CMT yesterday morning while I was cleaning, and this very familiar-sounding song came on, and it struck me as very much NOT a country song, so I sat and watched the rest of it, to find that it was Best I Ever Had, by Gary Allan.
I thought to myself “That is the least country-sounding song I’ve ever heard on this station. What the hell?”
When I came downstairs, I went on to iTunes, and listened to a clip of the song, the version by Vertical Horizon (I guess they originally did it, since their album came out in 2001, and Gary Allan’s album with that song on it isn’t even out yet) and then I listened to Gary Allan’s version, and suddenly it sounded like it definitely had a country edge (twang?) to it.
Funny how it sounded country in comparison to the other version, eh?
On a side note, am I the only one who thinks Gary Allan looks like Stephen Dorff? Fred thinks he looks like Kiefer Sutherland, but I don’t see it.
Actually, that’s a lie. Now that I’ve looked at a picture of Kiefer, I DO think he looks kind of like Gary Allan.
Funny thing, comparisons.
* * *
I know there are a lot of you cat luvahs out there, and Lisa’s got a question maybe someone can help with:
I adopted a kitten this past Monday. Her “foster parents” told me that she was a skittish cat, but I didn’t mind. When I took her home, she escaped from my hands and darted into a hole underneath the cabinets that I hadn’t noticed was there (we just moved into this place). After freaking out about it, we learned that she comes out of the hole when we are sleeping or not home, eats some food, uses the catbox and then goes right back in there!
Any tips on how to get her to stop freaking and come on out of there? Has anyone else had this sort of frustrating cat experience? I’ve tried calling her, talking nice to her, putting out stinky food, etc… no dice. Help!
If you’ve got a suggestion, either leave it in the comments, or email it to me, and I’ll pass it along.
* * *
Okay, I wrote the above part of today’s entry before we left for the surgery center this morning. We left here around 8, made a couple of stops, got there right on time, and did a lot of sitting around and waiting.
They whisked Fred back to have him undress, started his IV, and shaved his shoulder and betadined it up. They brought me back, and I was back there for perhaps three minutes before the anesthesiologist came along and asked him if he wanted a something-or-other block in his shoulder. He had just gotten an email from a nurse anesthesiologist overnight telling him that if they offered one he should take it, so he did.
They had me wait outside while they did it, and no sooner had they finished doing it, when they were ready to take him back to surgery. I looked at the clock when I went into the waiting room, and it was just 10:15. His surgery was scheduled for 10:30, so it appeared they were running right on time.
After a little more than an hour, his doctor came out to talk to me, told me that everything went well, and gave me a few instructions. Another hour later, a nurse from recovery came out to tell me that he was still a little groggy, that he was sipping Diet Coke and was feeling a little nauseated, and that she’d keep him back there for another fifteen minutes or so.
When the fifteen minutes had passed, another nurse came out to get me, took me back to a room where she gave me a couple of sheets of instructions, a prescription for Lorcet, and told me to pull the car around and they’d bring him out.
We were home by 1:30, and then I went back out to pick up his prescription and a bunch of movies. When I got home, the lady from next door brought over a flower delivery they’d dropped off with this morning, from his mother and stepfather.
Right now, Fred’s upstairs trying to snooze while Mister Boogers comforts him.

I’m sure he’ll have a more comprehensive account of the entire experience up one of these days – either he’ll have to dictate it to me, or spend three days typing with one finger – and I’ll be sure to link to it when it goes up.
I expect he’ll be spending the weekend snoozing, watching movies, and asking me to run errands for him.
* * *
The “scratch” I mentioned in yesterday’s entry? Yeah, I got a look at it when the spud got home:

That’s not a “scratch”. That’s a “dent”. Caused by someone who hit the mailbox… and then kept driving for a couple of feet. Urgh.
* * *
The thing about kittens is that they don’t quite have that whole cleaning thing quite right; as a result, we had to go after Rambo’s butt with a wet wipe a couple of times, because the STINK was killing me.
Good thing he’s so damn cute.
I’ve noticed that our cats – specifically, Mister Boogers and Miz Poo – are more interested in playing with Jodie than Rambo. Miz Poo was actually running up to, sniffing, and running away from, Jodie this morning, and at one point Mister Boogers was playing with her, too. I wonder if it’s because she just looks like a fluffy little cat toy?

Looks like he’s got something smartass-y to say, doesn’t he?

“Hi, hi! HI!”

If you look closely, you can see the hummingbird at the feeder Rambo’s looking at.

