Okay, the new design is done and up. I don’t think I’ll be messing with it any more because I think it looks good enough, you should be able to see the banner at the top of the page, and I don’t know why the links in the body of the entry are in blue and NOT underlined and the ones in the sidebar are black and underlined. I personally prefer the blue/ not underlined look, but after all the help Fred uncomplainingly gave me this weekend getting the fucking page to look the way I want, I’m not going to ask him to do one more thing with it.
(This week.)
The threaded comments – where you can reply directly to another comment if you want to – are back, and that’s another thing Fred fixed for me, making it look like I want it to.
Fred has put up with a lot of shit from me lately. Thank god for patient geeks who put up with difficult women.
I made a few changes in the sidebars. Jake and Elwood are now listed under permanent residents and even have their own page. I moved Mister Boogers’ picture over there to the right under the search box because people keep wandering through, seem to be surprised to find that he’s died, and do searches to find out when and how. If they click on the picture, it’ll take them right to the entry where I wrote about him.
I can’t believe it’s been two months.
If anything looks particularly wonky to you, let me know!
Why have you not been demanding Jake and Elwood updates, people? Do you not adore the Jake and the Elwood? Have you fallen out of love with their sassy ways?
Well, NOT THAT YOU ASKED, they’re doing just fine. They each have their own little personality. Jake’s a fighter prone to making the Mister Boogers face, and Elwood’s a lover who’ll purr his goofy little head off if you so much as glance in his direction.
We let them out of the guest room for good on Friday (until then, we’d been allowing them the run of the house during the day, then putting them in the guest room at night), and Elwood jumped up on me during the night several times. That was fine, as long as he jumped up on me and went to sleep or just quietly lay there, I had no problem with that. When he decided to attack my feet, though, that was when the can of air came out.
Jake and Elwood have developed a healthy respect for the can of compressed air.
The two following nights, I don’t know where they spent the night, but it wasn’t on me.
They are both such sweet monkeys, love to be picked up and petted and kissed. They’re both verrrrry interested in the foster kittens, and if it weren’t for the fact that the fosters will all be recovering from surgery at one point or another, I’d likely let the Blues boys in to play with them. As it is, I don’t quite dare, and so they have to be happy smacking at each others’ paws under the door.
In case you haven’t been over to Love & Hisses, Sam’s the only one who ended up having surgery on Friday. You can read the day-after-surgery entry here and then the day-after-the-day-after-surgery entry here.
So far, Sam’s doing fine. His eyes looked a little rough to me yesterday, and I made Fred come upstairs and swear to me that they looked okay and his eyelids weren’t going to come popping off and go bouncing across the room (also, he referred to them as “eyelips”, and I laughed and laughed). Sam’s acting like he does not know WHAT the fuss is, please stop LOOKING at me and go away lady unless you have food for me.
I still worry that he’s going to not heal right, but so far things seem to be going well so I’m not too worried.
This is how the kittens feel about Mondays.
(My favorite part of this picture: Bill in the background, slumped over with his foot in the air, looking very Bill the Cat.)
If that’s not a Mister Boogers look on Jake’s face, I don’t know what is.
2008: No entry.
2007: I don’t get the Winehouse lurve, but y’all just rock on with your bad selves, I s’pose.
2006: That part where McMurphy is trying to take off her scrubs and the back of her shirt is glued to her back with dried blood brings me to tears every single time I watch it.
2005: Is it just me, or does Eric Schaeffer play an inordinant number of characters named Sam?
2004: My day, in progress.
2003: This entry is comprised of nothing but cat pictures, because I’m clearing off the memory stick to start September fresh, with an empty memory stick.
2002: No entry.
2001: No entry.
2000: He said “Maybe you’re losing slower than me because you BELIEVE you’ll lose slower than me!”
Which cat did Fred think was most like Mr. Boogers when you first got them, Jake or Elwood?
Most likely Jake – he’s always had that Boogie sass. 🙂
“Jake’s a fighter prone to making the Mister Boogers face, and Elwood’s a lover who’ll purr his goofy little head off if you so much as glance in his direction.”
Robyn, I’m picturing Jake with horns & a pitchfork, Elwood with a halo & a harp. The best of both worlds!
