Internet Predators. And it was STUNNING. Dateline rented a house and wired it with sound and cameras, working hand in hand with the online vigilante group Perverted Justice. Volunteers for Perverted Justice were posing in chat rooms as teens, and saying they were home alone and ready for sex.
It was STUNNING how many men sent pictures of themselves in compromising positions, pictures that SHOWED THEIR FACES, and then showed up at a strange house to have sex with what they thought would be a 13 or 14 year old girl or boy. STUNNING. I mean, for the love of god, how fucking STUPID do you have to be? And then when the reporter stepped out and told the men (the ones who stuck around – several of them took off running) to sit down, he heard the exact same bullshit from every one of them.
“I’ve never done this before.”
“I wasn’t coming to have sex.”
Bullshit. BULL. SHIT.
At one point I had to have Fred pause the show so I could rant “JESUS CHRIST, are there ANY normal men left in this entire fucking world? Between the ones who try to hook up with 13 year-olds on the internet, and the horror stories you tell me about guys you know, and the ones going to other countries to have sex with 7 and 8 year olds?” (That from an Oprah show I’d watched earlier in the day)
These men showing up were just average guys, guys you’d see living next door to you, guys you’d see in your every day life, a Special Ed teacher, a military guy, there was even a RABBI who’d sent extremely explicit pictures of himself to what he thought was a 13 year-old boy, and when he showed up, he sputtered the same tired bullshit. I’ve never done this before! I wasn’t coming to have sex!
Someone needs to write these assholes new excuses.
This makes me want to wrap my child in bubble wrap and lock her in her room until she’s 35. Not that internet predators are going to target her, after all – at 17, I’m sure she’s FAR too old for them.
I mean, seriously. WHAT THE FUCK is going on? Has the entire world gone completely fucking nuts?
PS: And apparently these idiots are learning that there are consequences to their actions. My heart fucking breaks for them.
* * *
Know what pisses me off? (NO, not “everything”.) The fact that you can only buy
O.B. Silk Ease Tampons in multi-packs. According to the O.B. page, the Silk Ease tampons are better than the regular tampons because with the Silk Ease ones, you can “say good-bye to the ouch factor.”
I’m not going into details (you’re welcome!), but after two experiences with the “ouch factor” this past weekend, I’m tossing the regular tampons and only buying the Silk Ease ones.
The only kind of Silk Ease tampons you can find in the stores or online are in multi-packs. And since I’ve been on the Seasonale, my periods have been very light (you’re welcome!), and I can get through most of it with regular tampons. Thus, the two larger sizes included in the multi-pack are a waste.
Thank god for eBay. On eBay, there’s someone selling the Silk Ease in the regular size. I seriously considered the 300 Silk Ease tampons for a “buy it now” of $45, but I really don’t need to have THAT many tampons laying around. (Although the cats really enjoy batting the (do I really have to say “unused”? I’m sure I do, or someone will misunderstand.) unused tampons around.)
eBay rocks, that’s all.
* * *
I called in a couple of prescription refills on Saturday (Toprol XL and Seasonale, if you must know) with the intention of picking them up when I was in the grocery store this morning. Last night, the phone rang and Fred answered it, then handed it to me.
“Hi Robyn,” the woman on the other end of the line said. “This is (someone) from (your pharmacy). You called in a couple of refills on November 5th?”
“Right,” I said, thinking that she was going to tell me there was some kind of problem.
“Well,” she said. “They’ve been filled, and you need to pick them up before the 17th, or we’re going to return them to stock.”
“Goddamn, woman!” I said. “Give me time to pick them up! It’s only been a day since I called in the refills!”
Okay, I didn’t really say that. What I meekly said was “I was going to pick them up tomorrow.”
“Okay, see you then!” she said.
I hung up the phone and said to Fred, “What the fuck? It’s not like I make a practice of calling in refills and then never picking them up!”
I wonder if this is a new policy the pharmacy has, to call and remind customers to come get their prescriptions. If so, I’m already annoyed.
* * *
The spud, when she goes to the mall, like to eat something called honey chicken. She’s had it several times, and every time she’s had it, it makes her stomach feel funny.
