* * *
So, it is done. We took the kittens to the pet store yesterday afternoon around 3:00 – I made Fred go with me – and left. I was crying before we even got out of the store.
Hey. What’s worse than not being able to stop yourself from crying? WHEN A MOTHERFUCKER KEEPS LOOKING AT YOU TO SEE IF YOU’RE CRYING. It’s especially fun when you’re making the ugly cry face and your chin is wobbling, and SAID MOTHERFUCKER keep looking at you and smirking.
He took care of setting up the cage for the cats – food, water, litter box – while I filled out the cards that go on the front of the cage with the cat’s name, date of birth, and description. I felt rushed (FUCKER) because Fred wanted to go hiking – or perhaps wanted to rush me out of there before I started sobbing and begging to keep Snoopy (no, Flossie! No, Edgar! No, Oy! No, Peanut!) – and I just didn’t know what to write to describe the kittens’ personalities, so I ended up writing, on the card that described Edgar and Oy, “Oy likes to climb! Edgar is a big purrer!”
I am the dorkiest dork on earth, I swear to god. Also, apparently not good when rushed.
I was okay once we got home, because I had a lot to do – dinner, cleaning out the cat room – but after dinner when Fred went upstairs to take a bath, I had a good cry. It was hard at bedtime when we went upstairs, because we always both went into the room to play with the kittens, and there was no kitten love to be had.
This morning, I
manufactured an excuse had to go in the vicinity of the pet store to pick up something I didn’t need at all I desperately needed, and figured since I was right THERE I’d stop and see how many had been adopted the night before. So I went inside and snuck up the aisle toward the cat room, and basically peeked around the corner so they wouldn’t see me – because if they’d spotted me and started meowing sadly at me, “Whyyy? Why would you put us in a cage? Whyyyy?” it would have been all over – and saw that, in fact, none of them had been adopted.
I suspect that adoptions during the week are kind of few and far between.
But what was heartening was that the kittens were calmly hanging out in the cage, one of them napping, a couple of them playing, and Snoopy in the litter box. They were not, as I’d feared, laying around crying sad little kitten tears, and pining for me.
It’s funny, but seeing that they weren’t all quivering in fear made me feel better, and I didn’t even tear up, though I did want to run into the cat room and say “Who’s peepin’ at me?” (which is what I’d say when I’d go into the cat room here and they were all just waking up, and Oy and Edgar and Flossie would stumble toward me, sounding exactly like little baby chicks.) and give them all hugs and kisses, but I refrained.
They’ll be okay. I mean, they’re the cutest damn kittens in the world. People will no doubt be arm wrestling each other to adopt them this weekend.
I do miss them, but knowing that they’re okay helps a lot.
Oh, and on a funny side note, the lady who runs the shelter called not an hour before I took the kittens to the pet store and said “I hate to ask this on such short notice…” and my heart leapt with joy, and I thought she’s going to say they can’t go to the store today because there’s not enough room or something! and the thought did not make me sad at ALL. But then she went on to explain that there was a guy who’d found a mother cat and her kittens, and he and his wife were going to keep a couple of the kittens, but could I keep the rest of the kittens – who’d already been neutered – until room opened up at the pet store?
And you KNOW I would have jumped at the chance, but I had to say no, because I’m going out of town on Friday – and I was careful to add “Otherwise, I totally would!” – and Fred wasn’t going to be up for taking care of kittens.
Last night we discussed ways to move things around in the house so that we could still have a guest bedroom, but also have a room for foster cats. We’re going to move everything out of the study so that it’ll be empty and we can have foster cats to our heart’s content. The study is smaller than the room we used for Mia and the babies, but it’ll definitely do. It’s bigger than a cage, anyway!
You know, even if I’d known beforehand that Mia was going to end up dying, I wouldn’t have hesitated to take she and her babies, because this experience has been incredible.
And now, I have a TON of pictures to share with y’all, and then that’ll be it for kitten pictures. At least ’til the next batch! Ha!
