this picture. Is it just me, or is she a total dead ringer for Evan Rachel Wood? They could be sisters!
Speaking of Evan Rachel Wood, I swear to y’all, every time I think about the fact that she’s dating Marilyn Manson, I want to throw myself at her feet and beg her to stop dating that attention-whoring poser FREAK.
Evan Rachel Wood! You are throwing away your youth and beauty on a talentless freak! You are wasting the pretty! Stop it right now, young lady!
I’m sure he’s a wonderful person underneath all the posing and attention-whoring and lack of talent, but he makes me shudder and to see sweet little Jessie Sammler dating his freak ass makes me shudder twice.
(I’ll admit that she does seem to have the flat, dead eyes going on. Probably they’re a match made in heaven. ::shudder:: )
* * *
Last week we finally got around to watching
Bobby. I had no real desire to watch the movie, but at some point in the past I’d put it in my Netflix queue and when I wasn’t paying attention, it made it to the top of the queue and Netflix sent it to me.
(On a side note, I think Netflix should incorporate a “Are you sure you really want this movie?” feature, so that when they’re getting ready to send you the next movie on your list, they send you a “We’re about to send this movie you put in your queue a long time ago. You might have no desire to see it. Are you sure you really want it?” email, and you have like 6 hours to confirm that you really want it; if you don’t respond in that time, they go ahead and send it anyway. Wouldn’t that be a convenient and nifty feature? IDEA COPYRIGHT, Robyn And3rson, July 25, 2007.)
So one night last week we didn’t have anything to watch, so I said to Fred “Let’s just watch the first ten minutes of Bobby, and if we don’t like it, we can stop the movie and I’ll send it back.”
He put it in, and can you guess what happened next? That’s right – we loved it.
There’s one scene where Helen Hunt and Martin Sheen are getting ready to go out, and she says to him, “Do you think I’m a Jackie or an Ethel?”
Fred turned to me, a slight look of confusion on his face. “Ethel?” he said. “Who do you suppose she means? Ethel Merman? Or Ethel Mertz?”
I looked at him.

“You’re kidding, right?” I said. When it was established that he was not, in fact, kidding at all, I hooted derisively.
“Ethel KENNEDY!” I said. “She wants to know if she’s a Jackie or an Ethel KENNEDY!”
It blew my mind that Fred didn’t even know there WAS an Ethel Kennedy, so I made fun of him some more.
“I’m not obsessed with the Kennedys the way you are!” he said.
“I’m not obsessed with them,” I said. “I just think it’s sad that you have no idea what’s going on in the world around you.”
He got smug.
“Oh, REALLY,” he said. “If you’re so on top of the world around us, why don’t you tell me three Democrats who are currently running for president and three Republicans?”
“That’s not important,” I said.
“No, really. I’d like to know. Let’s hear it! Three Democrats, please.”
“Fine!” I huffed. “Uh… Hilary Clinton!”
“That’s one.”
“Barack Obama. And…” I had to think for a moment. “John Edwards!”
“Very good,” Fred allowed. “Now three Republicans.”
“Well?” Fred said.
“It doesn’t matter!” I said. “The Republicans haven’t got a chance in hell of winning this one! And I wasn’t talking about POLITICS. I was talking about stuff that MATTERS.”
“Uh huh.” And with a smug, self-satisfied air, he started the movie again.
* * *
Speaking of the Kennedys, I have to say – sometimes they’re really good looking and sometimes, they’re just very much not. It’s like if the genes go one way they’re model material, but if they twist ever so slightly in another direction, they’re straight out of Frankenstein’s lab.
* * *
After I took Sugarbutt to the vet, the sore on his neck didn’t get any better. The problem was that as it healed it itched, so he’d scratch it and make it worse, then it’d start to heal and itch some more, more scratching, and so on. Finally, I went to the drug store and bought some supplies, and when Fred got home from work, we put a gauze pad with hydrocortisone on it directly on the sore, then wrapped some of that
self-stick stuff (it comes in rolls and looks like Ace bandages; all the bloodwork labs around here are using the stuff to hold gauze on, rather than using band-aids).
When Sugarbutt was all wrapped up, we stood back and looked at him, and then we had to laugh. ‘Cause he looked exactly like one of those
long-neck women in Africa.

