books several months ago (I like how Amazon says the book usually ships within 2 to 5 weeks, when they know it’s out of print), shut down the checking account last month; I need to get my ass in gear and make sure Three Toes Publishing is officially shut down.
As always, any help is very much appreciated.
* * *
You know who really just completely repulses me? Robert DeNiro in Cape Fear. My god, when he sticks his thumb in (the incredibly annoying) Juliette Lewis’ mouth, I want to friggin’ throw up. And when he rubs his liver lips all over Jessica Lange, I gag.
Can you tell we watched Cape Fear the other night?
I don’t find Robert DeNiro even remotely appealing in any of his roles, but in Cape Fear he truly grosses me out.

Also, the fucking hat and glasses he wears in that movie? GOT TO GO. Please. For the love of god, can’t Scorsese pay someone to remove the fucking hat and oversized glasses from the movie? The early 90s were an embarrassing time, fashion-wise, and I don’t think we need to be reminded that DeNiro sashayed around in a fucking beret or driving cap or whatever the fuck they call it, and huge, oversized mirrored glasses.
* * *
Have you ever noticed that the more of a hurry you’re in, the slower everyone around you seems to move? I was in Target this morning, eager to get my ass home and have a couple of scrambled eggs and a
muffin for breakfast, and it was like word had gone out to everyone in the area that they needed to get in my way as much as possible. Every aisle I walked down, every thing I needed to reach for, there was someone standing RIGHT FUCKING THERE. And then, of course, I managed to choose the checkout line with the woman who had to have a ten-minute discussion with the cashier about whether she could ring certain things up separately, and what needed to be rung up separately, and blah blah BLAH. I wanted to scream “Lady, it ISN’T ROCKET SCIENCE, could we move the fuck ALONG, here?”
Then, of course, once everything was rung up and paid for, the woman in front of me took her sweet time getting all her bags into her cart and the fuck out of my way and I wanted to bellow “GodDAMN, lady, can’t you MOVE YOUR ASS?” But I didn’t. I just sent secret hate rays to the center of her brain, which always makes me feel better.
I even had some serious road rage on the way home. They’re widening the main road that goes from Madison to Huntsville, and they’ve been widening it for, I believe, sixteen years, and there’s NO FUCKING END IN SIGHT.
But I’ve eaten my scrambled eggs and my blueberry oat bran muffin, and all is good in the state of Bitchymark.
* * *
We watched
Wanted (starring the very hot Gary Cole, as opposed to the very not Gary Coleman) last night – the third episode, I believe – and we just can’t quite decide whether it’s worth continuing to watch. I like everyone in the show, and I like the premise of the show, but I often find myself easily distracted while I’m watching it, and that’s never a good thing. We might give it a few more episodes before deciding one way or the other.
The other show we watched last night was
Andy Richter Controls the Universe. One of the ten thousand channels we have -HDNET, I think it is – shows it on Monday nights, in high definition. We liked the show when it was running, and so we tape it every week and watch it. It’s definitely withheld the test of time, because we’re enjoying it this time around, too. It’s a great show – if you have a channel showing it, you should really at least give it a try.
James Patrick Stuart sure is a good-looking man.
* * *
So I think I mentioned one day last week that the kittens have been on amoxicillin for an upper respiratory infection. Their symptoms never got worse, but they never got better, either, so I went to the shelter yesterday to get doxycycline for them, which will hopefully clear it up.
The kittens do NOT enjoy the doxycycline at all. Apparently it’s pretty nasty-tasting, and I do my best to squirt it as far back in their mouths as possible, but they still squirm and make the funniest faces of disgust.
I need to get pictures of that.
Mister Boogers, I think I’ve mentioned in the past, tends to have a somewhat boogery nose (thus his nickname!). So when he started sneezing a lot last week, we did our best to keep his nose clear and figured he’s get over it in a few days. Except he didn’t – in fact, by Monday he was clearly having some trouble breathing, and he ended up needing a vet visit. The vet gave him a shot of steroids, vitamin B-12, and antibiotics, and he’s doing a little better today than he was, though he’s still a little whistle-y. Also, we squirted some stuff up his nose to help with the stuffiness, and his nose just looks painfully raw.
Of course, it might belp if he stopped licking his nose.
So now our cat-medicine regimen looks like this: In the morning Rambo and Jodie each get a dose of doxycycline. Mister Boogers gets a half pill of something to help unstuff his nose, which he also gets in the early afternoon. In the evening, Rambo and Jodie each get their second dose of doxycycline and a dose of Albon. Mister Boogers gets a dose of antibiotic and the nose-unstuffing stuff. Miz Poo gets a squirt of essential oils, and Spot gets his happy pill.
The only cat not currently getting some sort of medication stuffed down his throat is Spanky, and I’m not holding my breath – I’m sure he’ll be the next one to require a trip to the vet. That’s just the way it seems to go for us.
Damn cats.

Rambo with mouse.

Jodie wakes up from one of her numerous naps.

Snoozing kittens.

Is that a happy face, or what?

She’s such a pretty girl, that Jodie.

