Chicken and Spinach Adobo for dinner. I called Fred to dinner, he took a bite of chicken, and made a face.
“It tastes awful… chickeny,” he said.
This is a common complaint of his, one I’ve never quite understood. One of the reasons we stopped buying free-range chickens from the farm in Hartselle is because they tasted, according to him, “too chickeny.”
I guess he expected they’d taste like… what? Mint chocolate chip?
That’s why we only bought one dozen eggs from the same farm, because he didn’t like the taste. I don’t remember exactly how he put it, but I’m sure he thought the eggs were too eggy. This does not give me high hopes for when our bitchez start producing eggs.
Anyway, he took a bite, made a face, and commented on the chickeniness of the chicken I’d made for dinner. Which pissed me off, because I cannot FUCKING STAND IT when I make dinner – dinner I don’t particularly WANT to make, because I’d eat every single meal out, if given the choice – and he or the spud turn their nose up at it. It drives me flat-out fucking nuts. I think it’s RUDE.
“You’re so goddamn RUDE,” I said.
“Why?” he said. “I didn’t say you made it poorly, you can’t help if it tastes chickeny! It’s no reflection on your or your cooking!”
Still, I was mad.
“Because I made this fucking DINNER and you come in, take one bite, and make a face!” I snarled. “IT’S RUDE.”
“It’s not RUDE,” he protested. “It’s just the way it is! I’m still going to eat it! Look!” And he took another bite of the chicken.
And made a face at its chickeniness.
“It IS rude,” I said. “And I’m going to put a poll up on my site and invite everyone to vote, and they’ll tell you it’s rude, too!”
Fred grinned through a mouthful of chickeny chicken. “I thought you were going to say you were going to put a pole up my ass.”
“If you don’t stop making that face, I MIGHT.”
So, vote.
* * *
Saturday, after we’d been to see TransSNOREmers, we went to the grocery store to pick up a few things, then decided to go to Big Lots to see if they had any cheap-ass furniture we could use as a canning cupboard, at least temporarily, since all the stuff I’ve canned is starting to really take over the huge-ass mantel in the dining room.
We were looking for a parking spot, and Fred said something horribly politically incorrect. I don’t even remember what it was, only that it annoyed me, which is the only reason he ever says horrible things, to get a rise out of me.
“I’M GOING TO WRITE ABOUT THAT,” I said, annoyed. “I’m going to write that you said that, and my readers will rise up and you will be SORRY.”
He just smirked at me.
“If they knew half the awful shit you say just to be an ass, you’d be HUNG,” I said.
He grinned. “Oh, I already am!”
I walked right into THAT one.
* * *
To answer the question about Sugarbutt’s trip to the vet – I mentioned that I thought he had ringworm, because we discovered over the weekend (because it always ALWAYS has to happen on a holiday or over the weekend, doesn’t it?) a big raw spot on his neck.
It ain’t ringworm.
It’s a goddamn blahdy-blah ulcer, like the one that affects Miz Poo’s lip. Caused by allergies. I didn’t realize it until I was looking him over with the vet, but he has a couple of spots on his lip too.
She gave him a shot of steroids, and his neck is already looking about 10,000 times better. I hope it was a one-time thing, but I’m afraid it’s not. If he has an issue again, I’m going to ask if we can do an allergy test on him like we did on Miz Poo.
Like I said to the vet, why is it ALWAYS my favorite ones?
(She suggested I’m a carrier. Heh.)
* * *

Note that the damn chickens CERTAINLY make themselves at home when Fred lets them into the back yard every afternoon. We’ve got a Buff roosting on the side of the pot that holds the one roma tomato plant we’ve got – they also like to peck at the damn plant, and oddly enough (NOT) it has stopped producing tomatoes. There’s a Speckle on the table, rooting through the black beans Fred left there to dry, and on the chair is another Speckle, about to lay a big chickeny poop on that chair, I’m sure. You can check
the picture out on Flickr to see the damn chickens in better detail.