Jodie examining my desk.
All of today’s kitten pics are
You are being so great about the whole mailbox thing. I would have flipped the f out!
For Lisa and the skittish kitten — give her some time. She is probably really afraid (new people, new smells). We brought in a feral cat and he ran under our couch for 3 days (no food or water). He finally began to trust us. He became a very loving cat. We had him for 6 years until he died from cancer last fall. Good luck!
Glad to hear Fred is doing well!
Yay, Fred!
Our cat Ozzie is 13, and has lived with us since he was six weeks old. Whenever he feels insecure, or we have boisterous company, he goes into one of our bathrooms, opens the undersink cabinet and gets into one of the drawers.
He comes out when he feels it’s safe. Until then, no amount of food, toys or lovin’ is going to coax him out. Freaked the hell right out of us the first time he did it — we looked for him and called him for hours, and finally discovered him by accident when we opened the drawer.
Don’t worry too much, Lisa. Kitty will gradually become more comfortable with you!
I agree with Diane. The best thing to do is leave her alone and she’ll come out when she’s ready and feels safe. I think it’s a good sign she’s already coming out to eat & use the litter box at night. She’s probably exploring the house, too
I have a friend who took in 3 cats who ended up in the ceiling (!!!) hiding like that. They would come out at night, too. I think they did that for a couple of weeks before they were out when people were around.
Have fun babysitting Fred this weekend! You’re his new Beck & Call Girl!
So glad to know that Fred’s home & doing well!
Lisa, Patience and lots of smelly food and good luck. Also, do not try to make direct eye contact.
My Tim spent his entire kittenhood in the space behind the refrigerator. After he got too big, he found a hole in my box spring. After about 2 years, he finally trusted me enough to let me “pet him” with my “feet” and sleep on my bed after the lights where turned off. Now at 12, he will come more often and let me pet him with my hands and come to me in my recliner or bed. I figure by the time he’s 15, he might sit on my lap.
Robyn, Take good care of our Fred and don’t kill the spud. I did something similar but it was backing to a car and bending the bumper on a not-so-new vehicle the first time I took a vehicle to school. Dad took a 2×4 and pulled out the bumper and it looked good as new. Unfortunately, I don’t think a 2 x 4 will do the trick for you.
Best wishes for Fred’s speedy recovery!
OMG – I, too, would be totally freaking about that “scratch!” You are a better mom than I am, obviously.
Thanks everyone for the kitten suggestions. I figured I wasn’t the only one who’d been though something like this with a cat- it’s reassuring to hear your stories!
Boy, that’s a nasty dent on your car!! Don’t feel bad, I ran over a curb last week and popped my tire (and I’m no teenager!). I hope it’s not too expensive.
Regarding the skittish cat, a coworker of mine rescued two stray kittens and the female one was like that. I think it took them over a month before she would come out from under the couch. Just let her do it at her own pace and don’t make a big deal over her when she does come out.
I hope Fred has a speedy recovery and is up and about soon. Have a good weekend, everyone!
Gary Allen reminds me a little bit of Craig Sheffer:
These new kittens are extremely adorable, particularly the stripey one!
Patience, patience, patience is what Lisa needs with her new cat. We took in a stray a few years ago and he lived behind our couch during the day for about a year before he trusted us enough to come out.
Huh, Keifer is almost exactally a year old than I am. Is he still single? He can be my secret internet boyfriend.
Rambo looks like a baby Mr. Boogers. And how cute is it how much Mr. Boogers LURVES his daddy?
I think you really need to keep these 2 kittens. They just fit so well with your current clan of cats.
The first night I ever drove a car I backed into a mailbox but it was a 1980 something chevy citation. That uh ‘scratch’ hurts to look at.
you are being awful calm though.
We have a skiddish cat also- well it is his cat and she hates women. so she used to hide under the bed when it was just me home. Now she runs and hides when we have company or when in laws come over to feed when we are out of town. No advice though sounds like everyone else has already suggested what I would.
OMG!!!! My heart stopped beating when I saw the “scratch” on your car!!! Holy crap!
That is one NASTY ASS scratch!
For the scaredy cat…I had one that we got at about 6 months of age (I still have him and he’s about 11 years old now). He LIVED (and I do mean LIVED) inside my nightstand at first. He was so small and thin that he’d crawl IN through the drawer, then go down inside of the nightstand. I couldn’t touch the cat for weeks…maybe even months. I just let him come to me on his terms and on his schedule. It will probably just take time. As long as the cat is eating, drinking, and using the facilities that’s a good start! Just be patient is all I can offer for advice.
To this day, we call the cat Velcro Kitty. It’s almost impossible to PULL him off ’cause he’s so clingy and loving. So he really came around…and HARD when it finally came around!
Hope Fred has a SPEEDY recovery!
On another note (now that I can breathe again), if I send the box and postage, will you send Jodie to me here in Houston, Robyn? I love her ‘come-hither’ looks! 🙂
