new logo! This was created by the wonderful Aly, who can always be counted on for a good logo!
Thanks, Aly. As usual, you rock!
* * *
We watched
Zodiac last Friday night, and let me tell you what – that movie ties for LONGEST GODDAMN MOVIE and LEAST SATISFYING ENDING EVER. Also, LEAST AMOUNT OF CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT EVER PRESENT IN A MOVIE took honorable mention. At one point, I lifted up my head (I’d briefly fallen asleep out of self-defense, since my brain could no longer handle the boredom), certain that I’d slept through the night and yet the movie was STILL GOING, and I said “Is it still Friday?”
And why did they even bother with the Chloe Sevigny character? Was the character description “Woman who Jake Gyllenhaal marries and then who leaves him so that we can see how all-consuming this case was and how it ROONT HIS LIFE and also he managed to restrain himself from SMACKING the woman with Hollywood’s MOST SMACKABLE FACE (lifetime award of smackability cannot be confirmed, but lives in my heart)”? Was there a single white man in all of Hollywood NOT in this movie? And is there a reason every one of them needed to be padded up? They had IDENTICAL potbelly guts, every one of them. Did the Zodiac Killer curse them with doughy bodies, was that the unspoken conspiracy?
I know (YUH-AWN) this was based on real life and in real life, there are not nice, neat endings, but hey! Goddamn newsflash! If I was interested in real life, would I be sitting on my ass watching a MOVIE? I think NOT. If I was interested in real life, I’d be sitting on my ass in front of the computer scaring up a trainwreck-type blog and shaking my head in smug disbelief.
Luckily, we watched
Thank You for Smoking the next night, to wash the SUCK out of our brains, and it was pretty amusing, though the part played by Katie “Mrs. Tom Crazy” Holmes was pretty throwaway.
“I feel like we could have written this movie,” I said to Fred, and he agreed. We love us a good satire.
And Sunday night, just because we didn’t have anything recorded that we particularly wanted to watch, we watched
The Shawshank Redemption, and the part where Brooks gets out of prison and the part where Andy escapes and the part where Red gets out of prison and sees that the world has raced by while his world stood still in prison, those three parts of the movie break my heart COMPLETELY every single time. I’m tearing up, just thinking of how lonely watching Brooks bag groceries and wished he was back in prison with his friends made me feel.
Goddamn I love that movie.
And while we’re (I am, anyway) going on about watching things, I have watched
Saving Grace and
Damages, and am uncertain whether I like them enough to make them a regular part of my schedule. I love me some Holly Hunter, but is there any facet of that character’s life that isn’t completely fucked up? (Also: WHOO!
Lem, we missed you!). It threatens to venture into unintentional satire.
I liked Damages and I like Glen Close as a badass, but
that girl who plays the new attorney? When Glen Close says something about “There’s always something going on in there”, I laughed. Because the only thing that appears to me going on in that girl’s head is a great big white-noise hum. I’m more likely to continue watching Damages than Saving Grace, but I’m going to give both shows a couple more episodes each before I decide.
Annnnd rounding out the TV report,
Army Wives is still a show I’m liking, though it very well might be due to Roxy and no one else on that show. Major Frank Sherwood is a pompous, dictating asshead and when he was babbling on about how he needed Denise to be there for him and help him out, I yelled “OH! You mean like she was there for the 18 years of raising your son, so you could run him off?” Fucker. And how about that condescending “You were alive and vital! You saved her life!” speech? I wanted her to say “Oh. Did you imagine I was standing around with my thumb up my ass, you smug self-centered motherfucker?”
But I do love the show. Check it out!
(I find the name “Claudia Joy” to be irritating beyond belief, though. And could there be any less chemistry between Claudia Joy and Michael? I really want to LIKE Kim Delaney, but I can’t seem to do so. )
Lastly, we watched
The Two Coreys the other night (you just shut your face). I always have to stop for a moment to remember which is Haim (slack-jawed, weird-looking eyes) and which is Feldman (face that begs a good hard smack; squinty eyes, mean mouth). However, after viewing the first and second episodes of this fine quality entertainment I tell you what: there’s a HUGE difference between the two.
