* * * I’m just putting off going out into the garage to exercise. I always come downstairs ready to hop on the elliptical, but get sidetracked checking my email, talking to Fred, playing with the kitties. It’s so cold in the garage right now that it hurts a little to walk out there with bare legs and arms, but if I wear sweatpants and a sweatshirt, I get too warm while I’m working out. I know the perfect idea is to layer, but I’d much rather be a martyr, don’tchaknow. The movie I’m currently watching while I do the elliptical is Dying Young. Vincent D’Onofrio looks like he’s about 12 years old in that movie and Campbell Scott, dying of leukemia (or whatever cancer he was supposed to have) or not, is one good-looking man. I was going to say I wonder what he’s doing these days, but a quick check at IMDB shows that he still works pretty regularly, just not in anything I’ve watched. Okay, enough putting it off. I’m going to go exercise. I’ll be back.

I think Fred is right, you DO have too many floor-cleaning related items so in the spirit of keeping your marriage happy, I will go ahead and LET you send me the Dyson.
Just cause I love yall and I want to help.
And send Miz Poo too, please.
oh my LORD, I LOVE that movie, Dying Young! I wanted to marry Campbell Scott for years after seeing that movie!!!! At the end when he tells his dad that he wanted her to see him with hair… oh lord. Don’t you think he’s hot?
Must be a family thing. We have two uprights, a floor mate, a shop vac, a hand vac, a hand steamer and a steam cleaner.
Oh, and a maid. Two maids, if you want to get technical.
What, get MY hands dirty?
Sure, Bonnie, I’ll get right on that. 😛
Allison – Oh yeah, Campbell Scott is a total hottie!
Kate – I need to get a job so I can hire someone to clean the house! 🙂 Oh, and we have a shop vac, too. I forgot about that!
Dude, I know you protest vociferously that you are NOT an Alabaman, but I just typed your zip code into the National Weather Service site and it’s been above 55 degrees FAHRENHEIT for the last two weeks there. And you’re cold? You’re a SOUTHERNER, OFFICIALLY, and a WUSS.
You just hush up, missy. I’m a wuss, but I AIN’T NO SOUTHERNER!
And for the record, it’s fifty-TWO degrees here right now. Brrr. I need to throw on another layer!
Ha! I’m in the midwest and it’s been 30’s and below the last couple weeks. It actually got up in the 50’s yesterday and we all thought we were having a heat wave! You ARE a wuss! 🙂
you gotta watch “Roger Dodger” if you like Campbell Scott!
Screw Campbell Scott – give me some Vincent D’Onofrio any day! You know the little (imaginary) card of 10 people who you’re allowed (by your spouse) to “do” if the chance happens along – yeah, Vincent D’Onofrio is #’s 1-5. Yowza!
Ssss…. PANKY!
You’d be amazed at what you find if you start researching vacuum cleaners on the internet. There are email groups devoted to the subject and the discussions get quite heated (one such place is at http://www.ivacuumcleaners.com/wwwboard/wwwboard.shtml). It’s really funny. I found them when I got sick and tired of my Hoover WindTunnel (hate it, hate it!) and decided I’m getting the best vacuum cleaner I can find. I ended up buying a Miele Blue Moon which is the only vacuum cleaner I’ve ever enjoyed. I LOVE my Miele!
It’s 26 here (-3 celsius, -10 with windchill) and snowing here in my part of Ontario. Looking much more festive out there now! 🙂 This is my last winter in Canada though so no complaints!
27 degrees here in Alaska, and getting colder. That’s not too bad. It cracks me up that you are cold at 52 degrees. I’m out walking with shorts and a t-shirt in 50 degree weather. You certainly wouldn’t like Fairbanks, Alaska, their high today was -20 degrees.
Anyway, I enjoy your site!
You sure do have a lot of cleaning appliances for one who professes to hate the act of cleaning. I’m just saying.
Mid to upper 70’s in Houston right now. Humid as hell also.