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Written July 20, 2005.
So the other night, I went upstairs to brush my teeth and get my book and come downstairs to talk to Fred on the phone, and so I headed down the VERY STEEP fucking stairs into my parents’ basement – the stairs I go up and down fifteen times a day while I’m here, and every single time I head up or down, I think god, I hope I don’t fall down these fucking stairs – and I got down the stairs almost just fine, until I got to the last step and stepped forward to go across the floor, only I WASN’T on the bottom step, I was on the second-to-last step, and so I tumbled onto the floor on my side, smacking the dehumidifier on my way down. I immediately bounced back up, and looked up to see my mother coming to the top of the stairs, and for some unknown reason I felt the need to lie to her.
“What happened?” she said.
“I dropped my purse!” I lied.
“Oh. I thought you fell or something,” she said.
“Nope! Just dropped my purse,” I lied again.
I went into my room to drop my purse on the bed, and saw that I had a handful of blood. Upon closer examination, I saw that I had a gash on the index finger on my right hand, and as soon as I realized it was there, it started hurting like hell. I went back upstairs, held it under very cold water for a few minutes, and then asked my mother where the band-aids were. She handed me a box, and as I was taking a band-aid out, Brian wandered into the kitchen.
“What happened?” he asked.
“I dropped my purse and tripped over it,” I said. WHY I felt the need to lie, I have NO idea. It’s not like dropping my purse and tripping over it was any less embarrassing than tripping off the last step and falling on my ass. I reiterated the lie when the spud came into the kitchen, and they examined my finger.
“It just looks like a paper cut,” Brian said, and they immediately lost interest.
“Except it’s A LOT DEEPER than a paper cut!” I said, almost defensively. “You can almost see bone!” You couldn’t, but these days you have to exaggerate to retain the attention of these world-weary brats.
They weren’t interested.
So I’ve kept a band-aid on it for the last couple of days, and the cut is healing nicely. I figured it’d get infected, because that is JUST my luck, to go on vacation and get an infection, or possibly even a staph infection (please note that I’m not even sure how you get a staph infection, but I suspect my parents’ humidifier (which I’m fairly certain is where I cut my finger) doesn’t hold the correct germs, though of course I could be wrong), but I’m pleased to announce that as of yet, it appears to be infection- and staph- free.
We saw this car on the way home from South Portland, and it cracked me up.
Monday evening, the kids went over to Debbie’s for a while, and I hung out with my parents, watching TV and reading and writing out postcards. When Debbie and the kids came over, we all went out in the pool for a little while, until the mosquitoes got to be too much for us, and we fled indoors.
At one point, the spud went down to the basement to do her laundry, and called up to me to come down and look at something. I did, and saw the hugest pile of dog barf I’ve ever seen, comprised of more grass than I’ve ever seen an animal eat at one time. I told the spud to go get my mother. She did, and my mother came down and checked it out, then cleaned it up. We decided the dog had eaten too much grass, and it made him sick, and we all went in separate directions.
Ten minutes later, the dog did it again. He ended up vomiting until his stomach was empty, and then kept trying to vomit when there was nothing left to throw up. We all started to get worried about him, and that behavior combined with the fact that my father had sprayed some kind of poison on the grass in the yard, got us really worried. My mother debated calling the vet, but decided that Benji wasn’t acting quite sick enough to warrant a call to the vet or a trip to the emergency vet in Portland, and that she’d call and make an appointment the next morning.
She’s not a spaz like Fred and I are, I guess. I can’t imagine any of our cats vomiting that much, that often, and not running them to the emergency vet (because, of COURSE, nothing like that would EVER happen during the week, during the day, when a vet is easily reachable).
The next morning not only did Benji seem better, he actually seemed just fine. He was all perky and danced around when I came upstairs, and licked my hand and let me scratch him on the head. My mother called the vet anyway – she was thinking that maybe he had a urinary tract infection, because Brian had seen what looked like blood in his urine (Benji’s urine, that is, not Brian’s. Though that would be funny: “My grandson saw blood in his own urine last week, so we think the dog has a urinary tract infection!”) a few days earlier – and made an appointment for that afternoon. She was also given instructions to try to collect a urine sample. After my days of being on Poop Patrol, she definitely had my sympathy.
Since the urine sample couldn’t be any more than two hours old, we decided to run some errands and do a little shopping. We got home a little after 1:00 – stopping at The Kitty Corner, maker of the absolute best ham Italian sandwiches in this entire world, to pick up lunch, on the way. My mother took Benji out as soon as we got home and was successful in getting a urine sample. Debbie called to see if I wanted to meet her at Village Candles in Topsham; I did, so I took my mother’s convertible and left. My mother and the kids took Benji to the vet (the diagnosis: nothing wrong with him, but the vet prescribed antibiotics just in case).
After Debbie and I looked around Village Candles for half an hour or so (and I found a thousand things I really liked, but didn’t want to deal with getting home safely, so I didn’t buy anything), we went back to my parents’ house and went for a swim until it started raining.
I swear, this year I’ve been in my parents’ pool more than in any other year combined. It’s been FUCKING HOT and sticky, let me tell you. How these people survive without central air, I will never ever know.
At some point Debbie called Liz to make sure our plans for tonight were still on – we were planning to meet and have dinner at Vinny T’s – and found that Liz had just seen a doctor, who decided that she doesn’t actually have tennis elbow. She has fibromyalgia. She has to follow up with her primary care physician, and can’t get in to see her for two weeks.
I can’t imagine not being able to get in to see my doctor for two weeks. In fact, I’d be surprised if I ever had to wait two DAYS. Liz said tonight that she’s going to call back and see if she can’t get in sooner; hopefully she’ll be able to.
