reading: London Transports, by Maeve Binchy, still. What’s up with her obsession with girls having affairs with married men? I’m about a third of the way through the book (it’s a book of short stories) and almost every story features a girl having an affair with a married man.
* * *
So, Fred’s
going in for surgery next Friday. In the interest of full disclosure and TRUTH, I’m going to tell y’all that I would most likely be okay with wiping his ass. I mean, it’s not something I’d WANT to do, but I could do it, and I’d be okay with it, and I’d just figure it’s practice for when I have to change his diapers in another ten years or so (ha ha! See that? I made a thinly veiled joke about his age! I am SO FUNNY!). But the truth is that Fred would rather hold it in for two weeks than let me do such a thing. Because he’s too goddamn independent, and would rather suffer in silence than ask for someone’s help.
Damn the man.
I expect that by the end of spending two weeks with his arm in a sling, he’s going to be bouncing off the walls, since he won’t be able to go on one of his gentle hikes directly up the side of a mountain while looking for poisonous snakes to poke with a stick. I’ll entertain him the best I can, but since I won’t be able to throw him on my back and carry him up the side of the mountain, I imagine we’ll both be a little stir crazy.
He should be able to go back to work pretty quickly, even though his job requires a lot of typing. He can type with one hand if he needs to.
I’ll let you make your own joke out of THAT.
* * *
The spud and I did a little mother-daughter bonding this morning. I’ve been saying for a long time (probably even as long as a few years) that I was going to take her to have her upper lip waxed (she gets that from my side of the family, unfortunately) and her eyebrows waxed. Since school starts on Monday, I was running out of time, so I finally called a local dayspa and made an appointment for both of us to get our eyebrows and upper lips done.
I’ve only had my eyebrows and lip done once before – a few years ago – and it REALLY FUCKING HURT, but this time I made sure that we both took a couple of Advil before we went, and it ended up not being too bad. We both have wax remnants left all over the place, though, so that’s fun.
I guess this means I’m set for another two years, huh?
* * *
So, I went out to the shelter yesterday to drop off the last of the donations made in Mia’s memory. I sat and chatted with the shelter manager, and held and snuggled a tiny little white blue-eyed kitten named Timon. I looked around the area where there are usually quite a few small kittens in cages (if they haven’t been tested yet, they’re kept in big cages and let out a few times a day to run around and play), but the cages were all empty.
“It cleared out, huh?” I said.
“Yeah, but we’re getting ready to fill back up,” she said. She took at least two calls while I was there from people who had found small kittens that they couldn’t keep.
“Well,” I said. “I’m back, so if you need foster care…”
Meet Jodie and Rambo.


They came pre-named, by the way. Despite their resemblance to each other, they’re not siblings. Jodie was born on 6/11 and Rambo was born on 6/9. They’re both incredibly friendly, very happy to be held, and they purr REALLY loudly. Jodie, especially, likes to have her tummy rubbed. I haven’t gotten a good picture of her belly yet, but it’s gray, with dark gray spots. Very, very cute, both of them. Rambo’s quite the character and likes to beat up on Jodie. She holds her own quite well, though.
It’s a little easier getting in and out of the room with only two kittens rather than the five we had before, I’ll tell you that. Rambo did get out of the room this morning when I opened the door, and the spud chased him down. He’s FAST for a little kitten, though maybe he was moving a little faster than he’d wanted to, since Mister Boogers was right behind him with his nose up his butt.
They both weigh just about a pound each, so they’ll probably be here for about a month. They’re healthy and bright-eyed and friendly, so I think we’re going to have a good time with them.


Doesn’t Mister Boogers look thrilled that he has to share the chair with Spanky?]]>
Good Luck Fred! 🙂
Jodie looks JUST like the kitten I found when I was 7.. That I kept in my closet until my parents agreed I could keep her. 🙂 SO CUTE!
And ow.. I’m squeamish enough about getting my eyebrows waxed.. i think i would cry if I had to wax my lip.. owies!
Jodie is gorgeous. You big sucker.
A woman in my neighborhood in Vancouver years ago was a puppy raiser for the PADS (Pacific Assistance Dogs Society), which means she kept puppies until they were ready to go into guide dog training at 18 months. I hadn’t seen her with a puppy in a long time until I saw her with a really rambunctious black lab pup and asked and she said “Yeah, we weren’t going to take any more because it’s really hard giving them up, but the puppy raiser liason woman called to see how we were and happened to mention that this guy and his little sister were looking for a home and gave me the sad story…and why didn’t I drop by and say hello. And I wound up bring him home.”
As they say in the Godfather and the Sopranos “Every time I think I’ve gotten out, they pull me back in…”
I would love to be a puppy raiser, but Jamie thinks I would be a disaster- I would either be horribly depressed when I gave him up or I would make a run for it with the puppy.
Can you bundle up Jodie and send her to me? Damn, she is adorable!
The cuteness!!! I actually gasped when I saw the first kitten picture. So cute!!!!!
That Jodie is lovely – or else your photography is amazing – or both.