Yesterday, she barely made it home before she was running upstairs to throw up.
“Why have you continued to eat it if it makes your stomach feel funny?” I asked her last night when she was feeling a little better.
“Because it’s REALLY good!” she said. She thought about it for a moment, then added “I don’t think I’m going to eat any more of it, though.”
I think that’s a good call on her part.
* * *

“Mom, look! Mom! MOM! Look, Mom, I’m pretending like I’m dead! Like I died with my eyes open! Don’t I look like I’m dead for real? I’m not, though, don’t worry, Mom. But I could be! But I’m not. I’m not, Mom. Take a picture Mom, quick! I can’t hold this pose for long!”

“Mom! MOM! Look, I look like I died with my tongue hanging out of my mouth! Like Sugarbutt choked me! I look real dead, don’t I? You should put up this picture in your journal you write about me, and tell everyone I died! With my tongue hanging out of my mouth! That would be funny! But I’m not dead, Mom. Remember, I’m not dead.”

“Bob! BOB! Bob, over here! I spend 23 hours of my day on this bed, why are you looking all around like you don’t KNOW where I am? All “Duhhhhr? I don’t know where that voice is COMIN’ from! Is it god? Is it satan? Am I goin’ crazy?” Bob, bring me some of that primo catnip, wouldya? Yeah, I KNOW you’re not my errand boy, GOD, just BRING IT HERE or I’ll send Tommy to kick your BUTT, and you know he’ll do it. That boy’s crazy. Got them crazy eyes.”

Tom Cullen on the back end of a yawn. Best. Picture. EVER.
All of today’s uploaded pictures are
* * *
2004: No entry.
2003: Meme.
2002: “How fucking much is that goddamn bread? A dollar ninety-fucking-five? Okay, put a couple of the motherfuckers in my cart, would you, fuckwad?”
2001: I briefly considered making a citizen’s arrest.
2000: (ie, “It’s all the fault of that fat bitch you married!”)
1999: I woke this morning at 2:30ish, feeling something wasn’t quite right. ]]>
I love your cat pix! Tom Cullen reminds me of my Hunter – so very cute.
Hey, if you want to read about my NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) progress go to:
I saw that Dateline and it was the creapiest thing ever. What was up with the guy that showed up NAKED!
I had to LOL at Tom Cullen’s pretend-to-be-dead photos. Too funny!
You can get the OB Silk-ease in regular sizes at Walmart or CVS (has CVS extended their empire to where you are?) at least around here (Ohio). Walmart is cheaper but they’re sold out of them half the time, so I usually get them at CVS. I hate those multi-size packs. Useless. You never have the rights size when you need it.
(With that CVS track-my-shopping-so-I-can-get-discounts card, they’re always giving me coupons for like $5 off a 3 million count package of pantyliners. Just because I like to buy a few months worth at once so I don’t run out, they automatically jump to the conclusion that I’m the Feminine Hygeine Queen or something.)
Oh, and don’t EVER buy the CVS generic imitation of OB. Talk about your ouch factor. ::shudder::
I dropped off my refill for my birth control pills and promptly forgot about it. The pharmacy called me a week later (hubby deleted it) to remind me. Of course I remembered when it was time to start the next pack and BAM it wasn’t there. I went back to the pharmacy and they told me they had restocked it and I would have to wait for a new one to be filled. Last time I make that mistake!
I miss American TV. *whimper* I wish SOMEONE would convert that show into a video file and post it on her blog! AHEM! COUGH! NUDGE! (A girl can dream, eh?)
Also, Robyn, this entry made me laugh out loud in the most undignified way – not once, but three times. Glad it’s after hours in the office.
I once forgot to pick up a prescription and the pharmacy mailed the pills to me. My husband checked the mail and was like, “The hell?”
Re: OB tampons…See, that multipack shit pisses me off, too, for the opposite reason. I have super-heavy periods (you’re welcome!), and I have no use for the teensy tampons. Hey, I’ll swap you my (UNUSED) teensy OB tampons for your jumbo ones! 😉
OMG! My husband and I watched Dateline too! That was awful. I was thinking the same damn thing about aren’t there any NORMAL men left out there. What is UP with that? Obviously they have serious mental issues and if I were any of those men I would seek psychiatric help IMMEDIATELY. How can they NOT KNOW how wrong that is? I always knew men think with their dicks but this is taking it to a whole new level! We even checked out that website and if you really want to get disgusted you can actually READ what these slime-balls typed to those *kids*. Blech.