* * *
Tina Louise is now at the pet store. When I put her in the cage to check it out (and then took her out and cuddled her; I didn’t just throw her in the cage and take off, no – it was an hour-long extravaganza of coaching her to look cute and be friendly with a heaping helping of feeling guilty liberally sprinkled on top), she walked around the cage hissing, and when people walked by she’d hiss some more. She checked out her litter box and I was afraid she might decide to hide in there, but she didn’t – she came out and looked around some more, and finally I had to leave or else I’d clutch her to my bosom and run out of there and maybe hide her in the closet and keep her forever and ever.
The word from the adoption counselor (they do adoptions Tuesday evenings), someone was quite taken with her, but since they got to the store just before it closed, they were going to come back Friday and maybe adopt her or Eragon (the cat who was abandoned by the side of the road in a cat carrier in the middle of the summer in Alabama, grrrrr), or hopefully both.
Here’s hoping!

Break my heart, why dontcha?
* * *
Speaking of foster kitties, remember Jack Frost, one of the
Christmas kitties?

This is one of my favorite pictures I’ve ever taken. In fact, it’s the picture on my checks right now.
Well, he was returned to the shelter last week because his owners were moving and couldn’t or didn’t want to take him with them. (Grrrr.)

This is Jack Frost now. Fred says he has a Mister Boogers hatin’ look.
* * *

Sugarbutt, hiding in Fred’s bed. He does this whenever the doorbell rings or a stranger enters the house.
* * *
2006: I thought I was going to die from the sheer annoyance factor.
2005: But really, is there anything less threatening than giving someone the FINGER?
2004: No entry.
2003: Ever have one of those days, or is it just me?
2002: He canโt close a drawer all the way to save his life.
2001: What next, I ask you?
2000: Surely yโall know me better by now?]]>
I HATE people who view pets as throw-away items if they are the least bit inconvienced!!!! Jerks. >:(
Fuckers. Why do people even get pets?
I don’t have a dog because we’re still renting. Now we could try to find some dump that would let us have a pet, but if we had to move, I wouldn’t want to have to make that choice because I couldn’t find another dump that allowed pets. . So no dog for me until we move into our own place. But most people don’t have common sense about things like that.
Poor Jack doesn’t look very impressed.
Robyn, you crack me up! I started laughing out louder than usual – and got noticed at work.
(Polling whether others think your husband is being a jerk, genius!)
How CAN people adopt a sweet kitty, raise him up to an adult, and then abandon him?! I don’t understand it!!! I can’t have a cat without loving it, I couldn’t then later on just give it away. Do they cast their children off, too? Oh yeah, sometimes people actually DO that, maybe these people are like that, too. How sad.
I LOVE that photo! Best ever. I’ve gotta go clean house in advance of my Bunco group arriving tomorrow night and that photo expresses my feelings exactly!!!
Like others have said, why the hell do people get pets if they’re not going to keep them? Like it’s SO hard to put a cat in a cage and take it with you. Assholes!
Poor Jack Frost. I just don’t understand people either. I could never do that to one of my animals, they’re just like the kids. And speaking of husbands, mine told me he wanted to eat light this week for supper, so good wife that I am, I made a chicken pasta salad, very filling, light, tasty – and what did he say? Well, it’s good, but I didn’t mean that light…… grrrrr. And yes Fred, real chicken eggs are too eggy – I think there’s a difference, but I totally have to agree with Robyn on the cooking…..and chicken’s chicken.
I moved my 4 cats with me from Australia to New Jersey. I have scant sympathy for anyone who says moving with animals is too hard. If you can’t allow for that, or you can’t find them a home, then you shouldn’t get animals in the first place.