Feldman is smug and self-important, has a HUH-YOOG stick up his ass, and is married to the most annoying and whiny stick-up-her-ass yet apparently naive and simple-minded woman, and I am PRAYING that they get divorced and FAST because their double helping of self-importance sucks all the oxygen out of the room.
Haim absolutely makes you feel sorry for him, because he’s made some stupid fucking choices in the past (and still seems to be making plenty), but he’s likable and he just wants to get laid and get some damn work.
There’s no doubt in my mind that this show is contrived and at least partially scripted, but Feldman is as wooden as a dime store Indian, and Haim actually makes you believe the show might NOT be scripted at all. The lines sound natural and he acts like you imagine he acts whether there are cameras running or not.
Not a bad show to waste an evening; we liked it, and did I mention you just shut your face?
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Goddamn, I watch way too much TV.
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You know? Sometimes… I just. I just don’t know.

The Chicken Man of Smallville demonstrates his special talent.
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It don’t get much happier than that.
* * *
2006: No entry.
2005: Debbie: “Oh, right. I used to boil Brian’s nipples when he was a baby.”
2004: You don’t act like THAT and then get to swan around all WOUNDED when no one wants to play with you. Fuck that.
2003: No entry.
2001: Excuse me, he’s known about this closing for well over a month and still can’t manage to be on time? How self-important can you be?
2000: Fucking every time I drive through Pennsylvania it fucking pours down rain. ]]>
I like the new layout but for some reason the logo is tall and squished so I can’t really see it the way it’s meant to be I think. 🙁
Damnit, now it looks right. I have no idea what happened. Disregard!
Okay – then ignore that email I just sent you! 🙂
no comment about Fred practically picking his nose in the first Chicken Man photo? Come on, how could you waste a perfectly good opportunity to make fun of him?
By the way, why was he walking around with a chicken on his shoulder?
Robyn, I love, love, love your new design. The yellow background is awesome!
Love the new page layout!
I tried the first ep of Damages and it just didn’t do it for me. I was going to try again, but I watch enough tv as it is, why waste my time watching something I don’t really enjoy? I haven’t gotten to Saving Grace yet, but for some reason I’m not all that excited about it. Since you admitted to watching the Two Coreys show (I haven’t), I will admit to watching the Scott Baio show on VH1. & liking it!
New layout rocks!!!
Shawshank does that for me every time, too. Red’s closing monologue is a rip-your-heart-out-and-show-it-to-you movie moment, no question.
Did you see the corn-on-the-cob eating kitty at icanhascheezburger? Have you tried letting your cats give it a shot? I had a cat one time that liked strawberry jelly, so I really think some cats have odd tastes…
Oooo, a new layout–I like it!
I love me some evil, hard-nosed Glenn Close, but I agree about That Rose Byrne. That girl has NOTHING in her purty little head. 😐
Those pictures of Fred almost made me snort coffee out of my nose. Heh.
“You know? Sometimes… I just. I just don’t know.” and the follow up picture? CLASSIC. Just CLASSIC. Thoroughly worth the guffaw I just spit out!
OMG!!! We watched Zodiac on Friday night too and I had the EXACT same reaction. Pot bellies? Check. Chole – what are you here for? Check. Nap-taking on the couch? Check. You missed one though. I could not understand half of the dialog. Did everyone talk in a mushmouth??? The only saving grace for me was that I got to see Dermot for a few glorious moments.
Love the new layout. I can’t wait to dive into some of the other blogs you read.
I will try the cookies from yesterday this weekend. That picture was amazing.
Thanks for all the fun!
Like the new layout (and pretty logo)– makes me think it’s time to redesign mine. Or not. I feel like I’m living my TV life vicariously thru you; so kind to weed out all the crap shows so we don’t waste our time! I’m finally in a place where I could watch all the TV I want, but so far have only been watching the first season of “Dexter”.
Those pictures of Sugs are killin’ me with cuteness. He sure is adorable.
FYI: The book Thank You for Not Smoking is hilarious!!! I haven’t watched the movie yet, though.
Oh yeah, I also tried watching Saving Grace, because of Holly Hunter. The first episode started with a sleazy love-making scene in which I glimpsed enough of Holly Hunter to be pretty certain that the woman is anorexic, or else just needs to try eating FOOD for a change. Then a bunch of whining, messing up, strutting around and having guys throw themselves at her because of her tight jeans and bony ass I guess, more humping, then some really preachy stuff. I can tolerate some whining, some messing up and even some humping (but not much), but I cannot tolerate the over-the-top not-so-subtle preachy parts. Hated the show with the first episode, will not watch again.