Also – the *honey chicken* that the Spud enjoys so much is probably the same thing as our *bourbon chicken* in my mall here. And that stuff is YUMMY but they give you ALOT and I wonder if she gets sick because she eats too much of it? Another thing – I HATE to even entertain this thought, but the “chicken” pieces are strangely too perfect and makes me wonder if I am indeed really eating “chicken”. Hmmmmm…..
That Dateline show was filmed in my area, too — talk about being skeeved out! But what makes me angry at the Perverted Justice people is that they had an opportunity to involve the police and they didn’t, not before they started the sting, not during the sting, not after the sting, and not even when it aired. Therefore, the police and justice system will have a MUCH more difficult time getting these assholes prosecuted and put in prison. If they had involved the police from the beginning, these guys would probably be serving time NOW. I know this because a state police officer called into the morning radio show I listen to and talked about how pissed off he was.
If you’re really sick of tampons, you oughta try something like (there’s several brands, that’s just the one I’m familiar with).
No “ouch” factor, no leaks, and you only have to change it twice a day. Did I mention no leaks? Like, none? Like, you can run around naked all day if you want and not worry about embarrassing incidents? And you only need to mess with it once in the morning, and once at night. And you don’t have to remember to carry around tampons with you.
This thing has changed my life. (OK, I have a boring life. But you get what I mean.)
I was similarly horrified by Dateline on Friday. It’s even weirder knowing that this all happened in the same county I live in. The military guy was from Ft. Belvoir, which is only a few minutes from my house. (Bet his troops give him a lot of respect now…) Eek! I was almost expecting to see some creepy pervert I recognized, but thankfully no. This kind of stuff really makes me wonder how people turn out this way.
Your comments with the cats photos are the funniest damn things. What if you wrote a book – cat photos and your comments.
And what about keeping poor Sugarbutt?
I second Doozy’s suggestion. The Diva Cup is a fabulous invention. My cramps are so much less with it, too! Been using it a couple of years. Could never imagine using anything else!
Also, I live very close to a cluster of seven pedophiles/sex offenders. Go, Huntsville!
Imagine knowing what you know now about the way it seems the perverts in the world outnumber the rest of us and that the spud is only 4 years old. You’d want to crazy glue her to your hip! You’ve put exactly into words how I feel about the world considering my 4 year old son. I’m scared to death practically every second he’s out of our house. How do we protect our children and yet not drive them mental by paranoia?
I’m pretty sure I burst something while laughing at those “Look Mom, I’m dead!” pictures.
Wait. Wait. Wait. You actually shopped. On E-Bay. For tampons? I can’t stop laughing at this one for some reason. Robyn….you crack me up.
I, too, was (and still am) stunned by that Dateline show. It is Scare-y to think there are “grown” men who (should know way better) go online with the intent to search out vulnerable, trusting young kids and exploit them! I also couldn’t believe how many men showed up at that house all in one day! And… it’s just one small area of the country – way too close to my area! That naked guy was just too weird for words! Their intent was obvious and they should be strung up!!!
On the bright side, your “Look I’m dead pictures” were so hilarious!!! You amaze me with your captions! They just get better and better.
Stacey: Yep, there are two CVS’s within a five minute drive of here! I’ll have to check them out.
Jackie Danicki: I totally would, if we hadn’t already deleted it! 🙂
Whitters: You’re welcome to the thousand and three super-gigantic tampons I have and will never use! They’re not Silk Ease, though, be warned. 🙂
Doozy: I’ve considered giving the Diva Cup a try. I don’t know why I haven’t gotten around to it yet, though!
April: I know, freaky ain’t it? 🙂
Did you watch the My Fair Brady finale yet? & if so, what did you think?
ARGH! How can you use those tampons with no applicator????? I tried them and had serious problems getting them into place. Glad you like them, but I’ll take the applicator ones forever. Heh.
