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Fred sent me this link earlier this week and it made me laugh like a goon.
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If I were manic-depressive (wait. Do they call it bipolar now? I haven’t kept up on my psychiatrically politically correct terms lately), I think I would have been considered to be in a manic state yesterday. I woke up a little after 5, got up to pee, and went back to bed. And I laid there, my mind racing, until I accepted that I wasn’t going to go back to sleep. So I got up, went into the bathroom, and started cleaning out drawers. We have three drawers in our bathroom, and they were crammed full of all kinds of shit, making it almost impossible to find anything in any of the drawers.
Last week I went to Wal-Mart and bought a plastic single-drawer storage thingy (kind of like
this, only blue; and it wasn’t a set of four, it was just the one) with the intention of putting it in the closet, putting the extra stuff in the drawer, and just keeping the stuff we use on a daily basis in the drawers by the sink. Only problem is that once I emptied out the bottom drawer (by the sink), the single-drawer storage thingy was packed with shampoo and hair stuff, and there was nowhere to put all the crap in the OTHER two drawers by the sink.
So yesterday I went to Wal-Mart with the intention of buying another couple of drawers (they’re stackable), only when I got there, I found that there was a single piece with three drawers about the size of the one drawer I had at home (similar to
this, only bigger), so I bought that and decided to use the single drawer I had at home to put in the kitten room because I had blankets and towels and shit strewn all over the kitten room floor and it was making me cranky to see how messy it was in there.
Then I came home and manically wrote an entry, went through the house putting stuff away and thinking about how desperately I needed to vacuum (but not actually vacuuming), answered email, straightened up my desk, and then spent the afternoon running around unorganizedly in circles, trying to do a ton of stuff, but not really getting anything accomplished.
I have a hard time focusing lately. Maybe I have ADD!
This morning I got up right after Fred left for work, finished organizing the bathroom (the three-drawer unit works out quite nicely), did laundry, cleaned the kitchen, and now I’m sitting here thinking about how much I need to vacuum the house.
But I so don’t wanna.
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Maddy continues to do well. She was screaming to be let out of her cage last night, so I went up and got her around 7 and brought her downstairs to the living room with us while we were watching TV. She crawled around and explored, then I fed her (she continues to be mostly uninterested in the soft food – those of you who have dealt with this, is she going to just suddenly one day be very interested in the soft food and start eating it? Because she couldn’t be less interested right now.) and then handed her off to Fred. She climbed ended up curled up next to his leg, sound asleep. After I finished eating, I took her back upstairs and settled her in for the night – though I did have to give her her nightly dose of Albon, which kind of woke her back up again.
This morning I let her wander around the room while I was organizing it (it looks so much better in there now that I have a place to pile the blankets and towels) and Tommy went in to check her out and hang out. She saw him and got ALL excited and ran over to him to sniff him. She’s starting to get a lot more curious, sniffing stuff, and actually starting to play with things.
She continues to use the litter box to poop in, but I haven’t seen any pee yet, so I’ve still been stimulating her to pee at feeding time. Will she just start using the litter box to pee in, or what? Any advice those of you who’ve dealt with this have to offer, I’m all ears.
She is just the SWEETEST THING ever, and I love how she’ll crawl up me and just lay on my chest with her front paws stretched out. She’s so cute it hurts, she really is.

Okay, how much do I love this kitten? I let her chew on my lower lip (didn’t hurt), even though she had cat food all over her face and mouth (bleh).

Sleepy kitten.

“I could eat you in one bite. Maybe two.”

“I needs me a snuggle.”
All of today’s uploaded pictures are
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Reader yawny pet pics!

This is
Amy‘s Daisy. I just adore it when cats yawn so wide it looks like their teeth are sticking straight out!

This is Amy’s Chloe. I just love how clear the picture is. Check out all those whiskers!

Yawning Chloe with her sister, Zoe. They crack me up, these two.

Zoe’s turn to yawn! I love how Zoe’s all off yawning, and Chloe’s looking up like “Hey. You got food, lady?”

