here’s an interesting way to help donate free rice. I like to think my vocabulary skillz are OFF DA HOOK, but I have discovered that I am so, so wrong. I’m far stupider than I ever thought possible – though I do surprise myself from time to time. I didn’t really know that excursus = digression, but when I don’t know a word and I guess, I somehow get it right about 75% of the time. And I’m not talking about educated guesses, I’m talking about “I have never heard that word before in my entire life. What the fuck could it possibly mean?” Don’t get addicted (I already am)! (Thanks to reader Leslie for sending the link along to me!)

Thanks, you guys, for your warming suggestions the other day. It was someone’s suggestion of a warming throw that set off a light bulb in my head, and I recalled that last year (or possibly the year before) I actually bought a twin-size electric blanket to keep on the couch because I was so damn cold all the time. When I went upstairs to find it and bring it downstairs, I found that Fred had put it on his bed rather than the king-size electric blanket he was supposed to use, so I shrugged and brought the king-size one downstairs, folded it in half, plugged it in, snuggled under it, and I was warmwarmwarm. Last night while we were watching TV, Fred stole half my blanket, so we were both nice and warm. We had actually discussed the idea of putting a brick in the fireplace then wrapping it in a towel, but never got around to the implementation of the idea. I like the hot water bottle and cheap hot water bottle (2-liter bottle, filled with hot tap water) suggestions, too. Y’all rock! And thanks, also, for your cat water fountain suggestions. I’m going to wait a little while to actually purchase one because although I was going to get one at the pet store this morning after my scoop-and-feed session (the regular Wednesday morning volunteer switched with me this week), I realized that I have a 9:00 hair appointment, and the pet store doesn’t actually open for business ’til 9:00, and I don’t want to have to drive alllll the way back after my appointment, so I’ll wait and buy it next Monday.

Since it’s getting late and I need to scoot out of here, how ’bout some links to check out, some pictures to admire, and a promise to see you tomorrow? Works for me!

Lovelle Svart shared through online videos the struggle and choices of her final months and her decision to die with dignity. The Tapeworm Diet (I got the link from Big Fat Deal). I looked at the site (just out of morbid curiosity, I assure you), but when I ran across the sentence “I have the cyst, what now?”, I was pretty sure if I read any more I’d start to dry heave, so I bookmarked it to share with y’all and then surfed in another direction. Because that is FUCKING NASTY, Y’ALL. These Kindle Candles were quite handy over the weekend. We didn’t buy them – the previous owners left them behind for us – but when we’re out, I think we’ll probably be buying some more. Nabakov wanted his last work destroyed. His son seems to be waffling about it. Should he destroy it or share it with the world? Personally, I think his wishes should be honored and it should have been destroyed long before now. I say that as someone who’s NOT a Nabakov fan, but even if we were talking about someone whose work I really enjoy (helLEW Stephen King!), I’d say honor the final wishes. On the other hand, Nabakov’s dead, so what does he care? You know you can go to The Animal Rescue Site and click on the “Click here to give!” box, and sponsors pay for food and care of rescued animals, right? Come on, it only takes a second! I think this is so neat – these nap pads (for dogs and cats) are filled with recycled soda bottles. I got one (an extra-small) for the cats when I was in Maine, and they love it. Newt sleeps there most nights. I linked to the Silver Jewelry Club before, but I’m linking again. Such a neat site – you get jewelry for only the cost of shipping, and so far as I can tell, they’re good quality pieces (I have several sets of earrings and a few rings, but I also don’t wear jewelry all that often). Depending on how bored I am, I visit the site either a couple of times a day, or many times a day. The best blog you’re not reading. I “discovered” it through my referral stats over the weekend and am slowly working my way through the archives.

Fun with kittehs and the feather toy!