Oh, and by the way, when I get around to it – probably when I get back from Maine – I’ll make up some swag with the laughing picture of Flossie. I know I’m going to want a t-shirt with that picture on it, and I’m probably going to get some notecards with it, too. Because that remains one of my favorite cat pictures ever.
Anyway, on to the pictures!
Miss Flossie checks for aliens. Or perhaps flying toys.
Miss Flossie, from above.
“Okay, man, be cool. There’s a gallon-sized baggie of primo catnip under the cat bed. Just take it and go, okay?”
“Who, me? No, I don’t look guilty. I didn’t do anything wrong. Okay! Okay, I ate the catnip! And it was AWESOME!”
“Dude, I’m not kidding. SHUT UP.”
Flossie checking out the birds.
Peanut likes to make sure everyone stays clean. He’s the Sheriff in charge of cleanliness. Respect his authoritah!
“Woman, I gotta ask. What’s up with the friggin’ flashy thing all the damn time?”
Edgar’s Saturday Night Fever imitation. He’s stayin’ alive, stayin’ alive.
One last smile from Smilin’ Oy.
“Hmm… okay, yeah, I don’t see any cavities this time around, Miz And3rson. That’ll be fifty dollars, please!”
The kissingest kitten.
Look. They heard what you said about me, and they’re going to kick your ass. You better hide, ’cause THEY AIN’T FOOLIN’.
Peanut looks like he’s laughing dorkily.
Fred got out the toy that is, basically, a bunch of fuzzy strings on the end of a stick, and Peanut started jumping for it. Look at his unusual position in this picture. Here’s a closeup:
He’s all kinds of twisted around, the little dork.
Look at the spotted belly!
Leap little Peanut, leap!
Peanut, mid-air.
Oy was, for some reason, freaked out by my hand, and was getting into position to put the smack down.
Kitty porn.
Peanut waits patiently for the killing blow. Or the kiss.
“Hey! Get off! I’m clean enough already, damnit!”
Peanut smiles.
Oy, up close.
Checking out the toy.
Flossie leaping for the toy, under Snoopy’s supervision.
All this playing has exhausted him.
“Gimme a kiss, woman.”
The first thing they do upon waking – after getting some love, that is – is drink water. This is a rare picture of all five of them.
Bright-eyed Oy. He likes to climb!
Well, perhaps the hardest part is over. I am glad to hear the kittens seemed content in the cage at the pet store. Hopefully, they will all find wonderful homes very soon. The pics today were fantastic!! What fun you have had. I am glad it is something you plan to do again!!!
Have a great trip!!!
🙂 kathy
You made me laugh & cry all in the same entry. Damn those kittens are cute!
I too was crying then smiling. Thank you for not leaving me with just the big ole tears running down my face!
Add me to list of people crying then smiling. SO adorable! Goodbye precious kitties. ::Sniffle::
Delurking to say: NOOOOOO! DON’T GO!! What will I do while you’re gone? I WILL HAVE NOTHING TO READ!
*sobs quietly*
That last Smilin’ Oy picture just did me in. Sitting here crying like a goon. I’m going to miss the babies. Please update us as soon as you find out about any adoptions!
You are a far stronger woman than I. Let those little pink kitty toes walk out of my house? Couldn’t do it. Even knowing that the place I was taking them was as outstanding as your shelter.
You’re amazing, Robin, you really are. 🙂
Bye Bye Babies. I love you! I’m so going to miss you. 🙂 It’s been a great time.
I’m sort of glad I live in Madison, WI and not Alabama. I’d probably be at the store right now.
So when do you come back from Maine? And when will the next fostering set come in?????
I think I’m having just as much fun as you – you get to hold and cuddle, but also clean. I just get to look!
Repeat after me: Must make kitty greeting card line. Must make kitty greeting card line.
Robyn, seriously, I have seen lots of kitties on greeting cards. None. As cute. As these pics.
