* * *
I know you all know the story of Mia, but I’m going to tell it again. Because she deserves to be remembered as she was, and I think there were facets to her personality (cattitude?) that I don’t think quite came across.
I first saw Mia in a carrier with her five tiny kittens. She had been living at an auto parts store (for some reason I was under the impression it was a junkyard, but it was actually an auto parts store), and when it was discovered that she was pregnant the owner didn’t want her any more. He turned her in to a nearby vet clinic, and a woman who worked at the vet’s kept Mia on her enclosed back porch until a foster home could be found.
When Mia’s kittens were three and a half weeks old, I brought her home. Like I said, she was in a carrier with five scared kittens, and on the drive from the vet’s office to my home, she did her best to comfort them. She sniffed at me and was a little frightened, but didn’t seem to consider me a threat to her or her kittens.
When I got home and opened the carrier, Mia came right out, rubbed on me, and let me pet her. She kept a watchful eye on her babies while she explored the room, and I left after a few minutes to give her time to get acclimated to her new home.
A few hours later when I went back into the room, she’d moved the kittens out of the carrier and into a box I’d lined with a towel.
She was a good mother. She was extremely protective of her babies, but she never considered humans to be a threat to them, and always greeted us at the door with a meow. She always purred like mad; she liked having us come in to visit her.
She was a good and patient mother. Even when all five of the kittens were crawling over her, demanding to be fed, she just lay there and let them nurse as long as they wanted to. If they needed nudging in the right direction, she’d do that. She cleaned them, and fed them, and kept an eye on them to make sure they didn’t get themselves in trouble.
I don’t think I ever mentioned this, but she liked Fred. I mean, she liked me, but she REALLY liked Fred. In the evening when we’d go into the room where she and her kittens lived, she’d greet me, and then look expectantly at the door. If Fred didn’t come through the door pretty quickly, she’d start howling and wouldn’t let up until he came in. Then she’d rub on him, and purr, and flop down next to him. He’d pick her up like a baby, and she’d lay there and purr and look up at him with the Eyes of Love; I can guarantee you she wouldn’t have put up with that from anyone else!
She also had a playful side.
As her babies got older, she started to do less worrying and watching and grooming of them, and more playing with them. The first time she chased one of them down and held him down to nibble on his stomach, I don’t think he had any idea what was going on.
They thought her tail was the Funnest! Toy! Ever!, and she loved to tease them with it. She’d lay on top of the box in front of the window, and twitch it back and forth until they came running over to swat at it. Then she’d twitch it so it was out of their reach, and I swear that she laughed to herself as she watched them run back and forth trying to catch her tail.
She liked to sit and look out the window at the birds as they flew by. If someone walked by on the street below, she’d growl quietly at them, so they knew she was here to protect her kittens and if given the chance I’m sure she would have protected all of us, as well.
She wasn’t crazy about strangers, but I think she would have ended up being a really good cat for someone who didn’t have any other pets. She was a loving cat, and a good mother, and even though we knew we wouldn’t keep her, that she was going to be adopted by someone who could see how special she was, we loved her like one of our own.
Some of you have suggested that she held on until she knew that her kittens would be okay. Maybe that’s anthropomorphizing, but I’d like to think it’s true nonetheless. That she waited until she knew her babies would be okay without her, that we’d take good care of them, that we’d love them as much as she did.
The room where she spent her last few days feels strangely empty now. But last night when I walked by, I swear that out of the corner of my eye I saw the slightest hint of a tiny golden-eyed spitfire, sitting in front of the window, watching the birds fly by, and purring to beat the band.
Rest in peace, sweet girl.
I am SO glad that you and Fred let her back in the room with the kittens for a while. To anthropomorphize even more, I think she knew she wasn’t well and wanted to “say goodbye.”
Poor sweet kitty. But lucky kitty, too, because she had a wonderful home right to the end, and knew her babies were in good hands.
Heartfelt thoughts to you and Fred. Mia was such a good momma. After reading yesterday’s entry, I looked up the pics of Mia looking out the window…so poignant.
Hugs to you!