YAY!!!! More fosters! 🙂
Oh Robyn I can’t tell you how delighted I’m that you have babies in your house again. You are the best foster mother. I love your journal and your bouncy fun loving attitude that shows in your writing. As you know I’ve been a journal reader of yours for many years and you never produce a boring entry. Always something fun or interesting to read. And now we have the fur babies back in your life so we will be honored with many many cute pictures and funny tails 🙂 of there adventurous ways.
Love you Robin even though we’ve never met. If your mom ever decides to give you up….I’d be happy to adopt you as my own..ha.ha
WOO HOOOOOO – more babies!!!!!
You know we’re all living vicariously through you, right?
Oh no, that Jodie is almost tooo cute, makes me want to adopt her! I have always loved grey tabby cats, and Jodie is gorgeous. Is it just me, or does Rambo slightly resemble Mr. Boogers when he was a kitten? Of course, Mr. Boogers didn’t have a whole tail, but otherwise their coloring is similar.
Lucky kittens!
Who’s a pretty princess? Who’s a little angel? Jodie, that’s who!!!
I’ll be right there to pick up Jodie.
Ok, now that I’ve looked at Flkr, I’ll be right there to get them both.
Awwww, they’re adorable! I LOVE Jodie. 🙂
Oh, my, I’m in *love*. I want Jodie. I will drive straight down there to get Jodie. I live in Pennsylvania.
I’m mostly kidding. I think. Meep.
I would eat that Jodie, seriously – right between two slices of whole wheat bread.
Those kittens are so cute! The gray kitten resembles a Mister Boogers!
You have a good heart taking in those precious kittens.
I am in love again. With Rambo. What a great picture.
I got whoopie pies in the mail today thanks to you, Robyn. Life is good.
Can’t…..stand…..the cuteness…..Must resist…..Oh fuck it that damned kitten is just too fuckin cute: how long would it take me to get there from NC?
Awwwwwwww You are such a good person!!!
I can think of other jokes to make about Fred with only one arm… or hand… available! *ahem*
Where are your eyebrow pics?? I am astonished!
Anyone want to start a pool on many sets of foster kitties it takes until Robyn caves and keeps one? My bet is that Jodie ain’t going nowhere!!!
When I saw little Jodie and little Rambo, I “awwwwed” out loud with the rest of your Faithful Readers. Then I said (no word of a lie) but they are so cute!
Have fun!
Rambo looks just like my Randy…….who disappeared years ago………do you think it’s a sign?? Anyone willing to drive him to Maine???? *sigh*
OMG… you are killing me here! Bill was sitting watching TV and all of a sudden he hears… ‘OHHHHHHH HOW FREAKING CUTE’ and do you know what he said?
Did Robyn get another cat? I told you I was doing the whole ‘omg you gotta look at this pic, and that pic’ thing while you had the last kittens. Well I guess he has heard that ‘awww’ in my voice enough to know what it means… kitties on the horizon! LOL
You are an awsome person hun, it is admireable that you keep taking on the foster kittes and are so fabulous with them. They are so much happier there with all of your Love and pride than sitting in a metal cage with no room to run and play! You are truly the patron saint of saving lost kitties ;0)
Poor Fred, he is going to go crazy while healing up from this surgery! And even worse, you are going to be drove crazy BY Fred dealing up from the surgery. Hopefully it will work and it wont take too long for him to heal, I will keep ya’ll in my thoughts and prayers.
Any ideas on a logo for my journal site Robyn? You are the guru, figured I’d ask you… ;0)
How adorable is that Jodie??? Of course Rambo is too but why does he remind me of someone? Hmmm?
Oh cool, more cute little kitten pictures!!! I look forward to coming here to see the cats/kittens. I have 2 of my own, but that’s just not enough. 🙂 I have a cat who doesn’t like to share “his” chair either.
ohmuhgawd Rambo looks so much like my StanLee did as a kitten. I am verklempt here, sniff sniff, but smiling all at the same time.
You guys are doing a really good thing fostering those babies.
Good luck, Fred!!!
I don’t know what kind of typing he needs to do (probably mostly commands and all that other geek shit ;o), but if he has got longer stuff, like reports or whatever, you guys could check out the new versions of voice recognition software. I’m using Naturally Speaking 8 and it’s really good.
Kitties. Thank heaven! :o)
Jodie is so damn cute! I have kitten envy….
must. have. photos of. bare upper lip. and. cleaned up brows.
Deliver, please.
Tips from a long-time waxer: a little cooking oil (any kind) will get rid of those wax remnants for you. Just be sure and wash it well afterwards or your pores might clog.
Cute kitties!!
I have been meaning to tell you – Sally Hansen Creme Facial Hair Remover works great. Takes less than five minutes, and the hair does grow in lighter and softer each time. Don’t be fooled by Nair Facial Hair Remover. It sucks. Sally works great. I know you have some pink face issues so it may be too strong for your face but spud might like dealing with her facial hair privately (and quickly). Love the stuff – can’t live without!