these cats. We spent quite a lot of time in Reny’s – we usually do, because it’s a discount store, and they have a ton of stuff for pretty cheap, and after you’re in there for half an hour or so, you always wish you needed a bunch of cheap plastic cups or coffee mugs, because they are SUCH a bargain.
I think I ended up just buying post cards and some canned lobster stew (which I mailed home, and which is still sitting in the pantry, because I’m not sure that canned lobster stew could possibly stand up to the real stuff), and then we moved on to a store a few doors down, the name of which I can never recall. They have cool stuff, but it tends to be expensive.
Bumper stickers I didn’t buy.
(An aside on books: I got all excited when I was in Sam’s last week, because it appeared that there was a brand new Harlan Coben hardcover out, and I thought my god in heaven, how much writing does this man DO? The new Myron Bolitar only came out a few months ago!, then I looked closer and saw that it was a re-release of the first Myron Bolitar. So if you’ve read all the Myron Bolitar books, don’t be deceived if you see Deal Breaker in the stores. It’s not a new book, it’s a re-release!)
So we left the restaurant and headed for Magnolia, which is one of my favorite places to shop in Maine. They have those really rude Anne Taintor cards and magnets, and I could browse in that store for ages and ages.
At one point while we were shopping, Liz called. We were supposed to go to The Seabasket (home of the BEST seafood EVER) that night, but she wasn’t feeling well, so we decided to go Thursday instead, and my parents, Debbie and Brian, and the spud and I opted to go to China Rose – chinese buffet, yum! – that night for dinner, and then we girls could go see The Lake House afterward.
We left Bath in the early afternoon, stopping in Cook’s Corner to mail a bunch of my stuff home to Alabama (although I’d brought two suitcases, each of them about half-filled, I ended up buying a bunch of heavy bath stuff, and I was concerned that my luggage would be over weight on the way home, so opted to mail stuff home YET AGAIN). I think my parents went out and floated around in the pool for a while, and sometime in the early evening we headed for Brunswick and some good chinese food.
But not before I wandered around my parents’ house and took some pictures of my favorite pieces of their furniture.
My dad actually built this dry sink with his two little hands. I love it.
I LOVE this.
Also this. Not that we’d ever need a china cabinet, but this is the kind I’d want if we needed one.
This too!
I tried to stick to more protein-y options at the buffet, but something didn’t agree with me pretty quickly, and I considered just going home instead of to the movies, but I really wanted to see The Lake House (I love that Sandra Bullock) and I figured, the movie theater has a bathroom if I’m going to be sick, so I ended up going. Debbie didn’t go with us, so it was just me, my mother, and the spud.
I’ve gotta say, I liked the movie. I missed about twenty minutes right in the middle of it, because I was standing in the bathroom dry-heaving, but I didn’t feel like I missed anything, and I ended up liking it. In fact, I think I’m going to rent it when it comes out on DVD so I can make sure I didn’t miss anything important.
When we got home, I talked to Fred for a little while, and then went to bed.
Wednesday morning I got up and showered sometime after 8, and my mother suggested that we take the spud and go down to Bailey Island, have lunch at Cook’s Restaurant, then I asked if we could continue on down to Land’s End, the shop at the end of Bailey Island, so I could see if there were more souvenirs I just had to have.
We left sometime in the late morning and had lunch at Cook’s. My mother and the spud had lobster rolls, but I opted to get a steak, because I needed the protein. Their lobster rolls were apparently good, but my steak, which I ordered medium-rare, was twitching-and-mooing raw on the inside with a slightly done outside, and I ended up cutting off the outside and eating that. Not to mention that it was so bland I had to actually put SALT on it so there’d be some kind of flavor. I’ve never had to salt steak before.
Serves me right for ordering steak at a seafood restaurant, I suppose.
After lunch, we walked around down by the water and snapped some pictures.
Note that the spud is now taller than I am.
The cribstone bridge.
After walking around for a while, we got in the car and headed for Land’s End.
I hadn’t been down to Land’s End for years and years – probably not since I took a couple of my favorite pictures of the spud when she was a wee one in ’90.
We spent quite a while looking around in Land’s End, and I ended up buying myself a fleece jacket. In size XL. And it fit!
Then we went outside so I could take some pictures.
Eventually a bus o’ tourists showed up, so we left and headed back toward my parents’ house.
Will you PLEASE QUIT EATING CHINESE FOOD, before I send you a goddamned Excel spreadsheet outlining how EVERY time you eat it you barf?
Well she “Looks” nice enough. heh
“Hey, as long as she’s going to be an adult about it, right?”
LOL, too funny!
You’re a saint!!!
Great pictures 🙂
I really like the furniture you like, but I LOVE the fiesta ware dishes best. I collect fiesta ware myself.
The Spud just keeps getting prettier and prettier. Hard to believe she’ll be off to college soon. I know everyone says it, but it really does go so fast.
Remember, next time in Maine, hotel! Imagine the stir that will cause!
I have been reading your journal for far too long. I opened the pic page and almost freaked out about how big Brian is!!! I read about that kid, what, maybe once a year yet I feel so connected!
“My country invaded Iraq and all I got was this expensive gas” made me actually laugh so hard that I snorted! After Bill came home from Iraq with his two extra holes after being shot, I told him I was going to have a T-shirt made for him with bullet holes in it that aligned with where he was hit and have it say…
I served in Iraq and all I got was these lousy bullet holes.
And I always say that since we are over there we ought to get the “employee discount” and get our gas a bit cheaper. LMSO.