* * *
I taped yesterday’s episode of Oprah – well, to be honest, I tape every episode of Oprah, ’cause the DVR’s set up to catch them all, shaddup – and last night Fred and I started watching it. She was in New Orleans, and I swear to god, I started crying about two seconds into the show.
We didn’t end up watching the whole thing – I kept getting up to talk on the phone – but I think I’m going to watch the rest later today.
I feel so stupid, because I guess I didn’t realize the scope of the thing. It’s like, you think “Well, the national guard is there, they’re giving them food and water, and they should all be out of there in, oh, like a day. Right?” Apparently not. Apparently you don’t evacuate that many people instantly.
I think I still don’t realize the scope of the thing. I wonder if I ever truly will. I’m not sure I could ever wrap my brain around it.
* * *
Yesterday I watched
Kill Reality. And may I just say, that with all the people who keep claiming that Jonny Fairplay is “one of my closest friends! I love him to death!”, there’s either some kind of hidden depths to the man they’re just not showing us, or all those people are fucked straight out of their minds.
In fact, after having seen the most recent episode, I’ve gotta say that everyone in that house aside from Stephen Hill (is that his name?), Ethan, Reichen, Trish and MAYBE Rob are complete assholes. What the fuck is up with Jenna Lewis and Jenna Morasca acting like fucking grade-schooler shit-stirrers? I am NOT FOND of those two.
I predict that the big horrible thing that Jonny Fuckhead does that gets his ass kicked out of the house is going to involve feces. I fully expected him to take a dump on Trish’s bed when they were hanging up the porn.
Yeah. I’m working on getting that life, I promise!
* * *
I didn’t get any pictures of it, but last night the stank coming off Rambo’s hindquarters was so strong that we finally gave in to the inevitable and gave him a bath.
By “we”, I mean Fred, because he’s actually given cats baths before. Rather than opting for the whole-body bath, he just washed him from the midsection down, with an emphasis on his (Rambo’s, not Fred’s) behind. Rambo actually didn’t fight it much, and when he was done he was fresh-smelling and looked like a half-drowned rat.
This morning, however, I do believe the stank is coming back, slowly but surely. Maybe he’s just a stanky cat, I don’t know.
Good thing for him he’s so damn cute.

The monkeys team up on Mister Boogers.

Rambo, asleep on my arm.

Rambo, desperate to do some wool-sucking, didn’t particularly care that Mister Boogers was already in the bed. Mister Boogers was thrilled, as you can imagine.

That boy just cracks me up, because he’s just SO HAPPY.