Previously 2007: Questions answered. 2006: You can’t ride two horses with one ass. 2005: No entry. 2004: Damn Home Depot. 2003: Yep. READY FOR SPRING! 2002: Sam’s rocks. Just so you know. 2001: I don’t know how on earth I missed it the first time around. But I’m sure it was Fred’s fault. 2000: “Fred, is F-A-G a bad word?”]]>
good morning – I guess you havent caught the days news yet. Poor heath ledger.
great pics as ever
just passing along this website a friend sent to me and I thought you would enjoy!
Good morning Robyn Thanks for the links. I checked out the tapeworm diet one and all I can say is Disturbing. I have been reading Lived to Tell for a while and it’s a good one. And I plan on passing my boring time at work reading about Lovelle. Thanks again.
I love the rug in the kitty pics…..Where did you find it?
Pet adoption idea. Since you foster some of these cats, and take such wonderful photos of them, why don’t you print out the best of, for instance, Skittles, laminate and tape these over her cage when she goes to the pet store. That way people can see how much fun Skittles is and was when she was being fostered. And if she’s adopted, the photos go with her.
You could do this for all your fostered kitties. Might help.
Did you watch Lauri’s wedding yesterday on the Real Housewives? I couldn’t stop watching her eyelids blink and blink and blink and blink and… might be because of all the darn mascara on the lashes. Oy!
I’m addicted to the Free Rice site. I’m hoping it is going to help my vocabulary skills since I’m going to take the GRE this year.
Tapeworms? You’ve got to be really desperate in order to try that mess. That’s so gross.
Bleh, all I can think about now is that House pilot episode, where the teacher has a tapeworm lodged in her brain that they said had probably been in her body 6-10 years.
*shivers* What a way to start the day…thinking about tapeworms.
I dreamed that you died last night Robyn. It was horrible! Fred had setup a condolences page on your site but he wouldn’t explain how you died which was extremely irritating. I actually woke up crying! NOT a fun dream. It was pretty intense though for someone that has never met you. 🙂
Ok, here’s a WAAAAAAAAAY off topic question for the next question-o-rama: Will you and/or Fred be lining up at a local comic book store to purchase The Long Road Home #1, which goes on sale at 12:01am, March 5th, 2008? I know you are a huge Dark Tower fan (as am I,) and the thought that this comic book series is going to give fans more insight into Roland is just very appealing. I haven’t bought a comic book (if they’re even called that anymore – maybe “graphic novel”?) in over 20 years.
Have a purr-fect day!
I L-O-V-E the free rice site. I go there daily, and I’m also amazed that I’m able to guess the meanings of words with about the same accuracy as you mentioned. Now, to figure out how to actually use those newly acquired words in a sentence where you don’t come off sounding like a total snob…
Try this one too!
A tapeworm diet??? I thought I had heard everything, but this is just so gross. Growing up in post-war Germany, I acutally had worms (don’t know what kind), so believe me they are awful to have and were very, very hard to get rid of. And to do that to yourself on purpose just defies the imagination.
I am now an offical “rice donator.” Got about 90% of the words I attempted, which kinda surprises me!!!
I was at Fred’s site and I have to say it worries me. He seems so much safer with “the MOMMA” around. LOL!
Since you mentioned Stephen King …. Dumas Key is quite good so far! I have another 100 pages to make sure the ending doesn’t suck, but so far I’m having trouble putting it down long enough to do chores.
I donated a lot of rice, too!
Love the pic of Toms flying through the air – the Tommy belly is getting rather rotund, huh? Love those kitty bellies!!
Hot damn! I think it was me who suggested the warming throw. Glad you are warm. Also, the closeup of Skittles made me laugh out loud.
Your photos remind me of a book I have called Dancing with Cats. The book is hilarious–you should check it out.
Thanks Robyn. You made my day big time.
That tapeworm site is the most vile disgusting thing. Ew, who in the hell would eat a fucking tapeworm to lose weight? Now that is pathetic. My GOD!!!
Thank you so much for the site link! It’s prodigious and makes me feel perspicacious. 😉
Those darn feather things are – by far – the favorite of the cats at my house… Nothing else – no fake mice, bell balls, nothing can compete. And in face, they will go and fetch one and bring it to us and cry pitifully until we play with them.