Bonkrood. 1. Do you say “Hi,” to people you don’t know? If they look like they might be friendly, I do. If they look like they might give me the “who the fuck are YOU?” look, I don’t bother. 2. What is the name of the first person you kissed? John Bowie. 3. Do you still talk to this person? Not in about 20 years, and I don’t miss him. 4. Recite a line from a movie? Say, any of you boys smithies? Or, if not smithies per se, were you otherwise trained in the metallurgic arts before straightened circumstances forced you into a life of aimless wanderin’? 5. What movie was that from? O Brother, Where Art Thou? 6. Do you play by the rules? If I know what they are. 7. Name another word for penis. Dick Cheney. HAHAHA! 8. Do you complain a lot? Too much, sometimes. 9. Have you ever been to Canada? A couple of times as a kid when we were stationed at Loring AFB, and then when I was in my 20s – Debbie and I took a “cruise to nowhere”, a 24-hour cruise that went from Portland to Nova Scotia and back. Well – I never actually got off the ship, so I’m not sure if that counts. 10. Do you have an addictive personality? I lean in that direction, yes. 11. What size would you say your nose is? Medium? 12. What is someones name that begins with the letter, A? Aunt Annie’s Alligator, A A A. 13. Name someone whose plastic surgery turned out poorly? Farrah Fawcett. 14. Have you ever performed CPR on anyone? Nope, though I did learn how to perform it when I took Health class in high school. 15. Name something that falls from the sky? Bird poop. 16. Are you polite? Most of the time. 17. Name a TV show or movie, that impacted society? Er… my mind is blank. Oh, I know – Survivor, because it spawned all the reality shows that came along afterward. For that matter, I guess the original reality show was Real World. 18. Name a song that has the word “baby” in it? Ice Ice Baby. 19. Name your favorite Disney movie? The Fox and the Hound. The last lines from that movie (“And we’ll always be friends forever. Won’t we?” “Yeah, forever.” ) make me tear up, just thinking about it. 20. Have you ever been scuba diving? No. With my luck, I’d end up with a stingray barb through the heart. 21. Name a profession you would NOT like to have? Factory worker. 22. Name someone you know who has red hair. Coppertop! 23. Name a popular DJ. John Tesh! 24. Name something white. My ass. 25. Are you better at explaining things, or at performing them? Performing them. 26. Have you ever been to a boxing match? Nope. Boxing doesn’t interest me. 27. Did you ever stutter, or have a hard time pronouncing words? Luckily, no. Although recently I’ll go to say something and the words will come out all mixed up. I’m trying to decide if it’s something I should be concerned about. Like I’ll try to say “The cats are lucky I noticed they were out of food” and it’ll come out “The lucky cats are” etc. I realize right away it’s not coming out right and stop and sometimes start again the same way. It’s kind of bizarre. 28. Do you eat out, or buy groceries, more often? Buy groceries, but I’d eat out at EVERY meal if given the choice. 29. What month are many of your friends born in? Half my family is born in August. 30. If you could have been born a different ethnicity, which one? Oh, I don’t know. Latina, maybe. 31. Name something you think is disgusting? The smell of a dirty litter box. 32. What is your favorite type of soup? Chunky clam chowder. Ooh, no! Lobster stew is THE BEST. Unfortunately, I rarely get to eat it. 33. Name a fattening food. French fries. Which sound good right now, by the way. 34. Name something that you are just NOT good at. Anything that requires rhythm. Dancing, singing, any of that. 35. How many glasses of water, a day, do you drink on average? Two and a half to three liters of water a day. 36. Does your license plate say anything? Nothing interesting, though I should get an “Eggrr” license plate, dontchathink? 37. Name a type of dance. The Cabbage Patch. 38. Name a type of Martini. Dirty Martini? Is that a type of Martini, or did I make it up? I’m not a martini drinker, so I don’t know. 39. Would you rather do the dishes or fold laundry? I hate them about equally; I do dishes a lot more often than I do the laundry, though. 40. Did you have braces? If so, how long did you have to wear them? Yeah, I had them. Not for long though, I don’t think. Maybe nine months or a year? All I remember is that I had them tightened the DAY before Thanksgiving, which made my Thanksgiving SUCK ASS. 41. Name someone you were really good friends with, who you no longer speak to. Denise. She’s too good for the likes of me, I’m sure. 42. Name something blue. My bedroom walls. 43. What is something good, about getting older? You become less willing to put up with bullshit. 44. And something negative? The aches and pains. 45. Name a song you really enjoy. Dagger Through the Heart, Dolly Parton. I had this cranked up and was singing along to it loudly yesterday. Thank god no one (but the cats; sorry kitties) could hear me. 46. Name someone with the same middle name as you. I can’t think of a single person with “Leslie” as a middle name. 47. Name a bar or a restaurant that really impressed you. A Mexican restaurant Fred and I stopped at on the way home from Tigers for Tomorrow the last time we went. I don’t remember the name or where it was, but their quesadilla was to die for.

I’m not a martini drinker, either, but I THINK if it’s dirty, it has some of the olive juice splashed in it?
I might be making that up.
My son’s 1st middle name (he has two, like he’s royalty or something) is Leslie, after his daddy, who is named after his grandaddy. So, there, now you know someone. 🙂
John Tesh is a DJ?
Believe it or not my husband’s middle name is Lesley! John Lesley!! The first time my son who was five at the time heard it..he said that’s a GIRLS name! LOL
With my luck, I’d end up with a stingray barb through the heart.
I’m ashamed that I laughed out loud and very hard at this statement. 🙂
“I don’t want FOP goddamn it – I’m a Dapper Dan Man!”
“Well, isn’t this place a geographical oddity – 2 weeks from everywhere!”
Hey! You LIVED in Canada……….remember?
Hey, I took that cruise to nowhere from Portland to Nova Scotia and back and never got off the ship either. I thought it was aptly named, “the barf boat”. Only time I approached seasickness.
Y’all should have got off the boat! It is a barf boat, mainly because they allowed smoking on it when I was on. I got off because I lived in Nova Scotia. But Nova Scotia and Maine look pretty much the same.
I’m still wondering if your house is one of the Sears Roebuck ones?? I love them, they are so classy.
Miz Poo is sooooo cute. I want to squeeeeeze her I say! Squeeze her!
Check out those vintage Sucret’s tins! Man, those were the days! 😉
“We thought you was a toad!!!” My husband said that to me the other day when I came back into the room, where he and my son were watching TV, after and I left for a while to fold laundry. (that was an akward sentence structure!)
That is a beautiful picture of Miz Poo
My dad’s middle name is Leslie!