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Since I never did get a TV blog up and running again, and it’s all just too much of a pain in the ass for me right now, I decided to co-opt Fred’s forum, and post there about Survivor: Palau. In fact, I think I’ll do all my TV yammering over there from here on out.
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Petstore kitty pics from Monday are
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So, I bought the spud Season 2 of
Xena Warrior Princess (on DVD) for Christmas. She started watching it a few weeks ago, and then realized that in the set were two disc 4s and no disc 5s.
Of course, this wouldn’t do, so I told her to leave it on the counter and I’d figure out what to do with it. Time went by, a thick layer of dust grew on the DVD set, and finally I got tired of seeing the set sit on the counter. I sent an email to Amazon telling them what the problem was, and asked what I should do.
I got back an email from an Amazon customer service rep who told me that because it was more than 30 days since I’d ordered the Xena DVDs, they’d never send out a replacement, but this one time they’d make an exception and were going to send me Xena – Series Finale and I needed to send them back the Xena set within 30 days or they’d charge me for the DVD they’d sent.
So, to recap:
I am missing Disc #5 from the SECOND SEASON of Xena.
The brainiac in customer service thinks that sending me the Xena SERIES FINALE is a good response.
The more I deal with Amazon, the more they piss me off. I’m about to move my fucking wish list to Barnes & Noble or Waldenbooks or what-the-fuck-ever, because every fucking time I have to deal with Amazon, I end up wanting to tear my hair straight out of my friggin’ head.
Amazon is like a boyfriend who can’t be bothered to call when he says he will, who paws other women right in front of me, who makes snide comments about my ass AND YET I KEEP ON GOING BACK FOR MORE.
Amazon is the
Jonathan Baker of boyfriends.
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And before you suggest it, I’ve already emailed Anchor Bay Entertainment – who put out the DVDs – to ask what I should do.
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Not only do I have daffodils blooming in the back yard, but I also got a BOX of daffodils via Fedex yesterday.

They came from
2G Roses, sent by someone who clearly lurrrrrrrrves me.
I love daffodils, have I mentioned?
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“If I go outside, will I get zapped?”
I’m getting fed up with Amazon, too, and thinking of using Barnes & Noble’s web site instead for ordering books and whatnot. Amazon *never* has a good response when I’ve needed to contact them. One time I ordered gift certificates for my nephews, and the gift certificates had been sealed in the gift envelopes, even though I ordered them blank so I could fill them out by hand. Their response: sorry ’bout your luck. I was having serious technical difficulties with their site once (when typing in the login boxes, no text would appear and the login would fail). Their response: have you tried (x, y, and z, steps I told them in the first email that I’d already tried)? When I said yes, in fact, I had tried that LIKE I ALREAY SAID, their response was: sorry ’bout your luck. And so on.
I am over them.
Pet Store Kitties! Pet Store Kitties!
When is someone going to adopt Mrs. Landingham?
How IS it that Mrs. Landingham, Penda and Wolfgang are still at the pet store??? They’re such gorgeous cats!!!
Hey Robyn…Your daffodills are very pretty! Makes me forget I just trudged through snow to let the dog out.
How do you organize your blog reading? Do you check all the ones on your reading list, each day, for updates? Wow! If so, you must spend hours reading journals!!!
Yours was the first I ever read. My system: Read Robyn, check out pet store kitties and sometimes giveitaway page, then go to Nance to see if she has updated (AHEM!! nothing there lately!! HINT HINT to Nance)…then on Fridays I run over to S & S and do the entire weeks worth..then, if Jane has updated I read hers. If one of you gals links some other writer, I will check out what they have to say, but I generally stick to just you 3. I just wondered if you really read all those journals on your list…there must be a hundred of them! If I were to ‘branch out’ and want to start reading a few more, would you recommend some to me in email?? Thanks. I like anyone that talks like you (i.e. calls it like it is and cusses a lot.)
Have a great weekend!!
PS I think we’re way overdue for a new Movie of the Week. You can’t tell me those naughty cats of yours haven’t done SOMETHING video-worthy!
I am curious if that collar is heavy at all? I am considering getting an electric fence but I’m not sure how my kitty would tolerate the collar.
So how is poor, naughty Mister Boogers. Has he figured out he can leave the patio and venture into the yard, but just not get close to the fence yet?
I wish they had a front door “electronic zapper”. I live in a condo and my darn Kiefer loves to sneak out the front door when I go get the mail and run upstairs and sit in front of my neighbors’ doors. He will eventually come down and purr like hell, but he has to make sure I’ve done the proper amount of calling. I’ve grown very tired of climbing the steps after him.
If Amazon doesn’t deal with you, call around to Target, Walmart, Best Buy, wherever, find a store that carries it pretend you bought it there and exchange it for the same thing. It is no loss to them because the vender just credits them for it.
