* * *
Look. I know Amy Winehouse has her fans and probably many of you love her, but I listen to her music and it ain’t my bag (“Yeah, well what do YOU know? You like COUNTRY MUSIC, you goddamn hick!”) and I see the hair and it ain’t my bag “Yeah, well what do YOU know? You wear oversized t-shirts and baggy shorts and YELLOW AND BLACK STRIPED BOOTS where people can SEE you!”), and then I see pictures like this one:
and I whimper and run away and hide.
I don’t get the Winehouse lurve, but y’all just rock on with your bad selves, I s’pose.
* * *
I’m recently reading this book called This Day in the Life, which I bought – I think – because Melissa is in it somewhere and I like Melissa, and I thought the idea behind the book was an interesting one. It’s more interesting in some parts – the parts done by the 79 year-old woman married (for 18 years) to her second husband, and the one done by a female firefighter, in particular – than others.
ANYway, there’s one bit written by a woman named Monica and she talks about her daughter, and her daughter’s name is Ronica. And I am enthralled by this idea, by giving your child a name that rhymes with your own by just changing the first letter. It saddens me a little that it never occurred to me until now to name my own child Flobyn.
Hell – if I’d had several kids, they’d never accuse me of going down the list of names before I got it right, the way ALL parents did. Instead of going “Flobyn – Zobyn – Chobyn – Shlobyn – I mean, get OVER here, Thobyn!”, I could have just gone “::cough::OBYN! Get over here!”
Think the spud would let me change her name?
* * *
Edited to add
This morning, Fred woke me up before he left for work as he always does.
“I fixed the shower!” he announced. We’ve been having an issue with the shower draining slowly these past few weeks.
“Oh yeah? How?” I asked.
“I was in the shower, and I am such a…” he paused and stared off in space to search for the correct term.
“Douchebag?” I offered, and then snickered for so long at my own wit that I don’t even know what term he came up with.
Is it wrong to be so amused by yourself?
* * *
Also edited to add
One day last week, my sister offered to me that I am the most normal person in our family. I demurred, because I don’t exactly feel normal all the time. The next morning while I was talking to Fred, I told him what she’d said.
“Bessie,” he said gently. “She said the most normal person in your family, didn’t she?”
“Yeah….?” I said.
“Well. That’s kind of like saying that Alec is the most talented Baldwin.”
“HEY!” I objected, and then couldn’t help laughing. Because the truth is FUNNY.
* * *
Okay, clearly I’ve not got much to say. So I give to you two movies. The first is me, using my camera to make a short movie of a chicken taking a dust bath. Chickens take dust baths to, ironically, keep clean. It gets rid of mites and other little critters that can get under their feathers.
Anyway, I was shooting this video, got distracted by a closer chicken, and then looked back at the dust bathing chicken to see that she was being pecked at by another chicken. At the very end, I say an annoyed “HEYYYYYY!” at the pecking chicken, and I sound like the biggest hick on earth. Enjoy.
And this one is just a video of the chicken taking her dust bath (tell me she doesn’t look like a cat, rolling around like that), with the added bonus of Frick running into the movie at the end.
* * *
My nephew sent me the link to this video, and even after repeated viewings, it makes me laugh like a goon.
* * *
44 thoughts on “8/31/07”
I’ve never heard of Amy Winehouse. Who the heck is that ugly freak?
I LURVE me some sleepy kitty pictures!
Welcome home!
So happy you’re back Robyn, missed ya!
Your postcard made my day, thanks =)
I’m gonna scan an older pic of Amy Winehouse that I saw in Spin magazine.
It’s sad, she used to be beauuuuutiful.
Love her rehab song, but yes she does look like a cracked out ho.
I totally agree with you about Amy Winehouse. I HATE that rehab song!!!
My son about fell out of his chair when he saw that “extinction” video. TFS!
What I wouldn’t give to be a sleepy kitty snoozin’ in the sun. To quote my toddler: “I seepy”. Insomnia is hell.
How’s the Spud? Or will that be included in the recap?? 😉
So that’s how the dinosaurs became extinct.
Welcome back Robyn!! 😀 Watching the chickens just cracked me up with their “BaGaaaawk” hehe!
