March 1, 2005.

new logo! This one was created by the lovely and talented Ann. The look on the Booger’s face just cracks me up. Thanks, Ann!

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March 1st, and it’s friggin’ FLURRYING outside. Ugh. Also, with the wind chill factor it feels like it’s 20 degrees out there. Double ugh.
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My parents finally called from Hawaii over the weekend. With the time difference between here and there, they’d forget to call until it was the middle of the night for us, so it’s been a few weeks since I talked to my mother. She seems to be having a good time, what with the warm weather and the beach. They’re in a different hotel this time, this one overlooking a marina. She said, at one point, “You know, it’s not too late for you to make plans to come over!”, and let me tell you – I was tempted in a big way, because like I said, I’ve forgotten the head-to-toe rash and the urge to kill my mother from last year. But finally I had to say “Yeah, it is too late – the only time we could come over would be during Spring Break and that’s only a few weeks away.” Which is when she said “Well, we’ll just have to not let your father retire, so he can come again next year!” and then she said “And he looks like he agrees with that!” Heh. Then she told me that he might be going to Virginia Beach in the fall for three months (for work, this is), and I said “That’s so close that we might have to drive up and visit him while he’s there!” Of course, a check of Mapquest tells me that it’s a 12 or 13 hour drive, but hey – I was willing to drive to Myrtle Beach last Fall, I’m sure I can handle the couple extra hours to Virgina Beach. Besides, I’ve never been to Virginia Beach, I’d love to check it out.
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Great big thanks to reader Debbie, who sent me Wil Wheaton‘s book Just a Geek from my wish list. Y’all know I just love getting surprises in the mail, and I totally wasn’t expecting this, so yesterday was an awesome mail day for me. I’m looking forward to reading the book – I read and very much enjoyed Dancing Barefoot a few months ago. So, thank you, Debbie! You rock!
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Speaking of books, I managed to make my book-a-day-in-February quota with an extra book, even. Go, me! I’ll be glad to get back to my regular reading schedule, though, where I don’t have to make sure to get a book read every day. That was stressful! Maybe for my next goal, I’ll go through all the books I have, and make a pile of the ones that I’ve had for several years, and get those read!
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Fred has noticed something that happens quite often on 24, and it always makes us laugh. There’ll be a room full of people, and some guy will walk up to Jack and say “Damn it, Jack, I need to know the truth! What the hell is going on?”, and Jack will glance around at the other people in the room, then he’ll grab the guy by the arm and pull him away from the crowd to tell him what’s going on. Except that instead of pulling the guy AWAY from the crowd, Jack will pull the guy like TWO FEET from where they were, with the crowd of people still around them, and tell him what’s going on. He never pulls the guy out into the hallway or into another room; no, he just thinks that pulling the guy two feet from where they were somehow puts a magic bubble around them, and doesn’t seem to know that the people who were there, crowded around, are STILL RIGHT THERE, probably eavesdropping on the conversation. I think I could totally write a scene for 24: Tony: Jack, what the hell is going on? I need to know the truth! Jack: (glances around, pulls Tony two feet from where he was standing) Tony, I can’t tell you what’s going on right now. I’m asking you to trust me!(Jack’s always asking people to trust him.) Tony: Yeah, sure. Jack: Okay, fine. THE END. I’ll just sitting over here waiting for my Emmy, thanks.
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So, I needed to get a new lamp for the computer room. I did a lot of looking around, and then decided I’d found the perfect lamp. When I was ordering it (online, at, I needed to choose a lampshade. I didn’t want a plain old white one, so I opted for the faux leather lampshade. It arrived last night, and I put the lamp together, and… well… does the lampshade look like it’s made out of human skin to anyone else? It’s kind of ugly, but it’s going to be so much easier to dust than the lampshades on the other lamps in the house. And that’s always a plus!
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I was talking to Liz last night, and she said “What’s the phrase they used on that episode of Seinfeld? Sweet Moses? Something like that?” “Sweet fancy Moses!” I said. “Yeah, that’s it!” she said, and went on to tell me that someone she works with is a Seinfeld fan, too. But I tuned her out for a moment because you know what? would be an excellent domain name. (PS: Both Jerry and George said “Sweet fancy Moses!” regarding Elaine’s dancing. In case you were wondering.)
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Also, a couple of you asked about my nightgown, so I took a picture of it. I know, it’s ugly. And it’s about two sizes too big for me, but it is SO freakin’ comfortable that I’m having a hard time getting rid of it. I got it years ago from the Lane Bryant or Roaman’s catalog and I’ve worn it nearly every night since then. I’m actually surprised it’s not in worse shape!
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I think someone’s been sniffing the catnip again… ]]>

24 thoughts on “March 1, 2005.”