Brian, taking a break from mowing the lawn. I REALLY like this picture of him.
Primrose in my mother’s garden, with bug.
We went out for dinner last night, at China Rose in Brunswick. Pretty much every time we visit, we go out to China Rose at least one night and have the buffet. Because it’s DAMN YUMMY.
Aaaaaanyway, this morning we got up and got on the road pretty early, because we were headed for the beach; Popham Beach, to be exact. It was SO FUCKING HOT, even down on the ocean, and after a few hours at the beach I was ready to get the hell out of there. See, here’s the thing: I love the ocean, and I like the beach. What I fucking loathe is being hot, and being in the sun. I loathe being attacked by big ugly green flies, and I don’t know if it was where we were sitting, or what, but we were constantly being attacked by the fuckers. We killed plenty, but I’ve got a ton of nasty bites, and I HATE BUG BITES. Also, a family of assholes showed up and set up right in front of us, putting up big tents and taking up a maximum of space.
If there had been the slightest fucking bit of shade at the beach, I might have been less miserable. But there are no trees on the beach, and the beach umbrella we brought with us wasn’t nearly big enough, even though I spent most of my time huddled underneath it.
Some day after I win the lottery, I’m going to rent a house on the ocean with a nice big porch, and I’ll spend my days on the porch looking at the ocean and reading, and my evenings – when it’s COOL – walking on the beach and splashing in the water.
I managed to get a little bit sunburned on my face – nothing too bad – and on my feet, but the worst burn is on my back, which as far as I’m aware, wasn’t exposed to the sun at all.
Tomorrow, we’ll be going to Kittery to do some shopping. I’ve never been to Kittery before – I think I mentioned that – and I’m looking forward to it.
About your back… you can get sunburn even through clothing, sorry to say. It’s happened to me before. Maybe Fred can help apply some cooling aloe vera gel for you.
Anyways, welcome home! That Brian is a cutie-pie.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with taking home leftovers, I do it all the time, the sandwiches are so oversized that it usually counts as two servings anyway.
Wow! Brian is growing up to be an attractive young man! Great picture.
I know that when my aunt and cousin deliberately order too big of meals in order for them to take some home it really bugs my Dad. Maybe he thinks they are supposed to share???? I dunno. Aren’t families fun?! 😉
My boyfriend ALWAYS takes his food home with him. He orders a meal, then fills up on free bread and apetizers. By the time the actual meal comes out he’s full so he’ll eat a couple of bites and then have the rest wrapped up to take home.
He does this every. single. time.
I don’t have a problem with taking the food home, what drives me batshit is how he makes it is main priority to bother every server/busperson he possibly can during the course of our meal. He will request drink refills (and if he can’t find someone he will get his refill himself), he will ask for more bread FIVE or SIX times and eat FIVE or SIX servings of free bread so he can take his entree home. If he orders a prime rib he will send it back if there’s too much fat on it. There’s almost always too much fat on it. IT’S A FATTY CUT OF MEAT!!! Still, he does it every time.
Sorry. Didn’t mean to go off on a tangent in your comments.
I don’t think there’s anything wrong with taking leftovers home. Actually, I think it’s better to do that – if I’m paying for your meal and you throw away half of it, then I’m paying half more than I should, right? But if you take that half home and eat it later, I wouldn’t feel like I was wasting my money.
Not that I expect or demand people I take out to dinner to ABSOLUTELY bring leftovers home. I just wouldn’t have a problem if they did. 🙂
That is a beautiful, beautiful walkway. I’m sorry we didn’t get to meet up with you guys… we did take the kids to the Maine Mall one night, but I forget what we did there… The lunch thing, I *wish* I did that more often; they feed you two friggin meals worth of food most places you go anyways. When you going home?
Be glad you left when you did *dies* Today was HORRIBLE.. course now we have a pretty thunderstorm! 🙂
Susan: Oh, we’re home. I’m just posting entries I wrote on the laptop (the incredibly HEAVY laptop that I had to lug through the airport, and two days later my shoulder still hurts) while I was in Maine. 🙂
DustyJae: Don’t worry, according to the weatherman on Monday, y’all are supposed to have beautiful weather tomorrow and Friday – cool and dry, like it was last weekend. Of course, that could have changed since I listened to the weatherman on Monday morning. 🙂
I got my Maine postcard. Thank you! You have very pretty handwriting. I can’t imagine how long it took you to write jillions of cards to all your fans, but it’s appreciated!
What a sweet face on Benji. I’m glad he got over his vomitousness.
welcome back! thanks for the card! um…yeah, welcome back!! lol Missed ya.
I swear, you give me the biggest belly laugh when you pay homage to Marge from Fargo … “fleeing the interview! fleeing the interview!” ahh, that’s good stuff.
I almost always take my food home from restaurants. Personally, I think there is nothing better than leftover Mexican food. Especially, about 2 hours after you get home when the first dose has had time to settle. Besides, I’m poor. If I can pay once and get two meals, why the hell not?
Yuck on the dog barf! I went to visit a friend in CA a few years ago, and her cat threw up right next to my bed every single morning. That was special–LOL.
I am so glad you are back. Missed reading you. Thank you for the pretty post card. It has special meaning for me. My parents are from Maine.
Glad the kitties are adopted. I’ll miss them too.
What was the final amount raised for Mia? (just curious)
Ohh yeah, “I have developed a rash at my bra line and waistline”. I get that in the heat, too. My doctor has me use an anti-fungal cream and it always works.
Fabooboo: Give me a few days to figure out the grand total; I’m still not back in the routine of things, and I have to sit down and enter everything into a spreadsheet – it’s going to be right around $2000, though, I believe! That is just awesome, isn’t it?