Have yourself a great weekend. 🙂
LOL! My name is Jeanette..meet my daughters Meanette, Seanette, Beanette, Deanette and Leanette!
I love Amy’s music, but then, I’m a sucker for all those ’60s girl groups, and her sound reminds me of them at times. HOWEVER, she’s looking mighty damn rough these days.
I can’t wait to hear about you seeing “Hairspray”! I’m so jealous. I adore musicals, and “Hairspray” must have been a ton of fun. Oh, and of course it’s not wrong to be so amused by yourself. I often crack myself up. 🙂
Sorry, just had to add (because I just saw your link to Amy’s picture) that the photos accompanying the “Back to Black” CD are tres flattering. In every candid picture I’ve seen of her since then, she’s looked ratty and underfed, and if she doesn’t take off those damn filthy ballet slippers she calls shoes, I’m going to smack her. Heh.
My first name and my dad’s name rhyme. I cannot tell you how many times we answered each other’s phone calls, or both of us got in trouble for ignoring my mom when she yelled for us because we figured she was calling the other one, or both showed up when she only wanted one of us, or the times it took 5 minutes to answer a question addressed to one of us because we first had to clarify half a dozen times which one of us was being addressed.
Much like a dog’s name, you want to name your kid something you can clearly shout at least half a mile and be understood.
Lyn: I call my sister “Deb” and my father “Dad”, and possibly one million times in the past I’ve called my parents’ house and asked for “Deb” and got my father.
The spud’s name (Danielle) is perfect for shouting, because the end can be emphasized and/or drawn out, whichever is necessary – “Dan-YELLLLLLLL!”
OMG, it’s SO good you’re back!! I don’t often comment, but I savor your smart ass remarks every chance I get! And, yea, you do sorta sound like my neighbors here in Bum Fuck Arkansas with your “HEYYYY”. (you said it first!). And I love the fart video!!! I must keep that on my desktop for emergency, theraputic giggles.
I don’t like Amy Winehouse either. People seem to forget that the smoky-voiced retro girl singer thing has already been done by Fiona Apple, except Fiona Apple isn’t a snagglytoothed druggie skank.
Amy Winehouse frightens me. She is one certified train wreck.
How is the Sugs neck thingy? Better?
I have to agree that Amy Winehouse was quite lovely in the links that were posted, but her mouth was also CLOSED! Geez Louise! You would think the girl could afford to get her teeth fixed. I will definitely have to show Xander the “extinction” video. My little man is always up for a good fart:)
Amy should spend less money on drugs and more money on good dental care… get some teeth, woman!
I like Amy Winehouse’s music. But those teeth? Isn’t she British?
heh! She is a Brit- they ain’t known for their teeth!
Thanks for posting the videos. I too was laughing like a goon, gotta love the fart jokes!
Amy Winehouse – such a mess. I have definitely heard enough of “Rehab,” but am totally hooked on several of her other songs. Here’s a link to a 2004 recording where she’s groovin on guitar and singing “Stronger Than Me,” a song which could have been my ANTHEM back in my “MEN, WTF??” days. She is such a talented songwriter and singer and Lordy I hope she gets her shit together. She’s a sick lil puppy these days, sad.
On the child-naming thing, this is TRUE. One of my dear friends dated a woman named Arlene. Her father ran a chain of small stores called…”Lean 1, Lean 2, etc…..” Hahah. But it gets better. Arlene’s sisters were: Darlene, Marlene and SCARlene. When Arlene had a son, she named him Arlen.
Amy Winehouse looks good in her web photos because they airbrush the heck out of those, and fix defects, have flattering lighting, etc. I saw a before and after photo somewhere online (I’ll try to find you the link) of Britney Spears in a photo shoot. The transformation was amazing. That’s why when we see photos of her on the steet, we’re like “What’s the big deal? I know a hundred girls who look like that.”
Her hair…ugh, it’s what nightmares are made of!
Love those bathing chicks and sleepy heads!
I’ve never heard of this Amy Winehouse chick(?). She looks and sounds like a drunk transvestite. I don’t get it. What’s the attraction?
I just heard my first Amy Winehouse (that “Rehab” song, of course) the other day, and I’ll admit that I was intrigued. But then I looked her up, and man, that girl has screwed her life up worse than Britney or Lindsay. Knowing it has made me too sad to listen to any more of her music.
