1. The phone rings. Who do you want it to be?
Well aside from the fact that I want it to not ring in the first place, I guess I’ll say I want it to be Fred or the spud or Debbie.
2. Do you take compliments well?
I try to smile and say “Thank you”, but a lifetime of scoffing at compliments is a hard habit to break.
3. Do you like to ride horses?
Unfortunately, I don’t. I wish I was a horse person, because we’ve got enough land for one or two of them, but I’ve just never been into horses. Though when I was a teenager I was, and when we were on a family vacation we went horseback riding where my horse kept walking so close to the horse in front of us that the horse in front of us kicked and his hoof caught my knee. And it fucking hurt. And then later, I was sitting in the saddle and it started going sideways and I’d never really been on a horse before, so I had no idea I could have stood up in the stirrups and put my weight on the other side so the saddle would straighten out, and I fell onto the ground.
4. What was your favorite game as a kid?
DOCTOR DEATH AND MISTER ALIVE! It was a dorky game my brothers made up wherein one of them was Dr. Death and the other was Mr. Alive, and if Dr. Death got us we were “dead” and could only come to “life” and rejoin the game if Mr. Alive came along. Or something like that.
5. Can you speak another language?
I know very few words in French. Not even enough to carry on a conversation. So, no.
6. What is your favorite children’s book?
The Little House series. I saved up my allowance for ages to buy those damn books, and I still have them all.
7. When was the last time you were at Olive Garden?
I… don’t know. Maybe around Christmas time? Debbie and Brian and my mother picked us up and we went out to lunch. I don’t know if that was at Christmas time or last Summer or just exactly when the hell it was.
8. What are your keys on your key chain for?
One to the house, one to the car, one to the PO Box, and one to the new house. I think that’s about it.
9. What’s your favorite color?
Yellow, though I have a definite fondness for blue, too.
10. Where is your current pain at?
I’m feeling no pain.
11. Do you look like your mom or dad?
My Dad, at least according to my mother.
12. What movie do you want to see right now?
At this point, I can’t think of a single movie I want to see. Mostly because I don’t know what’s out, I guess.
13. Do you put lotion on your dog or cats?
We used to put lotion on Spot (they make a hydrocodone hydrocortisone lotion for animals) because he was overgrooming his stomach and we thought it might be because of an itching issue.
14. What did you do for New Year’s?
I… don’t know. Went to bed before midnight, I’m sure.
15. Do you think The Grudge was scary?
Not terribly so.
16. What was the cause of your last accident?
My incredible clumsiness, I’m sure.
17. What do you buy at the movies?
Usually just a bottle of water. I sneak weight watchers candy in with me, and steal some popcorn from whomever’s with me.
18. What do you wear to sleep?
Not a damn thing. Unless you count the inevitable cat draped over my hip.
19. Anything big ever happen in your hometown?
Stephen King grew up across the river and went to my high school. It hosts the Moxie Festival every year. I think that’s about it.
20. Do you use cuss words in other languages?
No, but that sounds like something that would be fun to take up. Y’all teach me how to say fuck, shit, and goddamnit in other languages, eh?
* * *
Yesterday after I got home from the pet store, I took a shower and decided it was too goddamned cold in the house to be running the air. Our thermostat is from the ancient ages where you have to have it on either “heat” or “cold”, along with the temperature you want to keep the house at. If you have it on “cold” and the temperature drops to like 55 degrees, you could freeze to death waiting for the heat to come on. That’s how it is at the new house, too, and I’ve decreed that come hell or high water, SOMEONE is going to install a thermostat you can set so that if it goes below 68 the heat will come on, and if it goes above 72 the air will come on. I don’t care if I have to pay a professional, it’s gonna happen in the new house, because this time of year it’s a pain in the ass to always be switching it back and forth between “heat” and “cold”.
Anyway, I stopped at looked at the thermostat and saw that the current temperature on the stairs (where the thermostat is located – one of the things I hate about this house is that it doesn’t have separate thermostats for upstairs and downstairs) was 70. I decided I’d turn the dial thingy to 70 and switch it over to heat.