I have this theory that a lot of men can’t deal with real, honest-to-gawd grown-up women who have lives, speak their mind, and expect something more of their men than the occasional sixty-second fuck. Youngsters have no expectations either emotionally or physically and are therefore really attractive to guys who can’t be bothered to be real, honest-to-gawd grown-up men.
Cynical? Moi? Why do you ask??
When I was growing up, there were 3 perverts that lived within a block of us. Yes, they tried messing with me, that is how I know. I was very young at the time too. Only about 5-7 years old. 2 of them were later convicted of molestation charges.
Now that I’m older and I know how many pervs can be out there, I am very careful with my children. I have 3 daughters, ages 14, 9 and 5. These men can look like your grandpa, your uncle, your parents best friend. You just never know.
My 14 year old has been begging me for the internet for a long time now. You guessed it, she wants to get online to chat with her friends. There is NO way I’m going to give into her. It sucks that a kid can’t even be a kid. You have to watch out for everything and everyone.
Someone needs to string them up by their balls! Sorry, this is a very sensitive subject for me and I wouldn’t hessitate in the least to hurt anyone that hurt any of my children with their perverted ways.
Best captions ever!! OMG, I keep reading them and laughing my ass off! Thanks, I needed that!
First of all….what the hell is a diva cup?
I saw that show on the perverts last night. I was stunned! I was allways paranoid about that kind of stuff, and my kids (all sons)say I was an “overprotective worrywart” .
WEll , so be it. I made them go with me to the ladies room until they were 9 , I didn’t let them go anywhere alone ..ever!!
I nagged, I prodded into “their business” by making it a rule to know where they were and with WHOM. And made them call me when they left/arrived somewhere.
I read lyrics on their c.d.s and if it was Marilyn Manson…(or something evil or obscene)I broke them and threw them in the trash.
Being an overprotective worrywart has never been MORE of a nessitie.
My sympathy goes out to all you parents out there.
On a lighter note….I also used to love the o.b. tampons. Once , one of my nosey sons inquired about why they were so small.
I said “because they don’t have an applicator”
He said “well, you do you install them?”
Then , before I answered…he “got it” and said “oh my god!!!! that is soooo disgusting!!!!”
(he was about 10)…..ah!!! those were the days.
I saw the Dateline, too … and eeew. Those guys were so creepy. And stupid.
My husband and I talked about it afterwards, and we realized that our girls were never at risk for that, because we ALWAYS knew exactly where and with whom they were AT ALL TIMES, until they were at least 14 or so.
While I would never, ever, ever say there is any excuse on earth for those pervs to even be alive, I still think there is some responsibility on parents’ parts to protect their children from molesters. There are just too many kids at risk beacsue they have dumbass parents.
Am I the only one wondering about the google ad at the bottom of this entry “Discount Kittens Fleas –
New & used Kittens Fleas. aff Check out the huge selection now!” are they selling kittens or fleas or kittens covered in fleas?!
Oh just great!! I come to this web site at the end of a hard days work to get my fix of kittens and cats and you had to spoil it my writing about SILK EASE!!!
Please!!! I am a guy and guys do not want to hear about such items!!!! Ask Fred, he will agree.
If you want to talk about Silk Ease Tampons. then get your own site and write what you want…..Ummmm….I….Ummmm…I guess this is your own site….. Well stop it and get back to the cat pictures (they relax me you know).
P.S. ARE YOU SURE THAT BLACK CAT ISN’T REALLY DEAD AND YOUR JUST FOOLING US??? Like he is stuffed and your just arranging the body.
I love your journal Robyn!!! Especially the kitty pictures. Keep up the “great Work”!!!! Nanamama 🙂
Hee! I’m now convinced that “Bob! BOB!” is done just for me! Thanks, Robyn!
Thanks to you, Robyn, I got on the Seasonale, too…even after my doc tried to warn me against it. I’ve had absolutely NO problems…bloating? HA. I’m already an elephant, so what does it matter?! I barely had my period this past week and had to search around for some small size tampons at Wal*Mart, instead of my huge man-sized super pluses that I’m used to using! Yay for TMI!! 😉