Edited to add: This bus wasn’t from the Spud’s school, and I don’t think we know any of the kids who were on the bus.
Keep those poor kids and their families in your thoughts, if you would, though.
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Thank you to everyone who’s donated so far! The rest of you – get to donating! Whatcha waiting for?
You can donate to the shelter directly via PayPal now, too.
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Meme, stolen from
How many keys are on your keychain? Oh… four. Car key, PO Box key, key to this house, key to the Smallville house.
What curse word do you use the most? Depends on the day. “Fuck” is a perennial favorite, and “goddamn” has been getting a lot of use lately.
Do you own an iPod? Yes, a refurbished iPod Mini. His name is BobPod, and the entertainment he’s provided – in the form of
Keith and the Girl podcasts – while I work on the Smallville house makes him well worth the money.
What time is your alarm clock set for? It’s not; Fred is my alarm clock.
How many suitcases do you own? I don’t know, and I’m too lazy to go upstairs and look. Somewhere between five and ten, I’d guess.
Do you wear flip-flops even when it’s cold outside? I don’t wear flip-flops, period. I can’t stand things between my toes.
Would you rather take the picture or be in the picture? Take the picture!
What was the last movie you watched? We watched
Accepted Friday night (stupid, predictable movie, but entertaining). Before that, I watched about 10 minutes of
The Da Vinci Code and decided I didn’t like it.
What CD is currently in your CD player? There Goes Your Heart, by Caprice (aka, Chemda from Keith and the Girl). I’ve been listening to it nonstop, because the FRIGGIN’ radio stations are playing CHRISTMAS SONGS, and I refuse to listen to Christmas music until the day after Thanksgiving.
Has anyone told you a secret this week? Yes.
What did you have for dinner last night? The Shoney’s salad bar and buffet. Eh.
Do you wear hoodies often? I wear hoodies pretty much never.
Can you whistle? Not worth a damn.
Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone? Either Fred or the spud, I don’t remember which.
What is your favorite ride at an amusement park? The
pirate ship!
Do you think people talk about you behind your back? I think that if they do, they must be very, very bored. With the whole wide internet out there, they’re going to talk about me? They need a life.
What area code are you in? 256.
What is your biggest regret? I can’t say. Well, that’s wrong – I
won’t say.
What movie do you know every line to? None, but Clerks comes pretty close (
Clerks 2 comes out next week! Woohoo!)
When was your last plane ride? When I went to Maine in July.
How many chairs are at your dining room table? Four, though we really only use three.
Can you speak any languages other than English? Unfortunately, no. I’ve considered taking a Spanish class, though.
What color are your bedroom walls? Grayish-blue.
When was the last time you cried? I don’t remember – it’s been a while, I guess. Maybe when we were watching the end of Season 2 of Grey’s Anatomy and the thing with the guy happened and Izzie was there in her pretty pink dress. (I don’t want to spoil it for anyone who hasn’t seen it yet)
Do you have a desktop computer or a laptop? Both, but the laptop doesn’t get much use, because it’s a huge, heavy beast of a laptop and I don’t like carrying it around.
Which do you make: wishes or plans? I make plans that never come to fruition, which I think makes them wishes.
Can you skip rocks? I haven’t tried in years, but last time I did, I was able to skip about every third or fourth rock.
Who was your favorite teacher? Mr. Hall. He was fun-nay.
What two personality traits attract you most? Sense of humor and the willingness to see humor in situations where others might not see it.
What two personality traits do you most dislike? Lack of sense of humor, and… I don’t know. Are annoying habits a personality trait? Because people cracking their knuckles sends me into a blind rage.
What is your mother’s hometown? Brunswick, Maine.
How many hours of sleep do you need to function? I can get by for a week or so on five or six hours, but I really prefer to get 8 to 9.
Do you eat breakfast daily? Almost every day, yes.
Describe your typical weekday with three adjectives. Depends on the day. Some days are harried, hurried, rushed, and others are slow, relaxing, nap-filled.
Did you ever get in trouble for talking in class? No. It would have been more likely that I’d get in trouble for NOT talking in class (ie, participating).
What is your favorite fruit? It’s a tie between strawberries and blueberries.
Do you believe in life on other planets? I do.
Who was the last person to piss you off? I’m sure it was Fred. Lucky for HIM I get over being pissed off pretty quickly.
What do you tell yourself when times get hard? “This won’t last.”
Would you ever sky dive? Absolutely!
Do you sleep on your side, tummy, or back? I sleep almost exclusively on my right side. I used to sleep on my stomach, only I CANNOT sleep on my stomach anymore because it makes my back hurt. I miss sleeping on my stomach.
What character from a movie most reminds you of yourself? I’d like to say Randall from Clerks, but I think I’m probably more Dante. What movie character reminds YOU of me? (BE NICE!)
Have you ever bid for something on ebay? All the time, though not much recently.
Do you enjoy giving hugs? Depends on the person.
Would you consider yourself to be fashionable? Hahahahahahahahahahaha! Ha! Heh! Uh. NO.
Does it annoy you when someone says they’ll call but never do? No, I consider it a gift.
What books, if any, have made you cry? God-Shaped Hole, for one. I cried at the end of
Lisey’s Story. I tear up at the end of a lot of books because I don’t want them to be over.
Do you think you’re attractive? ::blush:: SHUT UP.
What are you allergic to? Nothing that I’m aware of.
If you were born the opposite sex, what would your name have been? Oh, crap. I know the answer to this… I just can’t think of what it is. I’ll let y’all know if it comes to mind.
* * *
I left the Smallville house early on Friday so I could go to the shelter and pick up… our new fosters! See if you can guess which TV show our naming theme came from.

