so sorry for your loss. You’ve made a fine tribute to a great guy. Ya’ll were lucky to have each other.
Robyn & Fred: The fact that so many of us are aching in our hearts and crying at reading this news speaks volumes about you both – your love and devotion to all your animals come through loud and clear in everything you write. Losing a beloved pet is so difficult and I share your grief. Take care and thanks for sharing the Boog with us all – I het that he is gone from us.
That sucks Robyn – so sorry!
I’m so sorry for your loss. I’m crying for you while at work.
I’m so sorry about your kitty.
I’m so, so sorry. I was reading way back when you adopted him. The Boogs will be missed.
How sad, he will be missed. Do take care.
Robyn and Fred- I am so, so sorry to hear about Mr Boogers. He was my favorite Ander0n kitty. I feel like I’ve lost one of my own.
I am so very, very sorry. We’ve lost 3 kitties in the past 6 months, and it never ceases to hurt. *hug*
I’m so sorry for your loss. Poor Mister Boogers. 🙁
I’m so sorry to hear about Mister Boogers, he was my favourite out of all of your cats. It’s amazing that I’ve been reading you this long that I remember when you got him and now he’s gone. RIP Mister Boogers.
I am so sorry for your loss.
I’m so sorry for your loss. This blog will NOT be the same without Mr. Boogers het radiating from it. I loved his personal blog – that was the best. Thanks so much Robyn, for sharing Mr. Boogers with us. You and Fred will be in my thoughts.
Robyn and Fred, I am so very sorry for your loss. I’ve been reading you for years, and have come to love the Boog like one of my own darling cats. (Don’t tell the others, but he has always been my favorite.) I don’t think a blog post has ever made me cry before, but here I am at work with the tears rolling. This world has lost a special soul.
Oh man, I should have heeded the warning and not read this at work. Now I’m sitting at my desk trying to act like I’m not crying my eyes out for you guys. I’m so sorry :o(
I am so sorry! I can’t imagine a world with no het from the Boog. He will be missed by many! 🙁
I’m so sorry, Robyn. Poor little fellow .. you and Fred are in my thoughts.
I’m so sorry Robyn and Fred. You were in my thoughts all day yesterday and today. I’ve been reading your blog since before you got him and I feel I know him as well as my own pets.
Mr. Boogers was one of my all-time favorites. May he rest in peace.
I’m so sorry and I’m sorry for how it happened. But I’ll never forget what I saw on a BBC documentary on cats some years ago — outdoor cats may have a shorter life, but a merrier one. Mine are indoor-outdoor too. Thinking of you.
God bless you, Boogie, and your humans too.
You were a good boy Mr.Boogers, you will be missed. So very sorry for your loss.
I saw the picture and immediately started crying…nobody but a cat lover would understand the love. I feel for you, Robyn.
Oh, Boogie. Good boy. I’m so sorry, Robyn!
I’m so so sorry Robyn. 🙁
I am shocked and so sad to hear of Mr. B’s passing. I can’t believe it. I’m so sorry for you and Fred 🙁
Robyn & Fred–
I am in shock. I’m so so sorry for you. I’ve been reading since way back when you first adopted Mr. Boogers. Such a character from the very start. We lost our eighteen year old dog in February. She was a character just like Mr. Boogers (we always said she had “personality plus” :-)). My thoughts are with you since I know the pain you are in. I know that Fred, especially is heartbroken right now (as I know you are, too). Mr. Boogers was such a loved kitty and had such a wonderful life with you and Fred. But I know that doesn’t really make you feel much better right now. I’ve made a donation to the shelter in honor of Mr. Boogers. Thinking of you…
There is no good or bad way to handle what you saw. I’d have done the exact same thing. I’m sorry that he’s gone.
I am so very sorry to hear about Meester Boogers. I will miss the cute stories about him. I’m a dog lover, but would cross over to the other side in a minute if I could be guaranteed a cat like Mr. Boogers. I am so sad for you and Fred!!! I will cherish my Mr. Boogers Hates You mug even more than before.
So sad….we know your love for your sweet kitty.
I am so sorry to hear about Mister Boogers. 🙁 I will miss all of his pictures and his Het for everything. He always ALWAYS made me laugh.
I hope that you are able to find comfort in knowing that he was extremely happy living with you and Fred. You made him just as happy as he made you.
My heart is breaking for you. I’ll be hugging my cat babies a little tighter tonight, thinking about you
I have read your site and Fred’s (onefatman) for 10+ years, and this is the first post I have made. I cried last nite over the loss, there are NO words to help.
Robyn, I am so sorry to read this. My thoughts are with you. Tammy
I am so sorry. 🙁
I am hysterically crying. I always thought Mr. B and JoJo (my eldest) looked alike. RIP Mr. Boogers!!
I am sitting here in tears as well, like so many others. My deepest sympathy to you, Fred, and the 4-legged gang. He will be missed.
I am still not sure what to say and tears still come to my eyes. I can definitely feel your pain, Robyn. His life was grand but definitely too short! Maybe he is moving over to provide a place for another soul with greater need. Think happy thoughts! *hugs*
I’m so so sorry Robyn. I’m crying and crying right now. We’ve all followed your journal and read about your cats and I feel like I’ve lost one of my own. I’m very very sad. Sending hugs your way. :Sob: RIP Mister Boogers.