How strange is it that I dont really know you, except that I read your journal every day..but I saw something in a catalog the other day that made me think of you. I thought I would share.
I think this really belongs in your house. Maybe get one for every room. I bet the cats would have a great time. Have a good day!
I thought I was the only person who wanted to kill Amazon. The latest thing I have noticed is that you may pick items that say will ship in 24 hours, but then you order them and all of a suddent the arrival date becomes 3 weeks later. That has happened to me a million times. Grrrrrr… They have a good selection but their customer service is the absolute worst.
P.S. Love your blog…and your cats!
Have you ever thinned yours or messed with them at all since you planted them? The reason I ask is I planted 50 daffodil bulbs 7 years ago. They used to come up with a sea of beautiful daffodils (I planted them all over an area about six feet long and four feet wide). But then about the third or fourth year only some of them bloomed. Then fewer and fewer. This year only maybe a dozen leaves are coming up. Someone said it’s because I didn’t thin them out. Know anything about that?
You’re dooming yourself with every picture you hang… Every time you say “it’s starting to look more like a home I ward off the evil eye with my hand. Seriously… keep doing it and you’re going to have to move!
Just say no to framed artwork!
Margaret & Jennifer – I don’t know! I can’t believe she hasn’t been adopted yet, she’s so damn friendly. Now’s not a good time for adoptions, though – they tend to pick up in late spring and during the summer, die off for a while in the fall and then really pick up around Christmas.
Kathy – Actually, there are 144, and yeah, I really do read all those blogs and journals. If they have notify lists, I belong to them; if they don’t, I add them to my changedetect.com list, so that I get an email when they’ve updated, and I have a small list of blogs I check every day (actually multiple times a day), which you can see at robynanderson.com/portal
Jennifer: I’m working on it! 🙂
Christine: The collar’s not nearly as heavy as it looks. Mister Boogers is a pretty skinny cat and the weight of the collar doesn’t bother him at all – it does make his neck itch sometimes, though.
Val: It seems to be working out pretty well. The other day when it was really nice out, he went out and hung out in the back yard for quite a while. He stays well away from the fence, though, and that’s a good thing! As for having a front door “zapper”, here’s an idea – get a “scat mat” (do a Google search on the name to see exactly what they are), put it by the front door and when Kiefer tries to run out the door, he gets a small zap. That might work! Of course, if he’s smart, he’ll figure that all he has to do is jump over the mat…
Heather: Excellent idea – thanks for the suggestion!
Jamie: I do! I do need one of those! 🙂
MJ: Yep, that happens to me ALL the time, and it always really pisses me off. Grrr.
ms7168: Nope, I haven’t done anything with them – I just planted them last year, but there are a lot less of them this year than last. I’d always heard they’d multiply, but I’m not sure being tromped on and peed on by the cats is all that good for them. 🙂
Amanda: I figure juuuust about the time I’ve decided that the house looks completely cozy, it’ll be time to sell. At least I already know exactly when we’re putting the house on the market – in two years, right before the spud graduates from high school!
Robyn, If you find someone in place of amazon, please let your readers know. I had ordered a book, never got the book, amazon does not stand behind their promises. After emailing back and forth trying to get my money back, I called my credit card company and they credited me and went after amazon. Amazon’s response? “in the future, please contact us to resolve your complaints” ??????!!!!!!
I had a dvd set of Gilmore girls on order, and got tired of waiting for them to ship it, and cancelled that order. I have ordered so many things from amazon. (Including a dyson, per your recommendation..love it thanks) and have decided to try to find another book seller.
Seems like from the comments you have already, alot of people feel the same way with amazon.
My daughter was pissed at Amazon too. They double billed her on her credit card. Then tried to say because she didn’t notice it within 30 days it was too bad. I think the credit card company had to straighten it out.
Poor Mr. Boogers! He looks so sad. I know he’s a bad kitty, but he’s so photogenic.
Has Mister Boogie learned what the zappiness means yet?
I had ordered the last season of Angel from Amazon and it came in 3 days early and arrived tonight! Score! I read your entry and thought, “I’ve never had a problem with Amazon. Watch, I’ll open the package and it *not* be Angel.” Well I opened and it was my Season 5 of Angel so the thought of hassles with Amazon just zipped out of my head. Later, when hubby and I were ready to sit down and start in on the series, he opened it to find no disc 1 but duplicates of disc 2. I could of screamed!!!! Jinxed! Ugh. Hubby is so impatient he’s just asking for a refund and has gone out to buy the series in the store (even though the price is a bit higher).
Hi Robyn,
I sent some e-mails for your giveaways today, but I was having problems w/hotmail. I don’t know if it inadvertently sent you multiple e-mails for each one, but if so, I apologize!! Thanks!