I like some of Winehouse’s songs, and am left utterly cold by others. She has an odd facial structure that I sometimes find attractive and other times wonder what kind of syndrome it is. But ANY photo that shows a missing tooth and red-eye is going to look scary heinous, no matter if you’re the most beautiful person on the planet, bar none.
Her addict look now is quite scary, with the “beehive” that looks like just a big clump of dreads (dude. I saw a guy in the hardware store with hair down to his knees, and it was matted up and… not really dreaded, just MATTED, in such a way that it was like a solid sheet of.. well, solid hair, instead of individual strands, and it had a BEND in it. An almost 90-degree angle shelf of hair sticking out at the last eight inches or so, where I guess it habitually got sat on in just the right way to make a permanent crease. I kept inching back because I was trying to judge how far anything living in that nest might be able to jump) and the skinny skinny skinniness, but as far as that goes, I don’t think she’s any more scary looking than Keira Knightly. Just dirtier looking is all. Marginally.
Anyway, I love Rehab, it is my ringtone in fact, and there are about two other songs that I’ve heard that I really really like, and then the rest of her stuff is meh. For one thing, a lot of her lyrics only make marginal sense, or you get the feeling that you’d have to know The Rest Of The Story to understand the song, and lyrics are important to me. (For instance! Even in Rehab: “Yes, I been black, but when I come back, you’ll know” – what does that mean? Is that a racio-sexist remark? WTH? But I don’t care too much because I dig the vibe.)
And I listen to country music too. Embarrassed myself last night singing along out loud in the grocery story to the Grundy County Auction song by John Michael Montgomery, playing on the overhead. I also like rap, rock, metal, R&B, pop, techno, gospel, classical, reggae (Shaggy!), and damn near anything else that hits my eardrums.
So now you know how *I* feel about it all. Heh.
I have a feeling, though, that you won’t have to worry about liking or not liking Amy Winehouse’s music for very long. Her and Pete Doherty, man. Just ticking away. (Has anyone ever heard anything by Doherty’s band, Babyshambles, anyway? To my knowledge I’ve never heard anything by him or his band, but the media has him as this Astonishing Musical Genius.) Although I did read an article about her in which the author theorized that she’ll never OD, because unlike other “out of control” celebs, she’s a TRUE addict, and ODing would mean that she would be dead and thus not be able to get high anymore. It was a twisty little piece of logic, but basically: People who OD care more about their lives and their problems than they do about their highs. True addicts place the high above anything else, and will prolong their lives as long as possible to continue getting it. Interesting theory, I thought.
Shutting up now.
That was too funny. The dino’s that is.
***kitty toes kisses***
in regards to elayne’s inquiry about the amy winehouse lyrics “yes i’ve been black but when i come back you’ll know” – i think it means she’s been in some hard times but when she makes it through you’ll know. the whole song is about how she was asked by her record company to go to rehab because they were concerned about her, but she refused to. so basically it means when she beats her “blackness”/demons/whatever, you’ll know. she thinks she doesn’t need rehab. i have the album and it’s really good, but yes, she is going through terrible times lately. she used to be a curvier girl and she looked fabulous, but it’s no secret that she’s really gotten into drugs lately [she lost her tooth from a drunken fall], but hopefully she will get some help because her voice is really good.
This Day in the Life was edited by my mom’s best friend’s sister (Joni Cole)! I actually contributed to the first edition back in 2002(?), but my day diary didn’t get picked to be put in. My data was in the surveys, though, and my name’s in the back! 😉
Hi, my name is Shirley, meet my daughter Squirrly. Glad you are back home safe and sound.
Hey!!!!!!!!!!!!! heeheehee
I think you sound like Jenny McCarthy when she squeals (in her Weight Watchers commercial) “It was meant to BEEEEEEEEEEEE.”
Oh man – my name is Deirdre, which isn’t leaving a lot of good choices in the rhyming category… Weirdre. Feirdre. Bleirdre. *shudder*
Amy Winehouse is one scary chick. I read somewhere that she and Pete Doherty are celebrity spokespeople for the same clothing line and wondered who they’re aiming their clothes at – your average junkie can’t afford them and people that can afford it don’t usually want to look like that *grin*
Never heard of Amy Winehouse so I checked out her myspace. Not my really my thing.
