Cat Paraphernalia

Cat-themed stuff I have in my house.

(pic) Clock hanging in the front room.

(pic) Clock hanging in the laundry room (purchased at the 9 Chickweed Lane CafePress store).

(pic) It SAYS “cookies”, but there are actually little packets of Splenda in there. In this house, cookies don’t live long enough to make it to a cookie jar.

(pic) A reader made this for me some years ago. I still love the hell out of it.

(pic) Foster kitty calendar, hanging in the computer room.

(pic) Not really paraphernalia, but I had to snap a picture of my favorite Tubby picture ever. It hangs over the mantel in the dining room.

(pic) Cat statue. It was a birthday gift this year.

(pic) This picture – Fat Cat Capsizing, by Richard Watherwax – still cracks me up.

(pic) The very first picture we took of Miz Poo with our new camera (well, it was new at the time – I think it was the camera we had before the ones we have now, actually. I don’t remember.), and Nance printed it out, framed it, and sent it to me as a gift. I adore it. It’s hanging in the hallway upstairs.

(pic) At the time, these were all our cats. Seriously needs updating. (This is hanging in the hallway outside my bedroom.)

(pic) Again, not really paraphernalia, but I had to share.

(pic) Housewarming gift from a reader. It hangs in my bedroom over the desk I use as a vanity (ie, where I sit every morning to blow-dry my hair and take my vitamins), and I adore it.

(pic) I have a ton of mugs, but I don’t drink coffee, so I find other uses for the mugs. These sit on my desk/ vanity.


(pic) Von made this for me several years ago. I love it – it’s on my mental “If the house is on fire, grab this on the way out!” list.

(pic) What? You don’t have a cat puppet? It was on sale! And it plays songs when you close its mouth!

(pic) My favorite Miz Poo pic from when she was a baby.


My sister sent me this set of boxes. Actually, she sent the three on the shelf, and then at Christmas she sent the one on the table next to the couch. It’s filled with little catnip bags. We believe in keeping our cats HIGH.

(pic) Also a gift from my sister. It sits by the fireplace in the front room.

(pic) I bought this when shopping the outlet stores in Kittery (Maine). It’s actually meant to be a bird house, but I put it on the front porch as decoration. I think it would be a pain to clean out when the birds have moved on.

(pic) Gift from my parents, last summer. It’s sitting on the front porch near the steps.

(pic) Also on the front porch. It’s a big quarry cat. I bought it shopping in Gatlinburg a few years ago.

(pic) Hanging on the front window.

(pic) Hanging in the computer room. You’d think we’d have it hanging in the laundry room near the cat food, wouldn’t you?

(pic) Hanging on the shelf in the dining room.


(pic) On the shelf in the dining room. I collect salt shakers, kind of, and just now realized how many of them are cats!

(pic) On the secretaire in the dining room.