
Something in your house that isn’t where it should be. Booger. On the counter. Slurping chicken goo off the cutting board. I swear to god, you can’t turn your back for ONE MINUTE. Damn cats. Something you broke, but kept it. Strictly speaking, I didn’t break her – she came already broken, or at least with the eye and lip problems, we just didn’t know it at the time. But we kept her! Food that you have in your house that you never eat (or drink). Fred drinks the Luzianne; the spud drinks the Crystal Light Peach Tea. I cannot stand the taste of tea, so I never drink either. (I do like the taste of peppermint tea, but that tastes less like tea and more like a liquified peppermint candy, so it doesn’t really count as tea, as far as I’m concerned)

* * *
Holy shit. It’s the last day of September! I think I missed the first day of Fall. Is the first day of Fall in September, or October? Okay, the calendar says the first day of Fall was on the 22nd. The calendar also says that that’s the day we were supposed to give Miz Poo and Mister Boogers their last dose of medicine for that weird gagging-coughing thing. I know you wanted to know that. I am in some FUCKING PAIN today, people. I guess spending an hour and a half bent over shit spots on the carpet takes a toll on your upper back and shoulders. That, or carrying 60 pounds of litter up the stairs. At one time.
I’m a badass, that’s right. What I don’t get, though, is why my feet hurt so much. I don’t think I did an inordinate amount of standing. I actually scooted around the room on my ass as I cleaned the poo spots out of the carpet, so that wouldn’t make my feet hurt. It’s a mystery. We were discussing Sugarbutt at the dinner table last night and his poo problems (What do YOU discuss at the dinner table?) and I compared him to a (grossout alert) soft-serve machine someone hasn’t quite turned off (/grossout alert) and the spud, rather than being grossed out, laughed and kept eating her dinner.
* * *
For the record, every single Bitchypoo entry ever, is now converted to WordPress. Going through entries and stripping out formatting is some boring-ass work, let me tell you, and now that it’s done, I swear upon all that is holy, I’ll NEVAH go hungry do it AGAIN! Since every entry’s in WordPress, and because Freefind took it upon themselves to impose a limit to how many pages I can have indexed through their site (uh, not that they’re targeting me directly, or anything. I just had no idea before last week that there was a limit. Bastards.), I’ve taken down the Freefind link, and left up the WordPress plug-in link (look over there in the sidebar, directly under the calendar), so you can use that to search the site if you’re of a mind to.
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Do they sell hand towels at the dollar store? I’ve been using towels to line the bottom of Sugarbutt’s cage and the kitty condo I have in there, but I don’t really need full-size towels to line the top and inside of the condo, because they’re really too big. I had Fred go through his old t-shirts and pick out the ones he doesn’t really wear anymore, and I’ve started using those, but I think I’d rather use hand towels, since they’re the right size. I also could use some hand towels to wrap around Sugarbutt after I give him a bath, because a full-size towel is way more towel than I actually need. I think I’ll take a trip to the dollar store this weekend. Or maybe I’ll visit all of them – within a twenty minute drive, I could hit four different dollar stores. I’d be snide and disapproving about that, but I do love the hell out of the dollar store.
* * *
The spud overslept this morning, and came frantically running into my room at 7:15, still in her pajamas, yelling “I overslept! My alarm didn’t go off!” I told her to get dressed and I’d take her to school, and I did – sitting in traffic for about fifteen minutes to get there – and when I called Fred to tell him about the unexpected beginning to my morning, he said “Her alarm went off. I heard it as I was coming upstairs after working out!” She must have gotten up and turned it off and gotten back in bed without even waking up. God knows I’ve done that plenty in my life.
* * *
I just got the first three discs of Undeclared via Netflix. I must’ve been asleep at the wheel on that one, because we’ve got so many shows to watch lately that I don’t know when we’re going to have time to watch Undeclared. It’s taken us more than two weeks to watch Navy Seals Buds Class 234, and we still have one episode left to watch. I think we have about 30 episodes of South Park on the other DVR, and we haven’t watched any of those in weeks. I finally went in and deleted the episodes of The Practice I taped back in March, because I figured if I haven’t watched them in the past six months, I’m not going to. And I still haven’t watched this week’s Lost, which is a show I love and adore. I’ll most likely watch it this afternoon. Speaking of Lost, I was mostly annoyed by Kate last season, but she’s starting to grow on me a little, for some reason.
* * *
Currently reading: Faithless, by Karin Slaughter. Finished late last night: Goodnight Nobody, by Jennifer Weiner. Really good book – that girl knows how to write. This one reminded me more than a little of… oh, hell. What the hell is her name? The writer… who wrote the book about the housewife solving a murder. The book was out twenty years ago. WHAT IS HER NAME? Susan something? This is driving me fucking nuts. I know I have a book upstairs by the author whose name I can’t think of, I’m going to go look for it. Susan Isaacs! For some reason, the only name I could think of was Susan Abrams, and I knew that wasn’t it. Compromising Positions, by Susan Isaacs, that’s the book I was thinking of. Also a good book, and worth reading.
* * *
Things are going well on the Sugarbutt front (or should I say, on the Sugarbutt BACK. Ha!). He’s still a little more poo-covered than I’d like, but he’s doing WAY better than he was this time yesterday. I gave him a bath last night and smeared a dab of Preparation H on his poor swollen behind, and the leaking has pretty much stopped. I’m going to leave him in the cage another day, but if he continues to do this well over the next day, I’m going to let him out of his cage. He’s such a pitiful little thing, sitting in his cage and getting all excited when you walk in the room. It was a good idea to put Callie in there with him, because even though they can’t snuggle, they can play through the cage, and keep each other company. We let Smitty and Bear out to play last night while we watched TV, and they basically just ran in one direction as far and fast as they could, then stopped, turned around, and ran in the opposite direction as fast as they could. We also let Callie out to explore while I was giving Sugarbutt his bath and cleaning out his cage last night, and she had a good time. There was one moment when I looked at her, and wish I had the camera. We have this small garbage can in our bedroom that lays on its side so Mister Boogers can hide in it, and he was laying in the garbage can, she was laying on top of it, and she and Spanky were touching noses. I almost died from the cuteness. I pray for Sugarbutt’s poo issues to resolve, because I’d love to be able to let all four of them out to explore at the same time. Maybe in Monday’s entry, I’ll be telling stories about having all four of them race around the house all weekend. “Hey, lady. You gonna let us out of this room so we can go make trouble, or what?” “You woke me up for THIS?” “Okay, enough of the snuggling, I’ve got better things to do.” Despite the fact that she has her own bowl on the other side of the room, Callie loves to reach through the cage, pull food out of Sugarbutt’s bowl, drag it out onto the floor, and sit there and eat it. In the cage, Sugarbutt eats too. I guess it’s their version of eating together. “Why you hate me, lady?” Callie plays in the cube.]]>