I love the new layout, but for some reason (I’m using Firefox…) the logo is too long and covers up whatever is in the top-most box on the right-hand side of the page.
Love the pretty yellow, though, and the sidebar items I can see!
I listened to part of an interview with the Coreys to promote their show – it is partially scripted. Feldman was always my favorite, but if Haim wants to get laid…
I predict, by the end of next year, Fred will have his chickens trained to lay eggs in his hand.
At the very least he will have them doing several tricks! You both crack me up (in a good way) on a regular basis!
Robyn, you said you were going to use the logo I sent you for August….. I thought it made you giggle every time you saw it, humph.
The first time I looked at the picture I thought it was funny because Fred was picking his nose. I had to go back to notice the CHICKEN ON HIS SHOULDER! How could I have missed that. I hope no one ever needs me to describe someone in court – if I don’t notice a full size bird in a still photo – there’s no way I’d catch hair color, eye color – nothing!
I didn’t even notice that Fred had a chicken on his shoulder- I thought the picture was catching him in the act of picking his nose.
Fred looks all hot and sweaty in this chicken pictures. Did he stink, too? Ha ha! I’m sure he “cleans” up well. I guess country living is good for both of you – keeps you so busy with country folk stuff. Just don’t get “too salty” on us.
OH! He was picking his nose! I thought he was sniffing his finger after finding some brown stuff on the chicken’s butt!
Melikes the new look, very purty!
And I got totally confused when you talked about Saving Grace, because I thought you were talking about the movie. So I was all ‘Holly Hunter ain’t in that movie! Is she?’
It’s a good movie though, you should check it out sometime if you haven’t already.
Love the yellow background, very smooth somehow 😉
I to love Roxy off Army Wives. She really makes the show I think. I don’t care for the Claudia Joy name either, couldn’t they have come up with something more interesting? Shawshank Redemption is one of my all time favorite movies to.
I don’t know if you’ve answered this or not..but are your chickens purely for egg consumption, or will they also be gracing your table? I feel so guilty asking that
Saving Grace I have issues with because I cannot stand that crisis of faith crap. CRAP. (And I mean CRAP not because she dares to doubt, but because of the religious foundation to begin with. Yeah, struggle on whether or not to be brainwashed, brilliant.) Damages, on the other hand, I was hooked at the end of episode one where we find who the true evil person is.
Oh NO! My Firefox took your entry and put it in this long, tall, skinny column that’s nastier on the eyes than the Wall St. Journal.
Just like Fred’s blog! (Which is why I don’t read Fred’s blog. As interesting as it is. The skinny columns make my brain hurt.)
Oh no! 🙁
Am I the only one who hates the long, skinny column?
I hope you’ll bring back regular width paragraphs. What was wrong with them? It’s so much easier to read that way.
Fred looks like he’s growing a mustache! Is he? I love the pictures!
I totally agree about Army Wives. Roxy is awesome. Frank is an a-hole. “Claudia Joy” is the most awkward name I’ve ever heard – they say it like they have to use her middle name because there are soooo many other Claudia’s on the base or something. And those other wives, not the main characters but the background ones, they are some seriously catty women. (No wonder their husbands keep asking to be redeployed.) My favorite episode will be the one where Roxy opens a can of whoop-ass on all those snobby bitches.
Shawshank Redemption is one of the greatest movies ever.
Fred and his chickens never fail to crack me up.
And FWIW, I use Firefox and your page looks just fine to me.
Count me in among those who love the new look!
LOL at Fred and his Chicken Pickin’ !!
I tried both Saving Grace and Damages and I agree with whoever above put in their opinion that Holly Hunter is in dire need of a cheeseburger, and fast. She’s worse off than the chick from Grey’s Anatomy and that’s sayin’ something. My sister was COMPLETELY turned off by Saving Grace because she prefers her TV Preaching type shows without the cussing and gettin’ nekkid. Guess she was expecting something more like Touched By An Angel – she ended up with REALLY Touched By An Angel and got all offended. I thought it was -eh- but I might keep with it for awhile.