The neck is slowly getting better, but I’d like to see it completely healed. It’s crusty and scabby, and still driving him a little crazy. If it’s not significantly better by the end of the week, I’m going to take him back to the vet and see if there’s anything we can give him to stop the itching.
Poor Sugs.
* * *

How YOU doin’?
* * *
2006: No entry.
2005: Home again, home again.
2004: I am a SUCKAH for the bullshit claims on bottles of lotion.
2003: Momma always said, stupid is as stupid does…
2002: No entry.
2001: Oh joy.
2000: I’m such a wimp that even a confrontation on TV ties my stomach in knots.]]>
Okay, but………the middle pic of Evan Rachel Wood (on your link) and Chloe Sevigny? Come on, tell me you see it.
One of my mother’s kittens had an abscess on his neck and my mother did a similar thing, except she just cut off the top of a sock and put it around his neck. Of course, that probably wouldn’t be as discouraging to Sugs as it was to the wittle baby kittie.
Ethel Kennedy?
O.M.G. the poor Sugs picture! You made my day, I’m going to giggle everytime I think about it. Why is it so funny to humiliate our cats?
I think that to date an attention-whoring poser freak you might just have to BE an attention-whoring poser freak. I mean, the girl’s not blind, so… I’m just sayin.
Karen: I didn’t even notice that – but yeah, I see the resemblance!
Hannah: You make me sad. Ethel is Robert (Bobby) Kennedy’s widow and mother of their 11 (!) children including Bobby Jr, Kerry, Kathleen, Joe, and Rory (who was born after Bobby’s assassination and is currently a documentary filmmaker). (I did that from memory. Possibly I know a teeny bit too much about the Kennedys.) (I only know that about Rory because I like her name and she’s my age.)
Lo: You have a point!
Our cat was worrying a sore on her back, so I made her wear a pretty,pretty pink dog shirt that I held in place with an ace bandage. I’ve never seen a mor embarrassed cat!
Using that particular Boogie photo for “that look” is going to crack me up Every Single Time. It might even be funnier than “Bob!” And that’s saying a lot.
I don’t laugh out loud very often, but that picture of Sugarbutt made me laugh until tears were running down my face. Too cute!
For a split second I thought Spot was an older picture of Tubby. But then my eyes adjusted and it was just cute little Spot.
I’m right there with you on preaching to Miss Wood. But she’s only 19 so she’ll be growing out of it as soon as she grows up. An article I read had her gushing about how they compare eye makeup and how every boyfriend she’s ever had has ended up wearing at least eyeliner. Blech!
Poor, poor Sugs.
ARE you obsessed with the Kennedys?? If so, my hubby wrote a book you may be interested in. Please check out – Thanks!
I thought that was Tubby too at first. He was one of my favorites. I’m also right there with you with the Rhonda thing. We’re loving us some Big Love!!
Stolen from
Cucumber Feta Salsa
4 oz. crumbled feta cheese
2 Tbsp. lemon juice
1/4 tsp. black pepper
2 large cucumbers, seeded and cubed
1 c. chopped red onion
3 Tbsp. chopped fresh dill
– Combine feta, lemon juice, and pepper; partially smoosh it all together.
– Add remaining ingredients; mix well. Serve with tortilla chips.
I didn’t know there was an Ethel Kennedy either! I’m 37 and keep up somewhat with the news. How did I miss her name?
Girl, we have that stuff at work and I can get it for you in COLORS! Fancypants kitties – woot!
Lynne – I’m also 37, so I’ve got your back on not know who Ethel was/is. I also stay up with the news, but mostly today’s news!
Robyn, Why don’t you call the vet and ask if s/he’ll prescribe an anti-prurient(sp?) drug for the Sugs. They have them for people, why not for pets? The itching’s gotta be the worst feeling ever!
Poor Sugarbutt. I’m surprised the shot of steroids didn’t clear that right up. Are you still keeping him inside? Poor guy 🙁
The next time you have a Question Answer day could you tell me if you are still using your treadmill. If so what kind do you recommend. Thanks in advance!
I love all your pics of your chicken ranch & your beautiful garden. I’m very impressed with how well the veggies are growing.
Oops!!! Not anti-prurient! Antipuretic!
But “anti-prurient” is funnier! Hee!
I’m glad you wrote that about Daveigh Chase. I am totally hooked on Big Love and hate her character Rhonda. Sometimes I wish they would make her go back to Juniper Creek and marry Roman just to put her into her place. She is such a two-faced bitch! Don’t you just love that show!
Poor Sugs. The indignity!
LOL at the little Long Neck, teehee. Extremely elegant, really. 😉
That picture of the long ,skinny necked Sug made me cackle out loud.
My spouse actually came into the office to see what was so damn funny.
Thanks! That was the highlight of my rather crapper of a day.
I don’t have HBO, so I rented the first season DVDs, and Oh. My. God. I’m hooked on “Big Love” now. That Rhonda (and I always think of her that way: That Rhonda) gets my vote as the character I’d most like to smack upside the head. This new season better come out on DVD soon.
Poor Ethel Kennedy gets no love. I feel so old now!
I also Google people when I want to slap them, thinking it was their last vestige of hope. (Yeah, I need a life.)
Did you like Damages?