Booger in the sun.
All of today’s uploaded kitten pics can be seen
I just love those 2 kittens! Rambo looks like a baby version of Mr. Boogers and Jodie is so princess-like! Can’t you keep them?
Ick, doxychycline. Are you sure there isn’t something less – uh – harsh? I’m on that this week, post-surgery, and it makes me feel like HELL. Completely nauseated all the time. Did you know it’s the first-line treatment for inhaled anthrax? (Of course, taking that gives me the excuse to eat a McMuffin each morning, to cushion my stomach. Maybe you could try that trick on the kittens!)
Wow, Super Fred! I never knew he wrote that! So if we want to read it now, what do we do?
Amy: Only if I’d rather not keep my husband. 🙂
BeckaJo: They seem to be feeling okay. I have a feeling if I brought home an Egg McMuffin, Rambo would probably inhale it in about two seconds flat. He’s a little pig, that one – I had a couple of scrambled eggs this morning for breakfast, and had to eat standing up, because he climbed up on my desk and into my plate and began eating the eggs before I even knew what was going on.
Susan: I guess check to see if anyone’s willing to give up their copies. 🙂
I would talk to your state’s Secretary of State’s office (or look at their web site) to see what they require. For IRS stuff, there should be a “Final Return” box you can check on the 1120S. If you were filing sales tax returns, there’s probably a place on there where you can says it’s the final return, too…If you were filing any other returns, you’re best off contacting that tax department or what have you to see what they want.
Of course someone else may have already said this by now 🙂 since I loaded the comments form ten minutes ago but then had to run away because I heard a strange noise (there is a cricket in here that’s trying to drive me over the edge).
Why don’t you want to sell any more copies of the book?
Stacey: You’re right, now that you mention it, I remember seeing the “Final return” checkbox on the 1120S; thanks for the suggestions! 🙂
Craige: We decided we’d print 3,000 books and sell them, and when they were gone, we’d shut down the company. The books are sold, and now it’s time to shut it down. 🙂 Plus, it was a pain in the ass, all the dealing with selling the books!
Yet another reason why Spanky is my favorite And3rs0n kitty.
You need to file a Dissolution of Corporation with the Secretary of State’s office. This is a form, which you should be able to find on their website (if the SOS is “on the web”) or you can contact the SOS office and they should be able to send you the form. Do you need a bankruptcy before 10/1? I can do that too. . . After 10/1, the law changes and my non-profit bankruptcy service (for acquiantances only) is shut down . . .
Jodie is just too cute! I wouldn’t get a thing done all day. I’d just be sitting and cuddling.
Val: I found the Dissolution of Corporation form on the web site – thank you! We don’t need to declare bankruptcy, though. Thanks for the offer. 🙂
Did you ever think that your cats might be allergic to cats? HA!
I’m bored. Obviously.
Search for Alabama Secretary of State, then click Corporations and all you need should be there.
They have standardized the web sites so that all states pretty much match. Good luck!
Jodie makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. And the pictures of her and Rambo asleep…make me want to take a nap!
I believe DeNiro’s character in Cape Fear was fresh out of prison,so his fashion sense was behind by a few decades.
You forgot to take note of the time DeNiro’s character bit the cheek off of one of his one-night stands. I do believe that to be a topper !
I’ll never give up my Fred book ! Well.. if I donate it to my county library then a lot of people will benefit,but it’s sure hard to let go!
How cool that your dh wrote a book! It looks like you already got the info on how to shut down the business from your other readers.
Those kittens are so cute when they’re all curled up together like that. What is the thing around Mr. Boogers’ neck (the little box)? I was wondering but forgot to ask the last time I saw a picture of him.
I’m sorry Robyn, I LOVE DeNiro!! Or maybe cause he reminds me of an old flame 🙂 Haven’t seen that movie though and probably won’t. I am not the kind of person to pay $$ to be SCARED, wuss that I am..
Hey Robyn, I know this is kind of personal and I can understand if you choose not to answer it, but since you brought up the book, I was just curious. How did you guys do in the end? Did you make money, lose money or come out about even?
P.S. I had a weird dream last night, that I was at your house, and for some reason, I was in your kitchen cooking something and you were both (you and Fred) in the dining room waiting for me to bring it to you. That’s all I really remember about the dream. Don’t ask me, to many drugs in the 80’s I guess.
When I worked at the shelter we had to give the kitties Doxy as well. They hated that brown stuff! 🙂 Thank you for taking another couple of little guys into your home!
I always love seeing Mr. Boogers with his Martha Stewart Electronic Monitoring Accessory around his neck. It makes him look like a badass.
I’ve never given Doxy to kittens and now I hope I don’t have to. (I have seven sneezing, goopy eyed babies at the moment and a really sick mom-cat. So far we’re still on Cefa.) I have the cocidia in my house now so all my kittens get it eventually. We used to use Albon, which I never had trouble getting the kittens to take, but the shelter just switched to Marquise Paste. Let me tell you, that shit tastes bad.
Your kittens look gorgeous. Do you just have some way to spoon feed them cute?
BethK: I hate squirting the Doxy down their throats, but I have to admit that the faces of disgust they make crack me up every single time.
We spoon feed our kittens cute every day and they love it ’cause it tastes like tuna.