Mister Boogers hates you.
On my way back home; entry in the next day or so.]]>
My first post
An acidic and hostile place: since 1999
Mister Boogers hates you.
On my way back home; entry in the next day or so.]]>
Comments are closed.
Yay, you’re back!
But we sure love Mister Boogers. Sure hope this means that you’re working on a loooong post. So glad you’re back.
Welcome to the journalling community, Robyn! I think you’ll like it. You’ll meet all kinds of people. Remember that robots.txt are your friend and all will be well. 😀
he hets everyone!
seriously, tho — what the heck happened? sorry…am nosy.
like LJ said — i hope you’re working on a long post!
it’s great to have you back!!! 🙂
Woah, by first you really mean there are no archives or anything. This is going to be a good story.
Uh oh. Your Mom found this website?
Why does Mister Boogers treat me like that when I lurve him so much???!
Geez a person goes on vacation for a week and what happens?
Hi Robyn, Welcome back!
I got your postcard yesterday…Thank You!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can’t wait to read a “real” entry.
Glad to see you are back. Fine Mister Boogers, be that way!
You tell that Mr. Boogers that Das Poot hets him, too.
Welcome back, Robyn! 🙂
Stanley hets him too!
Mr Boogers can hate me all he wants. I still lurve him.
Oh Oh – looks like Robyn’s brother got crabby. We miss you, thanks for the Booger picture back. I’m mentally sending the “surprised-look” Booger picture back to you.
This should be interesting!
Ut oh.
I’m with Val — I probably have that Mister Boogers shocked expression on my own face right now!
So should we thank Randy for you pulling down your entire site? What a jerk.
I’ve been reading you for years Robin and I can’t think of a thing you have ever written that anyone (including family) could find fault with. Too bad someone has to spoil things for you.
I love Mister Boogers! Hope you’re alright Robyn.
Rut roh. Sounds like you had some drama on your trip.
So does that mean we can’t get random entries no mo’? Or funny comments from two years ago today? This Randy guy is worse than the Grinch.
Oh, man. I feel a story coming on, and possibly also password protected entries in the future? It sucks if it’s come to that. I am glad to see you are back, and thanks for the post card!! I was impressed your stamp; looked like a “wild” version of da Boog.
Dang It!! Sorry about the drama; can’t wait to get the scoop, should you care to share. And, thanks, Randy…not; how’m I gonna read about car salesmans brains potentially falling out??? The look o’shock, the chickens, Nicholas Sparks (hets him), Fred herding chickens, waaahhhh, I’m bereft…..
Wow. I too have been reading you for years. And am VERY curious about what happened. Whatever it is, though, I hope YOU’RE okay.
Oh, yay! You’re ‘almost’ back. I can’t wait for your next post. I don’t suspect it was drama – but merely a computer or network malfunction that kept you away from us for so long. Now that you’re home you can take off the long johns and warm sweaters (hee!) and bask nekkid in the Alabama heat. Before you know it you’ll be moanin’ and bitchin’ that it’s too fucking hot!! Back to normal … at last.
Robyn–I’ve also been reading for years. You’ve given me many moments of out-loud laughter, joy, suspense, rooting for you, caring about you and Fred and the Spud and the kitties. You’ve gotten me through some really dark days, beleive it or not. I certainly feel like I “know” you. Your posts re: narcissism especially hit home, turned on a light bulb on for me and really gave me great insight into my relationship with a certain person in my life (if you know what I mean :-). You (and Fred) are the best and don’t think that your readers do not absolutely appreciate you and love you and how open you are willing to be about sharing your lives with us. I’m sure you’ve helped/entertained/enlightened/brought joy to more people than you know. Hope that you’re not forced to give this up, but of course you have to protect yourself. We’d understand, but boy would we miss you. I, too. will miss your archives, since there are definitely entries that have stayed with me or sparked something for me that I’ve wanted to go back and read again. Just know that you’re appreciated and loved by many, including this reader.
That was a nice comment, there. =) I don’t have anything like that. HAHA.
Welcome back Robyn. You are beloved and we so missed you. Looks like you also didn’t manage to have a drama free summer. My best friend and I declared at the end of the school year it was going to be a drama free summer. Oh, how I now bust a gut at our naivety.
wow…the rutkus you caused woman! Thanks for the postcard but in 2 weeks for our anniversary there better be some lobstahs left!!!!
I’m guessing what Rose said, that your mom found the blog – but my FULL guess is that whoever Randy is, HE’s the one who found it and showed it around.
I dunno who Randy is or if my guess is correct, but if it is: Shitstirrer!
Also, Robyn, if I ever need quick-fast get-rid-of-the-evidence help like that, can I borrow Fred? I promise to return him in good condition. (c:
You had to take everything down? Thanks a lot Randy!
But… But… But… NNNOOO….Say its only a Booger in the system… PPPLLLEEEASEEE ???
I’ll give you candy !! A envelope of collected cat whiskers? Come lollygag on your porch and provide security ?
Just please come back and make it the way it was…wwaahhh…xoxo
Who the hell is Randy and WHAT DID HE DO TO YOU?? Sheesh. Jerk.
Welcome home, Robyn!
In Robyn’s bio, it says she has a brother named Randy that she sees once a year when she goes to Maine. This stinks.
Damn you Randy….damn you! Robyn, come back soon, please! No one makes my sister and I laugh like you!…and we think we are two funnnnyyy bitches!
Welcome back. I have missed your posts and I often read parts to my hubby so has missed you too. I hope that nothing too terrible has happened to cause this.
Please don’t go password without me!!!
Okay, it’s really my daughter that needs the cat fix, really, it is…
Hope your trip was great and that it’s a glitch.
You’re back!!! You were missed greatly.
Thank heavens, I’d just caught up with all the archives, I’m no skimmer…
Looking forward to your return.
Have you tried the WayBack Machine to retrieve some old posts? At least the first couple of years maybe????
Welcome back Robyn,I just loved getting my postcard. Thank you so much. Hope you had a good time and that the website issues are techno and not personal. We have sooooo much fun reading your blog and also Fred’s. You all have become a part of our extended family in a way. Hope all is well.