reading: London Transports, by Maeve Binchy. I’m not far into it, but I almost always enjoy Maeve Bincy’s books, so I’m sure I’ll enjoy this one, as well.
Finished late last night: We’re All in This Together, by Owen King. It was excellent, from beginning to end. I think Owen King’s a very talented writer, and I recommend his book.
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Reader Lisa forwarded me an email entitled “When cloning goes bad.” Now, I’ve seen pictures that people have Photoshopped, combining two (or more) animals into one picture, but these pictures were pretty much the best ones I’ve seen yet.
Go check them out –
When cloning goes bad. If you’re easily freaked out, though, you might want to give it a miss. Especially the kitten/ penguin one.
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Hey. I know you’re looking for a worthy charity. Go check out
Save Wampi and do what you can to help, eh?
I just will never ever understand how someone could hurt an animal. I mean, look at that sweet face!

What kind of person could look at that face and want to hurt it? Poor Wampi!
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Penny sent me this months ago, and I’ve been meaning to post it in here, but kept forgetting. Sometimes I think I need a great big dose of this stuff:
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Pet store kitty pics from yesterday are
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When I was in Maine (“Yeah, yeah, yeah, SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT YOUR TRIP TO MAINE! We’re sick of hearing about it, already!”), at some point when we were hanging out together, I noticed that Debbie smelled especially good, and I made a mental note to ask her what perfume she was wearing, and immediately forgot about it.
So a few days after that, we were in the Maine Mall in South Portland, and she said “I just want to run in to Victoria’s Secret for a minute!” and I said “Why the holy fuck would you want to go in THERE?” She said “I need to get some more shampoo! I love the way this stuff smells.”
A distant bell clanged in the far reaches of my mind, and I stopped in place and stared off into space (poet! knowit!) and tried to make whatever it was come to the forefront of my brain. I’m sure, staring blankly off into space, I bore a striking resemblance to
Tom Cullen.
“Hey…” I said slowly, following her into the
depths of Hell store. “You smelled really good the other day. What was that perfume you were wearing?”
“It wasn’t perfume!” she said. “It was the Victoria’s Secret shampoo!” She stopped and picked up a
bottle of the shampoo to show me. When I was done gagging over the name, I flipped the top open and sniffed.
“Yeah, that’s it. DAMN, that smells good!”
I ended up buying the shampoo, conditioner, and gel, all in the same scent. Who would have thought Victoria’s Secret would have something
I could use?
So I’ve been using it since I got home, though not every day. I use it about every third day, switching off with my favorite
Back to Basics shampoo and conditioner.
This morning when I woke up, my hair was hanging over my face (I was sleeping on my stomach) and my hair smelled SO DAMN GOOD, because not only had I used the Victoria’s Secret (forgive me for not being able to say the name of the shampoo, but it is SO FREAKIN’ GOOFY I can’t bear it) hair care products yesterday, but I also made a batch of
blueberry bran muffins last night, and my hair had a cinnamon-y tinge to it, and the combination was just amazing. I wanted to lay in bed and sniff my hair all day long.
Alas, there were things to do, people to see, etc. etc.
I think they should make a perfume that smells like a combination of cinnamon and vanilla. They could call it Cinnilla. (Okay, maybe Fred came up with that name. M-O-O-N, that spells dork!)
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For those of you who follow or have followed American Idol, you might be interested to know that Josh Gracin has had two hits in the country music genre, and he’s working on the third. It’s odd to turn on CMT and see him with hair.
It’s also odd to see him on a bed (by a waterfall!) making out with some woman. I like Josh Gracin, I liked him when he was on American Idol, but seeing him on a bed making out with a woman just totally gives me the ookies.
I have no idea why.
Now, put Blake Shelton or Dierks Bentley or even any of those Rascal Flatts boys on the screen making out with a woman, and I’m A-OK with that. But Josh Gracin, doing the same?
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I’m now apparently officially 100 years old. I just went and watched the new Gretchen Wilson video for Jacked Up, and when drunk Gretchen got into her truck, I got all horrified.
Yep. 100 years old. Possibly even 101.
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Things I purchased while in Maine (click on the small picture to see the larger version, if you’d like):

This is a bird house – the birds are meant to go in and out through the ears – but I like it so much that I think I’m going to just keep it in the house.

A Quarry Cat, which I collect. I didn’t have this one, though, so had to buy it! I should take a picture of all my Quarry Cats so I can keep track of which ones I already have.

Egg Creatures. I collect these, too, and always buy some from the Hallmark at Cook’s Corner in Brunswick, Maine. When I first started buying them, they had only cats, but now they’ve apparently expanded the line.