I’m not sure what cracks me up more, here. The yawn Zoe’s got going on, or the look on Chloe’s face, like she’s thinking “Dude. WHAT are you DOING?”

Maisey is GOING to suck your BLOOD!
Amy takes some awesome pictures and occasionally puts them up in
her journal (though not often enough!). Also, Amy is like a crack dealer, ’cause she said:
I discovered a new blog called Birdchick blog and she doesn’t have cats but has a rabbit. Her photos of her rabbits past and present are hilarious. Often times I see photos of Mister Boogers and think he is disapproving as much as Sharon’s rabbits are. Or maybe Miz Poo is the more disapproving of the two. Anyway, check her out.
And then I spent forever on Birdchick blog.
This disapproving bunny picture is SUCH a Mister Boogers look I can barely stand it.
Thanks for sharing the cat pics (and the links), Amy!
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A great big grasshopper got into the house. What else would you expect a bunch of cats to do?
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2005: Never-ending.
2004: If you had any idea how much time I spent backspacing and retyping words when I write my entries, you’d burst into tears of sympathy.
2003: Who the fuck are Nikki and Paris Hilton, and why would I give a good goddamn what they’re wearing or doing or driving or fucking?
2002: No entry.
2001: You know you’re getting old when you have to ask a 12 year-old girl who’s on the TV.
2000: No entry.]]>
Why did you do that to me? We can’t have more than the two cats we already have but knowing she is special breaks my heart because I want her now…
When Aimee and JoJo find a bug, they play Ping Pong with it.
Yay! My kitties are famous now! And thanks for passing along the link to Sharon. We’ve been emailing back and forth all morning. I will have to tell her to watch her stats today. Hee. Thanks Robyn.
And that poor grasshopper has no where to run!
Hi Robyn,
When I had a tiny kitten that I bottle-fed, I transitioned him to soft food by putting his formula in a small bowl with a little soft food mixed in and then added more food and less formula over time. It worked for me.
Nancy: Was he interested in the soft food at first? Maddy just doesn’t seem interested, though she’s perfectly happy to lick the food off her face if I smear it on her, or to swallow it if I put some in her mouth, but as far as trying to eat it herself, she is uninterested.
Oh, I wish I could take the kitty! Alas, I cannot. But I’ll send it around.
The bunny made me snort!
from personal experience, just keep stimulating her to pee – she will pee in the box when she’s ready. same thing with the food. sounds like she’s not ready to give up the milk yet. Its not a big deal.
I love the pictures of that black and white cat – Chloe (the one not yawning) – very sassy.
When I got my kitten, I had to feed him kitty electrolytes for a few days and then transition to supersoft (medical) food once he got his strength up. He demanded to be fed all the time. I remember him being STARVING all the time. (he still is hungry, 8 years later!) I think he was a bit older than Maddy, but still to young to eat regular hard/soft food.
All of that to say that I hope Maddy’s appetite kicks in and she wants to eat more.
Now I want a rabbit!
Am I the only person who yawns uncontrollably while looking at the yawning cat pictures?
Donna: Thank you, that’s exactly what I was hoping to hear! 🙂
Also, I should have mentioned in the entry that she must be getting enough food in at some point – she gained an entire ounce since yesterday!
Jane: I do that too – I thought I was the only one!
Since you’ve lost so much weight, I’ve been trying to think of who it is that you remind me of so much. It finally hit me today….Sarah, the Duchess of York (Fergie). Anybody else see the resemblance?
I’m not sure about the Duchess of York, but when I saw the picture of you I was struck by how “real” you look. Like one of those pictures you see in National Geographic where the photographer is trying to tell a whole story just by showing one person’s face. Your story would have elements of taking care of others, and some involvement in the arts. – Or maybe I’m crazy!
Laura & Hannah: You guys are too sweet. I don’t know if I resemble Fergie or not, but the idea that I might is making me smile. I love her!
A lady from Mercy Rescue told me to place some soft food in a dish with their warmed milk. It worked!
And I’m afraid I’m going to make garbage gut kitties. My older two cats will only eat a few human foods (deli turkey, yogert). They love their cat food. But my two little ones seem to want to eat anything I’m eating. I let them have some of my macaroni and cheese last night for crying out loud!
