Welcome to Holigoddamndailies.
Those of you who were having an issue with the logo overlapping the calendar – does it look better today? Let me know!

Stinkerbelle + Tommy = True Lurve.

Previously 2006: No entry. 2005: Ha on her! I DO have a kid! AND a husband! AND 6,000 cats! Look at me, I’ve got it ALLLLLLLLL! 2004: The internet just ROCKS, doesn’t it? 2003: Her date (”But not a DATE date!”) was more dressed-up than she. 2002: I did mention that I have airhead tendencies, did I not? 2001: No entry. 2000: No entry. 1999:
The logo looks fine now.
oh my, that is quite the love fest 😉
Aww, how sweet! Kitty love and adoration!
‘Yes, your Honor, there was cat porn right there on my computer.’
Ok, let’s face it, real cat porn would be small rodents wrestling with goldfish, but this was pretty close.
Stinkerbelle always has squinty face – we want to see your beautiful eyes you little stinker!
Hey Robyn,
Thanks for putting Cavuto up!
We have those “love fests ” around here too. It’s funny how they tolerate it ,isn’t it?
Glad you’re doing Holidailies! It will make Dec. that much more exciting:)
Yep. The banner looks just dandy now. Thanks, Robyn!
The song “After The Loving” comes to mind 😉
Banner works for me too. Thanks for the love fest…
btw, love the bibbity skibbity action.
i was thinking “afternoon delight” as the soundtrack!