Bright yellow mixing bowls. Very “me”, don’t you think? Well, they’d probably be more “me” if I didn’t hate to cook. I was thrilled to find these, though, and still love them.

A set of melamine mixing bowls I got at Macy’s for $20. All my mixing bowls are glass, and we have a stone kitchen floor, and I’d rather have mixing bowls that bounce when you drop them, than mixing bowls that shatter. Plus, I really like the colors of these bowls.

I’ve seen this stone cat in catalogs for $50, but got it for $25! Score! Something about the position of the cat – the sitting up straight, the perked-up ears – reminds me more than a little of Mia. Right now it’s sitting by the fireplace, but I may put it out on the front step, or in the garden. I haven’t quite decided yet.

I didn’t buy these – reader Marilyn sent them to me, and they crack me UP. Eggs with legs! Could there be anything funnier? I THINK NOT.
Of course, I bought a lot more than that, but I didn’t think you needed to see the yellow sweat pants I bought in Macy’s Women for less than $5 (which I’d take credit for, but Debbie’s the one who spotted them and pointed them out to me. And they are MIGHTY comfy.), or the
Finger Eleven cd, or the
Lee Ann Womack Best Of cd (which I’ve been listening to nonstop since I got home), or the various and sundry magnets and stickers and stuff like that. I just hit the high spots. YOU’RE WELCOME.
Please can you just say the name of the Victoria’s Secret shampoo? I’m at work and our firewall prevents me from going to the Victoria’s Secret site.
Go figure…I can go to BITCHypoo, but not Victoria’s Secret…
Pardon me, but the name I came up with was “Vanillamon”, not Cinnilla.
I have firewalls at my work too and I’m dying to know the name. Please?
Hah, I got those mixing bowls when I was in Maine last week too, but I got the orange, yellow, green set. TJ Maxx, right? 🙂
So Sexy is the name folks………Sorry Robyn!!
I can’t be the only one who thinks the eggs with legs are a little creepy, can I?
Debbie’s right, it’s “So Sexy”. Is that the cheesiest thing you’ve ever heard of, or what?
Fred: Hesh up.
Slush: No, Macy’s! 🙂
Yes, “So Sexy” is So Dorky. But, the name can be ignored.
I love the first pic of Roselyn, one of the Pet Store Kitties! Hah!
I wear the Victoria Secret perfume “PINK”
It smells all grapefruity and yummy 🙂
Robyn, you should check out Philosophy’s products. They have lots of delicious smelling bath gels, which I think you can also use as shampoo. I think Sephora carries their full line.
Your hair smells SO SEXY.
I understand the name thing so well—people ask what perfume I’m wearing and I can never say it, I always go, “oh, it’s that one…by that designer…that Muegler guy…I can’t remember the name.” because the name is too embarrassing to say aloud. It’s Angel Innocent (I can write it, just can’t say it). Angel Innocent, gag, but the smell is addicting. But yeah, So Sexy would be hard to even write.
I must have the 6 piece mixing bowls! In fact, I just ordered them. 🙂
Philosophy “Cinnamon Buns” – you can get it at and it’s heavenly.
O, Robyn. How I luurve you. Will you marry me? Make me laugh every day?
I was watching the Style network the other day – I think it was Foody Calls, maybe, and the host had a bit of cinnamon in her hand and added a few drops of vanilla and said to just dab some behind the ears or wrists – and then it’s perfume! Has anyone smelled the new J.Lo Miami Glow? Suntan lotion and coconut – love it!
M-O-O-N, that spells treasures from Maine. 😀 What did I get from Maine? uh… sand in my suitcase! Oh, and a couple silly toys from the arcades at OOB…
I thought the stone cat was kinda neat, until you went & said that it reminds you of Mia. Now it’s a scary ghost-cat-statue that I would be super-freaked out to have in my home.
Yes, I AM weird like that.
Well, thanks to your recommendation, I put the Owen King book on hold at the library so I can read it. I loved the Cloning Gone Bad site!!! LOL, I’m still laughing . . . .
I feel nothing but unbridled lust for your rainbow mixing bowls. They might be the cutest things I’ve ever seen.
Since my man can not RESIST shopping at Vicky’s (yeah, we are on nick-name terms), I will tell him to pick this up. Finally, something besides push up bras and skimpy dresses. Sigh. My life is so hard.
I don’t think I’ve ever heard “Moon – that spells dork” worked into conversation before. Heh. I laughed for five minutes. Thanks Robyn. Now I have to get out my copy of “The Stand.” [grin]