Gotta vacuum the house.
Gotta clean the bathroom.
Gotta watch some of the shows on the DVR.
Gotta scrub out the litter box.
Gotta clean the kitchen.
Gotta finish my book.
Gotta make a dent in the pile of magazines I read every month.
And the list is endless.
But I sit in front of the computer, and I keep on clicking, and I don’t know why. I really don’t think it’s a procrastination thing, because I do it whether there’s housework to be done or shows to be watched.
At some point I’ll stop and I’ll say to myself “What is it? What are you looking for? WHAT?”
And I never know.
Sometimes I think I’m looking for a connection, and I think about turning on MSN Messenger, or finding a chat room to lurk in, but that’s not it.
But I don’t know what I am looking for.
It’s a fucking mystery.
* * *
I read somewhere that Nicole Richie may be joining the cast of The O.C. Please, god, let it NOT be true. That girl annoys the holy fuck out of me. And she’s not even cute! She’s like an animated cadaver. I mean, I don’t care if she wants to be skin and bones, but it pains me to look at her. She was slightly cute during the first season of The Simple Life (not that I watched past the first episode of that show), but anyone’s going to look cute next to Paris Hilton, really.
Speaking of Richies, I turned the TV on the other morning when I rolled out of bed – I like to listen to CMT when I’m putting in my contacts and getting dressed and all that – and imagine my surprise when I saw Kenny Rogers and Lionel Richie on the Grand Ole Opry stage together, singing Ruby. Well, Kenny Rogers was singing the bulk of the song, and Lionel Richie would do the “Don’t take your love to town/ I still need some company/ Don’t take your love to town/ God sakes turn around” lines. It was funny as hell (maybe you have to be a Kenny Rogers fan, I don’t know.
I thought it was funny as hell.) because Lionel Richie was totally mocking the deep, overdramatic tone Kenny Rogers used in those lines. Kenny Rogers looked pretty amused, too.
I’d offer up a link of the video, but a cursory Google search gives me nothin’.
I love Kenny Rogers. I just went and looked at
his website, and was reminded anew of just how many songs he has that I love. I may end up spending the afternoon downloading some of them.
(Side note: I was a kid when Lucille came out, and there’s a line in the song that goes “You picked a fine time to leave me, Lucille/ Four hungry children and a crop in the field”, and for the longest time I thought it was “Four hungry children and they crap in the field.” and I could never figure out why the adults in the room thought that Kenny Rogers singing about children crapping in a field was okay.)
* * *
Chore Whore, by Heather H. Howard.
Recently finished:
Velocity, by Dean Koontz, and
Gone, by Lisa Gardner. Both very good books that kept me up well past midnight because I could NOT put them down.
* * *
Ever since I went and got Sugarbutt and brought him home from the vet’s, Fred has made it clear to me that we were NOT adopting him. I’d say something about how cute Sugarbutt was, playing with Tom Cullen, and Fred would say “Yeah, Tom Cullen sure is going to miss Sugarbutt when he goes to be adopted!”
Over the last week, I’ve stopped saying anything about the possibility of Sugarbutt (I was really dropping very broad, very strong hints about it), in hopes that without any pressure from me or anyone else, Fred would come to the conclusion that we should adopt Sugarbutt all on his own.
Every day I dreaded opening my email, afraid that there’d be one from the shelter manager telling me that it was time to take Sugarbutt to the pet store. And every time y’all left a “PLEASE adopt Sugarbutt!” comment, I cringed. Because Fred? Doesn’t like the peer pressure. AT ALL. And I was afraid he’d be all “You can’t tell me what to do! Sugarbutt GOES!” Which is why, you might or might not have noticed, I didn’t respond to those comments, in hopes that if I didn’t bring any more attention to them, Fred might not really notice them.
Anyway, last night we were laying down after dinner, chatting about this and that, and I just got the feeling that it was time for a serious discussion.
“Can we have a serious discussion about something?” I said.
“If we must,” he said.
“What can I do to convince you to adopt Sugarbutt?” I was willing, y’all, to do ANYTHING. I was willing to get a job, to swear to stop buying books forever, write the novel he’s always pushing me to write. ANYTHING.