Jake and Ellwood are adorable. I wonder if the person that dropped them off is reading and saying to themselves, I knew they’d keep them and love them!
that smile on Jake (or is it Elwood) is irrisistable! He looks so cheeky!
Aaaw, the Booger Minions are teh cute!
We call him fang-love that. I must confess the blues boys did slip my mind a bit last week-sorry boys. They are so cute and it will be great to watch them grow up at Crooked Acres.
One wonky thing I noticed is the top letters in “get me a random entry” are only half there. Maybe it’s just my laptop.
Have the same thing on mine-it’s also a laptop.
Could someone who’s having this issue send me a screenshot? It might be your laptops, or it might be something I can change. 🙂
My desktop, notebook (14″ screen) and netbook (10.1″ screen) are all receiving all of your pages. I checked with both Firefox and Internet Explorer 7.0. Maybe some people have changed font sizes…but even then they should be able to scroll across the page and see everything. Once upon a time I found out that my firewall was blocking the full display of some pages, so it could be anything. Right now I’m using the Windows firewall.
I am a sad mama this morning. We are going on vacation to Grand Cayman next week and I was updating my anal retentive information for the pet sitter. I had to take Gibson’s info out of the papers and it made me so sad. I felt disloyal to him. I was glad to see Boogers’ picture up at the top of your page. It must still hurt like crazy and again I am so sorry it happened.
I love the Blues. The muzzle pouch onFang is hysterical. Glad Sam is okay.
Elaine, the only thing that would make me feel better is if you took me to the Grand Caymans with you.
It seems sometimes like it’s been much longer that he’s been gone. We still miss him a lot, but we’re able to talk about him and laugh about how he was, and it still feels like he’s here with us.
Well at least you know you have a rum cake coming your way. Flavor of choice for you would be….?
I know they have regular, chocolate, banana, cocconut.
It is weird the way the memories come back. Sometimes I will look at Gracie Lu and automatically think “Oh, there’s Gibson” Then I have to shake myself. It does not hurt but it is weird.
Okay CALL ME WEIRD go ahead 🙂
Nance – I tutored fellow students in university in the poetry section – if you and your fambly would like I’d be happy to offer any help I can in the poetry unit of T’s course!
My email is newmary6279 at gmail dot com
Mary, Nance’s email is listed in several places on her site. I don’t believe she reads my comments all that regularly, especially when she’s as busy as she’s been lately.
Thanks, Robyn, I looked but only quickly, I’ll go scour and send her a note.
Please squeeze the kittehs for me!
Love those Blues Brothers!!!
“Get me a random entry” is non-existant on my desk-top PC. I suspect you’ll be asking Fred for help sooner than you expected.
Love Jake & Elwood, and TB kittehs.
“Get me a random entry” is totally fine for me, but I am using a Mac (with Firefox). The only thing I just noticed is that it looks like it asks for our URI (rather than URL) when posting comments. Otherwise, everything else looks great.
Glad to hear Sam is doing well!
I saw the updates about the eyelids, and the kitten is looking great! I love living vicariously through your kitties, since I can’t have them myself.
Everything looks great to me, except your pic on the top left corner is blocking part of the words “Bitchypoo Robyn” or whatever it says up there.
I really like the Mister Boogers RIP up at the top. Over the last few weeks, I noticed his pic was still up under permanent residents and how sad it would be to take it down, so it is nice that his pic can stay up on your page.
I would like it though if your links would open up in a new window.
If you hold down the Control key and click a link, it will automatically open in a new window
I saw all the kitty pictures and immediately started yawning!! Did that happen to anyone else?
Yeah, I yawned after all the kitty pictures. I also noticed that the pictures on the left do not have names under them or just partial info.
Thanks for the update on your blues brothers! Have you ever heard of the cat breed Chartreux, otherwise known as the smiling blue cat of France? I swear your boys have the look!
That last picture makes me think of Planes, Trains & Automobiles…..Those aren’t PILLOWS!
i want all entries to be updated with jake & elwood! i’m stunned over the way they came to you… and i especially love them so because they look like russian blues and remind me of bluey & ramey when they were kittens. i’m still so sad about losing my baby girl. bluey is still so very needy and constantly wants attention. i know he’s lonely and it just breaks my heart. 🙁 but anyway, jake & elwood! daily updates! with pics! :’ )