Just wanted to tell you the dinosaur clip made me and my boys (6 & 8) laugh hard. Thanks for sharing.
Sorry about my post. It meant to say ( 6 & 8 )
Farts are funny. 🙂 I admit I giggled loudly enough to startle the dog. Who then farted.
Ah, my life. 🙂
I love her tunes, but Miss Amy has got to get her shit together or it will be her last album. She’s hurtling towards rock bottom at an astonishing rate.
My personal fave tune of hers is either “Tears Dry on Their Own” or “Back to Black.” Brilliant.
Amy Winehouse is incredibly talented, but sadly is full of self-hatred and shame. It is a desperately awful situation for her family. The tooth thing is funny, but only until you realize that it is just another way that she is neglecting herself. (Not saying she shouldn’t be made fun of for it! Just saying that there is a very bleak reason for the state she is in.)
The really sad thing is that she is probably going to kill herself very soon with her drug addiction and self-harming addiction. I doubt her ballet slippers are foremost in her mind, not when the next fix is such a concern.
As an addict in recovery, I find her situation almost too painful to watch. It doesn’t look like she’s heading for a happy ending.
Is that missing tooth for real? Good Lord!
I looked at the Britney Spears before and after link. Uhmm,,,there were 2 pics and in one them her hair looked combed,,,but where’s the “after” pic? geesh…the chick was so pretty a few years ago.
Amy Winehouse equals skank no matter how good/bad the pic.
I’ve never heard of Amy Winehouse. Who the heck is that ugly freak?
I LURVE me some sleepy kitty pictures!
Welcome home!
So happy you’re back Robyn, missed ya!
Your postcard made my day, thanks =)
I’m gonna scan an older pic of Amy Winehouse that I saw in Spin magazine.
It’s sad, she used to be beauuuuutiful.
Love her rehab song, but yes she does look like a cracked out ho.
I totally agree with you about Amy Winehouse. I HATE that rehab song!!!
My son about fell out of his chair when he saw that “extinction” video. TFS!
What I wouldn’t give to be a sleepy kitty snoozin’ in the sun. To quote my toddler: “I seepy”. Insomnia is hell.
How’s the Spud? Or will that be included in the recap?? 😉
So that’s how the dinosaurs became extinct.
Welcome back Robyn!! 😀 Watching the chickens just cracked me up with their “BaGaaaawk” hehe!
Have yourself a great weekend. 🙂
LOL! My name is Jeanette..meet my daughters Meanette, Seanette, Beanette, Deanette and Leanette!
Okay, can’t find it…
I must have thrown that issue out.
Anyway…this is the only pic I could find where she looks good,lol.
Oh, I’m still laughing about the “douchebag” story. Perfect.
Angel, she looks pretty good here, too. Really good, actually:
I love Amy’s music, but then, I’m a sucker for all those ’60s girl groups, and her sound reminds me of them at times. HOWEVER, she’s looking mighty damn rough these days.
I can’t wait to hear about you seeing “Hairspray”! I’m so jealous. I adore musicals, and “Hairspray” must have been a ton of fun. Oh, and of course it’s not wrong to be so amused by yourself. I often crack myself up. 🙂
Sorry, just had to add (because I just saw your link to Amy’s picture) that the photos accompanying the “Back to Black” CD are tres flattering. In every candid picture I’ve seen of her since then, she’s looked ratty and underfed, and if she doesn’t take off those damn filthy ballet slippers she calls shoes, I’m going to smack her. Heh.
My first name and my dad’s name rhyme. I cannot tell you how many times we answered each other’s phone calls, or both of us got in trouble for ignoring my mom when she yelled for us because we figured she was calling the other one, or both showed up when she only wanted one of us, or the times it took 5 minutes to answer a question addressed to one of us because we first had to clarify half a dozen times which one of us was being addressed.
Much like a dog’s name, you want to name your kid something you can clearly shout at least half a mile and be understood.
Lyn: I call my sister “Deb” and my father “Dad”, and possibly one million times in the past I’ve called my parents’ house and asked for “Deb” and got my father.
The spud’s name (Danielle) is perfect for shouting, because the end can be emphasized and/or drawn out, whichever is necessary – “Dan-YELLLLLLLL!”