What a sweet, touching tribute, Robyn! Thanks for sharing Mia and her babies with us. May she rest in peace in kitty heaven.
Aw, Robyn, I’m sorry. I know she was part of your family, even if only for a little while, and you did good by her.
She was a very lucky kitty to have you and Fred in her life. Beautiful tribute, Robyn.
that’s sad. 🙁 i’m glad that her last days, though, were obviously in a very loving, comfortable home. you’re a good foster mom.
If its any consolation, when my grandmother was near the end of her life the doctors mentioned she could die due to kidney failure and said it was an extremely peaceful way to die. You took great care of her and she was very lucky to be so well-loved.
Robyn, you gave Mia a real home. She didn’t have to deal with the elements (weather) or mean people and shit like that. You made her last days pleasant ones, and she didn’t have to worry about her babies. Sounds like she was happy and felt safe with you.
I’m been in the same situation – and you just have to know that she was suffering, and now she’s happy. Probably running and playing around. And probably in with her kittens, swishing her tail at them.
I know you’re upset, but you gave her a good home, and her babies are healthy and thankful, I’m sure, too.
Take care.
First comment for me – I’ve been reading and enjoying your blog for quite some time now, Robyn, and this last entry really touched me so much… I’m so sorry about Mia – it really does sound as if she wanted to make sure her kittens were all grown up and OK, and that she trusted you to do the best thing by them all… Do give them all an extra big cuddle – and take good care of yourself, too! Even though you knew she wouldn’t stay with you, it must really hurt…
Rest in peace, Mia. You will be remembered by many.
As the “parent” of 3 shelter kitties I say thank you to you Robyn.
My check is on the way!
Ugh. I’m so sorry, Robyn.
Rest in peace, Mia, you sure were a special cat. Robyn, your loving tribute makes me think of how people sometimes say, when they really want to insult a woman, “Any cat would be a better mother than you!” Actually, those would be pretty big paws to fill.
I’m positive that Mia knew or sensed that her kittens have a good home and will be okay, and you and Fred are the ones who afforded her that peace of cat-mind.
A beautiful tribute. *Sob* . . how sad 🙁
I am so sorry for your loss.
What a lovely tribute, Robyn. I’m sitting here with tears in my eyes.
Rest in peace, Mia.
Oh man. This entry really made me cry – I’m so sorry Robyn. But I know you’re really happy to have gotten to know Mia.
Give all those kittens a big kiss, ‘k?
That was a beautiful tribute to Mia, Robyn. Thank you so much for giving her a home and lots of love when she needed it most. Y’all are the best kind of crazy cat people.
There’s one of the Mia pictures where it looks like she’s smiling — I guess that’s where Oy got it.
Very sad, and I’m barely a cat person.
How sweet! With tears in my eyes I am writing a check right now!
Poor Mia. Your observations of her are quite remarkable and show how much you care.
What a wonderful way to remember Mia. Thank you for all you did for her.
What a beautiful way to pay tribute to Mia! You were lucky to have found one another.
Ditto to everything everyone else has said. What a great tribute. I know that Mia held a special place in your hearts and even though she was not an official “Anderson kitty”…her loss is felt just as deeply. *hugs*
I am at working and crying now. I am so sorry for your loss and so thankful to know that you cared for Mia and are caring for her kittens. I followed their progress through the wonderful pictures on your site. I would even call coworkers over to come and look at the darling pictures. I feel so sad about Mia. She is in Kitty Heaven now with all those other well-loved cats! Again, thank you so much for the work you do taking care of your cats and the cats at the shelter. It is such important work.
Robyn…that’s a lovely eulogy for Mia. You and Fred are such wonderful, warm people to have taken her and the kittens into your home. Mia was blessed to have you and Fred.
So sorry for your loss. I just found your journal and I’ve been enjoying your writing so much.
I cried when I read your entry, I can’t possibly imagine how you and Fred feel right now. You and Fred gave her the most wonderful days of her life and for that you should be proud.
This may be a dumb question, but will the babies be affected by the toxins that killed Mia?