And by the way, thanks for making me cry two days in a row. 😉
I had to stop after your bit about those kittens being put down.. I was just in too much shock.
I hope I just don’t know the whole story… if they put the kittens down just BECAUSE they had FIV or FeLV (feline leukemia)… that’s very, very, VERY wrong. Cats can go on to have happy little lives, live for years with both. (although that isn’t as likely the case with FeLV) I hope they were were showing symptoms of the disease in its *later* stages…
The way you worded it though seems like the moment they found out they had the disease, they were put down. Sort of like, “Hey! Can’t sell those, guess we’ll throw them away.” With FeLV, the cat may appear sick for a few days initially, but then recover and appear normal for possibly years.
Some other stuff you’ve said makes me question this shelter/pet store (which is it? do they profit off the sale of animals?) so I’ll probably be making a donation in Mia’s name to a local shelter I know and trust. I know that won’t pay for Mia’s medical bills, but at least I know their practices and procedures enough to agree with them.
I’m sorry if this comment seems seething (feel free to delete it) but I’m just shocked. This isn’t directed toward you AT ALL IN ANY WAY.
Val: I’ll be back on the 25th, and as far as when the next fostering set comes in… who knows? We’ll have to see. 🙂
April: You’re welcome. 😉
Those pictures of Peanut…TOO.DAMN.FUNNY. I’ll miss the daily update of those babies!
Lynda ~ a lot of places will put down FIV or FeLV cats because of the risks of infecting other non-positive animals. And as hard as it is adopt kittens out, adopting out positive ones is even worse. You have to find an adoptive family that either has other positive cats or a home that has no other cats whatsoever.
I’m not saying it is right or wrong, just trying to provide some perspective.
Lynda: No, it certainly wasn’t a matter of not being able to make a profit on the kittens (it’s a non-profit organization), so just throwing them away; I didn’t get the whole story because I was distracted by a cat in another room, but this shelter has been known to bend over backwards to save cats and kittens even if their chances are very slim. I know how much everyone involved with the shelter loves the cats they come across – when the shelter manager talks about cats (any of them), you can see it in her eyes – and both she and the foster mom were very sad about having to have the kittens put down.
I’m going to miss those little pink kitty toes and the Oy smiles. I almost feel as if I fostered them myself. You and Fred were fabulous foster parents – kudos!
That’s a little reassuring, Robyn. I hope they were past the point of no return and it wasn’t as Diane indicated some shelters do. The local shelter I volunteer for (far, far too infrequently) doesn’t ever put down cats for simply testing positive for FIV or FeLV. They’re actually a no-kill shelter and will only euthanize if the animal is past the point of no return – ie: no longer able to enjoy the simple pleasures of life.
Oh, my. I’m all teary. I’m going to miss those kids. Congrats to you, Robyn, on a job well done.
To quote from The Little Prince: One runs the risk of weeping a little, if one lets himself be tamed.
Hey, Robyn! I want my money back because OBVIOUSLY you advocate donating to a shelter that KILLS KITTENS!
Um…yeah…Where do I send a check to donate to the fund for Lynda’s sensitivity training?
Jane. Shit-stirrer. Hee!
Aww, Peanut, I’ll miss you! Thanks, Robyn, for letting us get to know the kittens. It’s strange how attached you can become to animals you’ve never even met.
Those pictures of them playing are great.
Hugs to Robyn. I would have wound up keeping at least two of them.
But developing an ongoing fostering relationship will be good too- you (and by extension we) will always have kittens about the place.
They are so freaking cute!!! I just can’t say that enough. What a nice person you are to take in stray kittens. 🙂 Glad to hear they were doing fine at the pet store.
While it was VERY nice of the woman to want to write thank you notes, can you even imagine how much time that would take?!?!! Sharing the one on your site will be more than enough. 🙂 I cannot even imagine how hard it is to let go of the kittens….. I’m sad enough and all I do is look at my monitor!!
You got me crying too, but then I like animals far more than people! Heh! Flossie is my favorite. I think because I grew up on a dairy farm and she’s colored like a little holstein cow.