Oh, Robin, I’m with you! It’s very rude to give negative comments on the dinner you have just cooked. We’ve developed this system that has worked pretty well for us. Whenever I try a new recipe, we sit down and eat it. Later on in the evening or the next day, if I’m on the fence about whether I want to fix the recipe again, I ask for comments on whether it’s a keeper. That’s when I can accept some negative feedback on the dish – i.e. too spicy, fine but a little bland, etc. It helps when others say they liked it but not as well as another similar dish – especially if the other dish is much easier to fix.
But doing it right then, when I’ve just finished fixing it? Not gonna happen. I boycotted cooking for two weeks after negative comments about a meal. Now we’ve come up with this admittedly uber-polite system but it has been working great for several years. Of course, if they love the meal, there’s no need to ask because there will be positive comments during dinner. Positive comments are always welcome:)
Aww, Jack Frost doesn’t look very happy. ๐
Ok, I have to ask – what the hell does “too chickeny” mean? Do I not understand this because I’m city folk and only buy my chickens at The Large Chain Grocer?
GOD, those chickens looks so…what’s the word…CHICKENY…on your patio furniture. GOD. Some people. ๐
Turning up his nose at the food you slaved over might not be rude, but it sure isn’t smart! It really doesn’t make you want to cook for him again (or at least it wouldn’t if my husband did that.)
I get this total ragey feeling inside me about abandoned or mistreated animals. Like, I want to drive to their house, punch them in the neck, stab them in the leg and then run over them a few times with my car.
That Jack Frost is one gorgeous cat, but surprisingly not very fluffy anymore.
I am so glad that you do what you do with the fosters and volunteering at the pet store. I want to do something like that, but I’m not sure I could take it. Do you ever get weepy over the kitties?
Poor Jack Frost! I’d be hatin’ too if I were in his shoes. I’m with everyone else. I wince everytime someone tells me so-and-so is going to get a pet, and that person is such a flake that I worry for the poor animal that it will not get fresh food and water consistently, and that it will be left outside and/or completely ignored.
I wish we could drop people like this off at a pound for crappy pet owners, and then let people wander through once in awhile to decide which one gets to be let out. Upon release the person would have to be sterilized, because that would save us a boat load of additional societal problems.
I’m just sayin’…
As much as I have to agree with you that it’s rude to make a face/comment about a meal you prepared, I have to agree with Fred that sometimes it IS too chicken-y.
It’s funny you wrote about this because I had the same argument with my husband a few weeks ago. And my retort was “Well, good fish shouldn’t taste like fish!” He had no reply. I win again. Woot!
Regarding “too chickeny”, I have to wonder if it’s in the same vein as venison tasty “gamey”…. ???
I’m so sad that Jack Frost was brought back to the shelter. I just moved with my three cats, three turtles and dog. It wasn’t fun, but we did it. You have to plan for these things! On the other hand, at least they brought him back to the shelter and didn’t just abandon him on the street. That would have been infinitely worse. ๐
I didn’t notice real free-range chicken eggs being too “eggy.” I think they’re fabulous! The yolks are darker yellow, they’re better for you, and they taste great! I used to buy from a guy who would bring eggs for the people at work, $1 a dozen, and I wish he still did.
Jack Frost is beautiful!
So Miz Poo gave Sugie cooties, huh? That must please her to no end.
Huge loonngg drawn out SIGH of DISGUST regarding people who suddenly decide that their fur kid is TOO inconvenient!! WHAT THE HELL ???
I may be too committed to my loving, giving, bootefull, rotten kittypoopers (I call them), but how can folks who want a animal companion to begin with just give them up ? If I ever win the lottery watch out !
And, poor Fred… maybe buy that soy based “chicken” patty stuff and see if he says its too soyyey ? Or add lots more garlic !
if it were possible I would fly little Jack Frost out here to Hawaii. Cats here seem pretty happy, lots of geckos and other crawly things to chase after. Lots of sun to bask in and horses to stare at.
Tell Jack that not all people are like that.
You think as long as you and Fred have been together that the man would know better by now!!
I do know what he is talking about and like Robin stated above I refer to it as “gamey”. I think leftover chicken oftentimes has this flavor and I do not care for it either.
