* * * Let me state right up front, for the record, that I DO NOT LIKE this asshole who’s SUPPOSEDLY replacing the floor in our bathroom (“supposedly” = 8:30, and he’s not here. I fully expect that he will not show up at all.). From the fact that he showed up four hours after he said he would to give us an initial estimate, to the fact that he’s a CHATTER, to the fact that he has the most annoying laugh god has seen fit to put on this here planet, to the fact that when he called on Friday to find out where we were DESPITE the fact that he had been to our house and I had to give him the same goddamn fucking directions FOUR TIME (he was dropping off the wood for the floor), to the fact that he told Fred that the wood “should have” cost $115 but he got a deal on it and got it for $80 (this after he told Fred on Monday that the wood would cost $70), to the fact that I think he is WILDLY overcharging us, to the fact that he was originally going to do the work on Monday, oh did I say Monday? I’ll start taking up the old floor on Monday, no wait, I’ll do it TUESDAY, there is not one solid thing about the man that I don’t loathe and detest. I worked on Fred for the ENTIRE weekend, trying to convince him that he should ask his father to come over and the two of them could lay down the new floor (after all, is Fred not a kick-ass handyman? I think he is!) and save us many hundreds of dollars, but Fred was unwilling to be an ass and do that, then call up the floor guy and be all “Since you’re so busy, we went right ahead and did it. I’ll send you a check for the supplies and a bit for your time, mm’kay. Buh-bye.” I just couldn’t convince him to do it. Fucker. Once this fucking job is done, I will write that piece of shit asshole a check and I will be so thrilled to see the ass end of him that I will most likely do the goddamn Cabbage Patch as he goes down the driveway. And I’m sure he sees “SUCKAH” written on our foreheads, but I’ll get my ultimate revenge in the fact that we’re seriously talking about having the floors in the new house professionally redone – but NOT by him. HA.

The Spud is so beautiful!
I’ve read you journal for years and have watched the spud grow from a kid into a beautiful young adult. She is gorgeous. I love both pictures but the one with her glasses on and that warm bubbly smile really is my favorite. Plus she’s lost some weight hasn’t she? Both Mama and daughter are looking so fine 🙂
About the flooring guy, get prepared to find out LOTS of carpentry types are just like him. I had to have the entire flooring replaced before I moved into my current house (back in June)some painting, and was on a deadline. The guy I hired stood around and chatted any time I was here; did nothing, and when he did work, he let out great big sighs of distress. Hello? I’m PAYING this guy to work! Finally one day I showed up unexpectedly and he had his WIFE doing the painting. Together they got the work done, but cut it so close my sister and I had to stay up ALL NIGHT the night before my move to get the mess he made cleared out so the movers could get my stuff in the house the next day.
In my sister’s experience (who has needed lots of work done) she says they are nearly always late, chat alot, work slow…well, you get the picture. Join the club! 🙁 I miss my husband, who died last February; we did ALL our own handyman stuff.
I took feel I’ve watched her grow up. She is a beautiful young woman and I’m so excited for her and this new stage of her life that she is going to be entering into. Thank you for sharing her pictures and stories!
Your Spud is cute as a button. Love the pictures of her. I hope the mrcp comes out good. Your floor guy sounds like a rip-off artiste!!!
I hope I look that evil when I yawn. I’m going to go practice in the mirror.
“…I will be so thrilled to see the ass end of him that I will most likely do the goddamn Cabbage Patch as he goes down the driveway.”
Totally the tag line for next years link… I almost snarfed Latte on that one! Any chance we can get a picture of you doing the Cabbage Patch?
The Spud’s pictures are beautiful! And I hear you on the cost of prints. You should have seen what wahat some people wanted for 4×6’s when we were looking for wedding photographers. Yikes!
Ugh … your floor guy reminds me of the carpenter we hired to work on our first house many years ago. We were paying him by the hour and it would make me crazy to look out the window and see him standing around with his hands tucked up under his armpits (really!) gazing up at the sky.
The Spud is so grown up! It’s hard to believe she is a young woman … and that hair! Lovely!
The Spud’s pictures are GREAT! She’s grown into such a beautiful young woman! Are you beating back the boys with a stick????? 🙂
I hope your scans come back ok.