I think it’s a great thing you’ve done, and I think I may look into doing it myself! I’m always whining about being bored when I ‘m off work for the summer, so that would be something right up my ally!
And my hubby would be fucker like Fred too… just waiting for me to bawl like a sucky baby! Hmmmpph
You are a very nice person. Thank you for sharing pictures and stories of the kittens with us. 🙂
I love spotted bellies!
Delurking here to wish you a safe and happy trip to Maine, Robyn. Not a day goes by that I don’t check in here to read and like so many others readers I have shed many tears both of joy and sorrow while watching the kitties grow and learning about sweet Mia’s passing. Your talent for photography is truly amazing – I only wish I could catch my three cats in some of the candid poses that you do. How do you do it? I could never pic a favorite kitty but I would have to if I lived in your state no doubt because I’d be there to adopt one.
Thank you for being such a wonderful foster mom and an asset to the shelter. Thanks too for providing hours of great pics and great blogging! You rock!
I noticed that if Oy would of had the same black mark on his other eye, he would look exactly like Brandon Lee in The Crow.
I love the Peanut’s belly!!!!!! I am fighting the urge to drive to Alabama at law breaking speeds to get him! HEH!
What a great thing you have done for these babies!! I think you have finally found your niche’. Foster Kitty Mama, you get them at their cutest, get all the love and then start over again (of course I am totally ignoring the sucky wobbly chin crying jags that have to accompany taking them to the shelter at the end).
Jane, please don’t be so sarcastic in here, it’s unbecoming. I, for one, will sleep easier tonight knowing that Lynda’s mind has been eased. I was really worried about what she thought. Really.
Oh…I said I wouldn’t cry when this day came. I sure am gonna miss them especially Snoopy!!
If snoopy is still there when you get back from Maine let me know!!! I can be there in about 7.5 hrs.
Counting down the days until we get the thrill of another run of new baby pictures. They made my day. I am really going to miss them!
sigh. Kittens. That photo of Oy, smiling, reminds me of a Sears portrait, or something. Cutie.
It’s like I’m losing my kitty connection AND one of my favorite journals all at the same time! No more baby kitty pics and no Robyn til the 25th?!?!?! OH THE HUMANITY!
Seriously, I’ll be counting the days until you return to your journal. But not in a stalkerish way, I promise.
That picture of Peanut all twisted around just cracked me up! hehe
Hope you have a great trip and know that you are missed!
um…so yeah, break off the subject, but did you get any of that bad weather (hurricane)? ~~doesn’t really care for sad goodbyes~~
Y’all will get one more entry before I leave. 🙂
Daftgirl: Nope, we got some wind and a bunch of rain, but other than that, nada.
Man, if Darby wasn’t such a scaredy cat, I’d be on my way to Madison right now to adopt smiley little Oy.
Thank you for sharing your life and the life of these little guys with us. I just think of my own little guy and I get so choked up. Damn cute pictures!
is it ok that i was UNREASONABLY sad when the kitties had to go? i am such a sap. i will miss their photos and antics. as a kitty lover myself, robyn, thanks so much for being a kitty foster mom. fred too i guess. 🙂
Hi Robin, maybe you can put some of your kitten pics in an envelope for each kitty — sort of a “birth” record for the adopting family 🙂 that they can see what the little ones looked like when they were tiny….
Plus this is an excuse to go back and see them again!
You are the BESTEST foster kitty momma in the whole world! You don’t just get some kitty love, you get ALL the kitty love. And the best part is, you get them when they are young and sweet and cute, before they grow up to be, you know, CATS.
Kitties. *sigh*
Ok, who’s the other Kate on here? Cuz it’s freakin’ me out.
You should be proud of yourself Robyn. Such a great thing you have done for the kitties and the shelter. Too bad everyone could not find something in life that brings them so much pleasure and does such good :))
I am not a cat person but I am, sniff, going to miss seeing the little rugrats! Go figure.