OMG, it’s SO good you’re back!! I don’t often comment, but I savor your smart ass remarks every chance I get! And, yea, you do sorta sound like my neighbors here in Bum Fuck Arkansas with your “HEYYYY”. (you said it first!). And I love the fart video!!! I must keep that on my desktop for emergency, theraputic giggles.
I don’t like Amy Winehouse either. People seem to forget that the smoky-voiced retro girl singer thing has already been done by Fiona Apple, except Fiona Apple isn’t a snagglytoothed druggie skank.
Amy Winehouse frightens me. She is one certified train wreck.
How is the Sugs neck thingy? Better?
I have to agree that Amy Winehouse was quite lovely in the links that were posted, but her mouth was also CLOSED! Geez Louise! You would think the girl could afford to get her teeth fixed. I will definitely have to show Xander the “extinction” video. My little man is always up for a good fart:)
Amy should spend less money on drugs and more money on good dental care… get some teeth, woman!
I like Amy Winehouse’s music. But those teeth? Isn’t she British?
heh! She is a Brit- they ain’t known for their teeth!
Thanks for posting the videos. I too was laughing like a goon, gotta love the fart jokes!
Amy Winehouse – such a mess. I have definitely heard enough of “Rehab,” but am totally hooked on several of her other songs. Here’s a link to a 2004 recording where she’s groovin on guitar and singing “Stronger Than Me,” a song which could have been my ANTHEM back in my “MEN, WTF??” days. She is such a talented songwriter and singer and Lordy I hope she gets her shit together. She’s a sick lil puppy these days, sad.
On the child-naming thing, this is TRUE. One of my dear friends dated a woman named Arlene. Her father ran a chain of small stores called…”Lean 1, Lean 2, etc…..” Hahah. But it gets better. Arlene’s sisters were: Darlene, Marlene and SCARlene. When Arlene had a son, she named him Arlen.
Amy Winehouse looks good in her web photos because they airbrush the heck out of those, and fix defects, have flattering lighting, etc. I saw a before and after photo somewhere online (I’ll try to find you the link) of Britney Spears in a photo shoot. The transformation was amazing. That’s why when we see photos of her on the steet, we’re like “What’s the big deal? I know a hundred girls who look like that.”
Her hair…ugh, it’s what nightmares are made of!
Love those bathing chicks and sleepy heads!
Here’s the Britney link. Sorry the photos aren’t bigger, I couldn’t find the original article.
I’ve never heard of this Amy Winehouse chick(?). She looks and sounds like a drunk transvestite. I don’t get it. What’s the attraction?
I just heard my first Amy Winehouse (that “Rehab” song, of course) the other day, and I’ll admit that I was intrigued. But then I looked her up, and man, that girl has screwed her life up worse than Britney or Lindsay. Knowing it has made me too sad to listen to any more of her music.
I like some of Winehouse’s songs, and am left utterly cold by others. She has an odd facial structure that I sometimes find attractive and other times wonder what kind of syndrome it is. But ANY photo that shows a missing tooth and red-eye is going to look scary heinous, no matter if you’re the most beautiful person on the planet, bar none.
Her addict look now is quite scary, with the “beehive” that looks like just a big clump of dreads (dude. I saw a guy in the hardware store with hair down to his knees, and it was matted up and… not really dreaded, just MATTED, in such a way that it was like a solid sheet of.. well, solid hair, instead of individual strands, and it had a BEND in it. An almost 90-degree angle shelf of hair sticking out at the last eight inches or so, where I guess it habitually got sat on in just the right way to make a permanent crease. I kept inching back because I was trying to judge how far anything living in that nest might be able to jump) and the skinny skinny skinniness, but as far as that goes, I don’t think she’s any more scary looking than Keira Knightly. Just dirtier looking is all. Marginally.
Anyway, I love Rehab, it is my ringtone in fact, and there are about two other songs that I’ve heard that I really really like, and then the rest of her stuff is meh. For one thing, a lot of her lyrics only make marginal sense, or you get the feeling that you’d have to know The Rest Of The Story to understand the song, and lyrics are important to me. (For instance! Even in Rehab: “Yes, I been black, but when I come back, you’ll know” – what does that mean? Is that a racio-sexist remark? WTH? But I don’t care too much because I dig the vibe.)