I remember when my kids got their senior portraits I was outraged at the cost! Talk about robbery, and I never could figure out why they had to charge for a outfit change!
Anyway, her pictures are beautiful.
Sorry to say, I actually dated a couple of “carpenters” in my early years, and yes, most of them are like that. They don’t really want to work. They want to get paid and do the least amount of work possible. I think they waste more time and energy trying to get out of or put off work than they do working. Sorry, if you’re a good dependable and hard-working carpenter out there, but if you are, then you’re not the norm.
Spud’s pictures came out GREAT!
Spud sure has grown into a lovely young woman. Great senior pics.
My mom once hired a carpenter to redo her bathroom. He had quite the drinking problem and could cuss like you wouldn’t believe. He made it a new language. Banging and slamming things around like crazy. He was nuts. So was my mom for not showing his ass the door!
Gah, Robyn. Sorry to hear about your carpenter, but if it helps any, I’ve had much the same experience with carpenters and other workers. I found a great contractor when I had my bathroom remodeled, but the job still kept getting delayed, and I had to make serveral “nag” calls to keep things moving.
The spud is SO pretty! Senior pictures are quite the scam, though, aren’t they? I decided not to use the school photographer for my son’s pictures. His school’s yearbook doesn’t even use the “special” senior pictures (just the pics they have taken for their IDs), so I figured it wasn’t worth the cost. I’ll take him to Sears or another chain place, I guess.
Great pictures!! The other places to get pics done (like Sears and JCPenney) have that black velvet drape too. I went to “their” photographer and bought a couple proofs my senior year (they had to have a pic for the yearbook whether you bought any or not). Then I went to JC Penney and they did the drape ones plus a cap and gown one and a casual outfit one. I didn’t like any of the ones with the drape. Go figure. 🙂
The spud’s pictures are terrific! And those yawns — “Bob! Bob!” is all I could think of. (BTW, I won’t tell Fred about the spider pic if you won’t.)
My daughter’s school is actually using their school photos as a fundraiser, which, I suppose, is the only reason they could get away with charing such exorbitant rates. (We bought the smallest package available. Thank god for scanners and photo paper!)
Wow, the Spud is gorgeous. The formal pic is nice but the smile is FABULOUS. It looks like it was a natural easy laugh, the best kind ever!
Last night I watched an X-Files where the wife was killed in the MRI contraption–som whacked out Appalachian voodoo dude microwaved his puppet of her while she was in the MRI thingie. THEN, one of the first things I do this morning is read your entry about MRIs and succeeded in getting seriously creeped out.
Glad you’re fine and didn’t get all wiggy about the claustrophobia. And whatnot.
The spud looks ABSOLUTELY beautiful in her pictures. Let her know she has grown into the most lovely of young women. And her smile… lights up the world. Awesome pictures!!!!
Those senior picture takers really do make a killing for a living. In 1996 mine were 300 dollars. Overcharging way too much. So do the class ring people. The class ring I wanted through them was 500 dollars I went to Wal-Mart and got a better looking one for 150. Not bad at all.
Those kinds of tests should always be scheduled for first thing in the morning. At least that way you’re deprived of liquids and foods while you’re sleeping, and won’t miss it.
I had an ERCP and got twilight sleep. Did not remember a thing once it started to be administered. I could not imagine having an MRI without sedation. Been there, done that, discovered I was claustrophobic and needed 2 ativans to get through it.
You should get your results soon since the test was done in a hospital (at least that was my experience). I hope you only get good news. When do you see your GI again?
Spud just keeps on getting more beautiful!!
Sniff ^ She’s all grown up and beautiful. Wish we could keep them little longer.
Wow, the spud has gorgeous hair! My favorite pic is the second, smilely one. She looks fabulous!
Will you take video (or at LEAST pictures) of you doing the Cabbage Patch when he’s leaving? 🙂
awesome photos of the Spud. I agree with everyone else. She is a beautiful young lady. Now I must search the hard drive for cat yawning pix. Thinking good thoughts for you on the health front!
The Spud’s pictures look great! I hope she’s enjoying her senior year.
I like both pictures of the spud but especially love the second one. Your baby is all grown up!