He sighed. I steeled myself to hear him remind me that I’d sworn, back when we started fostering kittens, that I wouldn’t beg to keep any of the kittens we fostered. I thought maybe he’d say “Have Miz Poo put to sleep, and you can keep Sugarbutt” (not that he really wants Miz Poo put to sleep; he just knows there’s no way on god’s green earth I’d agree to that. She’s my BAYBEE!). I didn’t know what he’d say, but from the sound of that sigh, it didn’t look good.
“Please. I decided a week ago we were going to adopt him, I’ve just been torturing you.”
Then he went on to say “But no more foster kittens again, ever.” and when I pushed him he said it was because he was afraid we’d end up with 20 cats, and I swore that if I ever seriously tried to get him to let me adopt another foster kitten, he could pack up Miz Poo, drive me to the vet, and I’d take her in and have her put to sleep myself. He relented, but I have to put the promise in writing and sign it.
So Sugarbutt is joining the family! And I still get to foster kittens, though not ’til sometime next Spring! Woohoo!

All of today’s uploaded pictures are
* * *
2004: I seem to be a tad less fluttery today.
2003: No entry.
2002: Pictures.
2001: Fred in the dog house. Literally.
2000: I said “It’s a good thing you put your first AND last name, PLUS ‘your daughter’, otherwise I’d never have known!”
1999: Oddly, even though he’s had two doses of the antibiotic, he’s feeling worse instead of better. ]]>
Yay!! I knew it! Those pics look like he is screaming for joy ’cause he just heard the news…
Aw Robyn you’re awesome too!
Hurray!!! I let Fred know on his website too! Hurray!!!
I am so glad for you and for Sugarbutt!!!
Yay! Finally, the orange kitty that you’ve wanted, nay, NEEDED for oh so long!
Hee, and also that means more “Bob! BOB!!” captions ‘neath the photos. Yay for that too!
Some how I knew it to 🙂
Congrats on the new family member…
That’s awesome. Sugarbutt belongs there! And you really do need to consider making that cat photo book, as someone suggested yesterday, with your hilarious captions. We’d all buy it and tell every catt lover we know!
I wondered about that… even when you were scraping poo from his bum.
Everyone needs an orange puddy! What does Miz Poo think, seeing as how she’s now the only lady kitty in a house FULL of mens?
Woot!!!! Sugarbutt has such personality i could of never given him up either. 🙂
Ha! I knew from the MOMENT you got Sugarbutt he was staying! But I’ve been avoiding commenting becuase I was afraid to junx it! I knew because a) you LOVE the orange kitties and didn’t have any, and b) he was sick little kitty and needed you. I was really surprised that you decided to keep Tom Cullen instead, becuase even though he wasn’t sick you hadn’t said much about him AT ALL. (I know his name was different, but still.)
Happy kitties! Do they play with The Boog? Since that was the reason for keeping Tom Cullen in the first place?
Oh, and I have a question. Can you give me any advice on how to pick a calm, older, independent cat? I want a pet, and I’m going to go to a shelter…but I don’t have the space and I’m not home enough for a kitten. I’d like an older independent cat who just wants to share space. Any tips on judging behavior when I go to the shelter?
Nice of Fred to torture you for so long. Congrats to you all!!!
Caption for third photo:
Now y’all are crazy cat people! =)
CONGRATS!!! on your new member!!
*YAY* for M-O-O-N, that spells Tom
YAAAAYYYY!!! Congratulations on your new family member! (But you should still totally write a novel.)
Beckajo– My advice would be to ask the shelter workers/volunteers what they’ve observed of the cats’ personalities. Especially if a cat has been fostered by someone, you can get a good idea of its personality. Also, look for a cat who isn’t completely clamoring for attention: one who’s more laid back and observant instead. (Make sure the “laid back” nature isn’t skittishness, though–be sure the cat will let you pet it.) A good age is about 2 or 3; this is when cats really settle into their permanent personalities.
I knew it.
Sugarbutt is HOME!
HOORAY FOR SUGARBUTT!!! Really though, you had this many cats before with Mr. Fancypants and Chubby… so you’re back to square one!
