1. A tacky vacation picture
Actually, it’s not really tacky, but it was the only one that came to mind. The spud, in Hawaii.
2. Something your kid (or pet) made
A turtle, made when she was very young. It’s smaller than it looks – it fits in the palm of my hand. I keep it on my dresser.
A little pot she made in art class in, I think, Kindergarten. Maybe first grade. I keep it in my desk drawer. Sometimes I keep paperclips in it.
3. Your hairbrush/s
I very rarely use my hairbrush, usually only when I’m blow-drying my hair, which doesn’t happen very often. Mostly, I use the pick on my wet hair, part it on the side, and let it air-dry.
* * *
The spud had a hair appointment yesterday. Back when we were in Maine in July, my sister put highlights in her (the spud’s) hair, and it had grown out quite a bit. Since she’s getting all gussied up to go to Homecoming next week, I thought it might be a good idea to take her to have her hair colored so it’s all one color, and close to her natural color. Actually, I told the spud she could get her hair done whatever color she wanted (kind of hoping she’d go for bright purple to freak my mother out), but she said she wanted to match her natural color.
I ended up taking her to the hair place where my current hair doer used to work, because the sixty-three times I tried to call the new place, I always got the answering machine, and I didn’t want to leave a freakin’ message. The first time I tried the old place, someone answered the phone, so I made the appointment.
The hair coloring took for-fucking-EVER, because her hair was two different colors. First, the hairdresser had to put something on the blond streaks and then she went through and put stuff on the rest of her hair, and then the color had to process for 45 minutes. When all was said and done, we were there for exactly two hours.
If I’d had a clue it was going to take that long, I would have left the spud there and had her call me when she was done. But I thought surely it wouldn’t take any longer than an hour, so I sat in a nearby chair and read the entire time.
She also trimmed the spud’s hair, taking maybe a quarter of an inch off the ends, since the spud’s apparently decided to grow her hair out again. Then she blow-dried the spud’s hair straight, because I wanted to see what it looked like straight. It was cute, but I think I prefer it curly.


It’s funny how much longer it looks when it’s blow-dried straight.
* * *
The Third Victim, by Lisa Gardner. It’s realllly good so far. Also, it makes me want to visit Oregon.
Finished the other night:
Their Wildest Dreams, by Peter Abrams. Very, very good book.
* * *
The weather lately has been incredibly gorgeous. It’s been sunny all week (except today looks like it’s going to be a bit overcast) and warm. Every year I forget how warm and sunny October is, and so every year I’m surprised anew. You’d think after living here for nine years (!) I’d remember, but I don’t.
And I’m not complaining, believe you me. Some of y’all are already wearing sweaters, and Fred’s still wearing shorts and short-sleeved shirts to work. This is the month that makes the hell of summer in Alabama more than worth it.
* * *

“Hey lady. I SAID no cameras!”

Cleanliness is next to Sugarbuttliness. Or something.

Sugarbutt contemplates how to open the refrigerator and fix himself a burger. Flipping that burger is going to be a pain with no opposable thumbs.

He wuvs his brudder.
(Yes, I totally talk baby talk to the kittens ALL DAY LONG.)
All of today’s uploaded pictures are
* * *
2004: I need to win the lottery so I can hire someone to come to my house every day and style my hair while I read.
2003: Which is when Stanley thought “Hey! I shouldn’t just skulk back! I should run and leap! Into the air! Like a big mexican jumping Stanley-bean!”
2002: As if he was going to say to himself “By god, she’s RIGHT! I do not, in fact, reside here. What on earth was I thinking?” and run off.
2001: No entry.
2000: No entry.
1999: “Well, she took that well,” I commented.]]>
is sugarbutt going to be yours? 😉
I can’t imagine giving Sugarbutt up!
(Well, for that matter, I don’t know how you give any of them up. They are all so damn cute.)
Spud’s hair looks beautiful!
can you keep sugarbutt??? 😀
i baby talk my cats too. hehehehe
Keep the Sugarbutt!!!!
There are no plans to keep the Sugarbutt.
(I’m working on it!)
Poor Tom Cullen!
He had all of his siblings ripped away from him and then, *oh, a glimmer of hope*–my brudder Sugarbutt is back!
But his cruel, cruel fate will be to have his last sibling taken away again…
Poor Tom Cullen…
Spud’s hair is gorgeous! The color is great.
If Fred does not allow Sugarbutt to stay, do you think he would be up for a trip to Ohio? (the cat not Fred) Ha
I love the spud’s hair, beautiful curly or straight!
You can come visit me out here in Oregon! I didn’t win the $340 million Power Ball. My brother lives in Jacksonville, where the winning ticket was sold but when I called to ask him – he didn’t buy a damn ticket this time. Love the Spud’s hair – both curly and straight. Have a great weekend.
Tell Spud her hair looks great! I like the straight look.
And I love the pictures where Sugarbutt is contemplating something.
I baby talk to my cats, too. They’re my widdle baby Tashi girl and my fat Puddin’ tub-o-lard, yes they are!
So is SB missing his daily baths?
Oh dear god, the Spud has absolutely beautiful hair. I’m overcome with hair envy. (I agree with you about preferring it curly.)
Isn’t October in north Alabama the fucking best? It’s by far my favorite month. I’m currently trying to convince Trapper that we should go on a hayride because it is so perfect hayride weather.
Sugarbutt is too precious. I love the “contemplative” picture of him. Amazing how such a tiny little furry body can hold so much personality!
You are getting very sleepy….on the count of three you will awaken and say, I will keep Sugarbutt!” One…two…three!
Spud’s hair looks great!
Hey, I have a picture of that Hawaiian statue too! We went this last June. Did you know that it represents a storyteller? Fitting, seeing how much you read. 🙂
My vote is to keep the Sugarbutt, as if Fred cares! But I just needed to put my two cents in!!
Do animals (not humans) really understand loss? It’s just a question.
Hey, I enjoy your blog, perhaps we could exchange blog links. Mine is http://www.billsbitterpills.blogspot.com.
The last time my 17 year old daughter had her hair colored (about 6 weeks ago), she went for blonde, black and pink. We were at the salon all freaking day.
You guys MUST keep the sugarbutt!! Especially with that name!