I went downstairs, ate breakfast, puttered around, and thought “GodDAMN, why am I still so cold?” I wrote my entry and got colder and colder. When the tip of my nose was about ready to turn blue with how stinkin’ cold I was, I went upstairs to get my slippers. Usually if my feet are warm, the rest of me tends to stay warm, too.
On the way up, I stopped and looked at the thermostat. Not only had I NOT set the dial thingy on 70, I’d set it several degrees below 70 AND I’d forgotten to click the thing over to “heat”.
No wonder I was so goddamn cold. I set the dial thing to 75 and clicked it over to heat, and was toasty warm for the rest of the day.
* * *
Oh, I forgot to mention my doctor appointment on Friday. As I mentioned, it was with an orthopedic surgeon, about the “possible Osteochondromas” on my hips.
The surgeon told me that they were, indeed, Osteochondromas, and that they treated it by doing nothing. Since I was having no pain or symptoms and they weren’t bothering me, it wasn’t necessary to remove them, but I should come back if I started having pain or they started bothering me.
He did say that in some cases they could turn cancerous, but the chances of that were slight and if it did happen it wouldn’t be until my 70s or 80s.
And since I’ll be dead long before then from (1) PSC, (2) Weight Loss Surgery (3) Heart Murmur or (4) Throat Chewed Open By Crazy Wild Cats, I’m not going to worry too much about it.
He did show me where the Osteochondroma on my left side is and the fact that it’s on the left side, not the right, and a lot higher than where I thought it was, probably explains why I couldn’t find it on my own.
* * *

“Hahahah! Ha! Ha! Mom, you are SUCH a dork!”

“Hahahahah! Ha! Ha! Mom, you are SO funny!” (Maddy learns the art of sarcasm)

“Bring your hand down here. I won’t bite. Promise!”
More pictures
* * *
Nothing makes him happier than airin his harbl.
* * *
2005: And I like Nicole Kidman and I loathe Sean Penn and didn’t want to see him rubbing his liver lips all over her.
2004: No entry.
2003: Poor Stanley. All he wants to do it play, and none of the big cats will play with him.
2002: That’s a lot of poop to scoop.
2001: “I don’t like it,” he said haughtily. “It’s not even REAL lemon juice. It’s citric acid!”
2000: Now I just have to decide what to spend it on.
1999: When I got to the top of the stairs I found Tubby huddled there soaking wet, and Mr. Fancypants circling him in a hostile manner. ]]>
What an odd assortment of things, in the photo at the bottom.
I can’t watch that scene with Izzy without sobbing outloud. Even the mere suggestion of it makes me tear up. Goddamn, I love me some Grey’s.
I just love the pictures of that scamp (little tiny Maddie). She is the cutest thing. We just turned our heat on yesterday. It’s getting colder and colder here. No!! I am NOT going to the fair!!!! nanamama
merde = shit
I used to have this book which translated slang/profanity etc. from English to French. A very cool book. The one sentence I remember:
Je vais te donne un coup de pied de croupion.
“I’m going to give you a kick in the ass.”
I didn’t think it was possible for Maddy to get any cuter, but she IS.
I can’t even think of the Denny death scene (and what’s-his-name picking Izzy up in his arms, SOB) without tearing up. The two-part bomb-in-that-guy’s-stomach episode was some damn good TV, too. I don’t think there’s a single boring character on that show. Love it!
When I read the part of your post about “hydrocodone” cream, I thought “wow, that’s a good idea. You don’t have to force a pill, they just lick it.” and then I realized that you meant Hydrocortisone cream…or at least I think so. As you can tell I believe everything I read. Am a dork! Love your blog! Of course now I’m thinking maybe it WAS Hydrocodone…refer back to the part where I am a dork!
Izzy crying in the bed is a very moving scene indeed but the killer for me is Alex picking her up and getting her out of the bed. Alex doesn’t deserve her (yet) but I like the way that they’re preparing us for a future relationship, because they are very physically compatible. He has the ability to make her feel safe, which she is in need of right now.
Katherine Heigl is definitely girl-crush-worthy.
On the horse thing…if you ever feel guilty that you spend too much money on the kitties or farm tools or computers or entertainment, talk to a horse person. You CANNOT imagine how quickly horse expenses add up. If you’re not already an incurable horse nut, don’t start, just because you have acreage.