Hooray for Sugarbutt!! And thanks to Fred (I will go thank him on his site, too). And for my part, I promise not to urge you to keep another foster kitten!
Congrats on keeping Sugarbutt, he’s a cutie.
When I was a kid I thought the line in Lucille was “Four-hundred children and crops in the field.” That’s a lot of damn kids!
I’m so excited Sugarbutt is staying. Lucky kitty!
See? SEE?! I am the bitchypoo fan who said that you should change “Sad Eyes” name! You never could have kept Sad Eyes! You HAD to keep Sugar Butt! Wat other name goes with Miz Poo and Meester Boogers and Tom Cullen? Certainly NOT Sad Eyes! Congrats on the new baby!
Yay! Congratulations on the new member of the And3rson household!!
Yaaaaay! Somehow I knew that was how you must feel every time you read an “adopt Sugarbutt!” campaign comment. I know I would want to, and the comments would have been a kind of painful reminder that I couldn’t…but instead you can! Woo hoo! We just adopted a new baby too. I’m on Flickr, so if you want to see her, I’ll comment on a picture there so you can follow the link.
Im so happy SugarButt is staying with you guys. He’s so precious!
Yay! You’re now a momma to an orange tabby! Welcome to the club!
HURRAY! It was meant to be! 🙂
You know I was just wondering if Mr. Sug was staying! Congrats to Sugerbutt – he could not have picked a better family. I thought it was odd that he started having his hindend issues again the DAY he was adopted.
O BLW: Thanks for mentioning that darn Litter Robot. I have a Litter Maid and hate it, but the kitties love it and use it over the other one. The Maid part is untrue – it makes a mess, but I hate getting on my hands and knees (it’s the location that cannot change) to scoop.
I decided to search for Litter Robot to see what it’s about. NOW I’m trying to justify $329 plus $35 shipping to get one. Maybe if I bought the 3 boyz it for Xmas. Hmmm only $120 per cat. Not bad for Christmas! Yikes! I’m on Ebay now searching for one that’s cheaper!!
Oh, I am sorry I was pestering you with adopt SB comments. But I sure am glad you are doing so!
Congratulations Sugarbutt on getting the most awesome family a kitty could have! Oh yeah, and congratulations Robyn! Yay!!!! I’m sure that Tom Cullen is so excited about it and maybe just maybe Mr. Boogers will learn how to snuggle again with the help of the little ones!
Jenn: Of COURSE I want to see your new baby! 🙂
Val: Good luck! I checked eBay and the price on the Litter Robots on eBay seem to run about the same as they are elsewhere, but you might get lucky! 🙂
Leslie: No problem, I just didn’t want y’all to think I was ignoring your “Pleeeeeeeease adopt Sugarbutt” comments, ’cause I was dying to adopt him! 🙂
Oh By The Way – is his name going to be officially Sugerbutt or will he get a formal name (that you won’t use) and Sugerbutt would be his nickname?
Val: Sugarbutt will be his official name. And no doubt we’ll come up with some OTHER nickname, in time. 🙂
I’m so happy for you, Fred and the Spud. That caption was priceless!
Yay for Sugarbutt And3rs0n! But who the hell is Bob, his imaginary friend?
I always thought it was “Four HUNDRED children…” I like your version better. Heh.
I knew he was at home!
I had noticed your complete silence on the matter, and thought maybe you were just thinking we were all annoying the hell out of you. Didn’t stop me from commenting, though, nope!
To the person who wants a cat to “just share space,” a cat isn’t someone to hang out with for an hour or so in the evening after you get home from work, and isn’t someone who pays half the rent, eats your food without asking (okay, well…), and leaves her hair in the shower (hmm, well, maybe…). No matter what you think you’re adopting, do you realize that this furry person is going to be sleeping on your head in the wintertime and you are going to love every minute of it? Do you??!
You realize that you are severely lacking in female cats, right? Doesn’t Miz Poo want a sister? I bet she does!
Man, good thing nobody was walking by my office when I read the “crap in the field” line.
And, hooray for Sugarbutt And3rson!
woot woot!!! My husband thought I was nuts when I started screaming “yay yay they are keeping sugarbutt”.