14 thoughts on “9/30/05”

  1. I actually scooted around the room on my ass as I cleaned the poo spots out of the carpet, so that wouldn’t make my feet hurt.
    HMMMM…wonder where you learned that scooting thing????

  2. After I die …I so want to come back as a cat that lives in the And3rson house. I always thought that I would want to be a cat in my parents house ….but you all have WAY better toys …

  3. Hey Robyn,
    The dollar store also sells cheap table cloths and tarps. Maybe you could tape some down on the floor of the kitten room. And save yourself a shitload of work. lol
    Good luck with that poor baby. They are all so adorable. I don’t know how you can resist keeping one/some.

  4. That pic of Miz Poo is just too cute.
    I’ve got Faithless on my reading list. I loves me some Karin Slaughter!

  5. We have those same cubes! We have 4 of them and they drive our kitties BANANAS!! They love them.

  6. I think it’s interesting that you compare Goodnight Nobody to Susan Isaacs’ writing since I’ve read in Jennifer Weiner’s blog that Isaacs is one of her favorite writers. I too enjoy both authors.
    I hit your 404 page because I’m too lazy to update my bookmarks. I cracked up and the cute kitten pic did help take the pain away.
    Love those ginger kitties.

  7. I would get sick over dinner with the conversation in your house. Lucky for me the only person I have to talk to over dinner is my fish, Dante. And he never talks back. 🙂

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