My friends moved here from England and managed to bring their Rhodesian Ridgeback (big dog!) with them…with much trouble. That is some true love. They have been here not for eight years and the dog loves the USA…haha!! I am glad the kitties have you looking out for them!
๐ Kathy
Moving is NO excuse to giveaway an animal!!
I wish we could drop people like this off at a pound for crappy pet owners, and then let people wander through once in awhile to decide which one gets to be let out. Upon release the person would have to be sterilized, because that would save us a boat load of additional societal problems.
Iโm just sayinโโฆ
Oh my gosh! Julie H. you rock! This totally cracked me up because it is the absolutely perfect solution!!!
Vote Julie H. for PREZ!!
Well, I had a dinner-related meltdown at my house last night! I didn’t get home until 8, and had things to do, so I had a plate of the meal my bf cooked, and when he offered me seconds, I refused, although I told him I liked what he had made.
He went to bed, and I finished my business, and by that time (close to midnight), he’d woken up from his nap, ready to pout. I asked him what was wrong and he told me he was really angry because the meal he made was difficult. I inadvertently insulted him by not eating more of the food. He thought I’d eaten before I got home even though he’d told me he was going to cook. He said in the future he’d just make something easy, like eggs.
Well, ho ho ho! We haven’t known each other long enough for him to know all my buttons, but fucking sulking like a giant-ass baby when I didn’t even do anything is probably my biggest, reddest button and he was jumping up and down on it.
I told him that even if I had known how difficult the meal was to make, I still wouldn’t have had a second helping because it was rich and I wasn’t that hungry (and I had things to do so didn’t want to linger at the table). HOWEVER, IN THE FUTURE I GUESS I WILL HAVE THIRDS IF IT WILL KEEP YOU FROM THROWING A TEMPER TANTRUM, THERE THERE, HERE’S A JUICE BOX.
I think I am still mad.
Oh, poor Jack – why do people do it? Plus it’s always harder to get adopted when you’re not a cute fluffy kitten any more. I hope he finds a *permanent* home soon.
(Although at least they brought him back, rather than abandoning him, I suppose).
I voted “rude” – mine does that face sometimes and it’s all I can do not to spang him in the face with a frying pan. ๐
I can never vote on your polls, it says I have already voted every damn time, but my vote is for RUDE because I hate it when my family does it. At every meal, SOMEone complains about SOMEthing. It makes me hate cooking.
The return-a-pet thing is absolutely baffling. Short of death, after-adoption developed severe allergies or unexpected military deployment, there is no reason to return a pet. Adopting a pet is a commitment to make the pet part of your family, not an opportunity to use the pet until bored. I know, who gets bored with cats? Not me!
Hmmm…Return-a-pet. It has me thinking…maybe we can sell franchises of Return-a-Husband!
There are many days I am willing to return mine! And usually, over the meal thing. How dare he turn up his nose at something I have obviously put effort into! While HE sits on his tush with some annoying tv show blaring. Grr…I apparently have some issues in this department as well.
Raturn-a-Husband would be a great service to the community. Return-a-Pet, that is just wrong. It isn’t the pets fault!
I voted that Fred was rude, but I think only slightly rude; it’s hard to control the expression on your face when you’re eating, but it was definitely rude to SAY something about it. My husband almost always cooks dinner. Every once in a while he’ll make something that I know for sure I don’t like, such as meatloaf. I always taste his food, but warn him if it’s something I know I don’t like that I probably won’t eat much of it. When he made meatloaf for dinner, I actually gagged when I tried to swallow a bite. I felt horrible about it though.
In Fred’s defense (ahem)…if the “bird” taste isn’t cooked out of the chicken, it will taste too “chickeny”. I actually know the taste he’s talking about, which is why I’m more of a beef person than a poultry person.
Jack Frost grew from a beautiful kitten to a gorgeous cat. Those crappy owners deserve a beating for flaking out on him.