And I listen to country music too. Embarrassed myself last night singing along out loud in the grocery story to the Grundy County Auction song by John Michael Montgomery, playing on the overhead. I also like rap, rock, metal, R&B, pop, techno, gospel, classical, reggae (Shaggy!), and damn near anything else that hits my eardrums.
So now you know how *I* feel about it all. Heh.
I have a feeling, though, that you won’t have to worry about liking or not liking Amy Winehouse’s music for very long. Her and Pete Doherty, man. Just ticking away. (Has anyone ever heard anything by Doherty’s band, Babyshambles, anyway? To my knowledge I’ve never heard anything by him or his band, but the media has him as this Astonishing Musical Genius.) Although I did read an article about her in which the author theorized that she’ll never OD, because unlike other “out of control” celebs, she’s a TRUE addict, and ODing would mean that she would be dead and thus not be able to get high anymore. It was a twisty little piece of logic, but basically: People who OD care more about their lives and their problems than they do about their highs. True addicts place the high above anything else, and will prolong their lives as long as possible to continue getting it. Interesting theory, I thought.
Shutting up now.
That was too funny. The dino’s that is.
***kitty toes kisses***
in regards to elayne’s inquiry about the amy winehouse lyrics “yes i’ve been black but when i come back you’ll know” – i think it means she’s been in some hard times but when she makes it through you’ll know. the whole song is about how she was asked by her record company to go to rehab because they were concerned about her, but she refused to. so basically it means when she beats her “blackness”/demons/whatever, you’ll know. she thinks she doesn’t need rehab. i have the album and it’s really good, but yes, she is going through terrible times lately. she used to be a curvier girl and she looked fabulous, but it’s no secret that she’s really gotten into drugs lately [she lost her tooth from a drunken fall], but hopefully she will get some help because her voice is really good.
This Day in the Life was edited by my mom’s best friend’s sister (Joni Cole)! I actually contributed to the first edition back in 2002(?), but my day diary didn’t get picked to be put in. My data was in the surveys, though, and my name’s in the back! 😉
Hi, my name is Shirley, meet my daughter Squirrly. Glad you are back home safe and sound.
Hey!!!!!!!!!!!!! heeheehee
I think you sound like Jenny McCarthy when she squeals (in her Weight Watchers commercial) “It was meant to BEEEEEEEEEEEE.”
Oh man – my name is Deirdre, which isn’t leaving a lot of good choices in the rhyming category… Weirdre. Feirdre. Bleirdre. *shudder*
Amy Winehouse is one scary chick. I read somewhere that she and Pete Doherty are celebrity spokespeople for the same clothing line and wondered who they’re aiming their clothes at – your average junkie can’t afford them and people that can afford it don’t usually want to look like that *grin*
Never heard of Amy Winehouse so I checked out her myspace. Not my really my thing.
Just wanted to tell you the dinosaur clip made me and my boys (6 & 8) laugh hard. Thanks for sharing.
Sorry about my post. It meant to say ( 6 & 8 )
Farts are funny. 🙂 I admit I giggled loudly enough to startle the dog. Who then farted.
Ah, my life. 🙂
I love her tunes, but Miss Amy has got to get her shit together or it will be her last album. She’s hurtling towards rock bottom at an astonishing rate.
My personal fave tune of hers is either “Tears Dry on Their Own” or “Back to Black.” Brilliant.
Amy Winehouse is incredibly talented, but sadly is full of self-hatred and shame. It is a desperately awful situation for her family. The tooth thing is funny, but only until you realize that it is just another way that she is neglecting herself. (Not saying she shouldn’t be made fun of for it! Just saying that there is a very bleak reason for the state she is in.)
The really sad thing is that she is probably going to kill herself very soon with her drug addiction and self-harming addiction. I doubt her ballet slippers are foremost in her mind, not when the next fix is such a concern.
As an addict in recovery, I find her situation almost too painful to watch. It doesn’t look like she’s heading for a happy ending.
Is that missing tooth for real? Good Lord!
I looked at the Britney Spears before and after link. Uhmm,,,there were 2 pics and in one them her hair looked combed,,,but where’s the “after” pic? geesh…the chick was so pretty a few years ago.
Amy Winehouse equals skank no matter how good/bad the pic.