
Door to Door last night, when something caught my eye and I glanced at the floor. A small cockroach trundled along the rug, went between Fred’s feet, and under the love seat. I made a face and pointed to the spot between his feet. “Ew,” I said. “There’s – ” Immediately, screaming like a little girl, Fred levitated across the room to the fireplace, where he began dancing a jig, slapping at his legs, and screaming intermittently. I collapsed in a heap, laughing so hard I could barely breathe. Fred, not appreciating the humor of the situation yet, glared at me from across the room. It is my goal in life to get that scream on tape so y’all can enjoy it as well. He said.

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The Patricia Heaton book is chatty and amusing. I’ll probably be giving it three stars, unless it goes to shit in the last third of the book. Still looking forward to starting the Al Franken book. Between the Dr. Phil book, the Patricia Heaton book, and the Al Franken book, this is more nonfiction than I’ve read in the entire last year!
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POSSIBLE SURVIVOR SPOILERS; SKIP TO THE NEXT SECTION IF YOU HAVEN’T SEEN IT YET Was I surprised to see Drake win both challenges? Nope. Was I surprised to see the Morgan people call Sandra a bitch for taking their tarp? Nope. (And as a side note, I could NEVER have gone to the other tribe’s camp and taken something like that. I would have been all “Yeah, I’ll take this rock right here.” Because Morgan had so much less than Drake, and I would have just felt sorry for them. Because that’s the kinda gal I am!) And was I surprised to see Skinny Ryan go? Again, nope. I was disappointed, though, because I thought he was way more likeable than Osten could ever be. I’m going to predict that if Drake loses the next Immunity Challenge, Lillian will be the next to go. Of course, that’s an easy prediction. Have I mentioned that I love this show?
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We also watched Extreme Makeovers last night. I love that show, but god. If I have one piece of advice for y’all, it is this: Please DO NOT LET ANYONE INJECT ANYTHING INTO YOUR LIPS, EVER. Because the result is so achingly plastic looking that no one will ever believe for a single second that those are your real lips. I feel your thin-lipped pain, because I have the thinnest lips ever, but the day will never come when I want fat taken from one part of my body and injected into my lips. Never. (Although it would be fun to have fat taken from my ass and injected into my lips so I can tell people that Fred kisses my ass all the time. Yes, I’m a 12 year-old boy.)
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Yeah. Not a whole lot going on around here today. I think I’ll toss up a few extra kitty pictures and call it a day!
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Tubby and Spanky sleep in those cat beds ALL day long.
Unless Tubby hears me open a window (no, our neighbors haven’t gotten their fence repaired yet. Grr.)
Miz Poo is offended by Tubby’s existence and smacks at him. He just ignores her and she eventually goes away.