Snugglin’ kittens.
* * *
2004: No entry.
2003: No entry.
2002: No entry.
2000: Am I not an ass-kicking WalkAerobics diva?]]>
Oh yeah, those cats are livin’ the good life.
As always, the kittens are just so darn adorable. They sure know how to pose for the camera too!
Have a good day! =)
I heart WordPress. And also your yellow background.
Is Rambo gassy, or just smelly? I wonder if his food might not be agreeing with him. Weird, though.
You might get the Vet to check Rambo’s anal sacs, they might be clogged, hence the stink.
aww they babies are so cute! but I am starting to feel sad for them. By the looks of love and comfort on their faces you can tell that they think that they are already home. I hope their transition is easy for them and you and Fred.
robyn, I’m like you, I figured the whole new orleans evacuation thing would be over pretty quickly and all that. but my brother is in the national guard here in oklahoma, and he got sent to new orleans (french quarter! my mom only watches CNN and looks for my brother all day long)
anyway, he said it’s going to take forever and that no amount of pictures can do any of it justice, and these people DO NOT want to leave. AT ALL.
It breaks my heart for all those people. And my brother sounds awful.
LOVE the WP.
change is good. And the notify works just fine 🙂
Smelly cat…smelly cat…those kitties are so cute.
Rebekah: I, for one, believe that the kittens *are* already home. They SO are not going anywhere.
I was going to say the same thing Bella. I have a cat, Basil who’s hindquarters get ‘ripe’ on and off. I thought I was going nuts, but someone on one of my online cat groups suggested it may be his anal glands. Much like dogs, they secrete ‘stuff’ out of these glands which are located on each side of their anus. Usually it happens when they ‘drop a load’, but for some, they may have more secretions that just aren’t expressed fully. It may only happen once in a while, or it may be an ongoing thing. If it’s really bad, I’d recommend you take Rambo to the vet to have them squeezed. (OUCH) He will NOT like you for a while afterwards, but your nose will get a break. lol
argh. Posting again because clicking that notify thing works BEFORE you hit post, right? 😛
Robyn — What are the chances of you sending me the Oprah tape from yesterday? I missed it and really want to see it. Oh wait, is it taped on your DVR? Let me know, thanks dear. 🙂
Lexie: I’d love to, but the VCR isn’t hooked up to the DVR. Otherwise, I totally would!
Stacey: Just smelly, I think, since it’s constant. At least I haven’t heard any little kitty farts. Hee!
Bella & Leanne: I’ll keep an eye (a nose?) on the situation, and if it continues, I’ll whisk him off to the vet. Thanks for the suggestion! 🙂
Hi there! From the land of the lazy… I need a button at the bottom of the webpage that goes directly to the next post. And maybe one for the previous post too!!
How very cute.
I love those kittens!!
Yeah, the side bar is perfect, woman!
The babies look stoned in the last picture. Is that why you’re always so freaking HAPPY?
Alison – to get to the “before” and “after” links, you might have to hit the “comments” link and scroll to the bottom. The navigation is kind of a pain in the ass for some reason.
Nance – You know it! Heh.
Skanky kitten butt is sometimes because they get something yucky in their gut. A friend had a kitten that somehow had plastic chunks in its gut — stinkiest cat butt ever. They got the stuff to pass, but the little guy would crap and all 1900 square feet of her house would absolutely reek. Hope that’s not the case, but you may want to check into it with a vet.
I haven’t seen the whole season of Kill Reality, but I did see the last two episodes. After that last episode, I vowed to never watch it again. Those who haven’t seen the show don’t know that when you used the term “shit-stirrers” it actually described the fact that the people were literally STIRRING SHIT! ugh, they are all so disgusting. After seeing those people on various other reality shows, I didn’t think they could sink any lower. They are pitiful excuses for human existence. And having sex with that weasel scum bag Johnny Fairplay is proof enough that the women in the house are as dumb as a box of rocks.
okay…is it just me that still sees the links as pink when I move the mouse over them?
Okay…is it just me or are the links still pink (when I move my mouse over them?
OK, here’s a weird bug for your list. If I go to http://www.bitchypoo.com using my Firefox browser, it gets stuck in a forwarding loop back and forth between http://www.bitchypoo.com and journal.bitchypoo.com. This doesn’t happen in IE.
Debbie: No, they’re set to be pink if you mouse over them, but otherwise they should be blue. I haven’t changed the mouseover color yet, just because I haven’t decided what color to change it to. 🙂
I just went back and read your entry from 2000. At the time, I thought you were being a little silly, but now that I’ve done a bunch of Leslie Sansone tapes repeatedly, I totally get what you mean. The one where she goes “Nice! Nice! Nice!” still cracks me up.
Robyn they make tablets for cats with stinky butt. You can find them at Petsmart can’t rememebr the name but they are rather pricey but they work. My sister found this out the hard way. Her kitty liked to “advertise” her stinkiness every night while we tried to watch tv, eat, talk on the phone, she didn’t care. We called her the Assmeister.
Heh, in response to Special K’s comment, it’s Stank Ass, the pill for when your cat’s butt reeks. Remember, Stank Ass-when you really CAN blame your cat for that smell.
And speaking on that topic, it looks like Mr Boogers is breathing in all that toxic smell in one of the pictures. And enjoying it, from that wide mouthed look…lol.
I came over to suggest a link to you, actually. Have you ever read Crazy Aunt Purl? It’s a knitting blog, but the knitting takes the back seat to how awesome Aunt Purl and her stories, and cat photos are. Today’s was particularly cute.
The stanky cat story so reminded me of our cat. The smell when we got her was so horrible. We finally asked the Vet and he said well not all humans smell good either. She finally leanred how to bathe herself properly and it got 100% better.
Oh, and by the way that’s why her name went from Sneakers to Stinky Snearkers and then just Stinky.
I cannot watch much footage of New Orleans w/o tears. Frustrated that I can’t help in person, frustrated b/c my piddly contribution feels like not enough – My cousin (an AZ firefighter) is there now. I don’t know if I want to hear his tale when he returns. It is all just too sad.
Then there’s the part of me that wonders about the new “media darlings.” They are not refugees. How long before they start getting their own reality TV shows? American Idol: Refugee, Swan: Refugee…etc.
DRAT! I meant to Tivo that Oprah and I forgot. I hate my early onset Alzheimers.
I haven’t read all the comments to see if someone else noted this, but your site doesn’t work in Firefox. Fred’s does though. Can he fix it? I hate having to use IE !
If it’s not a pee smell, I’d bet he’s having problems with his anal glands. Anals glands are scent glands that release smelly, oily stuff onto their poop so it’s recognized as there’s. Sometimes the glands don’t always release on the poop but on them if they’re alittle plugged, hence the smell. The vet can express them for you. You have now just read Anal Glands 101. Welcome to veterinary medicine.
Love the new design!
About the New Orleans crisis, I keep seeing CNN news occasionally about all the lost/abandoned pets there. It just breaks my heart! They said also that most evacuees had to leave their beloved pets behind, and there’s lots of organizations trying to help rescue and then get pets back to their owners. There’s links to all kinds of such efforts HERE if you or any of your readers wish to donate to that cause.
You might want to really consider keeping Rambo and Jodi; many no-kill shelters and animal shelters are going to be continuously filling up with those N.O. rescues soon. Plus, I know you already love them too. Yes, it’s lots of work (I have seven cats!) but the idea of losing my pets like the evacuees did is devastating to me!