At the pet store yesterday, I was thrilled to find out that Malley had FINALLY been adopted. I had Malley and his siblings way back… I think when Nance and Rick were here, actually. The day they left, I got Malley and his siblings. They were here about a month, then I took them to the pet store around the middle of November. Their siblings slowly got adopted, and then it was just down to Malley and Deuce. For the past three weeks, at least, Malley and Deuce had been sitting in a cage together. Deuce finally got adopted last week, so Malley went into a smaller cage by himself, and then he got adopted Tuesday evening. Now if only Punki and Felicia would get their butts adopted, too! I had a serious discussion with Punki, and I hope like hell that I get an email from the shelter manager over the weekend letting me know that they’ve been adopted. I’m starting to get a complex. Are our fosters getting the And3rson stank on them, thus repelling potential adopters, or what? Also, I finally took some pet store kitties pics (last week!), and you can see them hither.

Heath Ledger, what a shock, huh? I think what was so shocking was that he’s never been one of those “Celebrity on the edge!” types, so we just didn’t expect this at ALL. If it had been Britney, we would have been saddened, but not surprised. Damn. I always liked Heath Ledger, ever since I saw him in 10 Things I Hate About You.

I made it to my hair appointment right on time, and told my Hair Chick that it was time! Time to grow my hair out! I’ve had it short for a couple of years now, and I’d like to grow it out just enough to get annoyed with it and then chop it all off, because that’s the way I play it, baby. She colored it and trimmed it, and I left with a case of old-lady helmet head like always. Le sigh.

I watched Real Housewives of Orange County yesterday afternoon, and damn. That was one EXPENSIVE-looking wedding. Why, with all the money George spent on the damn thing, Lauri could have had more plastic surgery! Oh, I jest. It was a pretty wedding, even if Lauri’s overcome-with-emotion face and sad face and thrilled face and shocked face are the exact same expression. I feel like her oldest daughter has had some kind of plastic surgery too – those lips aren’t real, are they? But then, when you have a kid whose mother nips and tucks herself into nonexistence practically, what can you expect, right? Quinn and Creepy Billy broke up? SHOCKER. Cara needs to either lighten her hair or go back to blond. She’s gone way too dark, it doesn’t look right (and now you’re going to tell me that’s her natural color, right?). All in all, the episode was kind of eh. It was nice to see Jo again, but I was reminded that she kind of annoys me. Your thoughts, RHoOC watchers?

Sunday afternoon, Fred was out working on the coop. I was inside puttering around the house, and I had to pee. Usually, no matter where I am in the house, I’ll go to the bathroom across from my bedroom, because it’s just the bathroom where I’m most comfortable. This time, since I was closest to the bathroom in the computer room (and yes, usually even when I’m in the computer room with the bathroom RIGHT THERE, I’ll get up and go to the bathroom across from the bedroom) I went in there. I pulled my pants down, and as I began to sit I thought “Huh. I wonder what time it is?” There’s not a clock in the bathroom, but there is one on the wall in the computer room near the side doors. So as I began to sat, I leaned way over and looked at the clock on the wall. I heard a distant hollow bong, then I sat the rest of the way down. “Only 3:30?” I thought to myself. “The day’s not going by too quickly. I’ve still got plenty of time to (do whatever it was I was planning to do, I don’t remember anymore)!” And then the source of the distant hollow bong hit home all of a sudden. My head had hit the edge of the sink, really pretty fucking hard, and it had taken several seconds for my pain receptors to send out the “JESUS CHRIST THAT HURT!” signals. “OW!” I said, clutching my head. “JESUS CHRIST THAT HURT!” I sat there, moaning and clutching my head until I was done peeing (because I am the ultimate kick-ass multi-tasker) and after a LONG fucking time (at least five minutes) it didn’t hurt quite so much, and I went about my day. I told Fred about it, and he laughed and laaaaaughed at the idea that I hadn’t just waited ’til I was done peeing to see what time it was. Then he looked at the place on my noggin where I’d hit my head, and declared that it wasn’t black and blue yet. I woke up Monday morning certain that I’d have a big ol’ badass black and blue mark on my forehead and I could tell people I’d been fighting with THE LAW and they tried to tase me, bro, but I’d LAUGHED at their tasing attempts – OH MY GOD. You can get “Don’t tase me, bro!” as a ring tone! That is EXCELLENT! Where was I? So yes, I woke up certain that I’d have a big, badass black and blue mark on my head, but I looked in the mirror, and no black and blue mark. AT ALL. What the fuck? So I whined to Fred about it and he said “You sound like you’re disappointed that you’re not black and blue.” And I said “OF COURSE I am. It hurt so fucking much that I think half my head should be black and blue to show the pain that I endured. And it still hurts!” Tuesday afternoon I checked again, and it seemed like there was a bit of a black and blue mark, but you had to look at it in the right light, and I made Fred look, and he patronizingly said “Oh yeah! Totally black and blue!”, but he remained unimpressed. Wednesday afternoon, FINALLY, some proof of the pain I’d endured.