O’Malley. He’s like a miniature Sugarbutt, though friendlier. I think Fred might try to get me to give Sugarbutt up and keep O’Malley. Which is SO not happening, for the record.

Christina. I love her markings, and her bright pink nose.

Izzie. She has a cool orange ring around her tail.

Meredith Grey. She’s a total mix between Mr. Fancypants and Mister Boogers. Miz BoogerPants, maybe?
All the cats are very, very sweet and friendly, and total love bugs. Their story is that they were strays who showed up at a woman’s house two months ago, and she’s been feeding them since. They were so clean and well cared-for that it’s possible the woman was letting them stay in her house, I don’t know.
They’re somewhere between 4 and 5 months, and they’ll be going to the pet store on Friday, so they won’t be ours for long.
You KNOW they’ll be showered with love as long as we have them, though!
(A few more pictures of them are
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2005: No entry.
2004: No entry.
2002: At least it knocked Johnny Poopoopants out of the loop.
2001: How the hell can you cheat on Survivor, for the love o’ god?
2000: Oh, you’re giving us the COT free of charge? Well, let me do a friggin’ happy dance for that!”
1999: No, I’m the same old awful, lazy, horrid person I always was]]>
Um.. Grey’s Anatomy? HAHAHA!! I love Miz BoogerPants!
Where do you get a refurbished iPod?
I’m sitting here trying to think if I cracked my knuckles in front of you! And I can’t think of any movie character you would be, but I know it would have to be someone that is extremely MELLOW. 🙂
“Do you think people talk about you behind your back? I think that if they do, they must be very, very bored. With the whole wide internet out there, they’re going to talk about me? They need a life.”
I talk about you behind your back BUT only in a good way. It’s always something like “I was reading Bitchypoo’s blog and she wrote THE funniest thing…” So I don’t know if you consider that a bad thing or not?
Da kitties are SO cute! I like the gray one. She does look Monsieur Boogair. 😀
What pretty new babies you have!
Not MizBoogerPants.
OK- send them all to NY because I want/need/gotta have them ALL!!
If you lived in my hometown, I’d totally come and get O’Malley from you and take him home. He’s beee-yutiful!
Suzi: I got mine at the Apple store online, but I just looked over there, and don’t see any more. Maybe they ran out? I’d recommend looking on eBay; I’m sure you can find one on there. I think I paid about $150 for mine.
Nance: I don’t think you did. And let me clarify – one or two cracked knuckles = okay. But when someone sits there and slowly cracks one knuckle after the other, and you hear nothing but ::crack::craaack::crack::crack::, it drives me NUTS.
Robin S: Nah, I wouldn’t consider that a bad thing. I think there’s a difference between talking about someone (whether it’s in a positive way or not), and talking about them when they’re not around, but being nice as pie to their face when they are. If that makes any sense!
I only talk about you when I am sitting at my computer and my husband says ‘What ARE you laughing about?’
Your movie character: Kathy Bates in Fried Green Tomatoes, after she becomes Towanda!
Thank God that bus was not from the Spud’s school. I thought of you immediately but I will keep them all in my prayers.
So thankful that your daughter was not on that bus. I will be praying for them.
THANKS for adding the update, Mizz Rob3n,
Like the others, I came to your page RIGHT after hitting CNN – Life is short and precious.
Randomness: My sister has the same birthday as the spud, also turned 18 last month, and is also named Danielle. The spud is much more motivated, I’m afraid. And people think I’m crazy because I don’t like anything between my toes (except toe socks). I think it was a bad blister I got on vacation as a child, or something.
I’m glad the Spud wasn’t on that bus – how absolutely horrifying for those kids, their families, and everone involved. Oddly, the photographer they quoted in the article is the husband of a friend of mine.
Thanks for the update on the bus – I was worried about the spud!
God bless those folks!