I’m so sorry. Know that Mr. Boogers fans around the world are missing him. Hugs.
robyn, i am SO VERY sorry for your loss, deeply sorry.
mister boogers was my favorite anderson cat. his large green eyes drew me in quickly along with his white pawed feet turned sideways and stumpy tail. i never forgot his paw paw pic after i’d seen it the first time.
much love and many hugs to you.
I will sorely miss that het-filled boy!
Love & peace to you & Fred, Robyn.
I loved Mr. Boogers.
I didn’t realize how much until I read that he was gone.
I’ve cried over the Boog, and now again over our own cat who died before his time last year, and also left this huge space in a house full of cats.
I hope Mr. Boogers is running and playing in a grassy field somewhere, and that you get to see him again someday.
I am so sorry! I will miss Mr. Boogers stories.
Oh I am so sorry, Mr. Boogers was my fav. He has crossed over the Rainbow Bridge. That is a hard one. Why can’t pets live as long as people or longer, like they have to bury us!
I am so sorry for your loss. Boogie was the best and I enjoyed reading your stories about him.
This has been a bad week for “gone too soon” lives…I will miss the “het” of Boogie.
I am…shocked.
“My Boyfriend”,as I called Mr.Boogers,was my favorite Anderson cat.
He was a bad cat. Bad in a good way. Bad in the sense of the hard exterior and mushy soft heart.
Don’t let ’em see you smile, Mr.Boogers.
I hope you come back to haunt that asshole of a bad animal who killed you.
Haunt it all the way to a heart attack, Boogie.
I know the other cats will miss you. I know I will.
I love you,D.
Bob and I (and the three Katsky’s who own us) are so sorry for your loss; I know you and Fred and the cat sibs are so sad; he knew he was loved.
I’m so sorry Robyn and Fred. I’ll miss Mr. Boogers *sniff* :'(
I’m so sad for your loss. RIP, Mr. Boogers.
I am so sorry for you, Fred and your extended family. May Mr. Boogers rest in peace.
My sincerest condolences on your loss. It was an honor for us all to be hetted by Mr. Boogers. What a lovely tribute you put together! take care.
I am so sorry! How lucky to be a cat that finds you and Fred. Hugs to both of you.
So very sorry for your loss. What a wonderful tribute you put together for him.
I am so sorry. This was so unexpected and also so unfair, he was collared and in his own fenced yard. He was a handsome cat but before that a very cute kitten. As a kitten he actually did look very much like a Stanley.
He will be so missed. I will make a donation in his memory.
I’m so so sorry. <3
Man, that sucks. I know how much it sucks, you wouldn’t believe.
I almost wonder, could a bird have grabbed him? A hawk or something? If it makes you feel any better, I’m sure he hetted the hawk and ’cause him some serious whoop-ass.
I’ve learned you can not feel bad about this… you have to remember how good of a life you gave him, not about his death. We lost three animals tragically in one year, it was horrible. Grieve my friend, grieve! They are family.
I have cried a ridiculous amount of tears for a cat I never met, that belonged to a woman (and man) that I don’t (really) know.
I miss the het. I really, really miss it. It hurts my heart that your posts will no longer contain references to Boogie. Godammit. This is so, so fucking unfair.
Okay you made me cry… I am supposed to be a bad ass, not a softy. I am so sorry for your loss.
That’s so sad. I’m so sorry to hear that. 🙁
My heart goes out to you, Fred and all the kitties. So sorry for your loss.
I was shocked to read your post about Mr. Boogers…such a loss and I know you are heartbroken. His great personality came through you writing…I know he will be missed.
I was heartbroken to hear the news about the Boog! I always loved putting him in the banners I made for you. He really was a special cat. I feel for you and Fred over your loss. Losing a pet is such a hard and difficult thing. Boogie was lucky to have you both as his “parents” for his short time on earth.
I knew, as soon as I saw his picture with the date you got him and that June 30, 2009, I just knew what had happened and the tears started right in. Mr. Boogers was always my favorite Anderson cat. I have his picture on my desk, you know, the one where he has his face turned toward you and looks like “WTF?!” May he rest in peace, dear kitty. I feel so badly for you and Fred. Hugs to you both. My heart is broken.
I am so very sorry.
I’m so sorry about Mr Boogers. Would you believe my own grey cat with white feet was hit by a car and killed a week ago? And he had more personality than other cats as well. His latest nickname was Lashy, for the way he lashed his tail in apparent irritation while purring madly the whole time. The grey cats, they break your heart…
So sorry to hear about Boogs! Pets have such a special place in our lives, it’s really hard to see one go. I always laugh at that picture where he looks like he’s screaming like an absolute hell-cat! And those pictures with the hats… he was purr-fectly non-plussed. What a character!! Thank you for sharing him with us!!
Robyn, I just now learned of Mr. Boogers passing, and I’m so very, VERY sorry. My love to you and Fred and the rest of the cats. What a beautiful tribute you wrote up. I’m sitting here at my desk at work, bawling.
Just got back from vacation and was catching up. Oh poor Mister Boogers! We call Percy,our new feisty grey kitty who has three speeds: sleep, rascal and punkass “Mr. Boogers” when he is being particularly mischevious. So Boogs has a legacy. So Sorry.
That’s so sad. May Mr. Boogers RIP. I’m so sorry for this loss you suffered, and your foster kitties who didn’t make it being so young. 🙁