Swear words…
Butana =’s bitch (I found a site that said it means the “c” word. It’s definitely bitch though! :D)
Fungula =’s fuck
Que catza diche? =’s What the fuck are you saying?
Gowno (goovnah) =’s shit
Dupek (doopeck) =’s asshole
Spierdalaj (speerdalay) =’s fuck off
God Maddy is cute.
Chingar – F word
Chinga to madre – F word your mother. (The absolute worst thing you can say to a Mexican)
Farsi (I had an Iranian roommate in college) swear words:
Misspelled because I don’t know how to spell in Farsi.
Boro Bay Johanem = go to hell
Cuna Mo Baboose = kiss my ass
I love that there is a monkeywrench on the table next to SB’s bed. Random. And Maddy is the cutest little thing. She looks like she has eye liner on.
I’m glad to hear the osteochondroma is nothing to worry about. The pictures of Miss Maddy are hilarious! 🙂
I don’t know what’s cuter, the pics of Maddy and Sugarbutt or your captions.
Love, love, love Grey’s Anatomy. And I was sobbing out loud watching her all distraught.
I am not sure about the spelling but my fav? Strufanka Scattoria (smurf shit in Greek).
…airin his hairbl… that one had me snorting!
Okay, ‘bad’ words in icelandic:
These are words you kind of yell out when something happens, like you use ‘shit!’ in english;
Andskotinn! = the devil
Helvitis! = hell
Djofullinn! = the devil/demon
Words actually directed at other people;
Fokkathu ther = F… you!
Hoppathu upp i rassgatith a ther = Go jump up your own ass! (it’s funny to translate this one)
Farthu til helvitis = Go to hell!
Can’t think of any more right now, but if I do I’ll be sure to write to you 😉
I have no idea if this is spelled right, as I am not German- but “shit” in German is “SHIza!
I know how to say “Damn” in French 😀
They taught us that it was “Darn.”
Zut! Pronounced: Zoot!
If I recall things correctly from high school latin, “stercus” = “shit”. Or, roughly, “manure/feces”. I have a suspicion that they were trying to avoid directly supplying us with useable profanity at that point, although we could all figure it out!
Fourteen years later, and I can’t remember most of the other things I learned in latin. I guess we know where MY brain was…
Ah… looking around online, I find that “stercus” is the more polite way of saying “merda”. “Merda” is what you want when you need a good ‘n’ vulgar, all-purpose latin curse word.
That or latin “futuo” = “fuck”.
In French:
tabernac – I believe is goddammit – it’s definitely a curse
Add calisse before tabernac for a really bad one!
maudit – damn
merde – shit
salope – bitch
i’ve got many more, but can’t think of them right now!
They hypochondriac in me both cringes and enjoys the medical freakshow that that is Robyn. Hee. I learn about SO many more scary diseases nearly every week. I think you’re going to have to have a disclaimer before medical stuff like you do the television shows. You know for, ahem, certain people. Heehee. 🙂
This new one, though, the Throat Chewed Open By Crazy Wild Cats I will have to Google. Haven’t heard of that malady yet… is it contagious?
I was laughing out loud for real … My brothers made up a game just like Doctor Dead and Mr Alive when my sister and I were little. I don’t think it had a name. They also used to lay on the floor, moaning, and say, “Unless I get a kiss, I’m going to DIE!” My little sister would run over and kiss, kiss, kiss until they were “alive” again! Hee!
Hi Robyn!!
Long time reader (since the beginning)-love you all. You and your collective menagerie (Fred and Spud included) brighten my day more than you know.
I have the direst of forebodings regarding your motherhood… Fred aware??
How does the Miz Pooh feel about this?
When did you start referring to yourself as “Momma” to Maddie? Did I miss something?
She IS staying, correct?
I certainly hope so (clapping my hands together) – she’s the sweetest thing since Sugarbutt and Tommy.
Love and kisses-
Robyn, it is super easy to replace the old round thermostats with the new digital ones. I’ve done it at 2 of our houses and if I can do it than anyone can. Get Fred to buy one at Lowe’s and he can install it in about 10 minutes.