  1. What?!?! No comments about the Bachelorette???????? :((((( Robyn!! I was looking forward to your reaction!! 🙂

  2. March is definitely coming in like a LION so it’s going to leave like a Lamb! I hope so.
    Mr. Boogers look like he’s showing his “badge of Courage” with his collar sticking out!
    Talking about catnip. I have a bag of catnip in the garage – it was the only safe place to store it. I could not figure out why my two youngest cats kept wanting to go out in the garage – it’s dang cold out there. One day I looked down and someone had found the bag and ripped it open. Talk about stoned. . . They hid it well.

  3. Cripes you’re gross…it doesn’t look like human skin!!!!
    And maybe I should have a subdomain called “Sweet Fancy Moses!!” It’ll be all about how sweet and fancy I am. or something.

  4. It does look kinda like human skin :p
    Hey, on the catnip subject, have you ever tried giving them valerian? (You can get it at places that sell herbs.) It smells a little bit like socks, but man, do the cats ever love it. Even Lena, who turns her nose up at catnip, gets all stoned on that stuff.

  5. OMG I have that same exact lamp. I don’t love it but it looks great in the place where I put it.

  6. …..uh, you’re supposed to dust lampshades??
    woohoo j/k….I know that..I just haven’t done it in ages. Thanks for reminding me I have a half inch layer of dust on them..and here I thought I was going blind, or the light bulbs were lower wattage than I thought.
    I clicked on your site earlier today before you updated and for a minute thought I was in the wrong place….that someone had named THEIR site Bitchypoo and the Daffheads! Lol I had to look twice….I like the daffydillies though, they’re cute!

  7. As one who asked about your nightgown…it probably would be worn out if you actually SLEPT in it! See, I did pay attention on those occassions when you mentioned that you slept au natural.

  8. If you like Wil Wheaton, be sure to watch CSI on Thursday March 10. He’ll be on the show! Woohoo!

  9. I got a mention in Robyn’s journal, cool. I’m glad you like the book – just some of the good karma you put out there with your work with homeless kitties and the cool giveaways coming back at you.

  10. I have a lampshade made from human skin, and it looks nothing like that one, so you’re in the clear.

  11. I was eating when I read your post today, and the skin lampshade kinda grossed me out. Perhaps I’ll save this entry as a diet aid. ;o)
    Can’t wait to hear your take on the Bachelorette tomorrow!

  12. Oh yeah – love the logo. Daffheads. Too funny. The cat heads just blend in way too well. Gives me the creeps if I look at it too long!

  13. OK Robyn… I am now officially freaked out! I have suspected for quite some time that you and I were separated from birth, with both of us meeting and marrying computer geeks we met online… but really, this new revelation must truly be a sign of the impending apocalypse… I have that same nightgown from Lane Bryant, now at least 2-3 sizes too large… most comfortable thing on earth! 🙂

  14. Hey Robin, My favorite part of your journal is the petstore kitties. How do you manage to work there every week and not bring one home? Second is the adoption rate pretty high? I live in rural east Texas and unfortunately our Animal Control is a far cry from a pet placement organization. I have two young cats and I am considering another . Have you made any observations about deciding a kittens future temperment? I have 4 kids. We adopted both of our cats full grown, now the kids are set on a kitten. I just know it needs to be a pretty confident cat to handle our house! Have you every adopted a pet and it did not work out? I would love to read anything you would like to share about the petstore and choosing your own cats. Thanks!

  15. Okay, here’s what I’ve never understood about nightgown wearers…doesn’t that thing ride up to your armpits whilst you sleep? I used to wear gowns as a child and I can remember waking up with a sweaty upper-body and cold legs. Now I sleep in an old tshirt and flannel boxers every night and I’m quite comfy. Don’t you get cold too? Wearing a gown around the house…the air just blows right on up through your legs! I do have to agree with you on sizing, you want pjs that are a few sizes too big…so comfy.

  16. I hate nightgowns for the same reason – they end up all twisted around my body and up around my chest by the time I wake up in the morning. I like to be warm when I sleep, so I wear thick socks and sweats and a big t-shirt.

  17. Hey! I live in Virginia Beach. The fall would be a nice time to come, most of the tourists are gone and the weather is still nice.

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