I’ve also taken to calling them Milton McGoo and Henery, too! They even come when I call them this. It’s to die for cute!
The link from Fred made me laugh so hard I amost peed. And then I did something that’s against my religion (The Holy Church of ME)and forwarded it to too many people.
Definitely…a Fergie look alike! You look awesome Robyn.
Wow, the story about your mom and the colors just reminded me so much of my mom. She’s always giving me home decorations that reflect her style and not mine. She’s currently working on surprising me with a set of graduation robes that I have explicitly told her several times I do not want–and these things are a couple hundred bucks! I just don’t get it. Why spend money on something the recipient doesn’t want? Meanwhile I force myself to buy right-wing propaganda books for her on her birthday because I know she likes to read it, even though it hurts me to buy it.
I also see the resemblance to Fergie. Thank God it’s Sarah Ferguson you look like and not man-girl Fergie of the Black Eyed Peas!
I love that photo of you, Robyn. You have beautiful eyes.
I definitely see Fergie (and I was also wracking my brain trying to figure out the resemblance).
Also — that narcissist article was really, really depressing. Although I was glad that she could pick out problem boyfirends before she got involved, I really wanted there to be a positive resolution between her and her mother, not just “and that’s the way it is.” I guess I should go read a Red Dress Press book to make up for it, huh?
How are you going to give up a kitten that you let chew on your lower lip, even though she had cat food all over her face and mouth? Or, did you decide to keep the precious sweetie?
My mom has mild Alzhiemers and lives with me.
Enuf said? Love her dearly but boy O boy…some days…
I live in KY and have 1 inside cat and about 20 semi feral outside cats. Plus numerous feline neighbors that drop by for smorgasboard at the CopperCreeker’s. We can’t stand to see them go hungry and for the most part we have them partially tamed. They’ll come close and hang around us when we are outside but to pet them or pick them up…it’s.. “HELL NO!
…HELP!HELP!HELP!MEOWWW…cat molester! cat molester..let me goooooooooo…hiss hiss spit spit”
Plus we have numerous feline neighbors that drop by for smorgasboard at the CopperCreeker’s.
We really can’t afford to get them all fixed at one time but we’ve managed to get 3 of the females trapped and fixed. They’ve gotten tamer but they still give us dirty looks if we try to get to mushy with them.
I feel like my tires are spinning in sand. We get 3 fixed…guess what…along comes a new member to our little community…or one of the unspayed ladies has kittens and doesn’t bring them to us in time to tame them enough to handle. *Heavy Sigh* BUT I love kitties and so does hubby so we do what we can. We now have 5 little kittens that we are taming. Momma, Miz Fluffy, after much thought, decided we were worthy enought to help her with her babies and brought them under the back deck so we could help wean them. They are adorable. My mom lives with us and is in early stages of Alzheimers and she is in love with ‘her’ babies. 🙂 so you KNOW these kitties aren’t going any where but here! (yeh, I know…any excuse to not find different homes…snort)Plus they are great Momma sitters. We sit for hours with her watching them and me catching them for her to hold. I don’t have to ‘entertain’ her.
I agree with all the others…your eyes and coloring has really POPPED. AND…yippppppeeee on the house closing soon!
When are you planning to go to the Opry? Chris Young who won Nashville Star this year is there Oct 7th. He is so good.
You are lucky to be within driving distance of Nashville.
Maddie is so cute! Our pet store has an adoption centre and the most handsome cat was there the other day. He was a cross between a Siamese and a Tabby. He had the biege siamese markings and blue, blue eyes and the tabby markings. He was about a year old.
Our two would have a hissy fit if we got another one.
Maddie’s eyes reminded me of him.
Robyn you are looking so fantastic!
RE: feeding the kitten soft food. I really just put a tiny bit in the formula to start (in a tiny little bowl). He was a little piggy and loved to eat, so within a few days (less than a week anyway) I had transitioned him to the soft food. He only ate a tiny bit, though. Probably wasn’t more than a tablespoon in the beginning.