Lisa, I currently am owned by a long hair BW female that we adopted from the local SPCA. She had been dumped on their doorstep and had obviously suffered from abuse. Theu doctored her up and put her out for adoption, not really expecting her to be picked up by anyone. Well, I took one look at her and couldn’t resist. I live in a very active household (read: loud and often chaotic) that has children, a dog, and 2 other cats. Pluto (don’t ever let your children name your pets) lives under my bed and always has. When we first got her (4 years ago) I even had to put a food dish under there to get her to eat. She would only drink and use the pan after the lights had gone out and it was quiet in the house. Now, during the day, she still “lives” under my bed, but once the house has quieted down for the evening, she often comes out and even ventures downstairs and actually asks to be pet and loved on. We still cannot make sudden moves around her or we risk her hiding for a good 2 days before she’s brave enough to come out again. We love her, though, and we are willing to wait for HER to be comfortable. We’ve never forced her to do anything, and I think that’s really been what has helped the most. Some cats NEVER get to a point where they’re as social as their humans would like them to be. But, since we love their companionship, we have to tolerate their idiosyncracies. 🙂 Be patient and make sure your kittie has everything she needs (food, water, litter) and then just don’t force the matter. As she adjusts, she’ll come out of hiding, but only on her terms and only as much as she is comfortable with.
Ha – none of the other cats want to play with stinky shitty butt Rambo!
Oh god, I am such a dork. I emailed you yesterday because I could NOT find the comments section. Loser me. Anyway, I believe I want to get in a bidding war with Jennifer over Jodie – I want her here with me in Austin! She’s a doll. I resisted the last bunch of kitties you had (Snoop was a darling) but these kids are sooooooo cute.
Lucy: Where did you email me at? I didn’t get your email! But that’s neither here nor there, since you obviously found the comment section. 🙂
Y’all wouldn’t find Jodie so damn cute if she was sneezing in your face right now, believe me.
(Okay. Probably you would. Heh!)
Lucy: Oh! I guess you did. 🙂 I was looking for an email from someone named Lucy! 🙂
my daughter “scratched” the car by hitting 2 mailboxes when she was a rookie driver.
HOpe Fred has a speedy recovery.
The picture of your *ahem* scratched car made my jaw drop and gasp. Holy cow…good thing the spud is cute and makes you laugh! I took my oldest, Daniel, to take his driver license test a couple years ago and after we got to my mom’s I let him take my work car for his first solo ride. This was about 20 minutes after he passed the test. He came back about 15 minutes later with a broken tail light and a dent on the back passenger side quarter panel. Daniel drove through a residential area a few blocks away and a teenager backed his dad’s car out of their driveway and smacked right into my car. It actually struck me funny (much to my son’s relief) but then again, it was my work car and was not a new shiny yellow one. hehe!
Hi there…about the kitty…we had one who did exactly the same thing right when we brought her home from the adoption center. We didn’t like that she was in a hole in the cabinet under the sink, I guess we were paranoid about pipes and what if there was another hole somewhere and she hurt herself…so we plugged up the hole. After that she found other, more visible places to “hide”, but we were able to to talk with her and reassure her, never forcing her to come out. We wanted her to get used to us as much as possible. Little by little she started socializing and before too long, she was an outgoing little kitty.
Good luck…lots of love is the best cure!
I think he looks like a cross between Gary Cole and Kevin Dillon. ?????
Oops! Didn’t mean to be anonymous!
But, see what I mean:
But definitely not Gary ColeMAN. 😉
A few months after I got my license I put a “scratch” like that in the side of my mom’s brand new van. 🙂 Only it wasn’t a mailbox.. it was the end of a black pickup.. I didn’t damage his truck so I left. went home and told my mom “OMG MOM! I went in walmart and when I came out this big huge scratch was on your van!” She still doesn’t know what happened! 🙂 LOL Good for her telling the truth though.. *ahem* 🙂
To Lisa: The advice above is very good. I have had a couple of skittish cats myself, and if you are patient, she will eventually come around.
I have seen Gary Allan in concert and believe me, he is HOT!!! I love his new song.
Good wishes to Fred.
I don’t know how you can give up Jodie – she is so beautiful. If i lived near you I would be on my way to adopt her – and I have six cats already!
I always knew I would end up as a mad cat woman.
Scratch! The Spud calls that a “scratch”. I would have totally freaked out! Poor thing probably worried about it all day at school though. I’m sure it is going to take her many years to pay you back to get E fixed!
I’ll chime in with the others who said to just give the new cat time. I had a cat who was really skittish like that at first and eventually she warmed up. So long as the cat is coming out for food, water and litter box, that’s good enough for now. I bet after a while she’ll get brave and venture out. I’d quit talking to her, but just kind of ignore her, especially if she does show her face.
Glad your hubby’s surgery went okay. My husband had knee surgery in January and he didn’t have such a smooth time. There was much puking afterwards, especially after he reacted to one of the pain medications he was given. Not fun. Take care and I hope he heals quickly. 🙂
Re Gary “The California Kid” Allen’s tune -It was the vertical horizon tune he does on the raft, right?
Tracy: Yeah, and there’s a woman on a raft or boat, too, if I recall correctly.
Spud has it all wrong.
When you DENT someone elses car you do not say you ‘scratched’ it. You say you were in an ACCIDENT and the vehicle is SMUCKED UP! That way the parent (or in my case, Boss) has some time to thank her stars her beloved/employee is indeed ALIVE, living, breathing. Then you take them out to see the SMASHED car.
It’s all in the presentation Spud 😉
Sorry about the car Robyn 🙁 Sucks big time. And hope Fred is feeling better soon.
Sorry for the late comment – doing some catching up journal reading. I think Gary Allan recorded that song about his wife who killed herself a few months ago. I saw the video too and he really doesn’t look himself anymore. Poor guy.