I think it’s beautiful that she hung on until her babies were ok. And the way she played with them with her tail, just makes my heart all fuzzy. What a great entry, Robyn. I’m sorry that you had to say goodbye, but it was such a nice way to do say it.
My heart goes out to you and Fred. I have a new kitten around the same age as the “infamous kittens” and followed your blog since right around the time you got them to foster. Reading todays entry has broken my heart. I believe that she knew she wasn’t well and knew in her mama heart that her babies were with some great people and felt she could let go. If I lived closer, I’d adopt one of the babies.
Do you think that time when she had the diarreha (sp), that this was the beginning of her sickness? Poor kitty.
God Bless you!! My donation is coming soon.
Give the babies a hug for me.
What a great way to remember Mia while helping a great cause, I will be donating through Paypal. Thanks for the link Robyn!
I’m so sorry. I didn’t read yesterday, and when I looked at the sidebar it said “In Memory of Mia” and I couldn’t believe it. My thoughts are with her, and I am sorry about the loss.
I’m terribly sorry about Mia…I couldn’t help but get tears in my eyes reading the tribute. I’m going to go give my kitties a hug now. But I’m also wondering if the toxins she had could hurt the babies?
A glorious tribute…
I am sad that Mia has passed away as well. And I agre with another reader who said you and Fred took wonderful care of her and her babies. I think she knew that and felt it was safe to say goodbye.
I am also going to send a check as well tomorrow.
Your post brought tears to my eyes.
So sad… but at least she had you and Fred to take care of her.
On a lighter note, would you be able to tell me in which entry you wrote about a restaurant you went to where the wait staff insults its patrons. Or perhaps just mention the name in a future entry? Thanks Robyn!
Rest in peace Mia.
Wow. I try to get here a couple of times a week, and I had no idea Mia was sick.
Thank you for taking such good care of her until the end, and letting her feel loved.
I’m going to go give my foster boy, Finn, an extra big hug tonight.
I guess I’m behind… and I missed that whole part of the story… it is very, very sad. We’re leaving for Maine this Friday, and will be back here in Texas on the 17th. When are you going?
What a sweet tribute to Mia. I’m glad that she got to spend her last days in such a comfortable and loving home.
oh, I had to cry again reading this. What a wonderful momma Mia was. I hope she’s in peace now and THANK YOU for being such a wonderful kitty momma. I’m going to try to donate this next week when I get paid again. Hugs to you and your family.
I’m so sorry to hear about Mia. I’ve read about her and her babies from the day you got them and I feel this loss with you.
I’ve been lurking for a long time. I love your site. I’m sorry about Mia. At least it seems she didn’t suffer and left her mark on the world with beautiful babies.
Hi Robyn,
I am so sorry to hear about sweet Mia! She was so lucky to have spent her last days with you guys. But damn….how sad. Thanks for sharing her with us, and for taking such good care of her and her babies.
Waving at you from Muscle Shoals tonight…
Rest in peace pretty Mia; you were such a lovely girl and a great mother to your beautiful babies.
*blurry screen virus*
I just went through a cancer scare with our newest cat last week, so I’m tearing up over this. Poor Mia. But it was good that she could spend her last days being loved and taken care of, along with her kittens. I’ll send a check on payday.
So sad. My condolences.
So sorry to hear of Mia’s passing. I am sitting here with tears in my eyes for your loss. You both are incredible kitty moms. I am sure she rests easier knowing her children are in such good hands. God bless.
I was truly sorry to read about Mia. My donation is on the way. She certainly left her mark on this world. Good girl Mia…..rest in peace.
Sorry for your loss. What a touching tribute to Mia. So sweet that you gave her and her kittens a home and such good care.
I’m so sorry for your loss. You are such good people for caring for her and the kittens. I’m sending a check your way soon.
Oh Robyn & Fred, I am so sorry for your loss.
An echo from what’s already been said, you two were excellent foster parents for Mia.
A big (((((HUG))))) to you and your family.
Thank you for sharing her story with us, Robyn. I’m so sorry for your loss. It just breaks my heart.