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If anyone’s interested in creating me a logo for September, feel free. Otherwise, I’ll just leave the current logo up until October (I have a logo for October, and I can’t wait to use it!) Edited to add: Thank you, Bonnie!!! New logo for September.
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September first! Where the holy hell did the summer go, I ask you?
Ahhhhh, smell that fresh, crisp autumn air! Why, it’s down to 90 degrees today. I almost need a sweater.
I have to say, as much as I’m less than crazy about living in the south sometimes, the fact that I could wear shorts for at least the next three months (if, in fact, I wore shorts in public WHICH I DO NOT) while those of you in the cold-weather states are probably already bundled up in your down coats almost makes living here worth it.
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The price of gas is expected to go sky-high in the next few days. I’m starting to wish I’d gotten a hybrid instead of a straight-on gas-run car. Sure, the hybrid is about $10,000 more than my car cost and none of the hybrids come in yellow, but if I were getting 60,397 miles to a gallon of gas in my hybrid, you can bet your ass I’d be yelling “SUCKERZZZZZZZZ” out the window to those of you paying $18 for a gallon of gas.
I guess this means I’m a suckerzzzzz too, huh?
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There are no kitten pics today, because although I took about a thousand of them last night, my camera somehow decided to spontaneously delete them or something, because when I put the memory card in the reader, there wasn’t a fucking thing. I have no clue what happened, or why there are no pictures on the memory stick even though the short movie I made of Mister Boogers a month ago is still there. I’ve tried everything, looked at the memory stick on my reader and Fred’s as well, tried to review pictures on the camera, nothing.
I am PISSED. I had some excellent pictures of the kittens in action, and now where the fuck are they? I DON’T KNOW.
Okay, never mind. There ARE pictures of the kittens, because I just ran upstairs and took a bunch of pictures of them. Just for you, because that’s how kind I am.
By the way, all the pictures I uploaded last month only used up about 2% of my Flickr limit. I think we all know this means I must upload MORE PICTURES, right?
Jodie in the sun.
Rambo in the sun.
Jodie and Rambo in the sun, fighting.
“Hey! You! Guuuuuuuuuuys!”
Morning kisses.
Miz Poo inspects Jodie.
They’re comin’. And they’re GOING to kick your ass.
Kittens in the sun. Miz Poo on the condo.
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This picture’s cool ’cause those glowing green eyes belong to Mister Boogers. I thought at first that there was a cat outside, so I went to look, but nope. Apparently the flash hit the window and bounced into Mister Boogers’ eyes, thus causing the green glowy-ness.

Spot, Mister Boogers, and Spanky hang out in the guest bedroom.
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I thought this was a cool picture of Mister Boogers, because of the reflection of his glowing green eyes.
Spot, Mister Boogers, and Spanky love to hang out in the guest bedroom.
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Okay, Nosey girl here, Why do you have diapers? do you use them for the kitties somehow?
I was wondering the same thing Laura!
Silly gals- Those are wipes… LOL
I bet she uses them for the cats.
Mister Boogers with his collar on just cracks me up! And those kittens are SO damn cute it’s sickening. LOL!
My pro flickr account never gets over 2% either. I guess that means there really isn’t much of a limit on pro accounts. Also, I have noticed lately that there are hardly ever any more “this photo is not currently available” messages. Is that a pro benefit or have they just fixed that?
Meester Boogers has four eyes!
New Orleans is/was such a neat city. Would have loved to live there. The looters should just be left to their own…what else do they have? Gotta survive somehow, ya know? It is all truly overwhelmingly sad.
I wondered about the diapers too!
Why is your guest bedroom bed so lumpy?
LOVE your kitties! Keep the kittens because if you don’t, Mr. Boogers and Miz Poo will be heartbroken now that they’ve opened up their cold, cold hearts to the little buggers.
Just wish one of those idiots stealing a TV would find a live outlet…..standing in about 6″ of water.
Heh – yeah, those are wipes, not diapers. And we do use them on the kittens; or rather, we did when we first got them, because they needed a little help after they got out of the litter box sometimes.
Craige: Good question – I’d guess that’s a pro benefit. Can you imagine how many pictures you’d have to upload in a month to get even close to 100% of your limit??
Amy: The guest bedroom bed is so lumpy because there are pillows under the comforter. Sometimes the cats like to lay on the pillows, and sometimes they like to lay BETWEEN the pillows. They’re spoiled rotten, those cats.
Are you considering keeping Jodie and Rambo. They seem to fit in just fine. Rambo looks exactly like my cat Toulouse did. Did they say if he might be part Russian Blue? Toulouse is now a 20 pound solid ass kicking beast and he was as tiny as Rambo was when you got him.
Boy that was fast! Your logo changed as I was reding your journal for the day… it’s nice!
Debby: I’d love to keep at least Rambo, but no – I don’t think we’ll be keeping either or both of them. I do think they’ll be around for a while longer, though, since adoptions have slowed down a lot. You think Fred would notice if they just… stayed? 🙂
Christine: Yep, thanks to the lovely and talented Bonnie, I’m all logo’d up for September! 🙂
Great logo! Love those cat eyes…
I am stunned by what is happening in New Orleans and Mississippi. It is unreal.
Speaking of Fred…..how is his recuperation going? Tell him I said hello. Not that he’d recall that I was the one that requested he autograph my Chunk to Hunk book with the passage “Don’t Make Me Come Kick Your Ass!”
And….what is it with the shoulders? My boyfriend, 2 of my neighbors, my cousin, my sister’s bro in law, and (2 years ago) I ALL had to have shoulder surgery. It’s like it is going around or something.
18$ for a tank of gas….try 40$ for a non-suv in indiana (gas is up to 3.29$ here)
Kathy: He’s doing well, but I’ll let him tell that story on his own. 🙂 Clearly the cool kids have shoulder issues!
J: That was $18 per gallon I was facetiously talking about, not $18 per tank. Hell, I’d LOVE to be able to fill up for $18 right now! 🙂
Everyone has already answered my questions (lumpy bed, diapers) so all I have to say now is I cannot imagine you giving Jodie and Rambo back. I’m sorry – you must keep them. For me.
That picture of Mister Boogers is SKARY!!!
I’m so sad about N’awlins. Bill and I got engaged there. (He proposed over Bananas Foster at Brennans, YUM!)
It’s all just awful, and we are already running out of regular at some stations here in FL.
Kitten’s are SOOOOO cute!! Love the pics!
Hey, Robyn…how about $5.30 per gallon for gas?! Welcome to Ontario, Canada!
That banner rawks! Love the cat eyes Robyn! Bonnie did a great job!
They will rebuild New Orleans and people will be stupid enough to move back and sometime in the future this will happen all over again.
Thanks Wendy, I was just trying to do the conversion myself 🙂 (I’m in Northern Ontario)
We should all go out and donate blood and canned goods.
Venice is below sea level I believe, so is Amsterdam (not to mention the whole of the Netherlands, if I’m not mistaken – NO Geography geek here!). There is worth in preserving these historic cities. “Stupid” could be said of anybody living in a coastal or flood-prone area, but then we’d have to call “stupid” all the people who visit these coastal areas and drive their economies. I’m sure you have never vacationed at the beach, right?
Be real. And how about a little nicer? How do you think people fleeing New Orleans, even perhaps some of Robyn’s readers, would like to be called “stupid” for wanting to return to their homes?
No matter where we live, Mother Nature can kick our asses.