LOL on your version of Lucille, by Kenny Rogers!!! It’s funny little tidbits like that that give me a chuckle and makes my hubby come running to see what I’m reading….
Yay!!! Sugarbutt is one lucky cat!! You and Fred are both awesome and I’m now going over to his site and tell him so!!
Ya HOO, I myself have an orange Tabby and I have to say they are the sweetest cats… if not a bit quirkey! Congrats on the new addition, I am sure he will bring you years of joy!
Okay, this is not a “cat” comment. Just wanted to say that I have those same tendencies that you do…about sitting at the computer just click, click, clicking away, for no reason, as if I’m looking for something but it’s a mysery.
Glad to know there are others like me out there! Haa haa!
Heh I already commented on Fred’s site. He got the news out first or I received his notify before yours. Hell, it doesn’t matter. Sugarbutt is going to stay! I love hearing happy news.
I am soooooo Happy that SugarButt is home. Adding my comments: YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYAAAAAAAA!! Fred just loooooves to torture YOU I think!! The Rascal!!!
We looooove F R E D!!!!! Nanamama 🙂
Yay for Sugarbutt!!!!!!!
Awww, that is just the best!!
not sure if you saw this, but thought you’d like it.
lucky cat
I’m glad you decided to adopt Sugarbutt – I had a dream last weekend that I came to Alabama and adopted him and brought him home to NC – you saved me a road trip.
I’m having kitten envy.
And you have completely ruined “Lucille” for me forever.
“M-O-O-N”…that spells “You rock, Robyn!”
Congrats on your adorable orange kitty! 😀
Way down here at the bottom I doubt you will even see me when I post this: I KNEW IT. I KNEW IT. I KNEW IT!Fred is as much of a softie as you are for kitties and Sugarbutt became a part of your family long before the “serious conversation” in which the torture was exposed.
Yay! I’m so happy for ya. 🙂 Congrats! too are both awesome! Your kindness will be repaid tenfold someday! Those are some lucky kittens.
Whitters: Thanks! I’ll see if I can find a program that fosters rather than just cages the cats. Thanks for the age recomendation; as much as I love kittens, they need SO much attention to guide their personalities and I just wouldn’t be able to give it to them.
Craige: And that’s the best part, isn’t it? Even if they don’t pay the rent, there’s nothing better than a furball who insists of co-opting the couch. And bed, and your tuna sandwich…I love cats. But again, I wouldn’t be a good kitten-momma; I need one who will boss *me* around!
And thanks, Robyn, for tolerating a quick little comment hijack.
I actually heard about this on his site first 🙂
So I feel as though the decision was pretty mutual.
He is an excellent choice.
I’m so jealous! I have five cats, and all of them are some version of black or gray, and I love orange kitties! I want one, but I refuse to go out and adopt another one when I already have five (although if one showed up on my door, that would so be a different story!). Sugarbutt is very lucky to have found you!
YAY! YAY! And YAY again!
I’ll take Miz Poo off your hands if you want another kitten. She’ll fit in our tortie household just fine! 😉 (kidding! i know you’d NEVER give up Da Poo!)
I already think Fred is awesome but now he is, um, even awesome–r?
I think you needed an orange kitty. You are all about the orange kitty love and the history and the poo between you two, it was a match made in kitty/owner heaven.
Enjoy him as you already have and we will enjoy him from this side, litterbox free! Heh.
Oh and why does U2 songs keep going through my head after today’s entry?
Hmm. I wonder.
YAY! You just totally made my entire day!!!
I am so happy!!! I absolutely, positively LOVE Sugarbutt and the thought of anyone else having him just made my heart hurt. You guys took such good care of him (when others couldn’t or wouldn’t). I just knew he had to stay with you two.
(and Robyn, you already know you ROCK, right?)
Yay for Sugarbutt!
And I thought the same thing as Erin, up there, about “Lucille” – I thought it was “four hundred children and a crop in the field.” I thought the guy was REALLY feeling sorry for himself, making up crap about having 400 children, because really, that just couldn’t possibly be true. 🙂