The Annoying of the Poo, a step-by-step instructional guide. Step 1: When Miz Poo is settled and comfortable in her favorite cat bed (on The Momma’s desk), jump up on the desk and sit near the cat bed, almost close enough to touch the bed, but not quite.

Previously 2007: I’d sell all the kitties into kitty slavery for an iPhone. 2006: “Y’all shut UP. I don’t hear you complaining when you run around FARTING on everyone.” 2005: Letters. 2004: No entry. 2003: I swear, I have no control over my body sometimes. 2002: The shithole on Goddard Street. 2001: Lucky for her I’ve calmed down to a growling grumpiness, or it wouldn’t be a very good time to be the spud. 2000: We’re a pathetic lot, aren’t we?]]>
You know, you should train those cats to come when called, and then when you get cold, you could summon them all to lay down all over you while you watch TV…
Rotini recipe? Are you looking for some kind of simple pasta sauce? P.S. Have you seen this:
I’ve never tried this recipe but I have it stuck in my favorites. It looks so light and healthy and if she’s not a seafood lover (like me) I’m sure it would be good without.,1977,FOOD_9936_108352,00.html
Just leave out the pepper flakes and don’t make the meatballs on top. Yum. Rotini florentine!!!
I like Alyssa Milano’s hair too, but I liked it longer better.
Also, I’m a recent Real Housewives convert. I like to watch it while working out at the gym. Keeps me motivated. I didn’t watch it when Jo was on it. Who is she exactly? I missed the episode last night, but I’ll catch it on a Saturday morning. Their houses/cars/weddings/barbecues are always so over the top. I can’t imagine dressing like they do for an outside barbecue. But, alas, I am addicted. I wonder if the new one about New York Housewives will be as interesting???? Are you going to watch that one?
So… if you really want to be a bruiser, and by that I mean have bruises show up really well when you smack the shit out of yourself for no good reason… taking a baby aspirin daily will do it. Not that I’m recommending it or anything, but when I was on “daily aspirin therapy” I’d have the most gigantic nasty bruises from just the slightest bumps… I swear my husband couldn’t hug me hard or it would look like he beat me on the back with a 2×4. Oh… or uh… maybe I’m just a freak.
Your instructional guide is hilarious! Anyway, The Real Housewives, where was Vicki’s assistant? They did almost a whole show on her and we haven’t seen her since. How about Tamara’s $40,000 watch? What does her husband do for a living? And, did we have to see her getting her boobs readjusted at the surgeon? I cannot pull myself away from that show!!! I could go on and on and on.
LOL you are too funny!
Question, awhile back you posted a link to a website that had free ringtones to download…. do you remember what it was called?
Robyn, I love your hair cut. How many shots did it take to get the perfect pose on those cat photos? I always take 15 or more and then pick out the best ones to keep. I bump my head everyday as I move out of the fridge, I raise up too soon and hit the freezer door. You’d think I would learn.
Oh. my. GAWD — you made me laugh so damned hard there are tears shooting out of my eyes! You paint a damned funny picture. Sadly, I can picture myself doing the same thing.
Not fair, I’m at work and had to control myself from laughing out loud. You’re too damn funny.
I wish I didn’t bruise so damn easily. I have a small one on my left arm that I have NO IDEA how it happened and I see it all day long as I’m typing away on my computer at work. Drives me batty. I’m always amazed when I DON’T bruise because I do all the time and like that little one half of them I have no idea how they happened.
I haven’t seen a lot of Heath’s movies but all the ones I have seen I loved him in them. He’ll definitely be missed. So sad.
I luckily do not bruise easily. I recently hit the corner of the dresser. It was hard enough to scrape skin off and it hurt for days. Yet, no bruise. I’m glad I don’t bruise easily, but I thought for sure I would be black and blue from the hit. I felt robbed, too.
Oh, the guide to annoying Miz Poo was so funny! I can absolutely picture. (Well, of course I can. There were pictures.)
I’m one of those folks that bruise easily. It is not at all uncommon for my husband to ask me, “Where did you get that bruise?” and not only do I not know, I didn’t know I even had one.
My dad, though, had it worse. He used to tell me he was lacking one layer of skin. I have no idea if he was right, but I do know his knuckles and arms were often papered over with bandaids. You could always tell if he’d picked up a hammer or something. Just looking at him hard would break his skin!
You are lucky you don’t bruise easily! You should have seen me after I had oral surgery–I wouldn’t leave the house for two weeks because my jaw and neck were so black and blue it looked like someone popped me a good one. I was also in a major car accident some years back and my whole body looked like someone beat me with a baseball bat.
we call that ears-back look “aerodynamic face” lol
Count yourself lucky that you bruise the way you do. I have been denied more than once “equal protection under the law” just because I didn’t have a bruise present when police investegated assults. For exmaple, I led Ohio to get domestic violence prosecuted in the 1980s because when I would notify police of abuse from my husband (and mind you, police are not the sharpest tacs on the board) they would routinely say “you don’t have a mark on you.” Any grand mother could tell you that bruises don’t appear sometimes until 24 to 48 hours after the incident. First sometimes redness, then maybe some swelling, then the tell tale discoloration associated with bruising.
FRED, I’m watching. (LOL!!!)
Heh,pic #5,even his ears look evil from BEHIND. He’s a naughty boy that one.
Don’t forget to watch TRHOC next week,the girls will have a season in review meeting.
No question that Quinn and Billy had to break up. Poor guy was simply overwhelmed by her flip-flopping.”I’m a Christian! I’m a horny Whore! I’m a Christian! I’m a horny whore in a blond wig! Yada-yada,yah…”
I learned last week that Quinn actually grew up in my neck of the woods. Her REAL FIRST NAME IS “PAM”! I thought she looked like familiar…
Lauri and George’s wedding was cool. It was interesting to see Lauri’s plain-looking sister because that’s essentially what Lauri could actually look like,hee…
Did you see that little blip at the end of the episode that gave the ending score of the war of the OC realtors??
Jeanie= 3 houses sold and Tammy = 0 houses sold.
Well Tammy does act VERY inappropiate with her buyers. Maybe if she stayed sober around them she could make a sale.
Tammy’s husband is a manager with Mercedes Benz. I believe he is in charge of the parts and repair section of the dealership. He’s not even the “big boss” there and he makes tons of money.
I’m glad the show is focusing less on the younger members of the show. I cannot stomach those spoiled little brats-I was working at age fifteen. Some of those kids are over twenty-one and not yet supporting themselves.
I can’t keep your damn felines straight so I have no idea which cat the grey one is. But I love how, through all of Ms. Poo’s histrionics, there’s just NO change in facial expression. None. But you know *something’s* going on in there when she snags the bed.
rhoc…oh my god, such an addict. Tamra – gag…shut up, already. You and your creepy nasty husband and your weirdo Oedipally conflicted son. Quinn – crazy, psycho, schizo hobag. Bet Billy’s looking back, going, “Damn right I split…bitch was crazy.” I still like Jeana bestest – even though she’s a little flighty. I’d love to punch Vicki in the face repeatedly. With a large brick. She’s just so annoying. Did you see the snarky little comments people were making about Jo’s upcoming performance? “Maybe she’s opening for the opener.” Dude, I didn’t like her that much, but man, that was bitchcraft at its finest. And Lauri. I wonder if George ever worries about popping one of her many silicone implants what with all their “Bom-chicka-bwa-bwa” (That’s supposed to be bad porno music.) Yup, truly, truly an addict.
So question; are you going to watch RHONY?
heath ledger- such a hunk and named after a delicious candy bar to boot!
what do you think about the news that the chick who found the body called the olsen twins three times before she called 911? WTF were they going to do?
Robyn – here’s my favorite pasta recipe. It has peppers in it but I often leave them out and sub with something else, or not!
Tom’s Pasta Salad
1 jar (6 oz.) marinated artichoke hearts
1 jar (7 oz.) roasted red peppers
10 sun-dried tomato halves in oil
¼ c. black olives
¼ c. flat leaf (Italian) parsley
½ c. olive oil
¼ c. red wine (or balsamic) vinegar
3 cloves garlic, crushed
16 oz. pasta (bowties, shells, etc.) cooked per directions
Chop artichoke hearts, peppers, tomatoes, black olives and parsley finely. Mix in a bowl with oil, vinegar and garlic. Toss with cooked pasta. Can be served warm or cold.
Given the recent return of our two feral kittens to the wild, we are going to adopt our next kitten(s) from a shelter. Trying to catch & tame ferals was more than I’d bargained for and something I will not repeat. Maybe if there’s one of yours available when we’re ready to adopt you can hook us up – Beau is ready for some feline company! That damned lamb just didn’t cut it. So to speak. Hahaha! Um, yeah.
Oh, my, god. Can’t. catch. breath. laughing… He doesn’t even have to touch her! Too funny!
I must be honest – I truly would not be saddened if it was Brittney. I would actually say, Thank God, Finally!!! Does that make me a bad person?
I hate that. When a bruise comes out looking like far less painful than the experience was! I mean can we not have a decent RECORD of our PAIN to show off to those we love? Hmmph.
BTW I say go for it. Chop all the hair off!
I love mine short.
I almost peed my pants when Quinn showed up as Roxie!!!!! Is Roxie the new Christian Hooker? Hilarious! I thought the finale was a bit ho-hum disappointing really. I can’t believe Jo is going on “tour”. Yeah, right. Someone else asked, are you going to watch the NY series? I probably will.